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Forum:October 2014 Banlist Predictions

29,360 bytes added, 9 years ago
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:"Unbanned In Japan" is not a valid reason for it to be unbanned here, if anything, a reason to NOT unban it. also, don't thing you know what you are talking about on alot of these. MST has been at 3 for a long damn time and that didn't get imperial Order off, that reason for Card Dest. is retarded, why list it? soulcahrge getting more monsters for the same cost as cyber stein is not a good reason, need to compare effects, not costs. you expected rage and contempt correctly, almost none of those have any chance of returning. also, the TCG list should have nothing to do with the past trends of the OCG list[[User:DreadKaiser|DreadKaiser]] ([[User talk:DreadKaiser|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/DreadKaiser|contribs]]) 13:29, August 29, 2014 (UTC)
::Chiissu, the OCG and TCG are completely different formats and they definitely won't bring those back in TCG just because the OCG has them. As for each of them individually, my thoughts are here:
*Cyber-Stein - No. I shouldn't need to explain why summoning a [[Naturia Exterio|2800 S/T negator]] or [[The Last Warrior from Another Planet|2350 summon locker]] is bad for the game. It's searchable by Gear Gigant X, the cost can be overridden by using it with DNA Surgery calling psychic-type and [[Brain Research Lab|another]] [[Telekinetic Charging Cell|spell]] card, and it has no once-per turn restriction. It will never return to the TCG.
*Dark Magician of Chaos - If Soul Charge gets limited, sure. After all, Faith came back and did jack shit.
*E-HERO Stratos - No. I'd rather make Shadow Mist for the TCG and play masked HERO's than Bubbleman OTK.
*Glow-Up Bulb - Eh, I want it back personally, but a tuner that can come back for free and allow for almost any synchro summon is the best thing anyone could ask for. For now, should stay at 0.
*Magical Scientist - Same as Stein, except even if you lack lab and surgery, you only pay 1000 lp per fusion. Would only be used for OTK's.
*Sinister Serpent - Sure, the card would suck in the current meta.
*TIV - I actually think this could return, I've tested it in Mermails before and it's not as powerful as people are fearing it would be, not to mention it's typing and level makes it unsearchable in the deck.
*TER - Why is this still banned again?
*DSF - Yep. New errata makes it fine.
*Trishula - No. Causes hand/field banish loops with de-synchro, doesn't target, and generates too much advantage when used right.
*Shock Master - You want to bring back something that prevents people from playing yugioh? How about no.
*Zenmaity - Sure. Nah seriously, It'd be fine. Wind-Ups could use some love, and with no Avarice and Shock Master, the loops with it are gone anyways.
*Card Destruction - No, It's better that it stays banned. Gives too much draw power and advantage.
*Dragon Ravine - Will come back the day Rulers get banned.
*Heavy Storm - No. The format we have now doesn't need a mass backrow killer.
*Metamorphosis - Same as Stein. Won't be used for anything but OTK's or lockdowns, and it's not even fusion support with the cards it can summon.
*Reborn - Not while Soul Charge is legal. Or better yet, never again.
*Premature Burial - See [[Hidden Armory]].
*Super Rejuvenation - Even if Rulers go, I don't want to see another Exodia FTK with Trade-In, Consonance, and the Blue-Eyes engine with this. Stays at 0.
*Imperial Order - No, too many decks rely on spell cards to play Yugioh, and it's one-sided in the aspect that you don't have to pay the cost.
*Return from the Different Dimension - Even if Rulers go, this is just a badly designed card that will only be used for OTK's and it should've honestly been banned years ago. Never coming back.
[[User:Ninety-eight|Ninety-eight]] ([[User talk:Ninety-eight|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Ninety-eight|contribs]]) 18:20, August 30, 2014 (UTC)
== Red Demon's Wishlist ==
*Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos (Ban these 2 to bring back banned/limited cards for other decks)
*Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls ^
*Infernity Launcher (Too powerful, enables OTKs and the derp plays, along with Soul Charge)
*Artifact Moralltach OR Artifact Sanctum (Agree with the OCG on this)
*Dark Magician of Chaos (Would only be good in Prophecy, and even then World of Prophecy is still better)
*Rescue Cat (I saw a post on Pojo, and I agreed with it. It would mostly help Madolches and X-Sabers, and possibly the dead Wind-Ups. Mewfeuille+Anjelly is the same as opening Rescue Cat anyway and Madolches are tier 2 at best now anyway.)
*Shaddoll Dragon (Limit their go-to solve everything card. This or Armageddon Knight.)
*Tribe-Infecting Virus (Destruction is bad this format, and Mermails are bad as well. Heck, Dragoons and Deep Sea Diva could probably move up as well.)
*Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (Help Synchro decks. Synchros aren't relevant this format. De-Synchro would just be inconsistent at best and more likely your Summon would be negated or they would drop Vanity's Emptiness, Black Horn, or just summon Winda and stop your Synchro play in the first place. Or Breakthrough Skill)
*Thousand-Eyes Restrict (Bad old card is bad and old. Even with Instant Fusion, any deck will just make 101 or Castel and get rid of it)
*Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity (Wind-ups are dead)
*Dragon Ravine (Help Dragunity not be dead)
*Soul Charge (Too powerful this format, the general consensus was to limit or ban this.)
*Super Rejuvenation (Dragons banned, this can come back)
*Vanity's Emptiness (MVP this format and last format, flip it and stop your opponent from being able to play. What fun.)
Semi Limited:
*Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind (Blackwings haven't done ANYTHING for like 4 years)
*Brotherhood of the Fire Fist: Spirit (Fire Fists aren't topping or even placing)
*Coach Soldier Wolfbark (Fire Fists aren't topping.)
*Debris Dragon (With Dragons hit, this can come back to possibly help Synchros)
*Genex Ally Birdman (Help Synchros)
*Gladiator Beast Bestiari (Help Glads out)
*Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness (Help prevent OTKs, but unusuable in decks with Supply Squad.)
*Inzektor Hornet (Everything is resistant or totally immune to destruction this format, or they just go plus if they're destroyed anyway (Winda invincible, Hands destroy your cards, Burning Abyss just go plus, Stellarknight Delteros gets his effect, etc. And if they can banish your Hornet its usually GG unless you can make Leviair)
*Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon (Hieratics aren't good this format anyway, multiple Breakthrough Skills/Maxx C are mained generally, Dragons could use the boost)
*Traptrix Myrmeleo (Small hit to the Traptrix engine/HAT)
*Wind-Up Magician (Help Wind-Ups)
*Goyo Guardian (I told everyone that Synchos weren't relevant now, and look at what happened. It came to 1 and is still unused. Eventually this can probably go to 3, unless the new Synchron structure deck coming out in Japan is absolutely broken)
*Legendary Six Samurai: Shi En (Samurai need it, if their first one dies, its usually GG)
*T.G. Hyper Librarian (Help Synchro decks)
*One for One (Help Synchro decks, speed up Synchrons, help with the new DD archetype)
*Monster Gate (no one plays it)
*Infernity Barrier (With Launcher and Soul Charge hit, this could come back)
Off the list:
*Baby Dragon Rulers Burner and Stream (Since the 2 adult dragons would be banned)
*Chaos Sorcerer (Only relevance I have saw was in the OCG with Chaos Shaddolls, and we don't even have Electromagnetic Turtle yet)
*Lonefire Blossom (Plants are dead)
*Magician of Faith (no one plays her)
*Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (Agree with Ninety-Eight, this card needs to come back and wouldn't change anything)
*Sinister Serpent (Bad)
*Dark Strike Fighter (with errata)
*Formula Synchron (Help with Synchrons)
*Advanced Ritual Art (New Ritual Support being released)
*Gold Sarcophagus (With Dragons banned, this bad card can return)
*Hieratic Seal of Convocation (Hieratics are nonexistent)
*Reasoning (Bad card and never realized why its been semi limited for so long)
*Reinforcement of the Army (Did nothing at 2, won't do anything at 3)
*Sacred Sword of Seven Stars (With 2 Dragons gone, this can return)
*Ojama Trio (Like Reasoning, no one has given a good reason why this card has been semi-limited for so long)
*Torrential Tribute (Destruction is bad this format)
If Rescue Cat comes back, Summoner Monk couldn't go to 3 because then it would almost guarantee first turn Cat, but I'm fine with 2 Monk + 1 Cat)
Overall really long list so Konami definitely won't do all of this but hopefully they will at least do some of it like the Synchro boosts or at least Soul Charge.
[[User:Red demon dragon|Red demon dragon]] ([[User talk:Red demon dragon|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Red demon dragon|contribs]]) 10:54, September 9, 2014 (UTC)
:Hmm, long list, I agree with some of it, but disagree with other things:
*Rescue Cat - Whoever said that on Pojo is wrong. See [[Uniflora, Mystical Beast of the Forest|this card]] and watch [ this video], and you'll understand why Rescue Cat is never coming back.
*Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon - The Hieratic OTK isn't viable because REDMD is at 1. Bringing it down to 2 makes it much more viable again. It's more likely he'll be banned before he ever comes down from 1.
*Wind-Up Magician - Don't love Wind-Ups too much, 2 Magician is all they need to swarm the field with 3 xyz's when combo'd with Shark Alone and make massive plays. Zenmaity to 1 is ok, but nothing else.
*T.G. Hyper Librarian - Like REDMD, it isn't doing much because it's limited. It essentially rewards over-extension and at more than 1, is a pot of greed whenever either player synchro summons.
*One for One - I initially thought it'd be ok at 2 or more, but it makes [[Infernity Mirage]] way too good, and it's probably staying at 1.
*Lonefire - It's a two-card Quasar at 2, even without Soul Charge. If anything, it should be back to 1.
*Sinister Serpent - Try it at 1 first. It could cause problems at more than 1.
No comments on the rest of them. [[User:Ninety-eight|Ninety-eight]] ([[User talk:Ninety-eight|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Ninety-eight|contribs]]) 11:39, September 9, 2014 (UTC)
Here's my response.
*Wow I saw that Rescue Cat video. It would have to be errata'd to "You can only use the effect of "Rescue Cat" once per turn.", similar to Catapult Turtle and Rescue Rabbit, so that part is definitely true. That one card Cat turned into 4 XYZs and 10900 damage so that errata would be needed before it could ever hope to come back. And I kind of agree on the T.G. reasoning but however you have to summon 2 of them and generally hope they live until your next turn and then synchro again. I guess it could be used in the lonefire quasar build but that's mostly a Soul Charge problem. Is there a combo with T.G. Hyper Librarian that lets you summon 2 of them in 1 turn and keep synchroing with them? If there is then it could be bad. With Magician, I agree. Zenmaity would be good enough but we don't know if Zenmaity will even come back.
*For Lonefire, IMO quasar isn't a problem card. If they can somehow make 2 quasar or quasar+ halberd cannon, then it can be a problem but that problem is due to Soul Charge. And what about the 2 card quasar combo with rekindling+boost warrior? If a player wanted to make a lonefire quasar deck, they would have to run some situational cards such as the level 2 tuner I believe is required for the combo and if the opponent can get rid of the quasar, unless they have Soul Charge, they'll probably lose. The deck would basically be Quasar/Soul Charge or bust. Similar to Sylvans. And its usually easy to get over a single Quasar especially if its first turn. Except if there's backrow but the same could be said for Noble Knights, Infernities with Void Ogre Dragon and a set Barrier/Break, Shaddolls with Winda and a set Lance or some other protection card, etc.
*And what player runs One for One in Infernities? I haven't seen anyone. They might if its at 2, but I doubt it. And Mirage is way more fair then Launcher so I'd be fine with Launcher gone and people playing One for One and Mirage to compensate.
*I still don't think the RedMD OTK is viable, especially with all the maindecked Traps, Vanity's Emptiness, Maxx "C". OTKs aren't really viable at all this format. I mean, sure, they can happen but its very unlikely with all the backrow people are running. Except maybe for Madolches and Infernity but any backrow or Maxx C stops them which are all extremely common.
But yeah, Cat isn't coming back unless Konami erratas it to once per turn or they do something else. Maybe once per duel like Rescue Rat? Then it would still be a one card power play but you would only get 1 of them and it would still be stoppable (Unless its first turn, but then its basically unstoppable unless the opponent has Veiler, and other decks can do the same power plays like first turn Winda or Dante.) That's just my thoughts though. I mean Konami might not ever bring Ojama Trio, Reasoning, or even Sinister Serpent off the list I don't know. They probably completely forgot about Sinister Serpent, Ojama Trio, Reasoning, Tribe-Infecting Virus, and lots of those other cards. Or they're just not bringing them back either to promote the new cards or keep the old decks weak, but I don't know at all what Konami is planning. They did bring back D Prison and Mirror Force so there is hope however.
[[User:Red demon dragon|Red demon dragon]] ([[User talk:Red demon dragon|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Red demon dragon|contribs]]) 14:16, September 9, 2014 (UTC)
:They even brought back Goyo this list, a card that I thought would never return, or not for a long time at least. But LC 5D's is coming out on October 24th, I assume they will reprint Goyo and the newly-errata'd OPT Dark Strike Fighter in that, not to mention Goyo was way overhyped when he came back, basically just being another beatstick like BLS, who also hasn't done much lately. The same would probably happen if they unbanned other old cards like DMoC, TER, TIV, Serpent, and other banned cards like that. But Konami isn't willing to admit how badly power creep invalidates those old cards easily, and they'll likely only unban them one at a time. The two-card Quasar using Lonefire Blossom even without Soul Charge is kinda a deck based around it like you said, but with Lonefire at 3, it has the potential to become a consistent one, like Dino Rabbits when Rescue Rabbit was at 3 (I personally want Rabbit back at 2 but it's probably not happening). T.G. Hyper decks haven't done much lately due to all the power creep with xyz's and now pendulums, but at more than 1, it has the potential to be abused significantly, albeit mostly in rogue decks. I would rather have Trishula back than T.G. Hyper at 2, the only synchro that should never come back is Brionac IMO (unless it gets the DSF treatment with a OPT errata). One for One, like T.G. Hyper, Infernities don't run it now because it's limited and therefore inconsistent. But if 141 is at 2 or 3, it's possible to make a consistent build using it and Mirage. But since Infernities sacked 1st at worlds this year, they're probably getting the banhammer in October either way. Lastly for REDMD...we also had lots of traps and Maxx "C", ect back in March 2012 when REDMD was unlimited, but that didn't stop the Hieratic/Chaos Dragon OTK from taking nationals and WCQ's left and right that year. If REDMD got a slight errata to say "You can only use the effect of "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" once per turn", for his reborn effect, then sure he could come back to 2-3. [[User:Ninety-eight|Ninety-eight]] ([[User talk:Ninety-eight|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Ninety-eight|contribs]]) 19:21, September 9, 2014 (UTC)
== October 2014 Banlist Predictions ==
I would first like to say that I am in no way bias towards any decks, and only put cards on this list that I truly feel are bad for the game/would be good for the game if they got hit/brought back. With that being said, there are cards that need to be hit, because Satellarknights and Shadolls are dominating YCSs at this time, and I feel it would be better for the game to make them less explosive, while at the same time bringing up other archetypes to be competitive.
Newly Forbidden:
Soul Charge: This card is simply too powerful. I'll pay 1000 life points, and basically grab whatever I want? The card is poorly designed, because skipping a Battle Phase isn't a big cost, considering the amount of monsters that can be Special Summoned once their conditions have been met, add that to the fact that Soul Charge doesn't negate their effects? Goodbye.
Mind Control: You can all say what you like: it is a -1 for your opponent, with Synchro Summoning and Xyz Summoning, it is unbalanced for the game.
Sacred Sword of Seven Stars: The card should never have been created, and since i'm bringing Ravine to 1, Sacred Sword would mean Tempest Dragunities would be tier 0.
Newly Limited:
Satellarknight Deneb: This is Stratos, plain and simple. It gives Satellarknights an infinite loop of a +3 combo with Altair and another Satellarknight, that blocks off Bottomless, Torrential, Warning, or anything that stops summons, which is unhealthy. I'm not saying ban it like Stratos, because that kills the deck, but it definitely needs to be addressed.
Stellarnova Alpha: It's Solemn at 3, plain and simple. The fact that Satellarknights can swarm so easily, and you basically negate anything by tributing a monster youll bring back, then draw a card? too unbalanced
Artifact Sanctum: The fact that you still get it's effect after you activate it makes this card too good. Yes, Moralltech is a broken card, but Sanctum is the card that can pop AND search.
Shaddoll Fusion: This card is simply broken. I don't have a real problem with the actual Fusion Monsters, because I look at it the same way I look at Rescue Rabbit: It's not the Laggia or Dolkka thats broken, it's the card that summons them way too easily, plus the fact that it's searchable. Having 3 of these, plus the fact that basically every deck Xyzs now, makes this card overpowered.
Mathematician: This guy... A better Card Trooper in my eyes. He's compatible in basically every meta deck right now. I don't see many people run 3, maybe they do, but I see 2, and it's way easier to open a game with Mathematician, because it's so good.
Armageddon Knight: This guy works for Shaddolls in the same way as Mathematician, except he's level 4, which opens Xyz plays.
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier: I think we can all agree that Atlantean Mermails are through being a competitive deck, with Diva at 1, Dragoons at 1, and Gunde at 1, the deck can hardly function, so I think it's safe to bring back Brionac, because he doesn't win games, he's just a great level 6, just like Goyo Guardian.
Dragon Ravine: I know Dragon Rulers still exist, but what can they benefit from a Foolish that may get MSTed? Dragunity players where robbed when Konami gave them everything to be competitive, but banned Dragon Ravine. I understand it's a great card, but what's wrong with 1? It's not like you draw it every game, and it most likely wo't last more than 2 turns anyway.
Terraforming: If Dragon Ravine comes back, Terraforming should be at 1.
Newly Semi-Limited (Heres where old archetypes get stuff)
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind: It's a very sacky card, but are Blackwings relevant in a format that can drop BLS, Leo and more in 1 turn? I know people are reminiscent of 3 Dark Strike Fighters for 4 straight formats, but Gale isn't as powerful as he used to be.
Gladiator Beast Bestiari: GBs are one of my favorite archetypes, and they got a little support inthe last pack, so I'd like to see someone go Augustus, summon Besty from the hand, make a Gyzarus. The card is good, and Gyzarus is great, but still not relevant enough to be a threat.
Rescue Rabbit: Nobody had a problem with this card, it was a great deck that people loved, why did it get put to 1? I'd like to see people innovate once again with Rescue Rabbit, because the card isn't as broken as people make it out to be. And and I know people are envisioning Laggia set 5, but there are only so many staple traps left that are relevant. Judgment is gone, Warning is at 1, Bottomless is at 1, Compulse is at 1, so what are you afraid of? Yea, so what you can Laggia? Satellarknights have a trap that does that 3 times.
Satellarknight Altair: This card is powerful, maybe too powerful. It's essentially Wolfbark, without negating the effect. I wouldn't be disappointed if it went to 2, but the fact that you can plus off of a plus is too broken.
Coach Soldier Wolfbark: Speaking of Wolfbark, why is it at 1? Fire Fists didn't even get a format to dominate in, because as soon as Dragons and Prophecies became irrelevant, Bujins and Shaddolls took over, so put Wolfbark back to 2, and let them be tier 2 or 1 again.
Fire Formation - Tenki: If we're putting Wolfbark back to 2, I can't let Tenki stay at 3.
Tour Guide of the Underworld: If Rabbit is coming back to 2, this needs to be at 2, because Leviar is a very good card.
Honest: I KNOW I'm gonna get hate for this, but if Kalut is at 3, Crane is at 3, why is honest at 1? If you don't want Honest at 2, let me put Charge at 2, which they'll never let me do, because Charge is busted as hell.
Dimensional Fissure: Macro is a broken card, removing important spells/traps for certain decks. D-Fissure, on the other hand, can be put to 2 without much worry.
Wind-up Magician: Now that Shock Master and Zenmaighty are gone, it's safe to say Wind-Ups can't be as derpy as they once where.
Thunder King Rai-oh: The original anti-meta card, and I think he's healthy for the game. Royal Oppression will never see the light of day, so let's put the next best thing to 2.
Newly Unlimited:
Formula Synchron: Not seeing a lot of play, so 3 makes sense.
Advanced Ritual Art: Same goes for ARA, Rituals haven't been relevant in years.
Magician of Faith: Flip Effects aren't as prominent anymore, plus Spells aren't as powerful as they once where. I see Mask of Darkness as a better card than Magician of Faith.
Side Note: Sylvans are a deck, but they're relatively new, so I think they should remain untouched ATM. Plus, I haven't had the time to read all their cards, so I'm not entirely sure what would need to get hit, but I've been hearing that Reasoning needs to be hit, so maybe that.
So thanks for reading this list! let me know what you think about it, tell me what I missed, or what you think shouldn't be changed.
:Hmm...I'm not sure what to think with Soul Charge, though I think it'd get limited simply because everyone uses it. You know, for variety.
:Ravine? Hell no, that could be broken even before Rulers. Brionac? DEAR GOD NO. I mean, I said that for Goyo, except not as vehemently, but just NO. It is way too powerful. Sanctum though, or better, Moralltech, hell yes.
:And I'm honestly not sure what to think about Shaddolls and tellarknights; is it too soon to hit them? On one hand, both Winda and Construct have been OCGed (terrible example, I know.) On the other, doing that to Fusion would kill them. Think I might agree with Deneb though.
:Mathematician and Armageddon Knight...hmm, maybe. Knight's already at 1 in OCG, but not sure about Mathematician.
:Whatever you do, don't promote Fire Fists. Gale? Eh, happened in OCG, but again, never a good example. Fine where it is. Bestari? No, I doubt it. Rabbit? No. If they steal the glory of Evol again I'll be unhappy. What the hell do you mean no one had a problem with it?
:Honest: No, no, a thousand times NO! Why is he limited? He supports way more monsters, and is way more powerful. End of story. Seriously, why do people say they'll get hate and then post?
:Formula. Eh, probably safe to keep at 2 to prevent draw spam. Not too sure on him though.
:[[User:Sanokal K-T|Sanokal K-T]] ([[User talk:Sanokal K-T|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Sanokal K-T|contribs]]) 08:12, September 16, 2014 (UTC)
[[User:Mathzak|Mathzak]] ([[User talk:Mathzak|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Mathzak|contribs]]) 21:59, September 15, 2014 (UTC)Mathzak
==OCG Banlist for October 2014 confirmed==
Nothing Newly Forbidden.
'''Newly Limited:'''
*El Shadoll Construct
*El Shadoll Winda
*Summoner Monk
*Dark Armed Dragon
*Star Seraph Sovereign
*Soul Charge
*Sinister Shadow Games
'''Newly Semi-Limited:'''
*Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
'''Newly Unlimited:'''
*Wind-Up Shark
*Needlebug Nest
Thoughts on it, anyone? [[User:Ninety-eight|Ninety-eight]] ([[User talk:Ninety-eight|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Ninety-eight|contribs]]) 19:47, September 16, 2014 (UTC)
Interesting list, glad that [[Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind]] is back to 2. Hopefully we can get it back to 2 or 3 in the TCG. Also glad that [[Dark Armed Dragon]] is back to 1 and [[Soul Charge]] and [[Sinister Shadow Games]] are limited. Personally I would have banned [[Shadoll Fusion]] instead of the Fusion monsters to force them to play [[El Shaddoll Fusion]], and also limited [[Summoner's Art]] or [[Qliphort Tool]] but oh well. [[User:Red demon dragon|Red demon dragon]] ([[User talk:Red demon dragon|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Red demon dragon|contribs]]) 10:23, September 19, 2014 (UTC)
:Actually, on second thought to what I said before, I think hitting the Shaddoll fusion monsters themselves was the right call. Banning Shaddoll Fusion itself would pretty much kill the deck, or at the very least, make it too slow to be viable, but with Winda and Construct limited, they only have one shot at making them and will have to run the other, more balanced Shaddoll fusions instead. [[User:Ninety-eight|Ninety-eight]] ([[User talk:Ninety-eight|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Ninety-eight|contribs]]) 11:30, September 19, 2014 (UTC)
==TCG banlist for October 2014 confirmed==
Nothing Newly Forbidden.
'''Newly Limited:'''
*Glow-Up Bulb (Sure...I guess...)
*Infernity Archfiend (RIP Infernity)
*Raigeki (WHAT THE F**K?!)
*Soul Charge (Obvious Choice)
*Super Polymerization (Scapegoat to Shaddolls...for now)
'''Newly Semi-Limited:'''
*Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind (Fine)
*Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness (Fine)
*Ceasefire (Well, we got something to counter Shaddolls in Return, I would've preferred double Compulsory but w/e.)
*The Transmigration Prophecy (Don't care)
'''Newly Unlimited:'''
*Coach Soldier Wolfbark (Oh yay...4-axis Fire Fists are back again)
*Magician of Faith (Don't care)
*Formula Synchron (Don't care)
*Reinforcement of the Army (Oh yay, let's f**k up Satellarknights some more...well, at least Soul Charge went to 1)
This is just...astounding...<small>(Inb4 Raigeki ragequit)</small> [[User:Ninety-eight|Ninety-eight]] ([[User talk:Ninety-eight|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Ninety-eight|contribs]]) 22:01, September 25, 2014 (UTC)
: Almost seems like they're just making a several fairly powerful decks meta to me. Rageki makes maybe SOME sense when you consider that it triggers Shaddolls and Yang Zing, and won't slow down Qliphort that much. Plus, maybe Starlight Road'll become a thing again. [[User:Sanokal K-T|Sanokal K-T]] ([[User talk:Sanokal K-T|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Sanokal K-T|contribs]]) 22:09, September 25, 2014 (UTC)
: Rageki might seem to be crazy, but it's really just another Dark Hole, as most people don't really use Dark Hole when they have more monsters out. Plus, destruction has just lost quite a bit of usefulness over time. I'm glad RotA is at 3, as most Warrior-decks /monsters aren't really that big of an issue. Satellarknights should probably just be hit on their own if there's a need. Kinda glad Bulb is back, and I feel like the original plant engine has nothing on the forbidden list anymore, plus Synchro is cool. --<span style="font-family: Veranda">[[User:Dark Ace SP|<span style="color:Indigo;">Dark </span><span style="color:DarkCyan">Ace SP</span>]] ([[User_talk:Dark Ace SP|<span style="color:Indigo;">Talk</span><span style="color:DarkCyan;">Page</span>]])</span> 23:41, September 25, 2014 (UTC)
:Also, I don't really think there's any problem with Fire Fist as a deck. So yay for Wolfy. --<span style="font-family: Veranda">[[User:Dark Ace SP|<span style="color:Indigo;">Dark </span><span style="color:DarkCyan">Ace SP</span>]] ([[User_talk:Dark Ace SP|<span style="color:Indigo;">Talk</span><span style="color:DarkCyan;">Page</span>]])</span> 23:52, September 25, 2014 (UTC)
::Quasar is pleased[[User:DreadKaiser|DreadKaiser]] ([[User talk:DreadKaiser|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/DreadKaiser|contribs]]) 00:11, September 26, 2014 (UTC)
One word. RAIGEKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [[User:Red demon dragon|Red demon dragon]] ([[User talk:Red demon dragon|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Red demon dragon|contribs]]) 03:16, September 26, 2014 (UTC)
HERO's Strike isn't due for the TCG anytime soon, but bear in mind that HEROes have 6 RotA effects now. At least they lost some Super Poly and have it driven home that they're not getting Stratos back. 2x Ceasefire means my Chain Burn has another good burn source. (hand rubbing intensifies) --[[User:Gadjiltron|Gadjiltron]] ([[User talk:Gadjiltron|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/Gadjiltron|contribs]]) 04:11, September 27, 2014 (UTC)
:I think Poly is the right hit here, it works for the time being as a Shaddoll hit, and I'm pretty sure after a format of this we'll do what the OCG did, but I'd be okay with Super Poly at 1 for future lists. HEROs will be getting that SD, probably sometime early next year, and just leaving SPoly on the list saves work later. --<span style="font-family: Veranda">[[User:Dark Ace SP|<span style="color:Indigo;">Dark </span><span style="color:DarkCyan">Ace SP</span>]] ([[User_talk:Dark Ace SP|<span style="color:Indigo;">Talk</span><span style="color:DarkCyan;">Page</span>]])</span> 03:31, October 4, 2014 (UTC)
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