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Forum:Jurrac Oppression vs. Gladiator Beasts - RIDICULOUS DUEL

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OK, this is HANDS DOWN the most bizarre and hilarious duel I've ever participated in.


R5h - Jurrac Oppression

Jampong - Gladiator Beasts



[22:04] <jampong> i have never dueled any duel terminal decks
[22:05] <R5h> Want to try?
[22:05] <jampong> ok
[22:06] <R5h> !roll
[22:06] <YuGiOh_DuelBot> R5h rolls a 5
[22:06] <SilverX> anyone wna duel me in team?
[22:06] <jampong> !roll
[22:06] <YuGiOh_DuelBot> jampong rolls a 3
[22:06] <R5h> OK, I start.
[22:06] <jampong> ok
[22:07] <R5h> I draw.
[22:07] <jampong> ok
[22:07] <R5h> I summon Jurrac Deino, set 3 S/Ts, and end.
[22:07] <jampong> !card jurrac deino
[22:07] <YuGiOh_Bot>
[22:07] <YuGiOh_Bot> Jurrac Deino || Fire / Dinosaur / Tuner / Trigger || 1700 / 800 / 3 || 17948378
[22:07] <YuGiOh_Bot> Once per turn, during the End Phase of a turn when this card destroyed a monster your opponent controls by battle, you can Tribute 1 Jurrac monster you control and draw 2 cards.
[22:08] <jampong> u can tribute him by it's effect right?
[22:08] <R5h> Yeah.
[22:08] <jampong> ok
[22:08] <Joshua1> hey, anyone for a team duel?

[22:08] <jampong> my turn
[22:08] <jampong> draw(6)
[22:08] <jampong> hmmm
[22:09] <jampong> summon GB darius
[22:09] <R5h> OK.
[22:09] <jampong> activate smashing ground
[22:09] <R5h> OK.
[22:09] <R5h> Direct for 1700?
[22:09] <jampong> battle phase
[22:09] <jampong> attack w/ darius
[22:09] <R5h> #duel R5h jampong
[22:09] <YuGiOh_Helper> R5h is already dueling
[22:10] <R5h> #end
[22:10] <YuGiOh_Helper> The duel between R5h and SilverX ended
[22:10] <R5h> #duel R5h jampong
[22:10] <YuGiOh_Helper> Starting a new duel: R5h VS jampong
[22:10] <YuGiOh_Helper> Please don't forget to end the duel by lowering your LP to 0 or typing #end duel
[22:10] <R5h> #sub 1700
[22:10] <YuGiOh_Helper> R5h(6300) VS jampong(8000)
[22:10] <jampong> ok
[22:10] <jampong> end of battle phase
[22:10] <jampong> tag out
[22:10] <R5h> Oppression.
[22:10] <jampong> darius
[22:10] <jampong> ok
[22:10] <R5h> I don't actually know what this does to GBs.
[22:10] <SilverX> oh
[22:10] <R5h> Does Darius go to grave or what?
[22:10] <SilverX> it goes to deck
[22:10] <SilverX> but nothign comes out
[22:10] <R5h> OK.
[22:10] <SilverX> >.>
[22:10] <R5h> #sub 800

[22:10] <YuGiOh_Helper> R5h(5500) VS jampong(8000) [22:11] <jampong> it goes to the deck
[22:11] <R5h> End?
[22:11] <jampong> and it's and advantage for me
[22:11] <jampong> uhm
[22:11] <jampong> MP2
[22:11] <jampong> set 1 card
[22:11] <jampong> s/t
[22:11] <jampong> end
[22:11] <R5h> Your end phase, I MST your set.
[22:11] == stardust [~adcacd2e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikia-yugioh-duels
[22:11] <jampong> it's book of moon

[22:11] <R5h> Hi, SD.
[22:11] <R5h> I draw.
[22:11] <R5h> I set a S/T and end.

[22:12] <jampong> oki
[22:12] <jampong> draw(4)
[22:12] <jampong> field?
[22:12] <stardust> hi
[22:12] <R5h> Oppression and 2 set S/Ts.
[22:12] <jampong> ok
[22:12] <jampong> cih?
[22:12] <R5h> 2.
[22:12] <jampong> ok
[22:12] <jampong> summon samnite
[22:12] <R5h> OK.
[22:13] <jampong> attack direct
[22:13] <R5h> Mirror Force.
[22:13] <jampong> aw
[22:13] <jampong> ok
[22:13] <jampong> end turn

[22:13] <R5h> I draw.
[22:13] <R5h> I set a monster and end.
[22:13] <jampong> ok
[22:13] <jampong> draw(4)
[22:13] <R5h> I am not exactly drawing very well.
[22:13] <jampong> activate gladiator proving ground
[22:13] <R5h> OK.
[22:14] <jampong> i'll add laquari
[22:14] <R5h> OK.
[22:14] <jampong> summon laquari
[22:14] <R5h> OK.
[22:14] <R5h> Attack my set?
[22:14] <jampong> yep
[22:14] <R5h> Jurrac Stauriko.
[22:15] <jampong> !card Jurrac Stauriko
[22:15] <YuGiOh_Bot>
[22:15] <YuGiOh_Bot> Jurrac Stauriko || Fire / Dinosaur / Effect / Trigger || 500 / 400 / 2 || 48411996
[22:15] <YuGiOh_Bot> If this card is destroyed by battle, Special Summon 2 Jurak Token (Dinosaur-Type/FIRE/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) to your side of the field in Defense Position. This Token cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon, unless it is for a Jurak monster.
[22:15] <R5h> I get 2 tokens.
[22:15] <jampong> can i negate that?
[22:15] <SilverX> nope
[22:15] <SilverX> that's damage step ss
[22:15] <jampong> just checking
[22:15] <jampong> then ill tag out]
[22:15] <R5h> Yeah.
[22:15] <R5h> For?
[22:16] <jampong> do u negate it
[22:16] <R5h> Don't I get to know first?
[22:16] <jampong> nope
[22:16] <R5h> ?
[22:16] <R5h> :(
[22:16] <jampong> well
[22:16] <jampong> do u negate it
[22:17] <jampong> ?
[22:17] * R5h sighs
[22:17] <R5h> OK.
[22:17] <R5h> #sub 800
[22:17] <YuGiOh_Helper> R5h(4700) VS jampong(8000)
[22:17] <jampong> ok
[22:17] == Japxican [[email protected]] has joined #wikia-yugioh-duels
[22:17] <jampong> set s/t
[22:17] <jampong> end

[22:17] <R5h> I draw.
[22:17] <R5h> Well, as bizarre moves go, THIS is a big one.
[22:17] <Japxican> hello errrbody
[22:17] <R5h> I switch my tokens to ATK position.
[22:17] <jampong> ?
[22:17] <jampong> wow
[22:18] <R5h> I activate not 1, not 2...
[22:18] <R5h> But THREE Solidarity.
[22:18] <SilverX> BUT 5
[22:18] <Japxican> O:
[22:18] <jampong> aw
[22:18] <jampong> hmmm
[22:18] <R5h> Double direct for 4800?v [22:18] <jampong> wait
[22:18] <jampong> what's on ur field before solidarities?
[22:18] <R5h> Before?
[22:18] == [187]SaberKaz [187][email protected]] has quit [Quit: Java user signed off]
[22:19] <R5h> Oppression, a set S/T, the tokens.
[22:19] <jampong> ok
[22:19] <R5h> Well?
[22:19] <jampong> #sub 4800
[22:19] <YuGiOh_Helper> R5h(4700) VS jampong(3200)
[22:19] <jampong> aw
[22:19] <R5h> That was a VERY odd move.
[22:19] <R5h> And if it wins me the game I'll be speechless.
[22:19] <R5h> I end.

[22:19] <jampong> ok
[22:19] <jampong> draw(3)
[22:20] <jampong> hmmm
[22:20] <jampong> annoying solidarity
[22:20] <R5h> I am shocked - shocked! That that worked.
[22:20] <R5h> Well, at least you can't Book of Moon tokens.
[22:20] <jampong> activate giant trunade
[22:20] <R5h> Hmm...
[22:20] <R5h> Solemn.
[22:20] <jampong> wow
[22:20] <R5h> #sub 2350
[22:20] <YuGiOh_Helper> R5h(2350) VS jampong(3200)
[22:21] <R5h> Continue.
[22:21] <jampong> im guessing ur winning
[22:21] <jampong> but ill try
[22:21] <R5h> If I win the game by attacking with tokens that have ZERO ORIGINAL ATTACK VALUE...
[22:21] <jampong> set monster
[22:21] <R5h> HOLY CRAP.
[22:21] <jampong> end

[22:21] <R5h> I draw.
[22:21] <R5h> I summon Jurrac Aeolo.
[22:21] <SilverX> ur ethos is overpowering, R5h
[22:21] <R5h> Ethos?
[22:22] <SilverX> lol
[22:22] <R5h> I forget, what does that mean?
[22:22] <SilverX> ethical appeal
[22:22] <jampong> !card Jurrac Aeolo
[22:22] <YuGiOh_Bot>
[22:22] <YuGiOh_Bot> Jurrac Aeolo || Fire / Dinosaur / Tuner / Ignition || 200 / 200 / 1 || 80727721
[22:22] <YuGiOh_Bot> Tribute this card and select 1 Level 4 or lower Jurrac monster other than Jurrac Aeolo in your Graveyard. Special Summon the selected monster to your side of field.
[22:22] <R5h> Hmm...
[22:22] <R5h> I attack your face-down with a token.
[22:22] <SilverX> synch synch synch synch synch
[22:22] <R5h> Can't.
[22:22] <jampong> it's hedge guard
[22:22] <R5h> I have Oppression.
[22:22] <R5h> OK.
[22:22] <R5h> I attack direct with the token.
[22:22] <R5h> Then Aeolo.
[22:22] <R5h> If this works...
[22:23] <jampong> i book aeolo
[22:23] <R5h> OK.
[22:23] <jampong> #sub 2400
[22:23] <YuGiOh_Helper> R5h(2350) VS jampong(800)
[22:23] <R5h> I end.

[22:23] <R5h> Holy crap, is this WORKING?
[22:23] <R5h> Draw to 2, right?
[22:23] <jampong> field?
[22:23] <R5h> face-down monster, 2 tokens, Oppression and 3 Solidarity.
[22:24] <jampong> yep i draw
[22:24] <jampong> hmmm
[22:24] <jampong> summon retiari
[22:24] <R5h> OK.
[22:24] == UltraMatt [[email protected]] has joined #wikia-yugioh-duels
[22:25] <R5h> #card Gladiator Beast Retiari
[22:25] <YuGiOh_Helper> Gladiator Beast Retiari (1200/800) LV3 /WATER /Effect/Aqua/Trigger/
[22:25] <YuGiOh_Helper> When this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a "Gladiator Beast" monster, you can remove from play 1 card from your opponent's Graveyard. At the end of the Battle Phase, if this card attacked or was attacked, you can return this card to your Deck to Special Summon 1 "Gladiator Beast" monster from your Deck except "Gladiator Beast Retiari".
[22:25] <R5h> OK.
[22:25] <R5h> Attack my face-down?
[22:25] <jampong> attack aeolo
[22:25] <R5h> OK.
[22:25] <jampong> tag out
[22:25] <R5h> Pay 800 to negate.
[22:25] <R5h> #sub 800
[22:25] <YuGiOh_Helper> R5h(1550) VS jampong(800)
[22:25] <jampong> set
[22:25] <jampong> s/t
[22:25] == stardust [~adcacd2e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
[22:25] <jampong> end

[22:25] <R5h> I draw.
[22:25] <R5h> I switch one of my tokens to DEF position.
[22:26] <jampong> ok
[22:26] <R5h> Direct for the win?
[22:26] * Japxican says in a darth vader voice 'I have you now.'
[22:26] <jampong> waboku
[22:26] <R5h> Damn, I shouldn't have switched.
[22:26] <R5h> I end.
[22:26] <R5h> This is RIDICULOUS.
[22:26] <jampong> draw
[22:26] <jampong> this is bad
[22:26] <R5h> Worst hand I've ever gotten and I'm still winning.
[22:26] <R5h> In the most bizarre manner possible.
[22:26] <R5h> How the hell has this worked?
[22:26] <jampong> summon laquari
[22:27] * R5h is like all WTF
[22:27] <R5h> No CIH, right?
[22:27] <jampong> the impossible happened
[22:27] <jampong> yes
[22:27] <R5h> OK.
[22:27] <R5h> Attack the DEF token>
[22:27] <R5h> ?
[22:27] <jampong> attack def pos token
[22:27] <R5h> OK.
[22:27] <jampong> i wont tag out
[22:27] <jampong> end

[22:27] <R5h> I guessed it.
[22:27] <R5h> I draw.
[22:27] <R5h> Holy crap, how did it take this long to draw into this?
[22:28] <R5h> I activate Fossil Dig, searching Jurrac Herra.
[22:28] <jampong> !?
[22:28] * Japxican is blocking out the memory of last night's duels
[22:28] <jampong> ok
[22:28] <R5h> I tribute my token for him.
[22:28] <jampong> !card jurrac herra
[22:28] <YuGiOh_Bot>
[22:28] <YuGiOh_Bot> Jurrac Herra || Fire / Dinosaur / Effect / Trigger || 2300 / 1500 / 6 || 16111820
[22:29] <YuGiOh_Bot> When a Jurrac monster other than Jurrac Herra you control in Defense Position is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon this card from your hand or your Graveyard to your side of field.
[22:29] <R5h> I attack Laquari with my 4700-ATK monster for the win.

[22:29] <UltraMatt> Duel me anyone?
[22:29] * R5h is completely ####ing astounded that he won
[22:29] <jampong> !!!!
[22:29] <R5h> #end
[22:29] <YuGiOh_Helper> The duel between R5h and jampong ended
[22:29] <jampong> yep
[22:29] <jampong> nice game w/ tokens huh
[22:29] <R5h> OK, THAT is going up on duel terminal.
[22:29] <jampong> hahaha
[22:29] <R5h> THE most ridiculous duel I've ever played.




WTF. How the hell did I ride Royal Oppression, 3 Solidarity, and 2 ZERO ATTACK TOKENS TO VICTORY???!? I DON'T KNOW! But good game, Jampong. Runer5h 02:43, May 10, 2010 (UTC)Runer5h

--I thought dueling w/ Ojamas w/ 3 Solidarities, 2 United We Stand and an Ojama Country is annoying. This is the first time i duel a DT deck, and this is also the MOST ANNOYING DUEL I EVER HAD!!!

Jampong 04:13, May 10, 2010 (UTC)

Wow. Runer, what exactly was your opening hand, if you recall?--Akiza Izayoi 01:48, May 15, 2010 (UTC)