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Devack (Tag Force)

9,621 bytes added, 3 months ago
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===Tag Force 4===
Devack is a Tier 1 character who can only be found in the overworld after finishing [[Luna (Tag Force)|Luna]]'s story.
The player is gifted 3 copies of "[[Earthbound Immortal Cusillu]]" for finishing Devack's story.
===Tag Force 6===
Devack is a Tier 2 character in this game, unlockable by clearing the normal stories of both Luna and [[Leo (Tag Force)|Leo]].
Finishing his story will once again earn the player 3 copies of "Earthbound Immortal Cusillu".
===Tag Force 4===
どういう経緯で彼がダークシグナーとなったかは不明だが、ルドガーのことを「ルドガー様」と呼び慕っている。<blockquote>A Dark Signer with a monkey birthmark on his arm.<br/><br/>It is unknown how he became a Dark Signer, but he refers to Rudger as Master Rudger.<br/><br/>He serves his Master Rudger most faithfully, but he seems to be somewhat inattentive, as he planned to use their abducted Ancient Fairy Dragon (card?) to taunt Ruka, but mistakingly addressed her brother Rua instead.<br/><br/>Having a collected disposition, he did not mind his previous mistake too much.<br/>Among the Dark Signers, he reveres the Earthbound Immortals the most, to the point he claims he duels in the name of the dark gods themselves.<br/><br/>His ace monster is Earthbound Immortal Cusillu.<br/>It is a gigantic monster in the shape of a monkey that has infused him with both great power and large amounts of hatred.</blockquote>
忠実で優秀なルドガーの部下…といういでたちなのだが「エンシェント・フェアリー・ドラゴン」を人質(カード質?)に龍可を狙うが間違って龍亞を迎え入れたりと、見て目のわりににそそっかしいようである。===Tag Force 6===
性格は鷹揚なところがあり、先のミスもあまり気にしていなかった。自分の力を与えた地縛神を他のダークシグナーよりも崇拝しており、自らのデュエルを「神々の闘い」と称するほど。<blockquote>{{Ruby|腕|うで}}に「{{Ruby|猿|さる}}」の{{Ruby|痣|あざ}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}つダークシグナー。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|邪神|じゃしん}}を{{Ruby|崇|あが}}める{{Ruby|部族|ぶぞく}}の{{Ruby|出身|しゅっしん}}で、{{Ruby|自|みずか}}ら{{Ruby|望|のぞ}}んでダークシグナーとなったらしい。<br/>ルドガーのことを「ルドガー{{Ruby|様|さま}}」と{{Ruby|呼|よ}}び、ボマーをかどわかすなどして{{Ruby|暗躍|あんやく}}した。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|行方|ゆくえ}}のわからなくなっていた、{{Ruby|旧|きゅう}}モーメントの{{Ruby|制御装置|せいぎょそうち}}の{{Ruby|鍵|かぎ}}の{{Ruby|一|ひと}}つである「エンシェント・フェアリー・ドラゴン」を{{Ruby|所持|しょじ}}していた。<br/>{{Ruby|猿|さる}}の{{Ruby|塔|とう}}にて{{Ruby|本来|ほんらい}}のカードの{{Ruby|持|も}}ち{{Ruby|主|ぬし}}である{{Ruby|龍可|るか}}を{{Ruby|待|ま}}ち{{Ruby|受|う}}けていたが、{{Ruby|龍可|るか}}が{{Ruby|精霊|せいれい}}{{Ruby|世界|せかい}}に{{Ruby|転移|てんい}}している{{Ruby|間|あいだ}}に{{Ruby|塔|とう}}にたどり{{Ruby|着|つ}}いた{{Ruby|龍亞|るあ}}とデュエルを{{Ruby|行|おこな}}った。{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}のペースでデュエルは{{Ruby|進|すす}}み、{{Ruby|龍亞|るあ}}を{{Ruby|追|お}}い{{Ruby|詰|つ}}めたところで{{Ruby|龍可|るか}}が{{Ruby|精霊世界|せいれいせかい}}より{{Ruby|帰還|きかん}}しデュエルを{{Ruby|引|ひ}}き{{Ruby|継|つ}}いだ。<br/>「エンシェント・フェアリー・ドラゴン」を{{Ruby|奪|うば}}い{{Ruby|返|かえ}}された{{Ruby|挙句|あげく}}に{{Ruby|敗北|はいぼく}}したことにより「ダークシグナーに{{Ruby|栄光|えいこう}}あれ」と{{Ruby|言|い}}い{{Ruby|残|のこ}}しながら{{Ruby|消滅|しょうめつ}}した。<br/><br/>エイプと{{Ruby|名|な}}のつくモンスターを{{Ruby|軸|じく}}にしたデッキを{{Ruby|使|つか}}い、エースモンスターは「{{Ruby|地縛神|じばくしん}} {{Ruby|Cusillu|クシル}}」。<br/>{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}に{{Ruby|力|ちから}}と{{Ruby|憎悪|ぞうお}}を{{Ruby|与|あた}}えた{{Ruby|猿|さる}}のモンスターである。</blockquote>
エースモンスターは「地縛神 Cusillu」。彼に力と憎悪を与えた猿のモンスターである。<blockquote>A Dark Signer with a monkey birthmark on his arm.<br/><br/>Descendant from an ancient tribe which worshipped an evil god, it seems he actively wanted to become a Dark Signer.<br/>Refers to Rudger as Master Rudger, and released Bommer from his imprisonment as part of his master's plans.<br/><br/>Possessor of the Ancient Fairy Dragon card needed for one of the control towers from the old Moment reactor.<br/>He was supposed to duel Ruka, the Signer associated with that card, but she was transported to the Spirit World as she was approaching the control tower, so he dueled her brother Rua in her stead. He controlled much of the duel, but Ruka returned from the Spirit World near the duel's end and took over.<br/>Ultimately losing both the Ancient Fairy Dragon card and the duel, his last words before disappearing were "Glory to the Dark Signers!".<br/><br/>He uses Decks revolving around Ape monsters, and his ace monster is Earthbound Immortal Cusillu.<br/>It is a gigantic monster in the shape of a monkey that has infused him with both great power and large amounts of hatred.</blockquote>
<blockquote>A Dark Signer with a monkey birthmark on his arm. It is unknown how he became a Dark Signer.Refers to Rudger as Master Rudger. He serves his Master Rudger most faithfully.He abducted Ancient Fairy Dragon (even in card form?) and planned to display it in front of its Signer, Ruka, but instead showed it to her brother Rua. He might not have the best eyesight.===Tag Force Special===
Has an intimidating but collected disposition, and did not mind his previous mistake too much.Among the Dark Signers, he reveres the Earthbound Immortals the most, to the point he claims he duels in the name of the dark gods themselves.<blockquote>{{Ruby|腕|うで}}に「{{Ruby|猿|さる}}」の{{Ruby|痣|あざ}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}つダークシグナー。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|邪神|じゃしん}}を{{Ruby|崇|あが}}める{{Ruby|部族|ぶぞく}}の{{Ruby|出身|しゅっしん}}で、{{Ruby|自|みずか}}ら{{Ruby|望|のぞ}}んでダークシグナーとなったらしい。<br/>ルドガーのことを「ルドガー{{Ruby|様|さま}}」と{{Ruby|呼|よ}}び、ボマーをそそのかすなどして{{Ruby|暗躍|あんやく}}した。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|行方|ゆくえ}}のわからなくなっていた{{Ruby|旧|きゅう}}モーメントの{{Ruby|制御装置|せいぎょそうち}}の{{Ruby|鍵|かぎ}}の{{Ruby|一|ひと}}つである「エンシェント・フェアリー・ドラゴン」を{{Ruby|所持|しょじ}}していた。<br/>シグナーとの{{Ruby|戦|たたか}}いでは{{Ruby|猿|さる}}の{{Ruby|塔|とう}}にて{{Ruby|本来|ほんらい}}の{{Ruby|持|も}}ち{{Ruby|主|ぬし}}である{{Ruby|龍可|るか}}を{{Ruby|待|ま}}ち{{Ruby|受|う}}けていたが、カードを{{Ruby|奪|うば}}い{{Ruby|返|かえ}}された{{Ruby|挙|あ}}げ{{Ruby|句|く}}に{{Ruby|敗北|はいぼく}}、「ダークシグナーに{{Ruby|栄光|えいこう}}あれ」と{{Ruby|言|い}}い{{Ruby|残|のこ}}しながら{{Ruby|消滅|しょうめつ}}した。<br/><br/>シグナーが{{Ruby|邪神|じゃしん}}を{{Ruby|封|ふう}}じた{{Ruby|際|さい}}、ディマクの{{Ruby|魂|たましい}}も{{Ruby|解放|かいほう}}されるが、{{Ruby|一族|いちぞく}}の{{Ruby|血|ち}}の{{Ruby|宿命|しゅくめい}}から{{Ruby|容易|ようい}}には{{Ruby|逃|のが}}れがたいのか、その{{Ruby|後|ご}}もダークシグナーとして{{Ruby|復活|ふっかつ}}しかけるなど、ボマーの{{Ruby|要監視|ようかんし}}{{Ruby|対象|たいしょう}}になっている。<br/><br/>エイプと{{Ruby|名|な}}のつくモンスターを{{Ruby|軸|じく}}にしたデッキを{{Ruby|使|つか}}い、エースモンスターは「{{Ruby|地縛神|じばくしん}} {{Ruby|Cusillu|クシル}}」。<br/>{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}に{{Ruby|力|ちから}}と{{Ruby|憎悪|ぞうお}}を{{Ruby|与|あた}}えた{{Ruby|猿|さる}}のモンスターである。</blockquote>
His <blockquote>A Dark Signer with a monkey birthmark on his arm.<br/><br/>Descendant from an ancient tribe which worshipped an evil god, it seems he actively wanted to become a Dark Signer.<br/>Refers to Rudger as Master Rudger, and released Bommer from his imprisonment as part of his master's plans.<br/><br/>Possessor of the Ancient Fairy Dragon card needed for one of the control towers from the old Moment reactor.<br/>He was supposed to duel Ruka, the Signer associated with that card, but he was defeated when the card was reclaimed, and his last words before disappearing were "Glory to the Dark Signers!".<br/><br/>Demak's soul was released after the Signers' sealing of the Earthbound Immortals, but Bommer has been keeping an eye on his moves ever since, as his clan's history could make it possible for him to become a Dark Signer again.<br/><br/>He uses Decks revolving around Ape monsters, and his ace monster is Earthbound Immortal Cusillu.<br/>It is a gigantic monster in the shape of a monkey that has infused him with both great power and large amounts of hatred.</blockquote> {{-}}
{| class="wikitable hlist hcomma" widthstyle="width: 100%;"
! scope="col" | Strongly dislikes
! scope="row" | HouseholdDuel|* Green Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* White Card Protector* Black Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* Chic Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Duel Radar* Rainbow Card Protector* Gorgeous Card Holder* Cursed Dice* Introduction to Dueling Tricks
* Eye patchNone|* Silver Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Khaki Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Wild Card Holder* Elegant Card Holder* Cute Card Holder* Stylish Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder* Gold Coin* Silver Coin* White Dice* Black Dice* Dueling for Beginners* Advanced Dueling* Duel Calculator* Lucky Coin* Death Match Duel Rope* Atlas Rising|* None|* Red Card Protector* Blue Card Protector* Yellow Card Protector* EarplugsPurple Card Protector* Back scratcherOrange Card Protector* Historical moviePink Card Protector* SciBeige Card Protector* Amplifier|-Fi movie! scope="row" | Hobby|* Baseball Cap* Beanie* Beret* Silk Hat* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Straw Hat* Helmet* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Crown* Animated movieShoulder Massage Ticket* PerfumeRing
* Hand warmer* Fan* Romantic movieSkateboard
* SoapPoker Cards* ToothbrushBat* Razor* Lip balm* Eye dropsSoccer Ball* Boxing Gloves* Wax* Fountain penTarot Card* GlassCrystal Ball* BouquetFortune Sticks* Letter writing setScented Candle* Domino setScarf* The Daily Duel* Memory card* Documentary movie* Horror movie* Superhero movie* Musical movie* Comedy movie* Ear cleaner* Toilet paper* ClothespinGang Jacket
* None
* ShampooSneakers* RinseBoots* Hair gelLeather Shoes* SocksHigh Heels* Kids' Shoes* Sandals* Long Boots* Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Cat* Stuffed Toy Horse* Stuffed Toy Bear* Stuffed Toy Seagull* ChipStuffed Toy Frog* High quality chipStuffed Toy Snake* Winged Shoes* JunkStuffed Toy Dragon
! scope="row" | Figures
* Red Dragon Archfiend
! scope="row" | Card accessoriesSundry Goods
* Green Card ProtectorEye Patch* Gray Card ProtectorEarplugs* White Card ProtectorBack Scratcher* Black Card ProtectorHistorical Movie* Brown Card ProtectorSci-Fi Movie* Rainbow Card ProtectorPerfume* Chic Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Gorgeous Card Holder* Duel Radar* Cursed dice* Introduction to Dueling TricksAnimated Movie
* NoneFan* Hand Warmer* Romantic Movie
* Silver Card ProtectorSoap* Toothbrush* Razor* Lip Balm* Gold Card ProtectorEye Drops* Khaki Card ProtectorGloves* Clear Card ProtectorWax* Simple Card HolderFountain Pen* Wild Card HolderGlass* Elegant Card HolderBouquet* Cute Card HolderLetter Writing Set* Stylish Card HolderDomino Set* Anarchic Card HolderThe Daily Duel* Gold coinMemory Card* Silver coinDocumentary Movie* Lucky coinHorror Movie* White diceSuperhero Movie* Black diceSuspense Movie* Dueling for BeginnersMusical Movie* Advanced DuelingEar Cleaner* Duel CalculatorComedy Movie* Death Match Duel RopeToilet Paper* Atlas RisingClothespin
* None
* Red Card ProtectorShampoo* Blue Card ProtectorHair Conditioner* Yellow Card ProtectorHair Gel* Purple Card ProtectorSocks* Orange Card ProtectorChip* Pink Card ProtectorHigh Quality Chip* Beige Card Protector* AmplifierJunk
! scope="row" | Food
* Beef bowlBowl
* Orange
* Grapes
* Green teaTea
* Milk
* Lunch boxBox
* Fancy teaTea
* Sandwich (Gold)
* Curry and riceRice
* Ramen
* Omelet and riceRice* Fried riceRice
* Spaghetti
* Salad
* Cola
* Juice
* Energy drinkDrink
* Sushi
* Chocolate
* Gum
* Rice ballBall* Sandwich(Green)
* Hamburger
* Steamed bunBun
* Takoyaki
* Pudding
* Cake
* Ice cream sundaeCream Sundae* Rice cake|-! scope="row" | Misc|* Baseball cap* Beanie* Beret* Silk hat* Cowboy hat* Bandanna* Straw hat* Helmet* Wooden sandals* Stuffed toy monkey* Crown* Shoulder massage ticket* Ring|* Skateboard|* Poker cards* Bat* Soccer balls* Boxing gloves* Tarot card* Crystal ball* Fortune sticks* Scented candle* Scarf* Duel Gang jacket|* None|* Sneakers* Boots* Leather shoes* High heels* Kids' shoes* Sandals* Long boots* Stuffed toy dog* Stuffed toy cat* Stuffed toy horse* Stuffed toy bear* Stuffed toy seagull* Stuffed toy frog* Stuffed toy snake* Stuffed toy dragon* Winged shoesCake
''[[Tag Force 4]]''
* Finishing Devack's story earns the player 3 copies of "[[Earthbound Immortal Cusillu]]" and the picture "End of Oppression?" ({{Ruby|討伐|とうばつ}}{{Ruby|完了|かんりょう}}?, ''Tōbatsu Kanryō?'')
''[[Tag Force 6]]''
* Finishing Devack's story earns the player 3 copies of "Earthbound Immortal Cusillu".
==Ending scenes==
Devack - End of Oppression.png | ''Tag Force 4''Devack-TF6-Ending.png | ''Tag Force 6''
===Tag Force 4===
{{Decklist|name = Thousand-Year TurbiditySlumber| ja_name = {{Ruby|一千|いっせん}}{{Ruby|年|ねん}}の{{Ruby|混濁|こんだく}}| romaji_name = Issennen no Kondaku| level = 1
|normal monsters =
* [[Leogun]]
|traps =
* [[Beast Soul Swap]] x3
* [[Roaring Earth]] x3 (Favorite)
{{Decklist|name = Two-Thousand-Year Awakening| ja_name = {{Ruby|二千|にせん}}{{Ruby|年|ねん}}の{{Ruby|覚醒|かくせい}}| romaji_name = Nisennen no Kakusei| level = 3
|effect monsters =
* [[Ape Fighter]] x3
{{Decklist|name = Three-Thousand-Year Ode| ja_name = {{Ruby|三千|さんせん}}{{Ruby|年|ねん}}の{{Ruby|謳歌|おうか}}| romaji_name = Sansennen no Ōka| level = 4
|effect monsters =
* [[Ape Fighter]] x3
{{Decklist|name = Four-Thousand-Year Decision| ja_name = {{Ruby|四千|よんせん}}{{Ruby|年|ねん}}の{{Ruby|決断|けつだん}}| romaji_name = Yonsennen no Ketsudan| level = 9
|effect monsters =
* [[D.D. Crazy Beast]] x2
===Tag Force 6===
 {{Decklist|name = Two-Thousand Year Old Dark Beast| ja_name = {{Ruby|二千|にせん}}{{Ruby|年|ねん}}の{{Ruby|暗黒|あんこく}}{{Ruby|獣|じゅう}}| romaji_name = Nisennen no Ankokujū| level = 3
|effect monsters =
* [[Ape Fighter]] x3 (Favorite)
{{Decklist|name = Thousand Year Old Shadow Beast| ja_name = {{Ruby|千年|せんねん}}の{{Ruby|陰|いん}}{{Ruby|獣|じゅう}}| romaji_name = Sennen no Injū| level = 1
|effect monsters =
* [[Ape Fighter]] x3
{{Decklist|name = Three-Thousand Year Old Beast King| ja_name = {{Ruby|三千|さんせん}}{{Ruby|年|ねん}}の{{Ruby|獣|じゅう}}{{Ruby|王|おう}}| romaji_name = Sansennen no Jūō| level = 4
|effect monsters =
* [[Ape Fighter]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Four-Thousand Year Old Wicked God Beast| ja_name = {{Ruby|四千|よんせん}}{{Ruby|年|ねん}}の{{Ruby|邪神|じゃしん}}{{Ruby|獣|じゅう}}| romaji_name = Yonsennen no Jashinjū| level = 5
|effect monsters =
* [[Cannon Soldier]] x2
* [[Chain Dog]] x3
* [[Key Mouse]] x3
* [[Lock Cat]] x3
* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x3
* [[Sangan]]
|tuner monsters =
* [[Key Mouse]] x3
* [[Plaguespreader Zombie]]
|synchro monsters =
===Tag Force Special===
{{Decklist|name = King of the Monkeys (| ja_name = 猿の王, ''| romaji_name = Saru no ō'') ★3Ō| level = 3
|effect monsters =
* [[Ancient Crimson Ape]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Monkey and Moja (| ja_name = 猿とモジァ, ''| romaji_name = Saru to mojia'') ★4Moja| level = 4
|effect monsters =
* [[Ape Fighter]] x3
{{Decklist|name = Assaulting Apes (| ja_name = 突撃類人猿, ''| romaji_name = Totsugeki ruijinRuijin'en'') ★6| level = 6
|effect monsters =
* [[Ape Fighter]] x3
autopatrol, mover

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