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function frame )
if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then args = frame:getParent().args else args = frame end
-- marker used for {{nolink}} support (doesn't have to be a zero-width non-joiner, that's just what was used in the template version) local zwnj = '‌' local linkarr, links, listmarkup, el, ell, elr, link, raw, txt, formatl, formatr
-- set default to stop errors links = args[1] and text.trim( args[1] ) or ''
-- check for nolink token at the front of the input, which prevents per-link/item processing if links:find( zwnj ) ~= 1 then linkarr = text.split( links, '\n' )
args[2] = #linkarr == 1 and args[2]
listmarkup = #linkarr == 1 and ''
for i = 1, #linkarr do el = text.trim( linkarr[i] )
-- catch empty string at the start of lists if not el:find( '^[*#;:]?$' ) then if listmarkup ~= '' then listmarkup = ( el:match( '^([*#;:])' ) or '*' ) .. ' ' el = el:gsub( '^[*#;:]%s*', '' ) end
if el:find( zwnj ) or el:find( '%[%[.-|.-%]%]' ) then linkarr[i] = table.concat( { listmarkup, el }, '' ) else raw = el:find( '%[%[' ) ell = el:match( '^"%[%[' ) and '"' or '' elr = el:match( '%]%]"$' ) and '"' or '' el = el:match( '%[%[(.-)%]%]' ) or el link = el txt = args[2] or el formatl = '' formatr = ''
if raw ~= 1 then link = link:gsub( '""', '' ):gsub( "'''?", '' )
-- check for formatting that can be moved out of the link entirely if txt:find( '^""' ) and txt:find( '""$' ) then formatl = '"' formatr = '"' txt = txt:gsub( '""', '' ) else txt = txt:gsub( '""', '"' ) end if txt:find( "^'''" ) and txt:find( "'''$" ) then formatl = formatl .. "'''" formatr = "'''" .. formatr txt = txt:gsub( "'''$", '' ):gsub( "^'''", '' ) end if txt:find( "^''" ) and txt:find( "''$" ) then formatl = formatl .. "''" formatr = "''" .. formatr txt = txt:gsub( "''$", '' ):gsub( "^''", '' ) end else txt = txt:gsub( "'", ''' ) end if txt:find( '[^&]#' ) then txt = txt:gsub( '([^&])#', '%1 ยง ') end
if link == txt then linkarr[i] = table.concat( { listmarkup, ell, formatl, '[[', link, ']]', formatr, elr }, '' ) else linkarr[i] = table.concat( { listmarkup, ell, formatl, '[[', link, '|', txt, ']]', formatr, elr }, '' ) end end end end
links = table.concat( linkarr, '\n' ) end
links = text.trim( links:gsub( zwnj, '' ) :gsub( '%[%[[Cc]ategory:', '[[:Category:' ) :gsub( '%[%[[Ff]ile:', '[[:File:' ) :gsub( '%[%[[Ii]mage:', '[[:File:' ) ) return links
function p.unlink( frame )
local args = frame:getParent().args return args[1] and ( args[1]:match( '%[%[:?(.-)[|%]]' ) or text.trim( args[1] ) )
return p

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