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Be polite!

Remember to shake your opponent's hand before each Match and say your name. It is important to have good manners in a Duel, just like in the rest of life.

If you are winning a Duel, be nice to your opponent. Nobody likes it when they lose a Duel and their opponent is mean to them too. Think of how you feel when you lose a Duel. Maybe your opponent would like some tips from you on how to improve his/her Deck.

Remember to be polite to your opponents, and everybody will have more fun Dueling. And you will make more friends, too!

Bring out the big monsters!

Monsters with a Level of 5 or 6 require one Tribute before they can be Summoned.

You can get around this and bring out a big monster on your first turn with "Cost Down", "Cost Down" lowers the Level of all the monsters in your Hand by 2.

So a Level 6 monster is now a Level 4 and can be Summoned without a Tribute. Once the turn is complete, it is again a Level 6 monster.

Cards have multiple uses, part 1Part of becoming a good Duelist is being able to recognize all the different uses of a card. "De-Fusion" is a good example. You can use "De-Fusion" offensively, by attacking with your Fusion Monster, then activating "De-Fusion" to Special Summon the Fusion Material Monsters, and attack with them as well. Or you can use "De-Fusion" defensively by selecting your opponent's Fusion Monster. This gets rid of the Fusion Monster, and your opponent does not get to Special Summon the Fusion Material Monsters if they are not in their Graveyard, so it will not help your opponent.
Cards have multiple uses, part 2You will find that "Book of Moon" is useful in many different situations. When your opponent is attacking, if you have "Book of Moon" Set on the field, you can activate it to flip the attacking monster face-down, thus stopping the attack. You can also use it during your turn, targeting an opponent's monster that has a high ATK, but a low DEF. This way you can attack the monster when it is in Defense Position and be able to destroy it. Turning one of your own Flip Effect Monsters face-down with "Book of Moon" is another good use of the card. Now you can use the Flip Effect of your monster a second time.
Cards have multiple uses, part 3

"Penguin Soldier" is another example of a card that can have multiple uses. The obvious use of this monster's Flip Effect is to return monsters on your opponent's side of the field to the hand, so that they cannot attack you. A different way to use it is to return your own monsters. For example, after you attack with "Spear Dragon" it changes to Defense Position, and its DEF is 0. If you Flip Summon "Penguin Soldier" in your Main Phase 2 after "Spear Dragon" has attacked, you can choose to return the "Spear Dragon" to your hand. This way you can Summon it again next turn and attack again and your opponent does not get the chance to destroy it!

Now that you see how cards can have multiple uses, go through the rest of your collection and try to identify all the different uses for all your cards!

Charm of Shabti (Tip Card)

"Charm of Shabti" is a useful card to protect your Gravekeepers from harm. When you discard "Charm of Shabti" from your hand, your Gravekeepers cannot be destroyed as a result of battle that turn.

This means that you can keep your Gravekeepers on the field for an extra turn without them being destroyed, so that you can Tribute them for "Gravekeeper's Chief" or for the effect of "Gravekeeper's Cannonholder".

Choosing cards for your Side Deck, part 1

"Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer" is a great monster to have in your Side Deck. His 1800 ATK is large, but it is his effects that can really hurt some of your opponents. If your opponent is playing with monsters like "Dark Necrofear" that require monsters to be removed from the Graveyard to be Summoned, "Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer"'s continuous effect will put a stop to that.

He is also strong if your opponent is playing a Deck that likes to have a supply of monsters in the Graveyard, like a Zombie-Type Deck. Attack with "Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer" and when he inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, you can remove from play up to 2 monsters from your opponent's Graveyard each time. This will leave your opponent with no monsters in the Graveyard to Special Summon.

Choosing cards for your Side Deck, part 2

"Luminous Soldier" is a monster that gets an increase in ATK points when battling with DARK monsters. A lot of Duelists use monsters with the DARK Attribute, but not everyone does, so "Luminous Soldier" is a good card to put in your Side Deck.

If your opponent played mostly DARK monsters during your first Duel of the Match, add "Luminous Soldier" from your Side Deck to your Main Deck, and turn the tide of the next Duel!

Choosing cards for your Side Deck, part 3

Every type of Deck has a weakness, and when you are selecting cards for your Side Deck, you will want to choose ones that help to protect that weakness. For example, if you are playing with Normal Monsters that have high ATK values, you may be vulnerable to a Deck that uses low ATK Effect Monsters, such as "Dream Clown", to control the field.

Having "King Tiger Wanghu" in your Side Deck could protect you from this by destroying all monsters with 1400 ATK or less that your opponent Normal or Special Summons.

Choosing cards for your Side Deck, part 4

Just as your Deck strategy will have certain weaknesses, so will your opponent's strategy. Try to have a card in your Side Deck to take advantage of your opponent's weakness. "Sasuke Samurai" has an effect that destroys a face-down monster it attacks.

If your opponent is using a Deck with many Flip Effect Monsters, or monsters like "Guardian Sphinx" and "Royal Keeper" that can flip themselves face-down, "Sasuke Samurai" will be the ace up your sleeve.

Choosing monsters

Suppose you have 3 monsters, one with 1800 ATK, one with 1750 ATK. Why not remove the lower ATK monsters and just put in 3 monsters with 1800 ATK? Then you will have a stronger Deck.

Do not just look at the ATK and DEF numbers, though. Be sure and read the card effects. And look at Attributes and Types too. If you have an EARTH Deck, an EARTH monster with 1700 ATK might be better for your Deck than a FIRE monster with 1850 ATK.

A good Duelist knows the best monsters to put in a Deck, and how to use those monsters most effectively. ATK, DEF, Level, Type, Attribute, and effects are all important things to think about when choosing monsters for your Deck.

Combine the Strengths of MonstersIt is fun to make Decks focused on one Type of monster, but there are many strategies that require mixing the best parts of both Types. Try mixing your "Ninja" monsters and Beast-Type monsters in the same Deck to get the high ATK values of the Beasts, and Spell and Trap protection of the Ninjas. In this Deck, you can now use cards like "Ninjitsu Art of Transformation", which lets you Tribute a monster with "Ninja" in its name to Special Summon a Beast, Insect, or Winged Beast-Type monster up to 3 Levels higher than the Ninja you Tributed! Summon "Strike Ninja" and transform him into "Big Koala", to quickly get a monster with 2700 ATK.
Combos with volumes 1 and 2, part 1

Dark Revelation volume 2 continues collecting some of the best boosters in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME, but when you open a booster pack and see a card, you should consider how it can be used with the cards you already have. There are powerful combos to be found when combining both volumes of Dark Revelation.

"Guardian Angel Joan" is a powerful Fairy-Type monster with an effect that increases your Life Points when she destroys a monster as a result of battle. The effect of "Arsenal Summoner" from Dark Revelation volume 1 lets you search your Deck for "Guardian Angel Joan" and add her to your hand. Then you can use the Equip Spell Card "Cestus of Dagla" to increase your Fairy's ATK by 500 points, and has an effect to further increase your Life Points by an amount equal to the Battle Damage that the equipped monster deals to the opponent.

Combos with volumes 1 and 2, part 2Another good combo using cards from Dark Revelation volumes 1 and 2 is "Tribe-Infecting Virus" and "Night Assailant". The "Tribe-Infecting Virus" is a powerful monster on its own, with an effect that allows you to discard 1 card from your hand to destroy all monsters of a chosen Type on the field. You will want to use this effect often, but may be forced to discard good cards from your hand, or even have no cards left in your hand! This is why you play with "Night Assailant". When "Night Assailant" is discarded from your hand, it has an effect that allows you to return any Flip Effect Monster from your Graveyard to your hand, other than the discarded "Night Assailant". Since "Night Assailant" also has a Flip Effect, you can choose a second one that is already in your Graveyard. So you have 1 "Night Assailant" in your Graveyard, then discard another "Night Assailant" to activate the effect of "Tribe-Infecting Virus", and take back the first "Night Assailant" into your hand. Continue to do this and you will never run out of cards to discard!
Conserve your hand

Try to save some cards for later. If you run out of cards, you will have to rely on the 1 card you draw every turn being the card that you need. You will not have any room for error.

Sometimes it is wiser to wait and not play as forcefully at the start of the Duel, just so that you have cards later on. If your opponent has used all of his/her cards and has nothing left, then you will have the card advantage and be in a better position.

For example, if you have "Fissure" in your hand, but you can destroy your opponent's monster with an attack, you might want to attack the monster and destroy it, and save your "Fissure" for later to use on a monster you cannot destroy in battle.

Control Strategy

A Control Strategy is a plan for winning a Duel by limiting the moves your opponent can make. "Spell Canceller" is an Effect Monster that prohibits both players from using Spell Cards, which works well in any Control Strategy.

You make it work to your advantage by constructing your Deck with only Trap Cards and Effect Monsters, so "Spell Canceller" will have no negative effect on you, but limit one whole type of card for your opponent.

Dark Jeroid (Tip Card)

"Dark Jeroid" may not look like a very strong monster with an ATK of 1200, but its effect reduces the ATK of a monster by 800 when it is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned.

This means that "Dark Jeroid" could really destroy a monster with ATK 2000 or less in battle.

But if it is Summoned when there is no other monster on the field, it decreases its own ATK. Be careful.

Dark Paladin (Tip Card)

"Dark Paladin" is a powerful Fusion Monster that is a combination of "Dark Magician" and "Buster Blader".

To get "Dark Paladin" onto the field there are some good cards that will get the Fusion Material Monsters out of your Deck quickly. "Emblem of Dragon Destroyer" is a Spell Card that will move "Buster Blader" from your Deck or your Graveyard to your hand, and "Skilled Dark Magician" has an effect that lets you Special Summon "Dark Magician" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard to the field.

Deck formulas

Most Decks have about half monsters and about half Spell and Trap Cards. Whether you have more Spell Cards or more Trap Cards is not important, as long as the Spell Cards and Trap Cards combined are about half of your Deck.

Remember that some cards count as multiple categories. "Jam Breeding Machine" is a Spell Card but creates monsters for you, so you might want to count it as a Monster Card.

It is okay to go a little higher in some Decks, depending on your strategy. Many Decks run at 55% Spell and Trap Cards, or 55% Monster Cards, and that's fine if it works for you.

Deck Shrinking

"Jar of Greed" lets you draw a card when you activate it. Some Duelists ask, what is the point? You have to draw and play a card ("Jar of Greed") to draw another card. So there is no gain.

If you have a Deck that is exactly 40 cards, you begin the game with 5 of them. So that leaves 35 cards in your Deck. Each time you draw a card, you have a chance of drawing a specific card. If you can put 3 copies of "Jar of Greed" in the Deck, it really shrinks the Deck size from 40 cards to 37 cards. After drawing your starting 5, that leaves just 32 cards left in the deck.

Because you cannot make a Deck smaller than 40 cards, effects like "Jar of Greed" are ways to make it like you do have a smaller Deck. A 37 card deck, which is what 3 copies of "Jar of Greed" gives you, gives you a better chance to draw your favorite cards than in a 40 card Deck. This strategy is called "Deck Shrinking".

"Jar of Greed" also makes a great bluff card. Who knows what your opponent will think it is?

Deck size

The best Decks are around 40 or 50 cards. If you have a Deck that is a lot bigger than that, and can not find a way to make it smaller, here is a trick you can use.

First, pick the 5 most important cards in your Deck. The cards that you have to keep.

Then take the rest of the cards. Look at the first 2 cards. Pick 1 to keep in your Deck, and put the other card back in your collection. Then look at the next 2 cards, keep 1 for the Deck, and put the other in your collection. Keep doing this with all the cards.

This will cut your Deck size in half. If it is still too big, do this again. It it is too small, then put in enough cards from your collection to bring it up to 40 cards. Now you have a lean and mean Deck!

Deck Thinning

When you have a few really good cards in your Deck, you want to get to them as fast as possible. This is when you use a technique called Deck Thinning to use one card to remove multiple cards from your Deck.

One card that can do this is the Spell Card "Gather Your Mind". When you activate "Gather Your Mind" you search your Deck for another "Gather Your Mind". After two turns you've removed 3 cards from your Deck in addition to the cards you normally draw.

To gain an additional benefit from this, have a face-up "Royal Magical Library" on the field. It will gain a Spell Counter for each of the 3 "Gather Your Mind" you play, then you can draw another card.

Defense (Tip Card)

If you set up a strong defense by having a powerful monster on the field, be careful not to create a hole in your defense.

If you have "Giant Soldier of Stone" on the field (DEF 2000), then your opponent needs a monster with higher than ATK 2000 to damage you. Unless your opponent has a card that can attack your Life Points directly (like a Toon Monster), they will not be able to inflict Battle Damage to your Life Points.

But if you then Summon a weaker monster this creates an opening for your opponent to attack you. He/she can get at your Life Points by attacking through the weaker monster. Even if you Set the monster in Defense Position, your opponent can damage you by using an effect like "Fairy Meteor Crush". So be careful not to put holes in your defense!

Depleting your opponent's Deck, part 1

Remember that reducing your opponent's Life Points is not the only way to win a Duel, you will also win if your opponent cannot draw a card when they are supposed to! You can try building a Deck that wins this way by playing with "Needle Worm". This monster has a Flip Effect that discards the top 5 cards of your opponent's Deck into their Graveyard.

You may need 3 "Needle Worm" cards to win this way. Other cards that can help are "Morphing Jar", "Don Zaloog" and any other cards you have that will make your opponent take cards out of the Deck faster than normal.

Depleting your opponent's Deck, part 2

"Vampire Lord" is a Monster Card that can help you in depleting your opponent's Deck. Whenever "Vampire Lord" inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, you get to choose 1 type of card (Monster, Spell, or Trap) and your opponent must take 1 card of those cards out of his Deck and send it to their Graveyard.

To get the most out of this effect you should choose the same card type every time "Vampire Lord" inflicts Battle Damage. For example, if you continue to choose Trap Cards, you will not have to worry as much about your opponent Setting any new Trap Cards. This will help you deplete your opponent's Deck.

Dimension Power, part 1

"Lekunga" lets you remove from play 2 WATER monsters in your Graveyard to Special Summon a Monster Token. This keeps the amount of monsters you control higher, by using the WATER monsters your opponent destroys to create new ones. "Chaosrider Gustaph" has a similar effect, which allows you to remove from play Spell Cards in your Graveyard to increase his ATK points.

Having these monsters in your Deck allows you to get additional uses out of the cards after they are sent to your Graveyard. In addition, they build up the amount of cards that you have removed from play, allowing you to use powerful cards like "Chaos End", which will destroy all your opponent's monsters!

Dimension Power, part 2

"Chaos Greed" is powerful because it lets you draw 2 extra cards, and you can have 3 copies of it in your Deck. The more cards in your hand, the more choices you have, but to activate "Chaos Greed" your Graveyard must be empty and at least 4 of your cards need to be removed from play.

If you are already using effects that require you to remove from play cards in your Graveyard, you will quickly meet this requirement. To get any remaining cards out of your Graveyard, use "Recycle" to put them on the bottom of your Deck.

"Dimension Distortion" is another good Spell Card that fits this theme. When your Graveyard is empty, you can Special Summon a monster of yours that has been removed from play!

Dimension Power, part 3The Trap Card "Big Burn" is a great asset to Decks that use a strategy of removing cards from play. When your opponent tries to target a card in the Graveyard, like an attempt to Special Summon a monster from the Graveyard, you can activate "Big Burn". Then all Monster Cards in both players' Graveyards are removed from play. This is good because your opponent can no longer get any support from their Graveyard, and now you have plenty of cards removed from play to use with your strategy, so you can activate powerful Spell Cards like "Chaos End" and "Dimension Distortion".
Do not brag

Do not give your opponent too much information. Telling your opponent what your Deck does or what cards you play with just lets your opponent have an easier time winning the Match.

Just like on the cartoon, bragging about your Deck or telling your opponent what cards you have can hurt you in the end.

Wait until after the Duel is over before discussing cards and strategies. There's plenty of time after the Duel to talk.

Also, if you are watching other players Duel, do not talk about what cards they have in their hands or face-down on the field. Let them play the Duel and then talk about it afterwards.

Dueling Against Burn DecksBurn Decks are a powerful strategy, but there are ways to Duel against them and claim victory. Since they will attempt to stop your attacks with "Level Limit - Area B", you should have a strong Level 3 monster in your Deck. "Mataza the Zapper" is a great choice, since it has 1300 ATK and can attack twice each turn. Another good monster to have against a Burn Deck is "Dark Driceratops" since he can still deal Battle Damage when attacking the opponent's Defense Position monsters. The opponent's Effect Monsters will not be able to protect them. Just be sure to have plenty of effects that can destroy Spell or Trap Cards to complement these monsters.
An easier "Mirage Knight"

When "Dark Flare Knight" is destroyed as a result of battle you can search your Deck for "Mirage Knight" and Special Summon it.

"Dark Flare Knight" is a Fusion Monster that has another Fusion Monster as one of its Fusion-Material Monsters. This makes it very hard to Fusion Summon it to the field. Luckily "Dark Flare Knight" is only a Level 6 monster, allowing you to Special Summon it with "Magical Scientist". Now you can easily get to your "Mirage Knight".

Easy Tribute Summoning

Sometimes it can be hard to have a monster on the field to Tribute in order to perform a Tribute Summon. Because you can only Normal Summon or Set 1 monster per turn, if you Normal Summon or Set a monster, that monster has to stay on the field throughout your opponent's turn so that you can Tribute it on your next turn.

An easy way to get around this is to Special Summon a monster and Tribute it. Because a Special Summon does not count as your 1 Summon for the turn, you can use a card like "Monster Reborn", "Premature Burial", etc., to Special Summon a monster, and then Tribute that monster the same turn for your Tribute Summon.

Effect Damage (Tip Card)

Effect Damage is a way to decrease your opponent's Life Points without having battles.

"Secret Barrel" is one of the best cards for dealing Effect Damage. It inflicts 200 points of damage for every card in your opponent's hand and on his/her side of the field!

You can increase the amount of damage by using "Ojama Trio", which Special Summons 3 "Ojama Tokens" to your opponent's side of the field. This will be an additional 600 points of damage for "Secret Barrel".

Effect Monster + Equip Spell Card

Equip Cards and Effect Monsters make a good combination. Effect Monsters have special abilities; these are the main reason you put them in a Deck. Equip Spell Cards can give monsters more abilities, or boost their ATK and DEF power.

For example, "Hayabusa Knight" can attack twice every turn, but only has 1000 ATK. But if you equip it with "Axe of Despair", you now have a 2000 ATK monster that can attack twice every turn!

Another good example is "Maha Vailo" which increases its ATK by 500 points for each Equip Spell Card equipped to it, in addition to the Equip Spell Card's normal Effect. With an original ATK of 1550, "Maha Vailo" equipped with "Axe of Despair" is more powerful than "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"!

Equip Spell Cards (Tip Card)

Equip Spell Cards can only be equipped to face-up monsters. Even if the Equip Spell Card increases the DEF of the monster, like "Horn of Light", you cannot equip it to a face-down monster. You need to wait until the monster is face-up on the field.

Equip Spell Cards only have their effect as long as they remain face-up on the field. If an Equip Spell Card is destroyed or is removed from the field in another way, then its effects disappear.

Usually, if a monster equipped with an Equip Spell Card is destroyed, returned to your hand, shuffled into your Deck, sent to the Graveyard, turned into an Equip Spell Card (by "Relinquished"), flipped face-down, or anything else so that it is no longer a face-up Monster Card on the field, all Equip Spell Cards equipped to it are destroyed.

Equip to Attack Directly

"Opti-Camouflage Armor" is an Equip Spell Card that allows the equipped monster to attack the opponent's Life Points directly. This is a great way to do damage to the opponent, but this card can only be equipped to a Level 1 monster. To get the best use, you should equip it to a Level 1 monster who has an effect which can increase its own ATK.

"Goblin King" gets an additional 1000 ATK points for each other Fiend-Type monster on your side of the field. This gives it the possibility of having 4000 ATK. "Chaos Necromancer" is also a Level 1 monster, and its ATK is equal to the number of Monster Cards in your Graveyard x 300 points. This makes him great for a come-from behind win.

Exodia Decks

One of the easiest ways to build an Exodia Deck is to focus on cards that allow you to draw from your Deck.

Keep the Deck at around 40 cards. Try to add cards that allow you to draw additional cards.

Look at other cards to try and figure out combos that will let you draw more cards. The more cards you draw, the better you chance of getting all 5 Exodia pieces. But watch out for card effects that will force you to discard!

Expand and Protect your Game with Collector's Tin!Continue to expand your game with Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Collector's Tins! These tins have a stylish original design and come packed with 5 Booster Packs and 1 Special Limited Edition game card! Use these cards to modify your Deck, and then keep your collection safe in the sturdy tin. Collect all six!
Field Spell Cards (Tip Card)

There are two Field Spell Cards in Dark Revelation that are important to specific theme Decks. These cards are "Necrovalley" for Gravekeeper Decks and "Pandemonium" for Archfiend Decks.

When playing Field Spell Cards like these, it is smart to use cards like "Terraforming" or "An Owl of Luck" because they let you search out the Field Spell Cards you want from your Deck and add them to your hand or place them on top of your Deck.

Find a fun place to play

Did you know that retail stores near you may be running a Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Duelist League? The Duelist League is a fun way to meet other Duelists near you to play and practice with. At the Duelist League you will receive a Millennium Manual full of fun Dueling activities to help you sharpen your skills, and you can earn prizes by completing those activities!

Visit to learn more about the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Duelist League and find a location near you.

Find a monster's weakness

Monsters that have high ATK will sometimes have a low DEF. Take advantage of this weakness with "Block Attack". This card will put their monster into Defense Position, so it will be easier to defeat.

Attack the monster with "Airknight Parshath" and you will still do piercing Battle Damage to your opponent, and get to draw a card.

First-turn plays

Some Effect Monsters are very effective when Set on the first turn because they have an effect that activates when the monster is destroyed.

The best examples are "Giant Rat", "Mystic Tomato", and so on. These monsters do not get their effects if destroyed by a card effect, but if you Set them and they are attacked and destroyed, you get to Special Summon a new monster from your Deck. Then you can have 2 monsters on the field on your second turn, or you can Tribute Summon a more powerful monster by Tributing the monster Special Summoned by the effect of "Giant Rat", etc.

Flip Monsters: Two-for-one

The reason that Flip Effect monsters are so good is that they serve two uses. First, they have a cool Spell or Trap-like effect. But at the same time, they count as a monster.

This gives Flip Monsters a two-for-one effect. Even though you are getting their Flip Effect, they still will stop one of your opponent's attacks when attacked and flipped face-up.

If a Flip Effect monster is not destroyed by an attack, you can Tribute it during a following turn for a Tribute Summon of a high-level monster. If it is not attacked, you can Flip Summon it next turn, get its Flip Effect, and Tribute it that same turn.

Flip Summon with effect

In Dark Beginning 2, there are some monsters that have an effect that activates when you Flip Summon them. These effects are different than Flip Effects, because they do not activate when the monster is flipped face-up because it is attacked.

These monsters also have an effect that allows you to flip them back into face-down Defense Position. "Guardian Sphinx" is such a monster. You should Set this card instead of Normal Summoning it. Then next turn, Flip Summon it and return all your opponent's monsters to the owner's hand, attack with "Guardian Sphinx", and then flip it back face-down. Perform this combo again every turn, which will be unbearable to your opponent!

Fusion Summon only

"Dark Paladin" states that it can only be Special Summoned by a Fusion Summon.

This means that you cannot use cards such as "Metamorphosis" to Special Summon it.

Get Ahead at Sneak Previews!To become a World Champion, you need more than just a good strategy, you need to stay up to date with the newest cards and combinations to stay on top of the competition. Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Sneak Preview events are the best way to do this. You get a look at and play with upcoming booster sets before they are available in stores, and you will receive a free brand new card just for showing up. Check out to find your nearest Sneak Preview location and additional information.
Getting around Defense Position monsters

Most players Set monsters in Defense Position to protect their Life Points, but you can take away this advantage with the Trap Card "Meteorain".

"Meteorain" makes it so that for all your attacking monsters this turn, if their ATK is higher than the DEF of the monster they are battling with, the difference (ATK minus DEF) is inflicted as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points.

Gravekeeper strategy, part 1

There are some monsters in Dark Revelation with the word "Gravekeeper's" in their card name. A Deck that has many of these monsters in it is called a Gravekeeper Deck.

These monsters work well together, and have advantages when used in large amounts.

For example, "Gravekeeper's Cannonholder" lets you Tribute one of your Gravekeeper monsters to inflict 700 damage to the opponent.

Gravekeeper strategy, part 2

A Gravekeeper Deck is stronger if you play with "Necrovalley".

It is a Field Spell Card that increases the ATK and DEF of every Gravekeeper monster by 500 points.

Besides this amazing bonus, it also negates any card effect that affects a card(s) in the Graveyard, and prevents both players from removing cards in the Graveyard from play.

Guardian Monsters

Guardian Monsters like "Guardian Elma" require a specific Equip Spell Card to be on the field before they can be Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned.

"Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu", a Flip Effect Monster, lets you look through your Deck for any Equip Spell Card and add it in your hand.

Also, "Arsenal Summoner" is a Flip Effect Monster that lets you search your Deck for a Guardian Monster. These cards can help you get the Guardian Monsters and correct Equip Spell Cards at the right time! Even without the proper Equip Spell Card, remember that you can still Set these Guardian Monsters.