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Forum:Black Valley Deck

Hey guys can you help give edits and suggestions to the deck below?

--Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 19:22, May 29, 2011 (UTC)


K, so I tested the deck out and it works quite well. I still want to know how to improve it, if you all don't mind. --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 23:48, May 29, 2011 (UTC)

I'd try an drop Blackwing - Jin the Rain Shadow, & maybe 1 of the bora, for another Genex Ally Birdman & a Blackwing - Zephyrus the Elite-Resk ✩ (Talk) 00:17, May 30, 2011 (UTC)

This reminds me of my new deck-Forum:OP + OP = Simorgh. I wouldn't use Jin - just use three Blizzard. I used Dragunities instead of Mist Valleys (more power) and used three Simorghs. I would suggest using Delta Crow - Anti Reverse because aside from being an amazing card, after you clear the field you can use Simorgh and your opponent won't have any more Traps. I don't think that Genex Ally Birdman is really necessary either but I could be wrong.BobaFett2 (talk)

True, Delta Crow - Anti Reverse is always good, just Genex Ally Birdman is really nice with Tengu, & you ,may want an avarice to use on the tengus-Resk ✩ (Talk) 00:38, May 30, 2011 (UTC)
Well I guess I could get rid of the Jin, but how would I summon Vortex? And Boba I had no idea you were building a deck like this, minus the Mist Valleys.

Vortex the Whirlwind is a good card but it's not the best. I'm not entirely sure how to work this, I'll get back to you with ideas tomorrow.BobaFett2 (talk)

Vortex is only really summoned from a Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame searching a Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor usually-Resk ✩ (Talk) 10:53, May 30, 2011 (UTC)
Added some of the suggestions and any more? --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 16:11, May 30, 2011 (UTC)
Safe Zone. Read it & see.-Resk ✩ (Talk) 17:15, May 30, 2011 (UTC)


I like Safe Zone and I knew about it, but now the deck is a little card heavy, so suggestions on what to take out? (Latest Version at top of page)--Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 18:06, May 30, 2011 (UTC)

TBH, i'd drop 1 Dark Simorgh, & the 2 Black Return, putting you at 18/10/11, then you can stick in a Torrential Tribute-Resk ✩ (Talk) 18:17, May 30, 2011 (UTC)

Go with triple Simorgh and triple Anti Reverse. It's awesome.BobaFett2 (talk)

I dropped the Black Returns, I wasn't able to use them much in my test duels anyway, but I want to keep 2 Simorgh, and 2 Anti Reverse. Should I keep the MST or should I replace it with an Anti Reverse? I kinda wanna keep it, but Anti Reverse destroys more. Or should I drop the MST all together? Thoughts? --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 18:49, May 30, 2011 (UTC)
Mystical Space Typhoon is kinda outdated now, as there are just too many Sets to use it on consistantly, so yeah, drop 'em-Resk ✩ (Talk) 18:52, May 30, 2011 (UTC)
Should add in another Anti Reverse, or just drop the MST?

More Anti-Reverse, and click the "keep me signed in" box.BobaFett2 (talk)

Well what should I take out then for another Anti Rev? --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 23:09, May 30, 2011 (UTC)

Tested Again

Ok, so I played a Dragon deck and Lightsworns and got creamed, but it did beat a Grave keeper, any suggestions, to at least hold off my opponent a little more, guys? I'm not asking for a perfect deck to counter everything, but to at least slow my opponent down a little more. Still kind a slow though. --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 00:32, May 31, 2011 (UTC)

Oh, and before I forget. You guys are the best. (Resk and Boba), this deck wouldn't be as great as it is without your help. --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 00:35, May 31, 2011 (UTC)

I've been told that Black Return is not great, but it serves as a Compulsory (which can be awesome in today's meta due to the ability to get rid of a Synchro Monster) and gives you life points. It may or may not work.BobaFett2 (talk)

I can't think of a way to play the level 9 Syncs or am I missing something> If I can't play them I'll replace, but could you guys look at the deck too. Every way I think of is not probable. --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 00:51, June 1, 2011 (UTC)
Nope, no effeciant way in the deck, as your monsters are 4, and your tuners are 3 for the most part, so all you can hit is 10 or 11 for 3 monster syncro-Resk ✩ (Talk) 00:57, June 1, 2011 (UTC)
I replaced them with 2 level 8's. Anything else guys? --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 03:24, June 1, 2011 (UTC)

QQ/Tested once more

The only monster I can summon with Shura's effect is Gale, because Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North can't be Special summoned. So, any suggestions? I like having the 2 Blizzard, and I'm thinking of replacing one of the Shura. Any thoughts? --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 01:30, June 5, 2011 (UTC)

Also, the deck runs really well. --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 01:30, June 5, 2011 (UTC)

That's true, forgot shura was usually just for Vayu, perhaps drop a shura for a Mist Valley Falcon?-Resk ✩ (Talk) 09:42, June 5, 2011 (UTC)

K, replaced and just so you know, I added a Allure of Darkness. --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk) 12:42, June 5, 2011 (UTC)