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Forum:Honest/Shrink and Crush Card Virus/CyberJar

< Forum:Honest

I need help understanding if the following two combos can work.


Player A has Shrink set on the field and Honest in his hand. He has a Thunder King Rai-Oh in attack position. Player B has Gemini Elf in attack position.

Is there any way for Player A to gain the effects of both Shrink and Honest? If he used Honest to raise the attack of his Rai-Oh then shrink on Player B's monster, would he get only half the attack boost or would it be the full boost?


Player A has Crush Card Virus and Cyber Jar face down on his field. Player B has some normal monsters on his field.

Player A flip summons Cyber Jar and Chains Crush Card Virus to its effect. Is there a way to gain Cyber Jar's effect and activate Crush Card Virus also? Or is it that when you activate Crush Card Virus on Cyber Jar the monster isn't on the field and the effect doesn't activate because of the cost?

Thanks in advance --GN7S00 06:53, March 27, 2010 (UTC)

Also a Question about Ring of Defense

I also have a question about Ring of Defense. If i used Ring of Defense on a continuous trap card would the damage inflected by that card be 0 every turn or just the turn i activated the card. --GN7S00 07:15, March 27, 2010 (UTC)

1) to get the full boost you first have to activate shrink and then chain honest to it. Chains:

  • 1) Shrink
  • 2) Honest

it resolves:

  • 2) Honest (getting the full attack of the opponents monster, shrink hasn't resolved yet)
  • 1) Shrink (half the opponents attack)

2) There is no cost for Cyber Jar's effect. And he doesn't need to be on the field for it's effect to resolve. So in your case he will tribute Jar to activate Crush Card and then Jar's effect would resolve, destroying all monsters and you draw the cards.

3) Ring of defense can only be activated on the activation (flip face up) of a trap card. So you can't use it's effect for an already face up continous one. If you activate the effect in response to the activation of a continous trap it only works for that 1 time. -dest- 10:36, March 27, 2010 (UTC)

3) Actually, "Ring of Defense" can also be used against the activation of the effect of a Trap Card, as long as that effect starts a Chain Link. "Ring of Defense" would only zero the damage from that one activation; it won't do anything the next time that the effect activates. --Deus Ex Machina (Talk) 19:24, March 27, 2010 (UTC)

Another Question

You said that it Ring of Defense wouldn't do anything about the next activation of the Trap Card, does that mean if my opponent had, for example Solemn Wishes and he drew a card that i could use my Seven Tools of the Bandit to destroy it? Also how do i know if the effect of a trap card starts a chain? For example Nightmare Wheel, or other traps that have periodic effects. — This unsigned comment was made by GN7S00 (talkcontribs) 01:20, March 28, 2010

no, the effect of solemn wishes doesn't activate, it's simply there once face up. You can recognise effects that activate and start a chain by the cards text usually. E.G. Royal Oppression asks you every time a monster is ssed if you want to destroy the monster or not (if no the effect doesn't activate, if yes it is activated and starts a chain)

So basicly you can say: Every continous effect where you can choose if it should apply or not (as the example above) starts a chain. If you are unsure simply look at the cards ruling page here on wikia, usually it is stated there if it starts a chain (or not). -dest- 02:02, March 28, 2010 (UTC)

Note that "Ring of Defense" specifies that it can be used against the [activation of the effect of a Trap Card]; this means any time that the effect of a Trap Card starts a Chain Link. "Seven Tools of the Bandit" specifies that it can be used against the [activation of a Trap Card]; this means that it can only be used when the Trap Card is initially flipped face-up. These two are different.
In general, the rulings will say whether or not the damage-inflicting effect activates/starts a Chain Link. "Nightmare Wheel"'s effect to inflict damage starts a Chain Link, in the OCG at least.
--Deus Ex Machina (Talk) 05:16, March 28, 2010 (UTC)