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(Second Arc: Episode 25 bio.)
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Eventually [[Manabu Sogetsu|Manabu]] returned with Yudias and the twins, Yudias having been defeated by Yuna at the Coruffium and his [[Duel Disk]] taken from him, and all three of them having lost their Duel Power and been unable to move in the high gravity of the Alien Residential Area. Tazaki insisted this had been why he insisted they didn't go and warned them not to return, but was confused to learn that Yuna was with the Rovian Bandits of her own volition, and confirmed he'd still been unable to contact London, who Yuamu learned even Manya hadn't seen. Despite the confusion and Tazaki's misgivings, Yuamu confirmed she still intended to complete the job the following day. The following morning Tazaki told the twins that Yudias had vanished and warned them not to return to the underground before the left to search for Yudias.<ref name="ep21">{{episode|Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!!|21|ref}}</ref> Once the twins returned, Tazaki went looking for Yudias, wanting his help in the garden, and though he found Yudias' appearance strange, accepted the twins' explanation of Yudias working to get stronger, though Yudias disappeared while Tazaki wasn't looking. Eventually [[Tell Kawai]] arrived with a laundry delivery for Yudias, which Tazaki conveyed to Yuhi, only to be told by a tearful Yuhi that Yudias wasn't there. As Tazaki accepted a pair of new work gloves, Yudias suddenly appeared from the delivery box, much to Tazaki's confusion and the joy of the twins, Manya, [[Bochi]], [[Nyandestar]] and the [[Velgearian]]s aboard the damaged [[Valvelgear]].<ref name="ep24">{{episode|Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!!|24|ref}}</ref>
Eventually [[Manabu Sogetsu|Manabu]] returned with Yudias and the twins, Yudias having been defeated by Yuna at the Coruffium and his [[Duel Disk]] taken from him, and all three of them having lost their Duel Power and been unable to move in the high gravity of the Alien Residential Area. Tazaki insisted this had been why he insisted they didn't go and warned them not to return, but was confused to learn that Yuna was with the Rovian Bandits of her own volition, and confirmed he'd still been unable to contact London, who Yuamu learned even Manya hadn't seen. Despite the confusion and Tazaki's misgivings, Yuamu confirmed she still intended to complete the job the following day. The following morning Tazaki told the twins that Yudias had vanished and warned them not to return to the underground before the left to search for Yudias.<ref name="ep21">{{episode|Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!!|21|ref}}</ref> Once the twins returned, Tazaki went looking for Yudias, wanting his help in the garden, and though he found Yudias' appearance strange, accepted the twins' explanation of Yudias working to get stronger, though Yudias disappeared while Tazaki wasn't looking. Eventually [[Tell Kawai]] arrived with a laundry delivery for Yudias, which Tazaki conveyed to Yuhi, only to be told by a tearful Yuhi that Yudias wasn't there. As Tazaki accepted a pair of new work gloves, Yudias suddenly appeared from the delivery box, much to Tazaki's confusion and the joy of the twins, Manya, [[Bochi]], [[Nyandestar]] and the [[Velgearian]]s aboard the damaged [[Valvelgear]].<ref name="ep24">{{episode|Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!!|24|ref}}</ref>
The [[Rovian Bandits]] then visited UTS, intending to purchase the property; Tazaki and [[Mondai Omaeno|Omaeno]] discussed [[Rovian Kirishima]]'s surname being shared with London. To Tazaki's shock, Yudias stated they would consider Rovian's offer if she Rush Dueled him, and he was further surprised when Yuamu agreed with Yudias, claiming the Rovian Bandits had made fools out of them. Tazaki, Purisaki and [[Makiko Maki|Maki]] cheered Yudias on during the Rush Duel, which Yudias was forced to play with two [[Monster Zone]]s due to the damage to Valvelgear, which he was using as a Duel Disk. Yudias made a comeback with an [[Equip Spell Card]], the same type of Spell the Rovian Bandits had been using, but Manabu was alerted by his superiors to something entering the solar system, which Rovian and her [[Chapeaunian]] [[Camos]] claimed to be [[The☆Lugh|the Great King of Terror]].<ref name="ep25">{{episode|Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!!|25|ref}}</ref>

Latest revision as of 05:43, 19 May 2024

Galixon Tazaki
Galixon Tazaki
  • Galixon Tazaki
Japaneseざき ギャリクソン
Base田崎 ギャリクソン
Furiganaたざき ギャリクソン
RōmajiTazaki Gyarikuson
  • Male
  • Career
  • Duelist
DeckEARTH Machine
Anime debutYu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 0011: "This Is Ultraterrestrial Trouble Solutions!"
Appears in
Voice actors
JapaneseMitsuki Nakamura[1]
Tazaki, Galixon

Galixon Tazaki (ざき ギャリクソン Tazaki Gyarikuson) is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! anime. He serves as a veteran member of UTS and is the primary caretaker of Yuhi and Yuamu Ohdo.



Full-body view of Mr. Tazaki.
Lineart of Tazaki depicting him from different angles.

Tazaki closely resembles Galian Townsend from Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS. He is a short and stocky elderly man, sporting dark gray hair and a prominent lamb chops beard of the same color. He is always seen wearing the signature UTS orange jumpsuit, with a dark blue shirt underneath it.

In the Kuaidul Space-Time, Tazaki wears a "Magical Sheep Girl Meeeg-chan" costume until he realizes that he is in a fictional space.


Tazaki has a lot of respect and loyalty towards Yuhi and Yuamu, likely due to his experience working under their father, and feels that it is his responsibility to ensure their safety. He's also shown to have a green thumb, being responsible for plowing the fields around the UTS property, as well as experience in handling heavy machinery.

Tazaki is deeply dedicated to the Ohdo twins' safety, initially forbidding them from investigating the Alien Residential Area out of fear for their safety, and even though he eventually permits them to go with Yudias, his fears are vindicated after Yuna Goha defeats Yudias. Despite this, he agrees they cannot leave their job uncompleted.


First Arc[edit]

Yuhi and Yuamu Ohdo returned to UTS with an alien named Yudias Velgear one day, who would work for UTS in exchange for learning to Rush Duel, a matter that Tazaki watched with Omaeno and Purisaki from outside the room. Unfortunately Yudias' unfamiliarity with Earth caused him to destroy the UTS phone with his eyebeams.[2] The following day a client arrived while the twins and Yudias were out on a job, so Tazaki kept the client waiting until they returned to the UTS Main Office. Tazaki congratulated them on a successful request and reassured the disappointed Yuhi that he would soon recover his Earthdamar, admitting to a confused Yudias that even he wasn't sure what it was. The client turned out to be an MIK agent, Manabu Sogetsu, and Yuamu ordered Yudias to run, Tazaki attempting to discreetly help him leave, but Yudias revealed his presence after hearing Manabu demean Yuhi's cards. Yudias challenged Manabu to a Rush Duel, so Tazaki suggested they Duel outside given the small size of the room. Though Yudias had some difficulty with the concept of Tributes, he eventually defeated Manabu, forcing MIK to leave, and Tazaki invited the three in for dinner once they had.[3]

UTS received a request from people being attacked, and while they were having dinner one night Yagi was attacked getting more yakitori, something Tazaki noted could be the work of the culprit behind the request. Yuhi and Yudias ran off in pursuit, as did Yagi, while Yuamu worked with Tazaki to identify the common factor behind the attacks to be the Monster Card "Magical Sheep Girl Meeeg-chan", having Purisaki make her a "Meeeg-chan" cosplay to lure the culprit in. Her plan succeeded and after news of her solving the mystery spread, UTS received a significant number of requests, much to Tazaki's pride.[4]

Yudias accidentally destroyed UTS's washing machine, so Tazaki sent their laundry to Kappa Heavenly Cleaning and sent Yuhi to collect it while Yuamu and Yudias bought a replacement washing machine. They returned before Yuhi did, and Tazaki explained that Yuhi hadn't returned before sending them to Kappa Heavenly Cleaning.[5]

When Yudias asked Yuhi to train him in Rush Dueling, Yuhi got permission from Tazaki to borrow the shed and his tractor to make a training machine for Yudias, a request Tazaki assured Yuamu he was happy to grant given his love for them, before enthusiastically showing Yudias the results of his gardening hobby, impressing the Velgearian. Yuhi then unveiled his "Special Training Mecha" (Tazaki's tractor towing a trailer holding a questionnaire CD), but it quickly went haywire and drove off through the fence with Yuhi, Yudias and Valvelgear, with Tazaki and Yuamu in pursuit. Fortunately they eventually returned safely that evening, though Tazaki witnessed Yuhi fleeing the house that night, terrified at the thought of training Yudias again.[6]

Yuamu, Yuhi and Yudias participated in Rush Duels with Manya Atachi and her staff at Mutsuba Cable TV, but Chupataro Kaburagi, the culprit who had attacked Yagi, appeared during the Duels and wreaked havoc with Yuhi's Earthdamar.[7] Manya worked with Mutsuba Cable to cover it up, a broadcast Tazaki recorded for the twins. When Manya visited afterwards, she recruited Tazaki to help train Yudias in Rush Dueling by driving his tractor after him while he tried to make a move under the pressure.[8]

Second Arc[edit]

Following Yudias' Rush Duel with Zuwijo zir Velgear, Yuamu promoted him to Chief of the Alien Investigations Division. Tazaki applauded Yudias' promotion and reassured the disappointed Yuhi that he would eventually advance in UTS if he worked hard. Manya's manager London Kirishima then visited the UTS Main Office with a request for them to find an elementary schooler who had gone missing in the Alien Residential Area, a request Tazaki was against the twins accepting due to the danger the aliens living there posed and their previous encounter with Zuwijo. Despite Tazaki's misgivings, the twins remained enthusiastic and London continued to press for them to accept the request, so Tazaki Rush Dueled London to settle the matter. Tazaki's piercing strategy cornered London, who continued to suggest the request would be exciting and a worthy challenge for the twins. London defeated Tazaki with his own piercing effect, the defeat challenging Tazaki himself, and he admitted to London he hadn't expected the desire for challenge. London admitted he'd been distracting the adults to allow Yudias and the twins to sneak away, to Tazaki's shock, and the adults pursed the trio to the entrance to the Alien Residential Area. Instead of stopping them, they provided them with bento boxes and Tazaki told them the UTS family motto, encouraging them to challenge themselves for their dreams, complete the request and return safely.[9]

While Yuamu, Yuhi and Yudias were gone, Tazaki researched Yuna Goha. Tazaki and the other adults welcomed Yudias and the twins when they returned that evening having not found Yuna, but having been instructed to seek "the Informant", and Yuamu had been unable to update London with the news. Yuhi then ran screaming from the bathroom claiming to have seen a ghost, and though Tazaki was initially dismissive, he took the situation seriously after he and Yuamu noticed Yuhi's hair spiking up. The following day Tazaki discovered that Yuhi had thrown all the mirrors in the building outside at the request of the "ghost", and Yuhi further tried to cover up all reflections with the articles Tazaki had collected. The articles alerted Yuamu and Tazaki that other people had disappeared with Yuna, and Yuamu decided to return to look for the Informant, prompting the building to shake. Undeterred, Yuamu declared a UTS Special Emergency and instructed Tazaki and the other adults to create a reflective room for her in the UTS cipher, while she and Yudias carried Yuhi around the city and the "ghost" continued to attempt to obstruct them. Tazaki and the other adults prepared Yuamu's room for her and signaled its location, and Tazaki, Purisaki and Yagi waited for them at the room. They successfully trapped the "ghost", a swarm of skyfish that coalesced into the form of the Informant, Fisher Sukai.[10] Yuamu offered new information to Sukai for information on Yuna, but Sukai revealed several secrets, including a surprise birthday Tazaki and the other adults had been planning and its specifics, as well as the cucumbers Tazaki had forgotten he was pickling. Despite this Yuamu still believed she had info for Sukai and challenged them to a Rush Duel, but to Tazaki's shock, Sukai's info included Yuamu's Deck, countering her High Tech Dragons with anti-LIGHT tactics to avoid the effect of "Blue Tooth Burst Dragon". However Yuamu began discarding cards that didn't fit her Deck, revealing she snuck a booster pack into her Deck before the Duel and she summoned "Red Boot Boost Dragon", whose DARK Attribute and effect to return her monsters to her Deck countered Sukai's "Golondrinas Jail", allowing her to defeat them. After the Duel, Sukai admitted they didn't know where Yuna was, which suggested she was likely at the Rovian Bandits' Badloon Castle that could only be entered with the Macho Rank of Duel Power, and they offered the Coruffium as a location for Yudias and the twins to increase their Duel Power rapidly.[11]

Eventually Manabu returned with Yudias and the twins, Yudias having been defeated by Yuna at the Coruffium and his Duel Disk taken from him, and all three of them having lost their Duel Power and been unable to move in the high gravity of the Alien Residential Area. Tazaki insisted this had been why he insisted they didn't go and warned them not to return, but was confused to learn that Yuna was with the Rovian Bandits of her own volition, and confirmed he'd still been unable to contact London, who Yuamu learned even Manya hadn't seen. Despite the confusion and Tazaki's misgivings, Yuamu confirmed she still intended to complete the job the following day. The following morning Tazaki told the twins that Yudias had vanished and warned them not to return to the underground before the left to search for Yudias.[12] Once the twins returned, Tazaki went looking for Yudias, wanting his help in the garden, and though he found Yudias' appearance strange, accepted the twins' explanation of Yudias working to get stronger, though Yudias disappeared while Tazaki wasn't looking. Eventually Tell Kawai arrived with a laundry delivery for Yudias, which Tazaki conveyed to Yuhi, only to be told by a tearful Yuhi that Yudias wasn't there. As Tazaki accepted a pair of new work gloves, Yudias suddenly appeared from the delivery box, much to Tazaki's confusion and the joy of the twins, Manya, Bochi, Nyandestar and the Velgearians aboard the damaged Valvelgear.[13]

The Rovian Bandits then visited UTS, intending to purchase the property; Tazaki and Omaeno discussed Rovian Kirishima's surname being shared with London. To Tazaki's shock, Yudias stated they would consider Rovian's offer if she Rush Dueled him, and he was further surprised when Yuamu agreed with Yudias, claiming the Rovian Bandits had made fools out of them. Tazaki, Purisaki and Maki cheered Yudias on during the Rush Duel, which Yudias was forced to play with two Monster Zones due to the damage to Valvelgear, which he was using as a Duel Disk. Yudias made a comeback with an Equip Spell Card, the same type of Spell the Rovian Bandits had been using, but Manabu was alerted by his superiors to something entering the solar system, which Rovian and her Chapeaunian Camos claimed to be the Great King of Terror.[14]


Tazaki uses an EARTH Machine Deck, comprised of monsters themed around digging and effects that take advantage of "Pierce!" to inflict piercing battle damage.


Opponent(s) Episode(s) Outcome
London Kirishima 14 Lose
Asaka Mutsuba 95 Lose


  1. https://twitter.com/yugioh_anime/status/1525611918332833792
  2. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 0011: "This Is Ultraterrestrial Trouble Solutions!"
  3. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 0022: "The Organization for Monitoring Troublesome Aliens"
  4. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 0033: "Terror? The Blood-Sucking Alien"
  5. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 0055: "I'm Tell Kawai, and I'm Thirsty"
  6. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 0077: "Can You Name All the Monster Types?"
  7. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 01010: "Magical Sheep Girl Meeeg-chan"
  8. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 01111: "Where's Zuwijo?"
  9. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 01414: "Client: London"
  10. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 01616: "Duel Ghost"
  11. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 01717: "Information, De-Sky?"
  12. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 02121: "Intruders Breaking the Ru-ru-ru-ru-rules"
  13. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 02424: "Be Revived! Yudias"
  14. Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episode 02525: "UTS Under Attack"


  1. A third copy of this card is sent from Tazaki's hand to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "Drilling Tractiger" in episode 14.