Forum:Elemental Heroes Need Work

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I'm working on getting Miracle Fusion, another King of the Swamp, Stratos, and more fusions (At the moment, just trying to expand my collection, as the only ones I'm not using are another copy of Electrum and two more copies of Necroid Shaman). Hopefully, I'll be able to pick up a Hero Signal tomorrow. And I'll be adding Mirror Force if/when I finally pull one (I have 11 Kuribohs, no Mirror Force T_T).

Other than that, does anyone have any suggestions for how I could improve?

Monsters: 23

Spells: 17

Traps: 3

Extra Deck: 15

Deck Total: 44

[EDIT] Decklist updated, got some cards last night. -1 Fusion Recovery, -1 Threatening Roar, -1 Wroughtweiler, +1 E - Emergency Call, +1 Hero Signal, +1 Miracle Fusion. In the Extra Deck, -1 Thunder Giant and +1 Electrum.

[MORE EDIT] I finally got a Mirror Force! Woo-hoo! Added it, didn't remove anything. C'mon, guys...anyone got any critiques or ideas...? 04:21, 1 August 2009 (UTC)

  • A simple idea

My little brother has been working on an E-Hero deck for a long time now.

I think I would run three Miracle Fusion and three Hand Destruction.

The idea would be to go through your deck fast to get to your combos.

Ditch then draw with Hand Destruction, dumping parts to use with Miracle Fusion.

I would personally run three Skyscrapers.

But then, I have never ran an E-Hero deck before.

Maybe some Elemental Hero Captain Gold too?

I was also thinking, I woud run mostly spells and use two Royal Decree. 08:28, 16 August 2009 (UTC) AceCloudkicker


  • It was hard coming up with suggestions for this one, I know only a little about E-Hero decks, however, here are my suggestions. As much as Sangan searches, you have enough search, and if needed, you can replace with Stratos when you get it. Next, I would take out both the Fusion Weapon and the The Warrior returning alive, and replace with 1 or 2 Skyscraper, and get rid of the Brain Control. Instead of Magic Cylinder, use Negate Attack to stall for a turn. Finally, in the fusions, take out one Electrum, one Shining Flare, and one Wildedge, and use Elemental Hero Flame Wingman and possibly Elemental Hero Darkbright. By using future fusion to send Sparkman and Necroshade to the grave for Darkbright, you could then normal summon a Bladedge from your hand with Necro's ability. If you really want to cut down on the deck, take out the Skyscraper 2 and one E - Emergency Call. --ZeroLife0L 12:30, 16 August 2009 (UTC)