Permanently protected module

Module:DM Fusion display

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Revision as of 12:53, 21 May 2024 by JustGian (talk | contribs) (Moving list building to a different function)
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-- <pre>
-- @name DM Fusion display
-- @description A module used to display Fusion combinations in their respective card articles
-- @author [[User:JustGian]]
-- @contact [[User talk:JustGian]]

-- Load modules:
local DATA = require( 'Module:Data' );
local UTIL = require( 'Module:Util' );

-- Module variables:
-- Parser state:

-- Stores properties for cards to avoid making a new query each time they are needed
local CARD_INFO = {}

-- Utility functions:
-- mw functions:
local HTML = mw.html.create;

-- Module functions:
--# Local functions

@function U unlink
@description (From Module:Card type) If a string is passed, unlinks
and returns the page name (not the label, unless «getLabel»).
If a table is passed, unlinks every instance of it
and returns the table with the page names for each respective entry.
@parameter {*} v Any value to unlink.
@parameter {boolean} getLabel Makes the function return the label instead.
@return {*} The unlinked value.
local function unlink( v, getLabel )
	local function __unlink( v, getLabel )
		return UTIL.trim( v ) and (getLabel and v:match( '%[%[:?.-|(.-)]]' ) or v:match( '%[%[:?(.-)[|%]]' )) or UTIL.trim( v );
	if type( v ) == 'string' then
		return __unlink( v, getLabel );
	elseif type( v ) == 'table' then
		local t = {};
		for key, value in ipairs( v ) do
			table.insert( t, __unlink( value, getLabel ) );
		return t;
		return v; -- @@@ error()

-- @name toTable
-- @description Receives an object, and converts it to a table containing itself, unless it is already a table
local function toTable(obj)
	return type(obj) == "table" and obj or { obj }

-- @name formatCardDisplay
-- @description Receives a card page name and returns the expected string to be displayed
local function formatCardDisplay(card)
	attr = CARD_INFO[card]
	return string.format("#%s: %s\"[[%s|%s]]\"", attr["number"], attr["level"] and ( attr["level"] .. " [[File:CG Star.svg|15px|alt=|class=noviewer]] " ) or '', card, attr["name"])

-- @name fillTableForFusionResult
-- @description Appends the row with the materials of the current combination to a table belonging to a Fusion Result section
local function fillTableForFusionResult( cur_table, mats1, mats2, columns, mats_exceptions )
	local mats_row = cur_table:tag("tr")
	local mat1_cell = mats_row:tag("td"):tag("ul")
	local mat2_cell = mats_row:tag("td"):tag("div"):attr("style", "column-width: 13em; column-count: " .. columns):tag("ul")
	-- Prints the first cell
	for _, card in pairs(mats1) do
		card = unlink(card)
	-- The second cell also includes the "except with" addition
	for _, card in pairs(mats2) do
		card = unlink(card)
		mat2_cell:tag("li"):wikitext(formatCardDisplay(card) .. (mats_exceptions[card] and string.format(" (except with \"[[%s|%s]]\")", mats_exceptions[card], CARD_INFO[mats_exceptions[card]]["name"]) or ''))
	return cur_table

-- @name fillTableForFusionMaterial
-- @description Appends the row with the materials of the current combination to a table belonging to a Fusion Material section
local function fillTableForFusionMaterial( cur_table, current_card, mats, columns, other_mat_exceptions )
	local mats_row = cur_table:tag("tr"):tag("td"):tag("div"):attr("style", "column-width: 13em; column-count: " .. columns):tag("ul")

	-- Print other materials, but don't include those present in the exceptions table
	for _, card in pairs(mats) do
		if not other_mat_exceptions[card] then
			card = unlink(card)
	return cur_table

-- @name runCombinationExceptionsQuery
-- @description Gets the combinations exceptions for a query of combinatigons
local function runCombinationExceptionsQuery(combinations_query)
	local fusion_ids = {}
	for _, combination in pairs(combinations_query) do
		table.insert(fusion_ids, unlink(combination[1]))
	local query = mw.smw.ask( string.format("[[For Fusion::%s]] |?Fusion Material exception 1 |?Fusion Material exception 2 |?For Fusion", table.concat(fusion_ids, "||")) ) or {}
	return query

-- @name processCombinationsQuery
-- @description Gets the required attributes for a Fusion query by running the provided conditions. 
-- By running the query only once, the module saves a considerable amount of time that would be spent querying each card's name every time it is required
local function processCombinationsQuery(conditions)
	-- The attributes that should be returned
	local required_attributes = { 
		"Fusion Material 1", "Fusion Material 2", "Fusion result", "Description", "Columns", -- Attributes about the Fusion combination
		"Fusion Material 1.English name = English name 1", "Fusion Material 1.Level = Level 1", "Fusion Material 1.Card number = Card number 1", -- Attributes about each card listed as Material 1
		"Fusion Material 2.English name = English name 2", "Fusion Material 2.Level = Level 2", "Fusion Material 2.Card number = Card number 2", -- Attributes about each card listed as Material 2
		"Fusion result.English name = English name 3",     "Fusion result.Level = Level 3",     "Fusion result.Card number = Card number 3",     -- Attributes about each card listed as Result
		"Fusion result = Fusion Material 3"																										 -- Small hack to help iterate below
	local query = mw.smw.ask( conditions .. "|?" .. table.concat(required_attributes, "|?")) or {}
	-- Iterates over both Fusion Material lists, and adds each card to the table
	for _, combination in pairs(query) do
		for combi_index = 1,3 do
			-- Pre-processing on the multi-value attributes
			materials = toTable(combination["Fusion Material " .. combi_index])
			en_names  = toTable(combination["English name " .. combi_index])
			levels    = toTable(combination["Level " .. combi_index])
			numbers   = toTable(combination["Card number " .. combi_index])
	    	for i, fm in pairs(materials) do
	    		fm = unlink(fm)
	    		if not CARD_INFO[fm] then
	    			CARD_INFO[fm] = {
	    				["name"]   = en_names[i],
	    				["level"]  = levels[i],
	    				["number"] = numbers[i]

	return query

-- @name setListsForFusionMaterialDisplay
-- @description Creates the material and exception lists for a Fusion Material display
local function setListsForFusionMaterialDisplay(page_name, mats1, mats2, combination_exceptions_query)
	local material_index, mats
	local excepts = {}
	-- Checks to which of the two lists should be displayed (if a card belongs to Materials 2, display Materials 1)
	for _, mat in pairs(mats1) do
		if unlink(mat) == page_name then
			material_index = 2
	material_index = material_index or 1
	-- Assigns correct material and exception list, based on the index found
	if material_index == 1 then
		mats = mats1
		for _, combi_ex in pairs(combination_exceptions_query) do
			if unlink(combi_ex["Fusion Material exception 1"]) == page_name then
				excepts[combi_ex["Fusion Material exception 2"]] = true
		mats = mats2
		for _, combi_ex in pairs(combination_exceptions_query) do
			if unlink(combi_ex["Fusion Material exception 2"]) == page_name then
				excepts[combi_ex["Fusion Material exception 1"]] = true

	return mats, excepts

-- @name fusion_result
-- @description Generates the material lists for a given Fusion result. To be called through #invoke.
local function fusion_result( frame )
	_frame = frame;
	_args  = UTIL.getArgs( frame, {
		trim         = true,
		removeBlanks = true,
		parentOnly   = true
	} );

	if not mw.smw then
        return "mw.smw module not found"
    local fusion_frame = HTML()
    local page_name = _args[1] or "Amazon of the Seas (DOR)"
    local query = processCombinationsQuery( string.format("[[Fusion result::%s]]", page_name )) or {}
    local combination_exceptions_query = runCombinationExceptionsQuery(query)
    local prev_description, cur_table
    for _, combination in pairs(query) do
    	local combi_id, mats1, mats2, description, columns = combination[1], combination["Fusion Material 1"], combination["Fusion Material 2"], combination["Description"], combination["Columns"] or 1
    	local combination_exceptions = {}
    	-- MW attributes don't return a table if there is only 1 value. Converting both to tables to facilitate future processing
    	mats1 = toTable(mats1)
    	mats2 = toTable(mats2)
		for _, combi_ex in pairs(combination_exceptions_query) do
			if combi_ex["For Fusion"] == combi_id then
				combination_exceptions[unlink(combi_ex["Fusion Material exception 1"])] = unlink(combi_ex["Fusion Material exception 2"])
    	-- Creates a new table on the first itteration, and when a description changes
		if not cur_table or description ~= prev_description then
			cur_table = fusion_frame:tag("table"):attr("class", "wikitable")
			cur_table:tag("ul"):tag("li"):wikitext(description or '')
			local header = cur_table:tag("tr")
			header:tag("th"):attr("scope", "col"):wikitext("Material 1")
			header:tag("th"):attr("scope", "col"):wikitext("Material 2")
    	-- Appends materials to the table
    	cur_table = fillTableForFusionResult(cur_table, mats1, mats2, columns, combination_exceptions)
    	prev_description = description or prev_description

	return tostring(fusion_frame)

-- @name fusion_material
-- @description Generates the list of other materials and Fusion result for a given material. To be called through #invoke.
local function fusion_material( frame )
	_frame = frame;
	_args  = UTIL.getArgs( frame, {
		trim         = true,
		removeBlanks = true,
		parentOnly   = true
	} );

	if not mw.smw then
        return "mw.smw module not found"
    local fusion_frame = HTML()
    local page_name = _args[1] or "Thunder Nyan Nyan (DOR)"
    local query = processCombinationsQuery( string.format("<q>[[Fusion Material 1::%s]] OR [[Fusion Material 2::%s]]</q>|sort = Fusion result.Card number", page_name, page_name )) or {}
    local combination_exceptions_query = runCombinationExceptionsQuery(query)
    local prev_description, cur_table
    for _, combination in pairs(query) do
    	local combi_id, mats1, mats2, result, description, columns = 
    		combination[1], combination["Fusion Material 1"], combination["Fusion Material 2"], combination["Fusion result"], combination["Description"], combination["Columns"] or 1
    	local cur_combi_exceptions = {}
    	-- MW attributes don't return a table if there is only 1 value. Converting both to tables to facilitate future processing
    	mats1 = toTable(mats1)
    	mats2 = toTable(mats2)
    	-- Build the materials and exceptions lists
    	local mats, excepts = setListsForFusionMaterialDisplay(page_name, mats1, mats2, combination_exceptions_query)
    	-- Creates a new table on the first itteration, and when a description changes
		if not cur_table or description ~= prev_description then
			cur_table = fusion_frame:tag("table"):attr("class", "wikitable")
			cur_table:tag("ul"):tag("li"):wikitext(formatCardDisplay(unlink(result)) .. (description and (" (" .. description .. ')') or ''))
			cur_table:tag("tr"):tag("th"):attr("scope", "col"):wikitext("Materials")
    	-- Appends materials to the table
    	cur_table = fillTableForFusionMaterial(cur_table, page_name, mats, columns, excepts)
    	prev_description = description or prev_description

	return tostring(fusion_frame)

-- Return:
-- @exports 
return {
	['fusion_result'] = fusion_result,
	['fusion_material'] = fusion_material
-- </pre>