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Forum:Batterymen Deck v2.0

This is my Batterymen Deck I made. See if you can fix it up if you see anything wrong with it. Thanks.

Balastarc 09:27, June 17, 2010 (UTC)

It looks like a good build but for batterymen, a maximization of function is a must have. That means the deck should be down to 40 cards exact. Take out 2 Industrial Strength's bcuz they go against Inferno Reckless. They're good but their effect also can only be activated if you can destroy one monster AND one backrow, meaning if your opponent only has one facedown card in the backrow you'll have to destroy one of your monsters. His cost also kills Inferno Reckless, so replace him with something else, probably Zaborg or Mobius to add more field control. Also on the spells, you don't need to use more than one quick charger, if even that, and that's because Inferno Reckless does the recursion of monsters for you so adding them to your hand is sorta unnecessary. Replace one Soul Exchange and one Quick Charger with Heavy Storm and Mystical Space Typhoon, because you only have one monster to tribute summon, and if you Inferno Reckless after his effect then you can't conduct a Battle Phase. I don't even use one in my build even though I use Zaborg in mine too. Now for the traps. You have too many, plain and simple. Batteryman D should be enough defense to pull off your combos, especially since you have Honest and T. Roar. Traps add defense to a deck but also slow it down so this is what you should do. Take out all the Scap-Iron Scarecrows, and 2 of the Dust Tornados because you have enough destruction (Zaborg/Mobius, Indust. Strength, Lightning V, Short Circuit, etc. Replace one Portable Battery Pack with Call of the haunted because you can get anything with it, like Guardian of Order if you happen to need it. Also consider adding 3 Thunder Dragon to help thin out the deck more (instead of adding Zaborg/Mobius) because not only do they thin the deck but also allow for Lightning Vortex fodder. Reckless Greed also helps grab cards you need faster and if used correctly can allow for a much faster victory, but if you decide to use it make sure you run 3. And for more theme based destruction, you can try Judgment of Thunder. The rest of the build looks solid so good luck with it! Hope I helped. =] u5h3ra1i' Relished Saber Player 19:55, June 17, 2010 (UTC)
Lol, I wrote A LOT. O_O


You need Thunder King Rai-Ohs.--Airbellum 20:51, June 17, 2010 (UTC) Monsters:

  • 3x Thunder King Rai-Oh
  • 2x Honest
  • 3x Batteryman AA
  • 3x Batteryman Micro-Cell
  • 3x Batteryman Industrial Strength
  • 2x Batteryman D
  • 2x Batteryman Charger


  • 3x Battery Charger
  • 2x Short Circuit
  • 1x Mystical Space Typhoon
  • 1x Heavy Storm
  • 1x Giant Trunade
  • 2x Book of Moon
  • 2x Inferno Reckless Summon


  • 1x Mirror Force
  • 1x Torrential Tribute
  • 1x Solemn Judgment
  • 1x Starlight Road
  • 2x Bottomless Trap Hole
  • 2x Dimensional Prison
  • 2x Judgment of Thunder
This build doesn't promote the OTK, and it will slow it down. I agree with some of the trap changes but to keep with the purpose of the deck its somewhat irrelevant. Also since he's making a Batteryman deck, chances are he wants a budget build, so Rai-Oh, Mirror Force, Solemn, Starlight, and Dimensional Prison don't help the price count. Just a thought. u5h3ra1i' Relished Saber Player 03:37, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

Firstly I a hate Thunder King Rai-Oh so yeah no. And yeah I am making a Budget Deck. Also I took out Starlight and Mirror Force. Also u5h3ra1i, you made a good point about Industrial Strength so I might take them out or keep 1. Also Mobius would be a Good add, considering it says 'you can'. So I will be adding 1 or 2. I will also replace a Portable Battery Pack with Call of the Haunted. I will probably also get rid of Soul Exchange and maybe all the Scrap-Iron Scarecrows to Cut the numbers. Maybe also add 3 Reckless Greed. Thanks for the Help guys. 06:09, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

Fixed it up. What do you think now? 06:09, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

Good, good. I like the changes you made but you also need Stand Alone Back Row hate, so switch a Lightning Vortex and/or Quick Charger for Heavy Storm, Giant Trunade and/or M.S.T. I just read that you "took out Starlight and Mirror Force" so if you have them by all means use them. I wrote my "budget" comment based on the fact that you didn't instinctively have those in your original build (which caused me to assume you probably didn't have them) but if you do they're really helpful; I would replace a Scrap-Iron for Mirror and a Bribe for Starlight. Other than that it looks like a solid Battery build so go ahead and test it out and when you're done, update us on how it works. Again, Hope I helped! ^_^ u5h3ra1i' Relished Saber Player 06:30, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

Fixed it up...Also I don't actually have the Cards but I proxy them. But I reckon I can get Starlight and Mirror Force pretty Cheap because I get really Cheap Deals. I can get a Holo, Rare and 20 Commons for 5 Bucks!(australian) I can also test it tomorrow so I will be back to inform yous later. 11:18, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

I think that this is a really solid build now; it's got everything you need: Good monsters, destructive supporting cards such as Mobius, MST, and Storm, and you have protectives such as T-Roar, Bribes, and a Starlight Road. It should do really well, as long as you know what to do and how to do it.
Also as a side note, if you can get Mirror Forces as part of a five-dollar deal then I applaud you, because they are currently 45 each where I am. Maybe they're just harder to come across... Peshkatz' GokaMon, I choose you! 18:02, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

Depending on how true you want to be to the Batterymen archetype, you can add in a Wattcube or two as they can increase your monsters attack by at least 1,000. IonCharge 15:06, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

Interesting idea but the deck is based on the OTK so Wattcube might end up just simply interfering with the deck's speed. u5h3ra1i' Relished Saber Player 06:23, June 21, 2010 (UTC)