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Forum:Damage Step problem

Damage Step problem

At "Sub-step 3" in "Breakdown of the Battle Phase" page it says that "The turn player has the priority to respond with Spell Speed 2 cards now.".Isn't that wrong? The right is "The turn player has the priority to respond with Spell Speed 2 cards that modify ATK and/or DEF", right?

Yup. Spell Speed 3 cards can also be used to respond too, provided the timing is right. --Gadjiltron 11:33, 2 October 2008 (UTC)

My question isn't answered yet. --ATEMVEGETA 3:10, 2 October 2008

  • He answered your question with a "Yup" =P. The Battle Phase guide does say that it has to be a Spell Speed 2 card that modifies Atk and/or Def, but it doesn't state that until 2 lines later. -- Sub 12:51, 2 October 2008 (UTC)

THANK YOU. I didn't understand it first. --ATEMVEGETA 4:18, 2 October 2008

I have 1 more question. Why "Creeping Doom Manta"'s effect is continuous and in Japanese rulings is trigger? ATEMVEGETA 08:21, 10 October 2008 (UTC)

Mistake, fixed. Danny Lilithborne 05:40, 10 October 2008 (UTC)

But also it said in "Creeping Doom Manta"'s rulings. ATEMVEGETA 8:57, 2 October 2008

The other Trap-stopping cards have the exact same rulings, and they contradict Konami's rulings. I don't know what to tell you there. Danny Lilithborne 06:02, 10 October 2008 (UTC)

And UDE also says it."This is a Continuous Effect that you cannot chain to." ATEMVEGETA 9:03, 10 October 2008 (UTC)

Which makes total sense considering the "continuous effect" disappears once it resolves. The ruling makes no sense. Ignore it. Danny Lilithborne 06:09, 10 October 2008 (UTC)

Similiar happen at crystal beasts rulings while you have "Macro Cosmos" or "Dimensional Fissure" face-up. In OCG rulings it says:"If a "Crystal Beast" is not sent to the Graveyard when it is destroyed (eg. destroyed by "Bottomless Trap Hole" or destroyed while "Macro Cosmos" is active), you cannot place it in a Spell & Trap Card Zone.". But in TCG rurings it says:"If "Macro Cosmos", "Banisher of the Light", "Dimensional Fissure" or "Banisher of the Radiance" is face-up on the field when a "Crystal Beast" monster is destroyed, you can use its effect and still place it in your Spell & Trap Card Zone.". ATEMVEGETA 9:19, 10 October 2008 (UTC)


1) I activate "Magical Hats" during my opponent's Battle Step and I special summon "Ojamagic" and "Ojama Delta Hurricane!!". Can I then activate "Super Polymerization" and fuse them to summon "Ojama Knight"? I think I can.

2) I have 1400 LP. and my opponent attacks me directly with his "Reaper of the Cards" and I left with 20 LP. Then I activate "Solemn Judgment". Now I have 10 LP. Then I activate another "Solemn Judgment" and I have 5 LP. Then another one and now I have 3 LP left(rounded up). Then I activate "Return from the Different Dimension". 2 LP left(rounded up). Then another and leaves me with only 1 LP. Can I then activate another 1 card that halfs my LP (and still have 1 LP because of rounded up) or not because I can't pay the cost? I think I cannot.

3) Both I and my opponent have a face-up "Stumbling". My opponent also has a face-down "Trap Hole". I normal summon "Breaker the Magical Warrior". Which card's effect activates first, which second, which third and when my opponent can activate his "Trap Hole".

4) I have 2 "Jar of Greed" face-down and it's my standby phase. I chose to activate 1 "Jar of Greed" and my opponent negates it with "Solemn Judgment". Can I then activate the other "Jar of Greed" forming a new chain during my standby phase or the main phase comes out immediately after the first chain resolves. ATEMVEGETA 3:14, 10 October 2008 (UTC)

  • I think you should make new threads for each of these questions. Danny Lilithborne 03:35, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
1) It should be possible. Also, due to translation problems, you should also be able to use "Ojamuscle", since its Japanese name ("Ojamassuru") contains "Ojama".
2) You can. You pay .5 LP, and then your LP are rounded up to 1.
3) See SEGOC. "Breaker the Magical Warrior" and your copy of "Stumbling" would be Chain Links 1 & 2, in whichever order you wish (since they are mandatory Trigger effects). Your opponent's copy of "Stumbling" goes on Chain Link 3. At this point, you can chain to "Stumbling", and if you don't, then your opponent can activate "Trap Hole". After this, you resolve the chain backwards, as normal.
4) The Standby Phase works the same way as the End Phase (groan). After that chain, you have Priority and can activate "Jar of Greed" in response to the chain ending. If you don't use Priority, it's still the Standby Phase and you can activate it after Priority. If you pass, your opponent can respond - if he passes, both players have passed, so you move on to the Main Phase.
--Deus Ex Machina (Talk) 03:52, 11 October 2008 (UTC)

OK. Thank you. The real reason of the 3rd question was to clear up if you can chain to the last chain link of a SEGOC.

Also if the links of a SEGOC contains only optional effects (eg. chain link 1 TP's optional effect, chain link 2 NTP's optional effect). In that case when the NTP can activate his "Trap Hole"? Can he activate it after the TP's optional effect without activating his optional effect? But if that so no SEGOC is created. Or the optional effects creates automatically the SEGOC and then he can chain it to chain link 1's effect? ATEMVEGETA 8:31, 11 October 2008 (UTC)

  • Err, sorry, I'm having some trouble understanding the question.
    If it's only Optional effects, then the Optional effects have to come first. Then players can respond.
    If you choose not to activate your Optional effect and then your opponent responds with "Trap Hole", you cannot then choose to activate the Optional effects.
    If each player has one Optional effect, and the NTP doesn't activate his effect, then only the TP's effect would activate and it would start a chain. The NTP can then respond with his cards, as he normally can with a chain.
    --Deus Ex Machina (Talk) 22:56, 12 October 2008 (UTC)

So. If I understand correct then it goes like this: eg. TP has an optional and a mandatory effect, NTP has also an optional and a mandatory effect and all are trying to activate at the same time. TP also has a face-down trap card. Then SEGOC is created. Chain link 1 automatically becomes TP's mandatory effect. Chain link 2 automatically becomes NTP's mandatory effect. Then Chain link 3 becomes TP's optional effect if he wants to activate it, if he don't then Chain link 3 becomes NTP's optional effect but if he don't want to activate it then the trap card can be chained to NTP's mandatory effect and becomes chain link 3. Correct? ATEMVEGETA 8:20, 13 October 2008 (UTC)

  • Right. Also, if TP activates his Optional effect, NTP's optional effect can still be activated as Chain Link 4. --Deus Ex Machina (Talk) 19:25, 13 October 2008 (UTC)

OK. Thanks. ATEMVEGETA 10:37, 13 October 2008 (UTC)