Forum:Archetypes that Need More Cards

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Havn't you ever noticed some Archetypes have no more then a handful of monster cards even though they might have have 10 or 12 spell and trap support,Such Types I have seen are Dark Scorpion,Venom,Phantom Beast,Crystal Beast(They need more monsters)and possibly Neo-spacians,Quite oddly enough most these arechtypes are from the gx series.What Archetypes need more support?--Raventheblack 20:06, May 17, 2010 (UTC)

But... all those archtypes work for what they are supposed to do (though I admit Venom could use 1 more monster)), Dark Scorpions have all the effects they need, and if they had stronger ones they'd be overpowered, Phantom Beasts work well with non-phantom support for beasts, and Crystal Beasts are supposed to have 7 monsters because... that's the point.- 20:18, May 17, 2010 (UTC)

If the The dark scorpions are so good why is it the last time i saw a deck of them was......Well i dont remmeber anyone using a deck of them i think their actually the least played archetype(even ojama and arcana are played more)their a crime synicate so they need to recruit more members literally,venom as you said needs at least a monster more or 2.-- 22:23, May 17, 2010 (UTC)

My response: I agree with the first post

I agree that Archetypes need more support. Course one reason they don't get supported enough is how they are relesed, all spread out from each booster to booster. Look at how spread out the Monarchs are... some aren't even relesed until after one or more booster pack. If there is going to be new sets of Archetypes, the Archetypes need to flow from one booster to another... kinda like Koa'ki's.

On a personal note I want to see NEW Archetypes for:

VWXYZ... I kinda want to see the whole English alaphabet done like that. You know A-Assult Cannon, B-Bomber plane

Hydrogendon and Oxygendon bonding to make Water dragon. Having monsters based off chemistry properties would be fun to see

Some sort of city kinda of thing; where your field card was a "city" and as you played certain cards, your city would then evolve and grow

MORE Archetypes for:

Ninjas... there are six samurias, why not 6 ninjas...

Prime Material... I like the first 2, why not more?

Destiny Heros... too late now, but still want more

I definitely say more Toons, and more Evil Hero Fusion Monsters. Also, Blue-Eyes needs a Synchro Monster. Rose Duelist 04:07, May 18, 2010 (UTC)

lol thats an awesome idea on the inclusion of more vwxyz monsters one for each letter of the alphabet yes nijas are kina lacking and toon monsters never did become very popular they need more support and monsters,Raventheblack 06:05, May 19, 2010 (UTC)

Let's see...

  • Iron Chains are very promising. Just a tad slow. Could need more of those to make milling a potent force.
  • Master Monk and Cyber Ogre... Nevermind those. They have been abandoned for a reasonable cause.
  • Chain support (like those from Cyberdark Impact) would be nice. Especially those that could add to a Chain Strike OTK deck. Other than a few things, the stuff we have that support Chains are rather pathetic.
  • Senet cards are interesting. Makes it matter where you place your monsters and stuff. Too bad they're also released in Cyberdark Impact, with lots of impractical cards. Could use more powerful effects for positions.
  • Also... FINISH THE NEX SET! And hopefully give them better effects.

--Gadjiltron 10:28, May 19, 2010 (UTC)

For me, I would like more cards that will help...

  • Normal Monsters - I understand that this is not an actual archetype, but it is treated as one due to the way some cards function on them. I am thinking that a Synchro monster(s) that uses Normal Monster tuners as a base with a good effect, or a Fusion Monster(s) with a great effect that uses Normal Monsters as materials.
  • Magnet Warriors - These monsters are one of the earliest cards in the game, but I would like to see an expansion on the theme, as their main monster is quite potent.
  • Evil Heroes - They are just great. Why not give them more members in their team?

That's all I can think of now. 20:54, May 19, 2010 (UTC)

Assault Mode. Rose Duelist 22:18, May 20, 2010 (UTC)

Let's have some more legal to play Egyptian Gods, except without Winged Dragon of Ra having it's own chant summoning condiction. -- 05:14, May 22, 2010 (UTC)

Vehicroids!!! They were so cute and they were the first machine archtype that tried to allow more flexibility to their strategy. Konami pls make Syrus proud.--Hide Head Turtle 05:36, May 22, 2010 (UTC)

They kinda recently got Shuttleroid
and recently Magical Android xD Falzar FZ 06:30, May 22, 2010 (UTC)

Toon and Spirit Monsters

Whilst I agree that many Archetypes could due with some support, two "archetypes," if you can call them that, seem particularly odd to me.

Toons and Spirits. They get listed in the type section as their own type. There are Spirit-type monsters and Toon-type monsters. (Perhaps since they all shared a common series of effects, yet those effects were still listed on all the cards...) So why did these cards not get more support than they did? (I'm actually in the process of making a Spirit deck - It probably doesn't actually need much support, I simply think it never got very popular because no one in the show used them) Yet Toons... Pegasus used Toons, yet all the real Toons... Well, they're not the best, and not popular. While one could pull off a Toon deck, it'd be hard. They were a really cool concept that I wish Konami had expanded upon.

Luemas9 05:57, May 22, 2010 (UTC)Luemas9Luemas9 05:57, May 22, 2010 (UTC)

Wrong. Go to Noah Kaiba. I only agree with the Toons, after all, the Spirit Monsters actually have received more modern additions, Toons have not been updated once since Toon Dark Magician Girl. Rose Duelist 17:05, May 22, 2010 (UTC)

I'm not saying they are bad cards, but the two most recent spirits don't help Spirits at all, Kinka-byo is more usefull to a Fortune Ladies Deck and in the near future will help summon formula Synchron, but has no actual use on a spirit deck (poor stats and unable to summon any spirit), Gundari is a general themed card, it is shplashable on any deck, but is too situational and is a side decker at best. Another recent spirit monsters is Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier, it's effect is promising but remains OCG exclusive and it's effect only works in pairs outisde of an Ice Barrier Deck. Spirits really need more support, top tiers literally crash them, a major issue is they lack natural tuners and synchros, they lack a proper way to speed up the deck ( Legacy of Yata-Garasu helps a lot, but it is not enoguh for the current meta), and in general terms they need more members, to this date there are only 17 spirits, two of them are forbidden (Yata and Tsukuyomi), one remains OCG exclusive, one is not of much help (Kinkabyo), the other is a side decker (Gundari), one of them is a beatstick that casues marginal damage (sussa Soldier) and another one is useless without the aid of the heavy hitters (Fushi no tori), which leaves only 10 spirits and 1 support monster to do the job. HouseholdCatDeity (talkcontribs) 02:43, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

Toons, Assault Mode, Dark Scorpion (more s/t support), Normal, the Charmers, and The princesses (Pikeru and Curran). Thorn of RosenYubel 06:31, May 22, 2010 (UTC)

Cards are based on the show

I have been for 3 days straight about 25 episodes a day watching Yugioh gx and i realize some archetypes will never have more cards because they will only get whats in the show,examples include venom,evil hero,and roids,there was a similair monster beelte series like the vwxyz that chazz princeton uses,theres a slime archetype in the show that has not been used or created also one of jadens monsters has not been created this star bird thing,also despite the many appearances in the show their has not been to date a doll archetype even though bakura and a doll in gx uses these decks,smply put though saldy the show has a lot to do with some of the lame cards that come out and their effects are only based on the situation in the show(example*Evil hero Infernal sniper has an effect which makes her immune to destruction by spell cards only because in the show they had to make it stay on the field for a bit longer and make it harder on the eprson facing him as far it seems most people want the evil heros to be mroe abundant but unfortuantly their done,some cyber cards in the show were also not broguht to rl.--Raventheblack 05:59, May 24, 2010 (UTC)

Actually, just to point out, Rallis the Star Birdl does exist. Hpboy111 (talkcontribs) 21:20, August 9, 2010 (UTC)

There is also a Star Beast or something.

Do you guys think.....

Besides being agree with most of the decks that need support posted here. I want to ask you guys if do you think that adding tuners to some archetypes would help in the increasing of playability on some decks. One that I was thinking is Archfiends, yes, they have a lot of monsters and support but not a realy nice support besides mist and general. However, what would happen if Konami adds a tuner to them due to the fact that they already have synchros? Another one would be the Archlords and also I was thinking in Amazoness but they are receiving stuff next set so nevermind xD.

To a certain extent, adding Synchros and tuners would help. Some archetypes that would benifit could be (IMO) Toons, maybe Spirits, and D-Heros. Other archetypes could hurt from adding of Tuners and Synchros, like a whole alaphbet of VWXYZ's, Six Samurai's, and Elemental Heros. It just depends on the "vibe" the archetype is giving off. Some just feel natural Synchros while other archetypes would feel more awkward.

I'd like to see new archetypes for

Psychic's (some build-up of psychic lockdown)
Rainbow Baboons' (I love Green and yellow is awsome)
Elemental Heros that fuse with monster attributes and monster types (they are much easier to summon this way)
Destiny Heros (there are few good ones. There needs to be more aggrisive ones though)
Winged Kuriboh Lvl's, makes the Kuriboh much more nastier!
D.D (should make a D.D archetype foucused around the Diffrent Dimension)
Morphing Jar
Blue Eyes White Dragon support. Just look at Red-Eyes compared to Blue-Eyes

-- 23:21, May 24, 2010 (UTC)

When you say "D.D.", do you mean stuff like D.D. Survivor or D.D. Scout Plane? You should have a nice hard look around you - there's quite a number of cards that already work in tandem with D.D.'s way of removal from play, even if they aren't D.D. --Gadjiltron 11:28, May 25, 2010 (UTC)
I agree with you here. I would definitely want more D.D. cards but they shut down a lot of other decks and can be an easily broken archtype, tread lightly.--Hide Head Turtle 11:31, May 25, 2010 (UTC)

By D.D I mean a whole "deck" that revolves around removing from play cards on the field, and then somehow they comeback to be used again. All D.D cards relesed deal with removing from play cards, but don't combo each other. Also, D.D stuff is just all tied together by the name D.D "something". -- 18:56, June 17, 2010 (UTC)

What about the Cloudians??? They have far to less support... 21:35, May 26, 2010 (UTC)

I'd Personally like to see Element and Toon Monsters receive some more support.--Unknown019 16:16, June 14, 2010 (UTC)

id like to see some support for sky scourges personally owo problem is its hard to support them without affecting the big dark and light based decks =/ bunneh 16:15, June 17, 2010 (UTC)

It depends..

fiends are sometimes hard to use in deck I say if you were to put fiend monster in, put dark world monsters

One archetype that certainly needs more is the Arcana Force. There are supposed to be 22 cards of the Major Arcana, each of them represented as monster cards. Not even half of them are released in the OCG/TCG, and some of them are anime-exclusive.PoirotH 16:35, June 17, 2010 (UTC)

Gladiator Beasts need.

GB's, some people hate them (this post isn't for you to read then) and some people adore them.

If you adore them, wouldn't you agree that some GB's need these effects when they are special summoned to the field by another GB:

  • Discard 1 card from your opponents hand
  • Bring back 1 or YOUR own removed from play GB
  • Allow for GB monsters to be NOT destroyed by battle for next turn
  • Allow for this GB monster to be unaffected by a face-up spell/trap cards and destroys them

Their summoning condictions would need to be a bit harder, GB's would be broken with these added to them. -- 08:15, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

The only one needed is the returning a RFP monster one. The rest I wouldn't use even if they came out. Falzar FZ 10:52, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

Ok, I wasn't too clear enough when I did the GB's above, so let me redo them again, with their effects I really had in mind.

  • Look at your opponents hand and discard 1 card
  • same as second one above
  • Allow for GB monsters to be not destroyed by battle until the end phase of your next turn.
  • This GB monster is unaffected by continuous spell and/or trap cards and destroys them.

They need to also make a quick play spell card version of Test Tiger, except the GB monster stays on the field and activates it's special summon effect. -- 04:08, June 25, 2010 (UTC)

Comon guys don't be silly, GBs have enough support they don't need it.

Uh ninjas anyone? How cool would it be to have a deck full of ninjas able to be immune to effects and transform into stronger monsters?(maybe one that ignores summoning conditions but negates the effect)

Hm... Regarding GBs, I don't think an archetype that's already powerful needs new support/cards. Regarding Ninjas, that would be pretty good; I don't think there are all that many ninja cards. --HybridDragoness (talkcontribs) 06:47, July 1, 2010 (UTC)

Heh, sure, why not? Let those poor AI duelists like Vengeful Shinobi from WC2009 have a slightly stronger fighting chance with stronger ninja info cards. --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 09:01, July 1, 2010 (UTC)

ya know I think Ancient Gears kinda need more speed. Neos lover (talkcontribs) 14:39, July 1, 2010 (UTC)

The mill Worm archetype. although they work well with Iron Chains, I'd like to see more of them. They are a fun archetype to duel against. Also, the big Core archetype. Now that is a challenging archetype if they had more lower leveled monsters besides Deltatri and trigon. Adamtheamazing64 (talkcontribs) 20:22, July 2, 2010 (UTC)

I'd love to see some more Flamvell support cards, and LV cards. Level Monster are actually one of my favorite monsters to duel with. Chthonian monsters and Cyber monsters are gone too. Drew-Gi-Oh! (talkcontribs) 20:26, July 3, 2010 (UTC)

Theres a bit of ninja cards and support the only problem is most of the ninjas dont have more then 500 Atk,they do have 3 support cards however,as for gladiator beasts..............anyone should know their one of the most popular supported archetypes in the game,level monsters could use some more,and we already had some new cyber dragon cards come in,we need more sea-serpent,fish,and maybe even even fiend?I mean the first 2 dont even have an archetype.Raventheblack (talkcontribs) 21:06, July 3, 2010 (UTC)

Destiny Hero's and Zombies need diverse effect monsters that have bigger ATK monsters without harder summoning condictions. -- (talk) 05:28, July 12, 2010 (UTC)

Anyone think the the Amazon support is worth it in the Duelist Revolution. Looks like Gravekeepers and ABPF. I like how there is more of an update to these archetypes, but even with support, these archetypes won't top in tournments. -- (talk) 05:25, July 26, 2010 (UTC)

Iron Chainnnnnnn...NEed support very much like special summon from deck or hand...Daredevil^^ (talkcontribs) 11:54, July 26, 2010 (UTC)

Allure Queen

ok I know other level monsters haven't gotten any specefic support, but the allure queens can't even use level up, and getting the ball rolling on her effect can be a pain. i've got some idea prototypes floating around, like... "queen's carriage", a union monster that can fulfill her level up requirement, or "alluring princess" that doubles the original atk of face up allure queens. and while we're at it why not some more support for the other LV types, just for fairness.

Ally of Justice

These guys need more spells and traps aside from Solar Ray and DNA Transplant combo. Adamtheamazing64 (talkcontribs) 17:01, August 1, 2010 (UTC)

Does it matter if doesn't say texAlly of Justice? --Drew-Gi-Oh! (talkcontribs) 17:07, August 1, 2010 (UTC)

Lets look at Dark Magician and his cards related to him. There's Dark Eradicator Warlock, Skilled Dark Magician, Dark Sage, Dark Flare Knight, Dark Paladin, Dark Magician of Chaos, and Dark Magician Knight. When we look at Dark Magician Girl, all we see, monster wise, is Toon Dark Magician Girl. Three things need to happen to the Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. One: Make a Toon Dark Magician. Two: Give Dark Magician Girl some cards related to her, just like Dark Magician. Three: Make some fusion that has both Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl listed as fusion material monsters, has a great effect that can make Dark Magician decks meta, and the art looks really awsome. -- (talk) 04:37, August 5, 2010 (UTC)

Fusion summon! Dark Hermaphrodite J/K xD Goblinpunch787

and i Think...



Ice Barrier But no more Synchros Like Brionac or Trishula

Infernity Konami must Ban Infernity Launcher without that the Infernity Deck are punished

Archfiends! Definitely. If there was just one Archfiend tuner we would be set. Archfiend synchro could run wild! I personally love the archtype, to be honest. NecrofearNorleras (talkcontribs) 15:26, August 7, 2010 (UTC)

Ice Barrier actually has a lot of support, only that it needs some cards to either make Synchros easier, or make them faster as a whole. --Drew-Gi-Oh! (talkcontribs) 01:46, August 8, 2010 (UTC)

Konami needs to continue the Airknight Parshath archetype. Personally, I see him resembling Digimon's Angemon and all of his diffrent forms in the yugioh TCG, a holy knight always fighting for the side of good. I'd also want to see an Angewomon where the a repeating part of her name would be Airangel. -- (talk) 04:03, August 9, 2010 (UTC)

The Guardian Series

It would be nice if Guardian Eatos had some support. -- (talk) 14:27, August 15, 2010 (UTC)

You mean that Guardian archetype that required equip cards to summon their monsters, or a whole new set of support for meant just for Guardian Eatos?

What I want to see is more synchros that require Nitro Synchron for their synchro summon. Beside a Nitro Warrior, I want to see a Nitro Crossbowmen (to counter Junk Archer) and a Nitro Obliterator (to counter Junk Destroyer). -- (talk) 01:19, September 3, 2010 (UTC)