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Forum:Magical Hats Abuse ~~ Please Comment!

Remember the good old days, when Yugi would protect his monsters through Magical Hats, then make some sort of incredible comeback the next turn? Well, I'm going to do the same. There are a few cards who's effects only activate when destroyed, and I'm going to take advantage of that.

The deck runs on a sort of Junk engine. Use Magical Hats to protect my weak Level 2s and reuse them, while selecting cards like Dark Coffin and Geartown for the effect of Magical Hats, forcing my opponent to empty their resources, or giving me a 3000 ATK beatstick. Then, Junk Warrior and Plaguespreader Zombie come in and create easy Synchros.

Monsters: First, Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon. He's big, scary, and Summoned by Geartown. Most likely going to be the biggest problem for my opponent to get around. Next, Mask of Darkness reuses Magical Hats and can bring it back. An obvious choice. Then, Speed Warrior is a free Special Summon by Magical Hats, and can be targeted by Junk Synchron for a Synchro. Junk Synchron is the main Tuner monster, he has 7 targets to bring back. Sangan searches out the majority of the deck, and Plaguespreader is an alternate Tuner. Mystic Tomato is for searching, and I can hide the Summoned monster with Magical Hats. Necro Gardna blocks an attack on the correct Hat if I want to keep the monster, but he's also just good being a DARK Warrior. Lastly, my Cat of Ill Omen can grab Magical Hats instantly, and be brought back by Junk Synchron.

Spells: Geartown brings out my big friendly Dragon. It also lowers his Tribute cost if I end up drawing them both. Heavy Storm and MST destroy either my or my opponent's Spells and Traps for a set-up, and Book of Moon does tech things and hides my weak monsters. Warrior Returning Alive reuses Junk Synchron, and Allure is drawpower.

Traps: Magical Hats is just unfair in this deck. Pick 2 Geartowns, I get two 3000 beatsticks at the cost of one card. Pick 2 Dark Coffins, My opponent loses two resources at the cost of one card. Limiter Overload will be used less often, but it can bring out Speed Warrior. Transmigration Prophecy reuses Magical Hats and its friends, while Waboku prevents me from taking big hits.

Please give suggestions on how to improve this deck!--Akiza Izayoi 02:33, December 24, 2009 (UTC)


i think that u should take out 1 limiter overload for 1 more transmigration prophecy. also i think that u should try to get Magical Hats 2 ur hand faster, since u rely on that card. also maybe take out 1 wabaku for a mirrior force, magic cylander, etc.... Blackwingbirdman 02:45, December 24, 2009 (UTC)

You do realize that Transmigration Prophecy is Limited as well, right? And yes, I do have a reliable way to get Magical Hats into my hand, did you read A Cat of Ill Omen? It should be able to be searched through Sangan, and drawn with Allure. I don't think I need to remove any Waboku, since Magic Cylinder is only useful in a Burn deck, and Mirror Force can easily be negated or destroyed before it has a chance to activate. Waboku, on the other hand, can be chained and save me from a Judgment Dragon, Dark Armed Dragon, or Heavy Storm. Mirror Force won't help against any of those. --Akiza Izayoi 02:49, December 24, 2009 (UTC)

Wow! You never cease to amaze me on how creative you can get this these deck types Akiza. Haha I wish I could be as creative on these deck ideas. How do you come up with these kind of deck ideas?MU.S.IK=d^ ^b 07:46, December 24, 2009 (UTC)MU.S.IK=d^_^b

I've seen your last two decks (Guardian Eatos and Mazera DeVille) and I must say, you're turning into Runer. A third consecutive incredible job. Might help if you had Speed Warrior in your decklist though. As for the actual deck, you say you want to keep Waboku because it's chainable, but, even though you have 4 flip effect monsters (2 Mask and 2 Cat), you could still substitute at least 1 for a Threatening Roar. Also, since it's easier for you to summon LV5 synchros, remove 2 others and add another Catastor and Brionac. Hope this helps. Battlemaniac 09:59, December 24, 2009 (UTC)

Your idea on waboku over mirror force is very wise but you still should have something that destroys there monsters when they attack atleast 1 trap, dark armed dragons and judgement dragons are not always on the field you know :) Or if you realy don't want a mirror force put a bottomless trap hole in for 1 of the waboku's as that would still save you from JD and DAD and get it off the field :) Just some tips :)

MU.S.IK and Battlemaniac: Thanks, I really take those compliments to heart. As for Speed Warrior, I could have sworn I included him.... Oh well, he's in there now. As for Threatening Roar, I think it's an okay suggestion, I'll put one in. It doesn't prevent them from entering their Battle Phase, so I can T-roar them then activate Magical Hats, flipping my monster face-down and getting my hats out. Then, they hats will die anyway at the end of the Battle Phase. And for destroying monsters when they attack.... I don't think I need to, since I want them to enter their Battle Phase. However, I see that I lack monster removal, and I will add in a Smashing Ground to compensate.--Akiza Izayoi 15:23, December 24, 2009 (UTC)

New Banlist?

Akiza, do you think this deck can still work with the March banlist? I mean not exactly as you have it but I had an idea to make a deck kinda like this but it seems like with Allure and Necro at 1 that this kind of deck suffers.

Well, those cards shouldn't be too hard to replace. Remember that with the new format, Mask of Darkness also becomes Unlimited.--Akiza Izayoi 01:43, February 27, 2010 (UTC)