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Forum:Dewlauren and stolen opponent's cards

I read in the tips section of Dewloren, Tiger Prince of the Ice Boundary, that you can select any cards you control of the field that you've stolen from the opponent (through Enemy Controller or whatnot) for Dewloren's effect, and they'll be added to your hand instead of returning to the opponent's hand. This strikes me as wrong, for some reason, mainly for two reasons:

1. You are not the owner of the cards, and thus they wouldn't be added to your hand, anyway.

2. Dewloren's own rulings state that Dark Magician of Chaos will be removed from play by its own effect instead of being returned to your hand, meaning that, if the card wouldn't normally go to your hand due to a card effect or game mechanic, it wouldn't be forced there by Dewlauren's effect.

In other words, only the cards targeted by Dewloren's effect that would be able to go to your hand would do so, while all other cards (Fusions, Synchros, cards that would go somewhere else when removed from the field, etc.) would go to their appropriate spots. Wouldn't this mean that any cards you stole from the opponent will return to them, and not to you? So where did this tip on using Dewloren to keep the opponent's cards come in? 22:45, 20 June 2009 (UTC)

The cards are returned to the hand of its owner. So opponent's cards will be return to their hand. Dewloren, Tiger Prince of the Ice Barrier will n gain ATK from those.
Fusion and Synchro ate returned to the Extra Deck. Dewloren, Tiger Prince of the Ice Barrier will not gain ATK from those.
ATEMVEGETA (Talk) 22:59, 20 June 2009 (UTC)
Also note that the OCG text only say "to the hand", not "to your hand". The TCG translation is just reminder text.
If you return a card from your field to your opponent's hand, then "Dewloren, Tiger Prince of the Ice Barrier" will gain ATK.
--Deus Ex Machina (Talk) 02:05, 21 June 2009 (UTC)