Forum:Macro Sphinxes - Deck Concept

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I've always loved the Sphinxes. Low cost for a big beatstick, and when wiped out I can bring out a 6500 ATK monster. So instead of protecting Pyramid of Light, until I can get both sphinxes out, I'm going to destroy it and then revive with D.D.R or Return from the Different Dimension. The D.D. monsters included are obvious, Survivor himself has won me a duel, Scout Plane is an unbreakable wall, and Destroyer is for field control. They also help me tribute the sphinxes or Beast King Barbaros, who is EXTREMELY versatile, who can be a no-tribute, 2-tribute, and 3-tribute and still have 3000 ATK. Any suggestions? --Drew-Gi-Oh! (talk) 00:28, September 26, 2010 (UTC)

I see you put in 3 macro cosmos. I understand it's effects, but why don't you have any Helios - The Primordial Sun's in your deck then? Kidneysrgood (talkcontribs) 01:46, September 26, 2010 (UTC)

I have never seen either of those cards, but they do look like they could work very well in this deck, as long as skill drain wasn't there to cripple them.

This is a very interesting deck idea, I didn't think any one would ever build a deck around the Sphinxes. You should probably add in a mirror force and a couple of cards that will protect your sphinxes if they were to be destroyed one at a time such as dark bribe or solemn judgement. --DeaththeKid

I would add protection, but it's already incredibly pressed for space. It's much simpler to revive them from the RFP then to protect them countless times. Plus Return from the Different Dimension fulfills the requirements of Theinen. And I could've sworn I put Mirror Force in, but I guess not. I'll have to remove the Bottomless Trap Holes and add a Torrential. --Drew-Gi-Oh! (talk) 06:04, September 26, 2010 (UTC)