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Forum:Need help building jurrac deck

Revision as of 20:52, 13 November 2011 by Adam Stachowiak (talk)
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I need some constructive help on building a jurrac deck. Here is what I have so far in ideas.


Jurrac Velo X2

Jurrac Guaiba X3

Jurrac Herra X2

Jurrac Monoloph X3

Jurrac Aeolo X2

Black Ptera X2

Jurrac Gallim X2

Jurrac Protops X2

Jurrac Dino X2

Effect Veiler X2

Extra deck

Jurrac Giganoto X2

Jurrac Velphito X1

Evolzar Laggia X3

Stardust Dragon x1

Number 39: Utopia X2

Scrap Dragon X2


Fossil Dig X3

Book of Moon X1

Forbidden Chalice X2

Forbidden Lance X2

Shrink X2

Enemy Controller X2

Mystical Space Typhoon X2

Double Summon X2

One for One X2


starlight Road X2

Spell Reclamation X2

Trap Reclamation X2

Hunting Instinct x3

Call of the Haunted X2

So give me some changes and deck ideas.

Forgot to add foolish burial

Foolish Burial x3

BobaFett says use Template:Decklist. "Foolish Burial" is Limited.
Don't use "Jurrac Herra", "Black Ptera", or "Jurrac Protops". This Deck is designed to be aggressive with Spell/Trap support to gain advantage through effects. I wouldn't suggest Monoloph either, even if you can permanently boost its ATK. Try some support monsters like Gorz or "Super-Ancient Dinobeast" instead.
Use more Staple Synchros if you can, and use "Evolzar Dolkka". It's good.
Avoid "Double Summon". It doesn't help. Don't use "Hunting Instinct" because it's situational and you don't have anything worth Summoning. Don't use either Reclamation. They only work once and cost you two cards for one. I'd suggest some Staples like "Mirror Force" and "Bottomless Trap Hole".
Designless Square (talkcontribs) 00:41, October 17, 2011 (UTC)
Foolish Burial is Limited. Anyhow, everything he says. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 13:56, October 17, 2011 (UTC)

Here's the deck I currently use it works, it's quite wuick and agressive but the main problem is the Guaiba-dependance. Also, I never loose when I manage to summon Laggia in the first or second turn. Good luck :)

Staples... you choose

Extra Deck:

Wakeuptome (talk) 15:26, October 17, 2011 (UTC)

Jurrac Titano isn't very good. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 16:39, October 17, 2011 (UTC)

You'd be surprised. Although he needs Stauriko to use it properly, Titano is pretty hard to kill, particularly in builds that abuse Forbidden Lance. Plants have Trish and BRD, Twilight has Honest and JD, Agents have Trish and Honest, Dark World has nothing, Monarchs have Dark Dust Spirit and Soul Exchange, and Heroes have Abs0/Great Tornado. Evolzar Dolkka locks out many of these. (talk) 18:19, October 17, 2011 (UTC)

I am the owner of this deck idea .Double summon is good for getting out synchros or XYZs, jurrac herra is a defense mechanism. I see that you think this is a defensive build even tough it is an offensive archetype. I could run cards that are more offensive but still can counter meta decks.However, some cards must stay for this idea to come into motion. What do you think about running an offensive/ semi-antimeta Jurrac deck ideas?

Use : and :: to space your response, not actual spaces. Double Summon isn't necessary, since Guaiba can get Material for you at no cost. You should be playing everything in face-up ATK, and attacking with it. Jurracs have fast tribals, high consistency, high drawpower, big Extra Deck plays, and good ATK. These are (most of) the attributes of a Meta Deck. Making them anti-Meta would be doable, but self-defeating since they too are reliant on battle, Special Summons, and the Graveyard. (talk) 02:27, October 20, 2011 (UTC)

I guess people are right on double summon I guess. There really is no cost to double summon I see. for example, summon a Jurrac Guaiba, use double summon get out a tuner and synchro on first turn. I will not run double summon if people can really point out the true flaws of this card compared to Jurrac Guaiba. Also,black ptera is good for synchro summoning because it returns to the hand after it is sent, it also runs well with scrap dragon creating a loop. I would see a problem with hand clogging, trying to tribute for a monster just to get stuck with ptera again. If I am going to run Gorz, how many? Would there be a time in this deck that I would have no cards on the field besides the aftermath of Jurrac Meteor? Speaking of Meteor should I run it? In my mind the only salvageable combo is with the tuner summoning is that you use Life Stream dragon to directly attack your opponent. I should run Titano because it is a very good beat stick. I should run starlight road to protect my monsters and get a free stardust. I guess hunting instinct is a good card, it gets the controller of the card a response to an opponents special summon potentially running over their plan. It really is not very situational in this deck because most of the monsters are dinosaurs and can be special summoned by this effect. Running book of moon will help Jurrac Velphito but is there an alternative? I need it for opponent's monsters.Give me your thoughts.

We already have. You have one less card than you started with and a Synchro Monster isn't hard to get rid of. Black Ptera isn't going to help because it's slow. Gorz is Limited. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 00:27, October 21, 2011 (UTC)

Let's start this all over. Here is my new and edited deck based off your ideas.

Also, I don't know how to do the wiki deck thing that appears for characters' decks.


Gorz X1

Jurrac Guaiba X3

Jurrac Velo X3

Jurrac aeleo X2

Effect veiler X2

Jurrac Dino X2

Gilasaurus X2

Jurrac protops X2

Jurrac Herra X1

Jurrac Monoloph X2

Super ancient dino beast X2

Jurrac titano X1


Fossil dig X3


one for one X2

Book of moon X1

Forbidden chalice X2

Forbidden lance X2

shrink X2


Star light road X2

Trap stun X2

Call of the haunted X2

hunting instinct X2

Extra deck:

stardust dragon X2

Scrap dragon X1

Jurrac Giganoto X2

Jurrac Velphito X1

number 39: Utopia X1

Evolzar Laggia X3

Evolzar Dolkka X2

One for one isn't worth running. there are easy enough ways to pull Aeolo, and if you really want to have something with him I would recomend Rekindling over one for one.
I would bring shrink up to three, but that's just personal preference speaking.
Jurrac Stauriko may seem like a defensive card, but the tokens can set you up for an easier time syncroing, and he's just about the only monster you should be setting in this deck, so it'll give you something to go into Herra with. (though you could always book of moon one of your monsters in response to an attack if you would rather pull herra, than use Velo's effect, or something like that.)
I have a variation on a Jurrac deck that runs Ultimate Baseball Kid over the usual Jurrac Boss monsters, using the field swarm of the Jurassic to power him up. since you don't seem all that interested in running the Jurrac bosses, and instead seem to be attempting a sort of Jurrac Synchro deck, I would recomend swapping Monoloph, and Protops for Ultimate Baseball kid, since both Monoloph and Protops are really not so great...
Velphito is pretty terrible as well by the way...
If you REALLY want to use Hunting instinct, consider running Ojama Trio, or Jurrac Spinos or even Lava Golem if you can run him over reliably (though it could be risky if they can stop you from killing it since it can pretty much run over the entire deck...).
Adam Stachowiak (talkcontribs) 15:56, October 26, 2011 (UTC)
Velphito's actually quite good: it will have low ATK, sure, but it's at no cost with Guaiba and you get a nice effect. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 16:38, October 26, 2011 (UTC)
Catastor is MUCH better than Velphito, (unless you build your deck around reducing levels to sync for velphito with something really strong, but if you have the resources to do that, then he's probably not the best choice...) and Catastor has the same level. Really nothing good to say about Velphito... if you really want to go into a sync with Guaiba, the use his effect to summon Dino, and bring out Jurrack Giganoto with a minimum of +200 for all of your Jurracs. Adam Stachowiak (talkcontribs) 16:52, October 26, 2011 (UTC)
I agree with you, but Velphito has a nice effect that Catastor doesn't have - it destroys monsters like Ryko without flipping them face-up. If you're dueling Worms, it's killer. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 16:54, October 26, 2011 (UTC)
Aren't the Ally of justice kind of specifically built to deal with Worms? Anyway, if you have the room in your extra deck, then by all means run Velphito... Just don't go into him unless the situation COMPLETELY calls for it. Adam Stachowiak (talkcontribs) 17:06, October 26, 2011 (UTC)
Sure, but Catastor's effect doesn't affect face-down monsters - that's what I'm saying. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 17:54, October 26, 2011 (UTC)

Should I run Sauropod Brachion? Should I change to a Evol/Jurrac deck? Sould I run Evolzar sollde?

Don't run Sauropod, I honestly don't see how you could use him effectively without building a deck around his effect. Stick with Jurrac in the main deck, but if you can hit them, then you can definitely use ALL the Evol XYZ. (talk) 04:04, October 29, 2011 (UTC)

Is running Genex ally birdman a good idea? Its a good level 3 tuner for the deck. Also, does anyone know any good level 4 tuners? I need some to get some to get out stardust dragon.

Birdman is good, but it's hard to say whether it's good in this deck... As for level four tuners, there's always Flamvell Magician. He works especially well if you're doing a JurracVell build, since you would be using Rekindling, and Flamvell Firedog already. Of course if you're doing this purely for Stardust, this is where I must admit that Jurrac Velphito is actually fairly decent. If you can hit him, and break out another level 3 tuner (or have one left over) then there you go! Of course if you'd like to break out stardust even easier, there's always Jurrac Gallim. He's not particularly great, but his even level makes stardust (and other level 8s and 6s... and even 4s if you're running Jurrac Stauriko!) as easy as busting out a Jurrac Herra. Speaking of Herra, and Gallim, combining their effects is easy enough, and can result in not only a minus 1 for your opponent even if they pitch a card to negate the destruction, but Herra can end up giving you the field advantage as well.Adam Stachowiak (talkcontribs) 20:52, November 13, 2011 (UTC)