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Forum:Something off my mind

Please post all your comments about different archetypes here.(This is just my own opinion,though): 1)GB-overpowered and wipes the floor with pretty much every Deck since they made Rescue Cat,Elemental Hero Prisma and Gladiator Beast Gyzarus.Not to mention that Ancient Forest helps them as it discourages the opponent to attack.Did I mention that Gladiator Beast War Chariot can be recycled with Gladiator Beast Equeste?

2)BW-Their swarming abilities may rival even a zombie deck,which is saying something.Allure of Darkness,Black Feather Treasure and Black Whirlwind provide even more speed to this deck.True,Limiting AoD and Semi-Limiting BW slows them down a bit but the release of Blackwing - Breeze the Gentle Wind and Semi Limiting of Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind more than make up for this.What's more,Dark Armed Dragon ,The Dark Creator,Icarus Attack and Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor can create OTKs rather quickly.

3)LS-They have very strong destructive effects backed up by Judgment Dragon.Honest,Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner ,Wulf, Lightsworn Beast and Necro Gardna work well together especially with the self-milling of LS.Solar Recharge and Charge of the Light Brigade speeds up this Deck as well as prepare the way for the arrival of JD.Even if you send JD or Honest to the Graveyard,Beckoning Light can easily take it back.Since NG is now Limited,Shield Warrior may be a good alternative as he can protect your Lumina.

4)Six Samurai-The introduction of Hand of the Six Samurai ,Six Samurai United ,Grandmaster of the Six Samurai and Gateway of the Six provide some much-needed speed to this underestimated archetype.Since the release of Solidarity and Double-Edged Sword Technique(an alternative to the card,Backs to the Wall) Six Samurai had found a new way to beatdown the opponent rather quickly.Since all their cards are unharmed in tha Advanced Format,they could make an impact in the tourneys.(At least the one in my hometown where I witness a Six Samurai Deck owns a GB Deck)

There are others but I invite others to post comments on these and other archetypes too.I apologise if I sound arrogant and rude .All mistakes above are heavily regretted. 02:39, March 16, 2010 (UTC)

Blackwings are more overpowered than GBs... with Kalut and Icarus Attack they pop cards easily. Black Whirlwind is like a Card of Safe Return for them, except it adds specific cards from the deck to hand. BWs are also the only deck you mentioned there that can effectively use Royal Oppression in their deck, doing so will allow them to completely own other meta decks including GB, LS and SS to a certain extent. Falzar FZ 10:59, March 16, 2010 (UTC)


gale isn't semi-limited (although one can dream)--Bwinggale 23:52, March 16, 2010 (UTC)

Ojama... Say there bad and they will eat you. OjaOwnage 07:37, March 21, 2010 (UTC)

"You damn 0 ATK points!" -Jun Manjoume from the original GX anime --Gadjiltron 08:07, March 21, 2010 (UTC)