Forum:Zombiesworn Chaos: Rate, Substitutions, etc. etc.

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I have been working on this deck for a while now and then the Sept. ban list comes around! Konami surprised me with Chaos Sorcerer back at two and greatly improved the consistincy of this deck T_T (tears of joy). I can now go toe to toe with X-Sabers!!!!D Although Goblin Zombie went to three I simply do not have the space nor do I have a third one to put in (it's just fine at two anyways considering I don't have that many cards to search with it).

About the deck; I know I do not have any Traps because it slows down the deck and makes my duels against Glad Beasts run terribly due to their Gyzarus spamming me over and over. Also, that one and only staple trap, Mirror Force I replaced with a Lightning Vortex so that I can choose to activate it and not have the only card I need to set destroyed. Lightning Vortex was one of the first additions after I realized that I could use it with The Fabled Cerburrel better than a Mirror Force because I can choose to activate it and not have to wait for my opponent to destroy it. I really wish that I could fit a Card Trooper in here because I recently took him out of the deck for Cold Wave which I rediscovered it when seeing Glad Beasts in action. I added it for protection from the X-Sabers' Saber Hole. Plus it's more consistent and less costly than Solemn Judgment. The Fabled Cerburrel is AMAZING!!!!!! This deck would be HORRIBLE without it!! Wishing for Plaguespreader Zombie, Charge of the Light Brigade at two in March! Here's The Deck.

Added this after Drew Suggested Trap Stun and Royal Decree . I need cards for a side deck against X-Sabers Glad Beasts and Blackwings. So far I have:

Zombie Master and The Fabled Cerburrel are a MUST in threes. They balance each other out as Dead Draws and there is an amazing way to use a Zombie Master in the Graveyard, one in the Hand, and Cerburrel in the hand as well. I must admit that when I first learned of this combo I felt incredibly stupid that I had not done this before:

You summon Zombie Master (Hopefully no Saber Hole's/Bottomless Trap Hole's!!!) and send Cerburrel to the grave to pay Zombie Master's Activation Cost and your dead Zombie Master is now revived at Resolution. Since Cerburrel's effect was Triggered it is Special Summoned from the Graveyard. You then Tune Cerburrel with the Zombie Master whose effect has been used Brionac or Goyo. Then you just rinse and repeat!.

I also liek getting Goblin Zombie and The Fabled Cerburrel in my BEGINNING hand; as this combo is pretty useless later in the duel unless me and my opponent have basically no cards on the field or in our hands. You simply Set Goblin Zombie and let it get sent to the Graveyard which Triggers its' effect. Add a Zombie Master to your hand. If you already have one; go for Plaguespreader. If you have Plaguespreader and Zombie Master already in your hand, just search a Mezuki or a Zombie Master (dependent on the situation). Now, during your turn, you need to summon Zombie Master. Activate his effect by discarding Cerburrel to Special Summon Goblin Zombie. Tune with Gob an Cerburrel for whatever Six Star Synchro you need.

Sorry for the wordiness, and I would liek anyone to at least rate by a Playability/Originality Fraction i.e. 8.5/9. I would LURVE if a lot of people suggest what to put in and you NEED to tell me what to take out for it. I will try to respond to all of your suggestions ASAP and plz tell me what cards suck (if any)

Umm.why do you have three Wulfs? I think 2 is enough if you're only doing most of your others at 1. And why do you have no traps? You need like Royal Decree 3x or Trap Stun 3x for Lightsworns to survive. Preferably Trap Stun since it kills off Starlight Road. I'm sort of mixed about some of your spell choices, since they mostly thrive on them being in your opening hand and could be replaced with some better traps (like Magical Stone Excavation and Cold Wave are useless in your Graveyard), good luck! --Drew-Gi-Oh! (talk) 04:45, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

First off, I DO only have two Wulfs and Magical Stone Excavation is basically another COTLB for when COTLB gets milled (Or possibly Solar Recharge if I REEAALLLY need different cards). Also Cerburrel FTW with this card, Wulf Dead Draws and other useless cards that I can't use anyways are also used with this. (I couldn't use them anyways), but that is a good idea for me to test against my dreaded Arch-Nemesis, Blackwings. OHH!!! Almost forgot to ask for ideas for side deck. I really should side trap stun.

No Necro Gardna? You can seriously abuse it with Burial from a Different Dimension. For Necro Gardna, Take out aEhren, Lightsworn Monk or a The Fabled Cerburrel, three might be a little too much. If you don't run any traps, definitely replace Magical Stone Excavation with Treacherous Trap Hole, works like a charm.
Since it seems like you seem to face Glads, Blackings, and XSabers a lot, some good side deck cards would be Legendary Jujitsu Master, Mirror of Oaths, Swallow Flip, Consecrated Light(really doesn't hurt you much), Crevice Into the Different Dimension (remove Vayu, Gottoms E Call Targets), Starlight Road (Saber Slash, Icarus Attack and Gyzarus), Gottoms' Emergency Call (can be used against them), XX-Saber Hyunlei.... --Skiesthelimit (talkcontribs) 17:53, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

Necro Gardna is just a bad idea in this deck. tested it to death, it was better replaced by Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind and then later for a second Chaos Sorcerer. I find that whenever I draw Ehren while going against X-Sabers I minus oned their Darksoul or Emmersblade, so I think that’s better to side. I really don’t like the idea of setting Legendary Jujitsu Master as I have only Monster Reborn to summon it with, and I'd rather use it on something more offensive. Mirror of Oaths and Swallow Flip seem like really good ideas for siding against Glad Beasts and is Swallow Flip a good idea against X-Sabers?!??!??!? Consecrated Light for those OP Blackwings, although for Gottoms E CallI’m not sure if I should side two or three. I have never even SEEN a Treacherous Trap Hole; Starlight Road is hard to come by, but I like the idea of maining it, and I LURVE the idea of Crevice Into the Different Dimension. Thanks a lot Skiesthelimit and please rate next time!!!