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Forum:Genex Ally Doriado

This was originally a Resk deck for free, but there were a few issues that surfaced and required tweaking. I'm still not 100% hapy wit it, but I do like originality of the thing enough that I want to hear as much ideas as possible to improve it.

  • Shrink is in as one of two cards that replaced the original 2 Preparation of Rites, but I'm trying to see if something else might not be more useful. Tuning is really interesting to get out my other synchros without wasting my Birdmen (Too Bad Triforce requires a Genex tuner...).
  • I'm not 100% convinced the full Frog engine is a necessity, with Foolish, One for One, 2 Treeborn and one Swap (which is not very useful for anything else, at that!), I rarely don't get the frog early in my graveyard, and with Power PLanner around to elp, I'm thinking I could do without at least one Swap. Plus if I can somehow get rid of the engine, I get five spot for cards that can be more directly use, and can use counter traps (Divine Wrath, Malfunction and Dark Bribe could be useful).
  • Battle Fader (Which also provide another monster that Leviair can bring back) is really looking good to protect my guys, too (not to mention it could fill in the level 1 void if I get rid of the Frog engine).
You're using the Frog engine to get Birdman out and fill Level gaps in your Synchros? Seems a little specialized. Maybe use Token generators instead ("Dandylion", "Doppelwarrior", etc.). What are the best effects possessed by your "Genex" Synchros? Designless Square (talkcontribs) 04:41, September 2, 2011 (UTC)
I only have one Genex synchro: Genex Ally Triforce. As the deck's name imply, the goal is to synchro it with Doriado as a synchro material to get all three effects: a trap insulation effect (similar to Pitch-Black Warwolf), a revival effect (special summon light monsters from the graveyard), and a burn infect (inflict damage equal to the ATK of destroyed monsters). Because I need three monster to get to it (Doriado, Birdman and a lvl1), Doppelwarrior is a wasteful use of my other monsters just to get the token, but Dandylion is an obvious option. Circeus (talk • :Contributions/Circeus|contribs]]) 16:17, September 2, 2011 (UTC)

You could use Genex Blastfan with Summoner Monk and take out the Tour Guides because of the new Xyz Rulings. Sangan or Mystic Tomato can search Monk out. Mystic Tomato can search your other DARKs as well, meaning it may not be a bad thing to add. As for the Frog Engine, you can use the Plant Engine with Treeborn to fill in the lv 1 gap better or add 2-3 Genex Undine and 2-3 Genex Controller instead of Swap Frog to dump Treeborn. Also, Genex Searcher or Genex Neutron can search out your key cards as well. I would keep Preparation of Rites so you can get Doriado more easily. Shrink isn't really needed at all, and can be replaced with a third MST or something else. These are only a few suggestions, so go with what you like. I hope this helped you! :D Synchro Maniac10 (talkcontribs) 18:16, September 3, 2011 (UTC)

Actually, the Tour Guides still work fine: I need Djinn in the graveyard more than I want to use Sangan in this deck! Right now the build has Genex Neutron, which I found to work pretty well. Preparation of Rites require that I have the spell in my graveyard when I draw it. It never worked in the original version, and I don't see why it would now. I'll see about tweaking around with the Undine/controller/frog combo. I probably ought to add a Black Luster Boy while I'm at it... Circeus (talkcontribs) 20:28, September 4, 2011 (UTC)

NO, you don't have to add the spell for Preparation of Rites! xD The key words are, "then, you CAN add..." meaning this effect is OPTIONAL! That's pretty much the best way to search for Doriado, besides Sangan. Anyways, I played this deck with another version and I forgot all about searching out the Djinns. :P Yeah, Tour Guide works, but I don't see Neutron... just Power Planner. I just like Neutron better personally. The Blastfan/Monk combo seems to work pretty well. You can try it and see if you like it or not. Like I said, you still always have the plant engine... Synchro Maniac10 (talkcontribs) 03:41, September 5, 2011 (UTC)

O, and Genex Ally Axel may not be a bad card to tech in if you use Genex Neutron.

The version I've been fooling around with was not the one posted. I've been having awful draw with it though (could get my Tour Guides, so never a Djinn in the graveyard when I need it!). I chose to keep a Power Planner because without the frogs, I _really_ need the lvl 1s! I may reconsider Preparation of Rites, in the end... Circeus (talkcontribs) 04:32, September 5, 2011 (UTC)

See, you need all your pieces together, so I would use Preparation if I were you. Have you tried to throw in Blastfan as a searcher? With 2 Summoner Monk and 1-2 Mystic Tomato or Genex Searchers, that engine isn't too bad, surprisingly. You can summon Rank 4 Xyz and Arcanite Magician (with Birdman) quite easily. Also, the plant engine does mix with the frogs quite well, if you wanna give it a shot. Is Genex Ally Axel working for you? How about you give me your current list? Synchro Maniac10 (talkcontribs) 13:11, September 5, 2011 (UTC)

I am REALLY unwilling to insert a Blastfan engine OR Searcher when I can search with Power Planner or Neutron (if I go that way) just as efficiently. The summoner/tomato+blastfan, in particular, takes up precious room without adding much to the Triforce, and why wouldn't I just get a Birdman directly anyway? I also personally don't like the -1 from summoner monk (plus level 4s tend to be detrimental to my goal of getting Triforce with Doriado! If I could I'd have only level 3s and 1!). Although I admit I could use more possibilities to spam the field, I'm not quite sure Summoner is the way to go. Circeus (talkcontribs) 03:31, September 6, 2011 (UTC)

In this deck, Summoner Monk is actually a +1! You trade one card (you use MANY spells) in your hand for one from your deck (+0) to get Blastfan, which gives you Birdman (+1)! Return Summoner, synchro a Lv 7 like Arcanite and repeat next turn, as long as you have a spell. In this case, you could also save Birdman and go for a Rank 4. Umm, the deck looks pretty solid though and the other searchers are really the only thing I can think of right now, besides the 2 Tour Guide and 3 Djinn. I don't get that. Doriado isn't normally on the field long enough for Djinn's effect to really help. I'd run 3 Tour Guide and 2 Djinn, since Guide's best run in 3's anyways. I'll keep working on it though, and may post my version if I touch it up enough. Synchro Maniac10 (talkcontribs) 22:55, September 7, 2011 (UTC)
"I don't get that. Doriado isn't normally on the field long enough for Djinn's effect to really help." It's not there "for the effect to help" (though if I had more to protect it I might bring it out just for it at times), but to make Doriado easier to get out in the first place. The problem with Summoner+Blastfan is that I can't think of anything in there that would be usefully replaced! I could chance getting rid of the Power Planners, but that means I have less cards that actually search Birdman (summoner and sangan, and that's assuming summoner doesn't get holed/solemned) AND less lvl1 making Triforce harder to summon! Circeus (talkcontribs) 00:45, September 8, 2011 (UTC)

Fair enough, just I would rather run 3 tour guide. As for the level 1 issue: FOCUS ON TREEBORN FROG and that should solve your level 1 gap problem. Take out things that this is used for, because treeborn is reusable. The searching for Birdman is fine if you focus on using Blastfan to search him. This deck would actually be ok with no traps, except maybe Treacherous Trap Hole, like most decks that run Treeborn. Like you said, the main issue is space. I will post my version shortly for your reference. ^_^ Synchro Maniac10 (talkcontribs) 23:32, September 8, 2011 (UTC)