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Forum:Shooting Star-Red Nova.... Fish? ~~Akiza

I'm sure that you've all seen Jack and Yusei's new dragons. Scar-Red Nova Dragon, and Shooting Star Dragon, respectively. Both are incredible monsters that can win duels in one turn. On the other hand, each is incredibly hard to Summon... or are they?

As long as I have Deepsea King on the field, I can usually Summon my pick of Shooting Star Dragon or Scar-Red Nova Dragon. Here's the combo.

Shooting Star Dragon:
Discard one card to Special Summon Royal Swamp Eel, Golden Flying Fish, Oyster Meister, and Fishborg Blaster. Tune Royal Swamp Eel to Golden Flying Fish, Synchro Summoning Stardust Dragon. Then, use Oyster Meister and Fishborg Blaster to Synchro Summon an Armory Arm, recieving a Token from the Meister. Discard a card to resurrect the Fishborg Blaster, then tune it with your Oyster Token, for Formula Synchron and drawing a card. Finally, tune Formula Synchron with Stardust Dragon. This leaves you with Deepsea King Coelacanth, Shooting Star Dragon, and an Armory Arm.
Scar-Red Nova Dragon:
Discard your card to Special Summon two copies of Oyster Meister and Fishborg Blaster each. Tune a Fishborg with Coelacanth to Synchro Summon Red Dragon Archfiend. Follow this up with an Armory Arm, using one Oyster Meister and your other Fishborg (This gets you a Level 1 Oyster Token). Next, bring back a Fishborg Blaster by discarding a card, and tune it with the Oyster Token for a Formula Synchron, allowing you to draw a card. Ressurect that Fishborg again, then tune it with Oyster Meister for a second Armory Arm and an Oyster Token. You have to equip the Armory Arm to its twin at this point, for field space reasons. This leaves you room to bring back that little Fishborg again, tuning it with the Oyster Token for a second Formula Synchron, and a second draw. Lastly, you get to tune both Formula Synchrons to Red Dragon Archfiend, resulting in the Scar-Red Nova Dragon, and a 2800 ATK Armory Arm.

Monsters: Whew! Now that that's out of the way, lets explain the other monsters. Coelacanth does... the above stuff. Deep Diver finds him quickly, and Royal Swamp Eel is a Level 4 Tuner, along with a decent beatstick if needed. Golden Flying Fish is removal at the cost of another fish, working excellently with Oyster Meister. Fishborg Blaster, as you read above, just doesn't like to die. He constantly comes back for more Synchros, and is fueled by Formula Synchrons and Pots of Avarice. Nimble Sunfish is deck thinning that lets me dump a Fishborg if needed, and he replaces himself when he dies. Phantom of Chaos can copy the Deepsea King, resulting in an unexpected Shooting Star Dragon.

Spells: Mausoleum of the Emporer lets me Summon my King without Tributes, and Terraforming lets me do that sooner. Heavy Storm and Giant Trunade sweep the board clear of threats before one of my two Dragons beats my opponent into the ground, and Pot of Avarice works very well with the constant Synchroing and graveyard filling. Gold Sarcophagus gets my Deepsea King to my hand from which he jumps onto the field, and MST is a staple. Foolish Burial combos with Fishborg or Phantom of Chaos.

Traps: Really not much to say here. Call of the Haunted ressurects my King for another round of Shooting Star/Scar-Red spamming, and Mirror Force slaps my opponent when i'm a turn away from pulling off my combo. Bottomless Trap Hole stops threats before they can attack, and Starlight Road not only protects my Field Spell, but gives me a Stardust to Synchro with.

Please give suggestions on how to improve this deck.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 01:35, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

Very cool! >:D My friend (Peshkatz) used an almost exactly similar combo to make a fish OTK deck using a similar concept, but he synchroed Powertool and Mist Wurm; LoL we called it S.A.D.Koala OTK (super ancient's namesake). I believe the decklist was probably the same with the exception of Fishborg Blaster actually being Metabo Shark and Pot of Avarice being Megamorph, United We Stand, and Mage Power. And I don't think he had Gold Sarc though if he did he probably would've used it, these were probably replaced with Cold Wave and some other equip card, I don't remember. Other than that I like the deck. =] Great thing about it is that all it takes to use is Mausoleum and SADKoala to pull off, just like my friend's deck. Now all you need are Formula and the two Boss Monsters. xD u5h3ra1i' Relished Saber Player 02:12, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

Nice job the deck looks perfect.Raventheblack (talkcontribs) 05:06, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks. After a few test runs, i've really only held one noticable problem: Maintaining field control until I can pull off my massive Synchro combos. I'm debating on adding Fish Depth Charges to get rid of annoying cards, and dig for Coelacanth and Mausoleum faster. Any thoughts?--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 05:12, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

Piece of Art

dude your combo is awesome, i mean, u make yusei look like a fool for takin 3 episodes in summoning SSD. I still dont know if u can tune 2 formula synchrons with RDA, cause these arent just tuners, they are synchro tuners. well, aside that the fact that these monsters die with a dimensional prison/burial from a D.D.(while attacked)/compulsory, the combos are one of the bests i seen in a long time. Pato M (talkcontribs) 05:18, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

Burial from a Different Dimension is Limited as of now, so that shouldn't pose too much of a threat. Dimensional Prison, however, will be a huge pain.

EDIT: I removed Mirror Force for Torrential Tribute. It clears the field of ALL monsters, and it has more of a hair-trigger for if i'm in a pinch. Then I just use the Mausoleum to Summon my Deepsea King next turn, and.... win.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 05:22, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

Very nice. I suggest you add two Deep Sea Divas. These Divas can summon Scar-Red-Nova if RDA is on your field. Also, an Urgent Tuning to add wouldn't be bad, you could smack down your opponent a little, then finish them off with direct attacks from Shooting Star and Scar-red. Drew-Gi-Oh! (talkcontribs) 18:26, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

Attacking with Shooting Star and Scar-Red themselves will usually be enough to finish my opponent off. Notice that I get to keep an Armory Arm after each combo. As for Diva... I'll probably have spent my Normal Summon on the Coelacanth already, so I probably won't be Summoning her in the same turn.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 18:32, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

Adding a Moray of Greed may help you draw into your key cards while putting the fish monsters you want to summon from Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth's effect into your deck. Scipik (talkcontribs) 18:57, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

I thought about it, but I went with Pot of Avarice instead.. If you can suggest something to remove, I might though.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 21:18, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

Since Mausoleum of the Emperor is just for Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth, Try Star Blast since you pay less and your opponent can't use it.--Helix-king (talkcontribs) 04:35, June 29, 2010 (UTC)

I would, but it also lowers the Level of my Coelacanth for the turn. That means I wouldn't be able to bring out Scar-Red in the same round.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 05:40, June 29, 2010 (UTC)

Ah, sorry. I red the Shooting star paragraph a was impressed so I didn't read the others. My Bad. XP --Helix-king (talkcontribs) 05:46, June 29, 2010 (UTC)

I understand. It's quite the read. But do you have any thoughts on what I should remove for Fish Depth Charge? The more I think about it, the more I think it will work well.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 06:42, June 29, 2010 (UTC)

Since I first read shooting stars page I first thought about abusing the effect of deepsea king. Thanks for that deck, it looks really good. I've never come further than adding oyster meister^^

As for the replacement: I'd remove 1 pot of avarice, at the wrong time it could end in a badly dead draw. Since you can also destroy with Fish Depth Charge you could think about throwing out 1 or even both bottomless. -dest- (talkcontribs) 09:33, June 29, 2010 (UTC)

I've never had a situation where I can't use Pot of Avarice. With the constant Synchro Summoning, Nimble Sunfish milling, and Coelacanth discarding, I'm always glad drawing Pot of Avarice.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 10:24, June 29, 2010 (UTC)

then you could replace either deep diver or gold sarc, don't you think that just one of those 2 things are enough for searching? (at least with draw power of fish depth charge)

Else I can't think of throwing away anything within your deck^^ -dest- (talkcontribs) 11:33, June 29, 2010 (UTC)

EDIT: I ended up removing Starlight Road and Terraforming for the two Charges. You're probably right that I have enough search power, so I'll probably have my Field Spell within the second or third turn regardless. Starlight Road didn't actually help much, since I didn't care if my Field Spell was destroyed, and Shooting Star Dragon has his own negation.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 16:03, June 29, 2010 (UTC)

I'm debatin gon removing a Phantom of Chaos and Foolish Burial to add in two Moray of Greeds... They thin the deck out by one card, and put extra combo pieces back in the deck. Any opinions?--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 06:16, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

Keep phantom and drop Burial.--Helix-king (talkcontribs) 06:34, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

Well I never seem to find a use for both Phantoms, one is usually enough. Every time I've had both in hand at the same time, it was unnecessary. I'll try removing a single Phantom of Chaos and the Foolish Burial, then tell how it went.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 07:42, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

own someone has copied my strategy but i couldn't summon red nove...also if yoiu summon shooting star dragon you will not attack with it.

Please explain how I "copied" your strategy... In addition, why won't I attack with Shooting Star Dragon?--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 19:04, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

i am really sorry...i had put it on "shooting star dragon"'s tip and someone delated it...its the same way...two monsters to synchro stardust and "fishborg blaster" with the token given with "oister maister"s token.shooting star dragon can't attack see it in the rullings. i don think it could attack if all your tuners are in the graveyard. you know.... Royal Swap Eel and "fish borg blaster".so try to use "pot of avarice".

sorry...what you can't do, is to active it's effect.because all your tuner are in the you can only attack once.

I already play 3 Pots of Avarice, if you didn't know...--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 00:43, July 1, 2010 (UTC) OHWW SORRY

Use your Torrential Tribute when you summon SRND. Since it can't be destroyed by card effects AND it gains at least 1000 ATK, you can clear the field easily for a direct attack. Also, use a Starlight Road or two. It's effect comes in handy and can summon Stardust Dragon quickly for easy access to SSD.

I'm aware of clearing the field when Scar-Red hits the field. As for Starlight Road, there isn't much in this deck that I need to protect. Mausoleum is near-useless to me once I get my Coelacanth out.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 23:30, July 25, 2010 (UTC)

Guess you're right about Starlight Road...your two trump cards will be hard to destroy because of their effects. Grr! Your deck makes my idea of a deck like this crumble. Except it doesn't use fish (sorry if that insulted you).

I would not use Gold Sarcophagus. If you must, at most I'd say 1. It's kinda slow when you want to finish your opponent quickly...try using other searching power. As for now, replace 1 Gold Sarcophagus with 1 Mirror Force. Really helpful and annoying.

I'm fine with staying alive for two turns in order to search the Deepsea King. Nimble Sunfish and Fish Depth Charge provide the defensive power I need. Running both Sarcophagus' gives me as much search power as possible to grab the kingpin.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 01:19, July 26, 2010 (UTC)

As for your Moray of Greed...take your Golden Flying Sunfishes (is that what it's called?) for another Level 4 Fish-type WATER monster. And then you could use moray of greed. But seeing as how you have 3 Pot of Avarices and 3 of each type of monster required for your combo...If you can normally draw at least one Pot of Avarice a duel, I'd say replace a pot of avarice for a moray of greed. Whether or not you want to put more in will be your choice.

You said you hate Dimensional Prison? Well, anyone would. Anyway, for cards like those, throw in a Dark Bribe or Trap Jammer. Dark Bribe is more recommended because you can also negate cards like Swords of Revealing Light, The Dark Door, or cards that even bounce. Which reminds me, to counter cards like Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier you would need a Divine Wrath. But seeing as how your monsters are so easy to summon while maintaining hand advantage at the SAME TIME (grr), cards that bounce shouldn't be a problem for your deck.

Say...Since you know so much about this topic, could you give me some tips about my deck? It's on the Forum:Synchro Deck page titled Synchro Evolution. If you will, just leave your comments on that page. Thanks.

I tested that deck in the meantime... well, not exactly this, in WC 10 not all cards are available. I really missed formula, but I usually had enough cards even without it. Of course there was no shooting star or red nova, but it worked awsome well with other synchros (mainly use your shooting star combo for any lvl8 synchro (swamp el + golden) + armory arm (oyster + fishborg) + trishula for card removal (token + fishborg + Coelacanth))

I often missed some tributes and the field spell (and I had no Nimble Sunfish btw). I got rid of that by adding 2 Mother Grizzly who can search Unshaven Angler (also at 2). You were right, you have always enough monsters for pot of avarice in the grave. And I noticed that you really need all searching power in there to quickly get all the materials needed. As for Moray of Greed: Usually you should have all the stuff you need in the deck. If not for some reason there is one ore another way to bring that back with pot of avarice. If you decide to put it in you should substitute all 3 golden flying fish with unshaven angler and perhaps try out that combo with mother grizzly for easy tribute fodder. Perhaps you could throw out nimble sunfish completly, but I honestly have no idea how it works here so you should see yourself if you still need it. -dest- (talkcontribs) 15:56, July 27, 2010 (UTC)

I do like the idea for Unshaven Angler for Tribute fodder, so i'll swap out Golden Flying Fish for it. As for Nimble Sunfish, he mills Coelacanth for Phantom of Chaos/Call of the Haunted access.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 16:08, July 27, 2010 (UTC)

Try taking out a Mausoleum for a Star Blast. You would pay less life points anyway, and you could summon SSD the same way. If you want to summon SRND in the same round, summon your two Meisters, a Fishborg Blaster and then Royal Swamp Eel, using your Eel with the king to summon RDA, and continue to summon SRND. Do the same if... wait. Never mind. You can't synchro summon with Phantom of Chaos and Royal Swamp Eel. Sorry.

My biggest problem with Star Blast is that it's not re-usable like the Mausoleum is. The Field Spell stays ont the field in case I want to bring out another King.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 16:36, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

If you have 1 king, why would you need another? Especially since you can easily summon an overwhelming SRND with it. Instead of paying 2000 life to bring out another king, summon SRND for an extra 2000 ATK (2 Formulas and 2 Fishborgs). Besides, what I was thinking was taking out one or two Mausoleums for the same number of star blasts. You can still use both Mausoleum and Star Blast if you want to. Besides, with Star Blast your opponent can't use it against you. Also, if you bring out another king, your field might not be empty enough to summon SSD or SRND.

There's really nothing in todays Metagame that will be aided by Mausoleum, so my opponent won't get much use out of it. The reason I say that I can re-use it is because there's still a chance that SSD or SRND could be removed from play, bounced, or taken control of. If something like that happens, and I don't have another Star Blast in hand, i'll be in trouble. With Mausoleum still hanging around from the previous use, I can just pump out another Coelacanth on the draw.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 19:10, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

You're right about the fact that SSD or SRND could leave your field some other way, but in WC:2010 Reverse of Arcadia, a lot of my opponents used Mausoleum against me SO MUCH. It pretty much was the reason I lost. And anyway, can't you use Gold Sarcophagus to bring Star Blast to your hand? And I meant for you to use both Star and Mausoleum: i.e. 1 Star Blast and 2 Mausoleum. Still, I like the idea of at least one Star Blast.

Star Blast is still a loss of card advantage though. Anyway, what monsters did your opponent Summon in order to abuse Mausoleum? From what I can think of, there aren't many meta decks that would be able to turn the effect around on me.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 19:57, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

Evil Hero Dark Gaia (the character I was facing) summoned Evil Hero Malicious Edge and played Dark Calling to summon Evil Hero Dark Gaia with 6100 ATK. He killed my Dark Simorgh and then killed me. But a lot of my decks didn't really see the use of Mausoleum. It was just that the few times when I played Mausoleum, my opponent summoned a tribute monster using its effect. Now, I use a Star Blast in my Dark Simorgh Deck. I can't remember anything else when it was turned on me...and I guess Mausoleum could benefit in THIS deck because of the fact that you would have at least 1 monster with over 3000 ATK. And how did you test this deck? I thought Starstrike Blast wasn't released yet in America.

I wouldn't compare a dark simorg deck with this. The field spell is only played when you can actually summon red nova or shooting star. Both have the ability to negate attacks so even a dark gaia wouldn't be so much of a treat. (beside the fact, that a red nova can easily be a 6500++ attack beatstick, 2xfishborg + 2xformula + armory arm = at least +3k attack if nothing else is in the grave)

And it's always fun to watch your opponent paying 2k life and then chaining mst^^

btw, you can always test with proxied cards ;) -dest- (talkcontribs) 16:00, July 29, 2010 (UTC)

dest:what the heck are proxied cards?

you proxie a card by just printing it out or write the name on a pice of paper or something like that. So basicly it's a substitute for an original existing card if you don't have it (or if the card hasn't been released yet)

Of course not all opponents accept that, you should ask bevore using such a thing. And of course you can't use that in tournaments. -dest- (talkcontribs) 18:23, July 29, 2010 (UTC)

I either upload the deck to YVD (Virtual Dueling Desktop) or make the proxies out of plain white paper. I test them out against friends, or just goldfish them.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 18:57, July 29, 2010 (UTC)

What do you mean "goldfish" them? And can you actually create a deck on YVD using cards that haven't even been released yet?

Since your abusing mausoleum of the emperor you could side deck or maybe even main a light and darkness dragon. However since your focusing strictly on shooting star and red nova this might not work for you. It does work well in my mausoleum deck, especially first turn :) - online1

"Goldfishing" a deck is simply playing against an imaginary opponent, playing out the first few moves as if the opponent does nothing, or activates a few Traps.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 05:19, August 9, 2010 (UTC)

Hey...what if you use Megamorph/Supremacy Berry? Your life would probably be lower considering you paid 2000 to get Coelecanth out. You could double SSD or SRND's ATK, then when your opponent attacks it, remove the monster from play to negate the attack, destroying Megamorph. When it comes back, its attack will be normal. Supremacy Berry to get back the life points you lost.

If I need power, Scar-Red is usually enough. I also believe that I stated above saying that I don't want to spend one card to make up for the cost of another.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 00:12, August 12, 2010 (UTC)

At least side deck it. You never know when you will run into a Power Tool Dragon equipped with 3 Mage Powers, United We Stand, and Wicked Breaking Flamberge Baou. I've run into it a lot and lost (an epic loss, btw).

hi i have a Fish deck that can special summon Star-Red nova ...too..i used to use , "big wave samll wave" but then i change it with "Star blast" i know you don't use/need them but at the time of use the effect of mausoleum...sometimes my oppoennt destroyed it very easily...i think you could consider it...Also i know you make your deck very thin because sun fish...terra forming...but you could consider "Star blast"

If I did happen to run into a jack-ed up Power Tool Dragon, I could simply Synchro into Brionac, and bounce it back to their deck. As for Star Blast.... I've explained above why I prefer the Field Spell.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 01:38, August 12, 2010 (UTC)

How? Formula and Unshaven Angler? Btw, do you think a deck that combines Infernitys and Lightsworns would work well? Just a question, don't need the actual deck built because I'll build it myself.

Have you guys seen Jason's article on symbols of ceolacanth? It's more consistent. Zeroblizzard (talkcontribs) 14:16, August 12, 2010 (UTC)Zeroblizzard

Wait a don't HAVE Brionac, so how can you bounce it without one?

With "Star blast" you would paid 1500 life points...with mausuleum you are paying 2000...also WHAT A GOD IDEA!!..--DEEP DIVER" i will put it in my deck..thanks

I have a Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. I just didn't include it in the list. Anyway, Mausoleum has a re-usable effect, and is also searchable via Terraforming. In addition, there's nothing in the meta right now that would benefit from using my Field Spell against me.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 15:59, August 12, 2010 (UTC)

In my fish deck i use "royal decree", with it,my shooting star/red nova are safe of "torrentials" needle ceiling" dimensional prisons" "compulsorys" or "karma cut", etc

That might work. Hopefully Decree becomes Unlimited next Format, so i'll wait and see if I can add 3; even if the possibility is slight.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 18:22, August 14, 2010 (UTC)

so 1 "trap stun" and 2 "royal decree".

Yeah, I replaced Bottomless Trap Hole with Royal Decree, and Torrential Tribute with Trap Stun.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 21:47, August 14, 2010 (UTC)

actually I think trap stun might be even better than decree. Shooting star and Red Nova have a couple of self protection already, so you won't need that much trap negation. Decree also would only prevent the use of you CotH or fish charge. The only time where you really need trap protection is the time when you summon your combo. Nothing is worse than getting torrentialed with your 5 unsynchroed fish... -dest- (talkcontribs) 00:58, August 15, 2010 (UTC)

Of corse, Royal decree and trap stun are for your side deck.

I would take Fish Depth Charge out, and add 2 royal decree, also torrential is a good idea because sometimes you CAN'T draw Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth...XD

Did you not notice that there are already two Royal Decrees? And did you also not bother to sign your post? Both answers seem to be yes. --Drew-Gi-Oh! (talk) 05:20, August 15, 2010 (UTC)

oh yes...but you have changed it resently.

what about "Botomless trap hole" for "Fish Depth Charge". -- (talk) 13:39, August 15, 2010 (UTC)

What exactly is royal decree for? If you're not using Bottomless, at least use Lightning Vortex to clear your opponent's field. I can see the point of Trap Stun...Your deck seems just fine without the decrees. You could always use Dark Bribes...besides, you still have the protection of SSD and/or SRND.

Their protection doesn't help against Dimensional Prison, one of the commonly used Trap cards out there. I'm swapping out both Decrees for two more Trap Stuns though.

So what you're saying is...YOU'RE PUTTING IN THE DECREES FOR ONE CARD? Er.. sorry, trap stuns. Why don't you take out two of the stuns for Dark Bribes? You can negate something like Dark Core with the Dark Bribes you would have. And why don't you just add the bottomlesses and torrential back in? They're semi-limited and limited for a reason, you know.

now with the new ban list of september 2010, you will add "monster reborn" also, royal decree is unlimited.

  • eh one question in general, where can i find a "deep diver"?what i mean is, in what deck/structure deck can i find it? thanks aki

Dimensional Prison is a very commonly used card, although the Stuns also protect me from Compulsory Evacuation Device, Magic Cylinder, and Solemn Judgment. Bribe gives my opponent card advantage, and i'm not a generous person.

Unregistered User: Deep Diver was among the Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 promo cards.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 02:11, August 19, 2010 (UTC)

Then what card will you have to destroy opponents monsters by effects? What if you're opponent throws Marshmallon at you? And what about using Stampeding Destruction? SSD and SRND are dragons, and can destroy annoying cards like Dimensional Prison. Plus inflict 500 damage. (talk) 23:30, August 19, 2010 (UTC)

Fish Depth Charge comes to mind when thinking of destruction via effect. Stamping Destruction doesn't seem very consistent, since I have enough S/T negation/removal, plus I won't always have SSD or RND to cover it's cost.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 01:43, August 20, 2010 (UTC)

Ok, if you said trap stun was to stop cards like Solemn Judgment, your opponent could just chain Solemn Judgment

That's only if they want to stop Trap Stun. By activating Stun at the beginning of my own turn, the rest of my combo can proceed unhindered. You're correct in that they could chain Solemn to my Trap Stun, but that would force them to use Solemn to protect a different Trap that they have waiting. This would let me get rid of half of their LP, and a warning as to what lies ahead.--Akiza Izayoi (talkcontribs) 23:13, August 23, 2010 (UTC)

what would you suggest as a replacement for heavy storm since we're in the new format-- (talk) 07:16, November 28, 2010 (UTC)