Pendulum Scale

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A Pendulum Scale is a set of indicators unique to Pendulum Monsters. They are located above the "Monster Effect" text box of the Pendulum Monster, with the "Spell Effect" of the Pendukum Monster placed between them. Each Penudlum Monster has two Pendulum Scale values, the Left/Blue Scale, signified by the blue arrow, and the Right/Red Scale, signified by a corresponding red arrow.

Pendulum Scales are used in Pendulum Summoning. The Scale that is applied depends on which of the two Pendulum Zones the Pendulum Monster is placed in, the Left/Blue Scale being applied if the Pendulum Monster is in the Left/Blue Pendulum Zone, or the Right/Red Scale being applied if the Pendulum Monster is in the Right/Red Pendulum Zone. Monsters can then be Pendulum Summoned from the hand and/or Pendulum Monsters that have been sent to the Extra Deck whose Levels are in between the Pendulum Scale values. It is currently unknown whether a monster can have two seperate Pendulum Scale values.