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Forum:Gladiator Fusion

Alright so this is my current Gladiator Beast deck. I have used it against my friend on DN twice winning both times against his Crystal Beast and Heroic Decks. The idea of the deck is to stall/fight until I have at least one if not two G.B. Augusts cards in my hand. Then I can just tag out any G.B. monster or tribute Test Tiger to bring out the third and use the effects of the three to bring them all out with another G.B. monster from my hand. Then depending on what I need I can: XYZ for Sun Dragon or Gigatrainer, fuse for a Nerokius, or if you have the right monster a Gladiator Beast Gyzarus or Heraklinos. To get the two Augusts cards into my hand I tag out any G.B. monster for Samnite and destroy an opponent's monster with it to use its effect. Indomitable Gladiator Beast is there to help it actually win battles against monsters with less that 2100 attack or defense as well as to recycle any spent G.B. I have never gotten to use Gladiator Beast's Respite but it is in there so I can put two G.B.s who are better off in my deck (Samnite, Darius) to get three cards from your deck (hopefully an Augusts). Reinforcements is in there to get Prisma so i can drop a Bestiari to fusion summon Gyzarus. The rank 4 XYZs are for if I have a situation where tagging out hurts me or effects are negated. Tenki can grab a Laquari or Darius and power them up. Any help is appreciated. I have also been thinking of putting in Double Tag Team, Bottomless Trap Hole, Gladiator Beast War Chariot, Mind Control, Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Bear, Thunder King Rai-Oh, and Gladiator Beast Secutor but I do not know what to take out for them or if they are good ideas. Thanks. --Venom assult trooper (talkcontribs) 19:53, August 3, 2014 (UTC)

Some people like to use Ghost of a Grudge in G.B. because it ensures that your Glads win the battle. --BronzeJohnson (talkcontribs) 10:55, August 4, 2014 (UTC)

You can check this article for a reference. [1] I'm not saying your build is bad, it could just use some work, and I'm not familiar with GB's to offer some real advice. You can try out his build and make some changes to fit your own style of play. Hastydemon2 (talkcontribs) 22:15, August 4, 2014 (UTC)

Thanks for the advice. i will experiment a little and see what happens. --Venom assult trooper (talkcontribs) 22:58, August 8, 2014 (UTC)