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Yusei Fudo (Tag Force)

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{{For|the other ''Tag Force'' character, referred to as Yusei Fudo|Yusei Fudo double}}
{{Infobox character
| image = Yusei-TF06-EndingTFSP.jpgpng
| en_name = Yusei Fudo
| ja_name = {{Ruby|不動遊星|ふどうゆうせいふ}}{{Ruby|動|どう}} {{Ruby|遊|ゆう}}{{Ruby|星|せい}}
| romaji_name = Fudō Yūsei
| gender = Male
| relatives = [[Dr. Fudo]] (father)
| occupation = [[Signer]]
| previous_team = [[The Enforcers]]
| tf04_deck =
* Clustering Converging Companions* Clustering Converging Stars* Clustering LightConverging Hopes* Clustering Converging Bonds* Scrap -Iron Fort* Scrap -Iron Castle* Scrap -Iron Country
* Recycling Rascal
| tf05_deck =
* A Streaming Shooting Star* A Shining Star* A New Star* Clustering Converging Stars
* Scrap-Iron Town
* Scrap-Iron Village
* Scrap-Iron City of the Future
| tf06_deck =
* Bonding Converging Wishes* Bonding Converging Fighting Spirit* Clustering Crystals of Fruit from Converging Dreams
* New Bond
| video_game_debut = ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4]]''
| appears_in_psp =
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6]]''
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Tag Force Special]]''
| ja_voice = [[Yuya Miyashita]]
'''Yusei Fudo''' ({{Ruby|不動遊星|ふどうゆうせいふ}}{{Ruby|動|どう}} {{Ruby|遊|ゆう}}{{Ruby|星|せい}}, ''Fudō Yūsei'') is a character in the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's]] [[Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force|Tag Force]]'' games. This is a video game version of the anime character, [[Yusei Fudo]].
In ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4|Tag Force 4]]''==Appearances==Yusei is a Tier 1 character in every game, with the [[Player (Tag Force)|player]] can partner always being able to team up with him to battle the [[Dark Signer]]s. They can also unlock a second story, where if so they partner with him, during his earlier life in [[Satellite]]choose.
In ''===Tag Force 4===If the player looks at Yusei in a new light after finishing [[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Rally Dawson (Tag Force 5)|Tag Force 5Rally]]''s story, the player they can partner with him to battle the [[Three Emperors a younger version of Yliaster]]. They can also unlock Yusei without his criminal mark and a second separate story, where they partner with him to combat oppression in the frontier.
In ''===Tag Force 5===By either defeating Yusei 50 times or doing [[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DUMD Recognition]] with the first ''s Tag Force 6|Tag Force 6]]''game, the player can partner with him a [[Crashtown]]-themed Yusei whose alternative storyline aims to battle the founding members of rescue his friend [[YliasterKalin Kessler (Tag Force)|Kalin Kessler]].
==Biography=====BirthTag Force 6===Yusei was named after the [[Planetary Particle|Yusei particle]], a particle discovered by [[Dr. Fudo|his father]], which was capable of bringing other particles together. His father hoped that he would become the bond who brought people together.<ref name="tf4 h4">'has only 1 storyline in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 46'' "Truth 17 Years in Waiting - A New Decision"</ref>.
==Profiles=The Enforcers===Yusei was once in a Duel gang, [[The Enforcers]], along with [[Jack Atlas (Tag Force)|Jack Atlas]], [[Crow Hogan (Tag Force)|Crow Hogan]] and [[Kalin Kessler (Tag Force)|Kalin Kessler]]. Kalin was one of his closest friends. Yusei Dueled with him once and lost. Together the Enforcers defeated all the other Duel gangs in the area, taking over all of [[Satellite]]. They were proud of their accomplishment, but lost sight of why they started the gang in the first place. Yusei and others thought that they had become shells of their former selves, but Kalin did not feel as such. He did not want to admit that their conquest was over and looked for tougher enemies. Eventually he decided to fight the entirety of Sector Security. Yusei, Crow and Jack did what they could to stop Kalin, but they failed and he was arrested. Kalin interpreted their efforts to stop him, as a betrayal and thought that they sold him out to Sector Security.<ref name="tf4 h3">''Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4'' "The Strength of Friendship - For a Past Friend"</ref>
===Dark SignersTag Force 4===To hide from a reporter, who was staling him, Yusei hid out at the [[Player (Tag Force)|player]]'s house, for a while. He admitted to not being good at dealing with such people. As he was the new king, they were always looking for him to do something sensational. The player blamed this on the previous king and Yusei agreed. When he thought he had hid long enough for the reporter to give up, he got ready to leave and the player offered to walk him halfway. Yusei thought that would make him stand out less and agreed.<ref name="tf4 h1">''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4]]'' "Approaching Threat! Dark Signer Trudge!?"</ref>
[[File:TF04 ====Normal Yusei's arm glows.png|thumb|left|Yusei faces [[Tetsu Trudge (Tag Force)|Trudge]], who is possessed by the [[Dark Signer]]s.]]Yusei and the player went as far as a [[back alley]] and decided Yusei would be okay form there. However as Yusei was thanking the player, he felt a pain in his [[Mark of the Dragon]], due to the presence of [[Tetsu Trudge (Tag Force)|Tetsu Trudge]], who was possessed by the [[Dark Signers]]. He recognized Trudge from their last Duel and suspected he was there to arrest him again. He warned Trudge about what happened last time, but Trudge said he was not interested in arresting him, but wanted to get rid of him for good. Yusei asked what was going on and Trudge introduced himself as a Dark Signer, who had come from the Underworld to meet him. Yusei wondered what a Dark Signer was and [[Hiroshi Kumakura]] (Lioside) said to Duel him and Trudge, if he wanted to find out. Trudge warned Yusei that it would be a [[Shadow Duel]] and that the darkness might remind Yusei of the meaning of the mark on his arm. Yusei accepted, so he and the player faced Trudge and Hiroshi in a Tag Duel.<ref name="tf4 h1" />===
[[File:Yusei and the player won-Signer-TF04. png|thumb|left||Yusei thanked his partner and commented on how real the Shadow Duel felt. He tried questioning Trudge, but found that he and Hiroshi had no memory of the Duel. Trudge remembered blacking out earlier and suspected Yusei had done something to him. Trudge fell unconscious again and Yusei realized his mark was no longer throbbing. He decided to call it as a day and thanked the player for his help.<ref name="tf4 h1" />Signer in ''Tag Force 4'']]
Yusei learned that his fate is connected with the legend of the [[Crimson Dragon]]. The battle between the Crimson Dragon and the Wicked Gods, to decide the true ruler of the world, is repeated every 5000 years and he heard that it was almost time for that battle to start again. He learned what his Mark of the Dragon was a mark of the Crimson Dragon and the mark of a chosen [[Signer]] and that the Dark Signers are his enemies and servants of the Wicked Gods. In order to stop the world plunging inot Darkness, he needed to defeat the Dark Signers. He learned that there is more than one Dark Signer and the two members of [[Sector Security]] that they Dueled earlier were not actual Dark Signers, but were controlled by a real Dark Signer.<ref name="tf4 h2"blockquote>''Yuトップスで{{Ruby|生|う}}まれ{{Ruby|育|そだ}}ち、{{Ruby|現在|げんざい}}はサテライトを{{Ruby|活動|かつどう}}の{{Ruby|場|ば}}とする{{Ruby|青年|せいねん}}。<br/>{{Ruby|両親|りょうしん}}はこの{{Ruby|世界|せかい}}のエネルギー「モーメント」の{{Ruby|基礎|きそ}}を{{Ruby|設計|せっけい}}した{{Ruby|科学者|かがくしゃ}}であったが17{{Ruby|年|ねん}}{{Ruby|前|まえ}}に「ゼロリバース」と{{Ruby|呼|よ}}ばれるモーメントの{{Ruby|暴走|ぼうそう}}により{{Ruby|他界|たかい}}している。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|新|あたら}}しく{{Ruby|設計|せっけい}}した{{Ruby|D|ディー}}・ホイールでサテライトを{{Ruby|脱出|だっしゅつ}}、かつての{{Ruby|友|とも}}であったジャック・アトラスとデュエルを{{Ruby|行|おこな}}うがセキュリティに{{Ruby|逮捕|たいほ}}されてしまい、{{Ruby|犯罪者|はんざいしゃ}}の{{Ruby|証|あかし}}であるマーカーをつけられてしまう。<br/>ちなみにマーカーの{{Ruby|ID|アイディー}}は「G2MA2-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4'' "Become the Star Enveloping Destruction! Crimson Dragon Warriors Gather"88」。<br/><br/>ジャックから{{Ruby|取|と}}り{{Ruby|返|かえ}}したカード「スターダスト・ドラゴン」を{{Ruby|主力|しゅりょく}}としたデッキを{{Ruby|使|つか}}う。<br/>「スターダスト・ドラゴン」は{{Ruby|音波|おんぱ}}を{{Ruby|吐|は}}くという{{Ruby|一風|いっぷう}}{{Ruby|変|か}}わったドラゴンであるがカードの{{Ruby|破壊|はかい}}を{{Ruby|無効|むこう}}にできる{{Ruby|強力|きょうりょく}}な{{Ruby|効果|こうか}}をもっており、{{Ruby|幾度|いくど}}となく{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}のピンチを{{Ruby|救|すく}}っている。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|寡黙|かもく}}な{{Ruby|性格|せいかく}}であるが{{Ruby|人|ひと}}と{{Ruby|人|ひと}}との「{{Ruby|絆|きずな}}」を{{Ruby|強|つよ}}く{{Ruby|信|しん}}じており、{{Ruby|自分|じぶん}}を{{Ruby|裏切|うらぎ}}った{{Ruby|者|もの}}でも「{{Ruby|友|とも}}」と{{Ruby|呼|よ}}ぶほどの{{Ruby|異常|いじょう}}なまでの{{Ruby|寛大|かんだい}}さを{{Ruby|持|も}}っている。<br/>{{Ruby|幼少期|ようしょうき}}に{{Ruby|一体|いったい}}{{Ruby|何|なに}}があったのか{{Ruby|気|き}}になるところであるがその{{Ruby|性格|せいかく}}が{{Ruby|人|ひと}}を{{Ruby|惹|ひ}}きつけ、{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}の{{Ruby|周囲|しゅうい}}には「{{Ruby|絆|きずな}}」により{{Ruby|結|むす}}ばれた{{Ruby|仲間|なかま}}が{{Ruby|多|おお}}く{{Ruby|存在|そんざい}}している。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|現在|げんざい}}{{Ruby|愛用|あいよう}}している{{Ruby|D|ディー}}・ホイールは2{{Ruby|台|だい}}{{Ruby|目|め}}で、{{Ruby|名前|なまえ}}は「{{Ruby|遊星号|ゆうせいごう}}」。<br/>{{Ruby|誰|だれ}}が{{Ruby|命名|めいめい}}したのか{{Ruby|非常|ひじょう}}に{{Ruby|気|き}}になるネーミングセンスである。</refblockquote>
Yusei returned <blockquote>A young man who was born and raised in Tops, but has resided in Satellite since a young age.<br/>His parents were scientists who designed the reactor of the energy they called "Moment", but they perished 17 years ago during an incident that is refered to as the player's house and woke him up to tell him what he had learnedZero Reverse. <br/><br/>He filled him in on escaped from Satellite using the D-Wheel he built and faced his plan to gather the other Signersformer friend, Jack Atlas, in order to defeat a duel, but shortly after the Dark Signersduel, he was arrested by Security, and was branded a criminal with a Marker. Although<br/>His Marker's ID is G2MA2-88.<br/><br/>His Deck is spearheaded by Stardust Dragon, the player was not card he recovered from Jack.<br/>Stardust Dragon is a Signerpeculiar dragon which shoots sonic waves, Yusei felt and with its powerful effect that stops the destruction of other cards, it has saved him from pinches countless times.<br/><br/>He is mostly quiet, but has a strong bond belief in the bonds between thempeople, when they Dueled togetherand even those who betray him seem to respect this.<br/>He has been worried about what happened during his childhood, but his personality attracts many people, and thought that his assistance would be valuablefriends similarly believe in the power of the bonds he creates.<ref name=br/><br/>His second D-Wheel, which is the one he currently uses, is named "tf4 h2Yusei Model" .<br/>Whoever gave it that name has a peculiar naming sense.</blockquote>
[[File:TF04 ====Unmarked Yusei and Player VS Akiza and Jack.png|thumb|right|Yusei and the [[Player (Tag Force)|player]] face [[Akiza Izinski (Tag Force)|Akiza]] and [[Jack Atlas (Tag Force)|Jack]].]]The player and Yusei went to [[Domino General Hospital|the hospital]] to meet [[Akiza Izinski (Tag Force)|Akiza Izinski]]. However Akiza had recently lost her friend, [[Sayer]], whom she believed to be the only person in the world who truly accepted her. [[Jack Atlas (Tag Force)|Jack Atlas]] explained that her mental anguish drove her [[Psychic Duelist|psychic power]] out of control, preventing the doctors from being able to get close to her. Yusei tried to calm her down, but Akiza mistook the intention of his visit as him coming to mock her. She offered to show Yusei her power again, but told her not to bring her hate into a Duel. She reminded Yusei that he had told her that her friend would guide her and asked if it was a lie. He claimed that it was not, but she refused to believe him and accused him of wanting to take away everything dear to her. Jack warned Yusei that at this rate, her power was going to start doing serious harm. Seeing no other way about it, Yusei decided that a Duel was the only way to reach her. Akiza interpreted the challenge as them being enemies, destined to battle, but Yusei claimed it was a test of the bond of their friendship. He asked Jack for help, so Jack decided to pair up with Akiza.<ref name="tf4 h2" />===
During the Duel, Akiza's rage calmed down and she managed to control her power[[File:Yusei-Unmarked-TF04. After he and the player won, png|thumb|left||Alternate Yusei told Akiza that there are people who believe in her and need her. He explained that Sayer had only been using her and was not a real friend. He stated that he believed in her, not because he was a Signer, but because he was a Duelist and a friend. With encouragement from Yusei''Tag Force 4'', Akiza agreed to help the Signers.<ref name="tf4 h2" />without his criminal mark]]
[[Kalin Kessler (Tag Force)<blockquote>サテライトに{{Ruby|住|す}}む18{{Ruby|歳|さい}}の{{Ruby|青年|せいねん}}。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|冷静|れいせい}}{{Ruby|沈着|ちんちゃく}}で{{Ruby|寡黙|かもく}}な{{Ruby|性格|せいかく}}だが、{{Ruby|仲間|なかま}}との{{Ruby|絆|きずな}}を{{Ruby|誰|だれ}}よりも{{Ruby|大切|たいせつ}}にする{{Ruby|熱|あつ}}い{{Ruby|心|こころ}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}っている。<br/>この{{Ruby|世|よ}}で{{Ruby|存在|そんざい}}するのものに{{Ruby|不必要|ふひつよう}}なものはないという{{Ruby|信念|しんねん}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}っており、それは{{Ruby|拾|ひろ}}い{{Ruby|集|あつ}}めたパーツで{{Ruby|D|ディー}}・ホイールを{{Ruby|組|く}}み{{Ruby|上|あ}}げてしまうほどのものである。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|物|もの}}を{{Ruby|粗末|そまつ}}にできない{{Ruby|性格|せいかく}}のようできっと{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}のアジトには{{Ruby|捨|す}}てられないものが{{Ruby|大量|たいりょう}}にあるのではないかと{{Ruby|思|おも}}われる。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|使|つか}}うデッキも{{Ruby|本人|ほんにん}}は「{{Ruby|拾|ひろ}}った」と{{Ruby|言|い}}い、「ジャンク」とか「スクラップ」とかある{{Ruby|意味|いみ}}{{Ruby|自虐的|じぎゃくてき}}ともいえる{{Ruby|単語|たんご}}がよく{{Ruby|登場|とうじょう}}する{{Ruby|内容|ないよう}}であるが、{{Ruby|完成度|かんせいど}}は{{Ruby|非常|ひじょう}}に{{Ruby|高|たか}}い。<br/>ドロー{{Ruby|運|うん}}よりもデッキの{{Ruby|構築|こうちく}}で{{Ruby|戦|たたか}}うタイプのデュエリスト。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|少|すこ}}し{{Ruby|前|まえ}}まではアウトローなデュエリスト{{Ruby|集団|しゅうだん}}にも{{Ruby|所属|しょぞく}}しておりそこでもひとりコンピューターやデュエルディスクをいじったりしていた。<br/>{{Ruby|他|ほか}}のメンバーは{{Ruby|機械|きかい}}やコンピューターとは{{Ruby|無縁|むえん}}そうな{{Ruby|人物|じんぶつ}}ばかりだったので{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}は{{Ruby|情報|じょうほう}}{{Ruby|収集|しゅうしゅう}}やデュエルディスクのメンテナンスなどのサポート{{Ruby|的|てき}}なポジションだったのではないかと{{Ruby|思|Kalin Kessler]], now a Dark Signer, confronted Yusei and Dueled him. During the Duel, Yusei learned that he was responsible for Kalin becoming a Dark Signer. Kalin Summoned "[[Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu]]", which was Summoned by absorbing the souls of other people. Yusei thought that Kalin was much stronger than when he had known him before and considered himself lucky to survive the Duel.おも}}われる。<ref name="tf4 h3" /blockquote>
Yusei visited <blockquote>An 18-year-old young man who lives in Satellite.<br/><br/>A reticent and collected individual, but he is very passionate and values his companions and his bonds with them more than anything else.<br/>Believes that nothing and no one in the player world is worthless, and told him about following this belief, he built himself a D-Wheel out of a wide variety of discarded parts.<br/><br/>Seems to have issues cleaning up his encounter with Kalinhideout sometimes because he cannot bring himself to throw anything away. <br/><br/>He felt it was similarly built himself Decks out of discarded cards, many of which are even named "Junk" or "Scrap" or other self-demeaning terms - that said, his duty to face Kalin again Decks are thoroughly well-constructed and that he owed Kalinhave efficiency in mind.<br/>He is the kind of duelist who focuses on proper Deck construction rather than depend on the luck of the draw.<br/><br/>He was part of an illegal dueling group until not too long ago, and has been interested on mechanics such as computers and Duel Disks for making him become a Dark Signerwhile. He wanted <br/>As the player to witness other members of the group were not well-versed into mechanics, he might have supported them by gathering information and doing maintenance on their Duel and invited him to come alongDisks.<ref name="tf4 h3" /blockquote>
[[File:TF04 Betrayal?.png|thumb|left|[[Kalin Kessler (===Tag Force)|Kalin]] accuses Yusei of betraying him, for the player.]]At the [[Old Ener-D|old Enerdy system]], Yusei and the player met up with Trudge. They went to the area, where Yusei agreed to face Kalin again. Kalin saw the player and asked if Yusei betrayed him for the player. Yusei explained that he did not know the player back then and briefed the player in on his and Kalin's history. Kalin still believe that Yusei had chosen the player over him. Wanting to send both of them to their graves, he possessed Trudge, so he could face Yusei and the player in a Tag Duel. Yusei apologized for dragging the player into this, but said he needed his help and they accepted the Duel.<ref name5==="tf4 h3" />
====Normal Yusei and the player won the Duel. Yusei still refused to cast a friend aside and vowed to save Kalin. He asked Kalin to join him, insisting it would be like the old days. Kalin explained that when he became a Dark Signer, he had a desire to have one final Duel under [[The Enforcers]]' name. He said that he could never truly hate Yusei and thanked him for the good times, before disappearing. Yusei wept and insisted that Kalin had always been his friend. He vowed to everything he could to defeat the Dark Signers for him.<ref name="tf4 h3" />===
Yusei visited the player and informed him that he planned on putting an end to the battle. He was going to the Old Enerdy system, where he was sure the Dark Signers would be waiting to fight him. He confessed that he thought he was wrong for getting the player involved in the conflict, but still did not think it was right to leave without asking the player if he wanted to help.<ref name="tf4 h4" blockquote>トップス{{Ruby|生|う}}まれサテライト{{Ruby|育|そだ}}ち、そして{{Ruby|現在|げんざい}}はシティを{{Ruby|活動|かつどう}}の{{Ruby|場|ば}}とする{{Ruby|青年|せいねん}}。<br/>{{Ruby|赤|あか}}き{{Ruby|竜|りゅう}}の{{Ruby|痣|あざ}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}つシグナーの{{Ruby|一人|ひとり}}。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|父|ちち}}{{Ruby|親|おや}}の{{Ruby|不動博士|ふどうはかせ}}は、{{Ruby|究極|きゅうきょく}}のエネルギー{{Ruby|発生|はっせい}}システム「モーメント」の{{Ruby|設計者|せっけいしゃ}}だったが、17{{Ruby|年前|ねんまえ}}に{{Ruby|起|お}}きた「ゼロ・リバース」と{{Ruby|呼|よ}}ばれるモーメント{{Ruby|暴走|ぼうそう}}{{Ruby|事故|じこ}}の{{Ruby|際|さい}}、{{Ruby|他界|たかい}}している。<br/>「{{Ruby|遊星|ゆうせい}}」という{{Ruby|名前|なまえ}}は、モーメント{{Ruby|技術|ぎじゅつ}}の{{Ruby|根幹|こんかん}}をなす「{{Ruby|遊星|ゆうせい}}{{Ruby|粒子|りゅうし}}」から{{Ruby|付|つ}}けられており、{{Ruby|人|ひと}}と{{Ruby|人|ひと}}とを{{Ruby|結|むす}}びつける{{Ruby|絆|きずな}}の{{Ruby|役割|やくわり}}を{{Ruby|果|は}}たす{{Ruby|事|こと}}を{{Ruby|願|ねが}}ったものである。<br/><br/>「デュエル・オブ・フォーチュンカップ」でジャックを{{Ruby|破|やぶ}}って{{Ruby|優勝|ゆうしょう}}し、ニューキングとなったが、その{{Ruby|後|ご}}に{{Ruby|起|お}}きた{{Ruby|騒動|そうどう}}による{{Ruby|混乱|こんらん}}や、{{Ruby|派手|はで}}な{{Ruby|事|こと}}をあまり{{Ruby|好|この}}まない{{Ruby|本人|ほんにん}}の{{Ruby|性格|せいかく}}もあって、{{Ruby|現在|げんざい}}は{{Ruby|一市民|いちしみん}}として{{Ruby|生活|せいかつ}}しているようである。<br/>ジャック、クロウと{{Ruby|共|とも}}にWRGPへの{{Ruby|出場|しゅつじょう}}を{{Ruby|目指|めざ}}して、{{Ruby|D|ディー}}・ホイールの{{Ruby|開発|かいはつ}}を{{Ruby|続|つづ}}けている。<br/>{{Ruby|修理|しゅうり}}{{Ruby|屋|や}}として{{Ruby|生計|せいけい}}を{{Ruby|立|た}}てており、{{Ruby|何|なん}}でも{{Ruby|直|なお}}してくれると{{Ruby|評判|ひょうばん}}は{{Ruby|良|よ}}いようである。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|普段|ふだん}}は{{Ruby|寡黙|かもく}}で、{{Ruby|言葉|ことば}}より{{Ruby|行動|こうどう}}で{{Ruby|示|しめ}}すタイプ。<br/>だが、{{Ruby|実|じつ}}は{{Ruby|心|こころ}}の{{Ruby|奥|おく}}に{{Ruby|人一倍|ひといちばい}}{{Ruby|熱|あつ}}い{{Ruby|思|おも}}いを{{Ruby|持|も}}っており、いざという{{Ruby|時|とき}}に{{Ruby|発|はっ}}せられる{{Ruby|言葉|ことば}}は、{{Ruby|仲間|なかま}}だけでなく{{Ruby|敵|てき}}の{{Ruby|心|こころ}}までも{{Ruby|動|うご}}かしてきた。<br/>その{{Ruby|人柄|ひとがら}}に{{Ruby|惹|ひ}}かれ、{{Ruby|周囲|しゅうい}}には「{{Ruby|絆|きずな}}」で{{Ruby|結|むす}}ばれた{{Ruby|仲間|なかま}}が{{Ruby|集|あつ}}まってきている。<br/><br/>シンクロ{{Ruby|召喚|しょうかん}}を{{Ruby|軸|じく}}にしたデッキを{{Ruby|使用|しよう}}。<br/>エースモンスターの「スターダスト・ドラゴン」は、カードの{{Ruby|破壊|はかい}}を{{Ruby|無効|むこう}}にできる{{Ruby|強力|きょうりょく}}な{{Ruby|効果|こうか}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}っており、{{Ruby|幾度|いくど}}となく{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}のピンチを{{Ruby|救|すく}}っている。</blockquote>
[[File:TF04 Yusei and Player VS Roman and Devack.png|thumb|right|Yusei <blockquote>A young man who was born in Tops, raised in Satellite, and now resides in the player Duel [[Roman Goodwin (Tag Force)|Roman]] and [[Devack (Tag Force)|Devack]]City.]]At <br/>One of the old Enerdy systemSigners, Yusei and bearing one of the player met birthmarks of the Dark Signers [[Devack (Tag Force)|Devack]] and [[Roman Goodwin (Tag Force)|Roman Goodwin]]Crimson Dragon. Roman said that he never thought he would Duel <br/><br/>His father is Doctor Fudo, the son designer of [[Dr. Fudo]] for the 5000-year reignultimate energy generation system, Moment, but he passed away 17 years ago, in an incident known as the Zero Reverse. Roman told Yusei about work he had done with Yusei<br/>The doctor's father and how he had discovered that son is named after the [[Ener-D|Enerdy]] system they had been working could be used to revive Planetary Particle, the gods. Yusei's father had disagreed and developed a device capable foundation of shutting the Ener-D system awayMoment technology. Four keys were necessary He wished for his son to activate be someone who could bring people together.<br/><br/>During the deviceFortune Cup, "[[Ancient Fairy Dragon]]", "[[Black Rose Dragon]]", "[[Red Dragon Archfiend]]" he would go on to defeat Jack and "[[Stardust Dragon]]"become the new King. However Roman continued the research An uproar and activated confusion soon followed among the Ener-D systempublic, but as someone who is not very fond of that kind of attention, opening he simply went on to live a door normal life as a normal citizen.<br/>He aims to participate in the Underworld. Yusei realized that [[Zero Reverse|the incident]] WRGP with Old EnerJack and Crow, and they spend most of their time developing their D-D was not an accidentWheels for the tournament. Roman claimed that the world needed to change <br/>He makes a living as a repairman, and that has a good reputation - he decided is said to be able to make it happenfix anything.<br/><br/>The type of person who is rather quiet and speaks with actions rather than words. Yusei questioned <br/>However, there is a raging fire burning in his position to make that decision for everyone else heart, and how many lives anything he must take says during an emergency is likely to satisfy move not only his friends but also his arroganceenemies. Roman replied that he would not expect a Singer to understand<br/>His personality is magnetic and brings together all kinds of people. With nothing left to say, he challenged Yusei to a Duel<br/><br/>Uses Decks based around Synchro Summons. Devack offered to Duel for him, but since there were two opponents<br/>His ace monster is Stardust Dragon, Roman suggested that they Tag Duel against Yusei and the player. Yusei vowed not whose powerful effect to forgive Roman and to end everything now, making Roman pay for negate the people who lost their lives to destruction of other cards has rescued himfrom pinches in countless ocassions.<ref name="tf4 h4" /blockquote>
After winning the Duel, ====Poncho Yusei asked if Roman knew how many lives he had ruined with what he called "destiny" and if he knew the pain endured by the survivors. Roman laughed that it was not the end, as even stronger god had already been released.<ref name="tf4 h4" />===
===Three Emperors of Yliaster===Yusei heard rumors of the [[Ghost]] Duelists, stating that the Ghosts challenge Duelists whenever they see them and inflict serious injury on their opponentsFile:Yusei-Poncho-TF05. He heard that Sector Security were on the case, but were unable to identify the Ghost Duelists, as they flee quickly and vanish after their Duels. He informed the [[Player (Tag Force)png|thumb|left||player]] of the rumors and the player then accompanied him, as he went shopping for [[Duel Runner]] parts.<ref name="tf5 h1">Alternate Yusei in ''Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5'' "The Creeping Threat"</ref>]]
[[File:TF05 Yusei and Ghost.png<blockquote>{{Ruby|赤|あか}}き{{Ruby|竜|りゅう}}の{{Ruby|痣|あざ}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}つシグナーの{{Ruby|一人|ひとり}}。<br/>{{Ruby|過去|かこ}}には、サテライト{{Ruby|統一|とういつ}}を{{Ruby|目指|めざ}}したデュエリスト{{Ruby|集団|しゅうだん}}「チーム{{Ruby|満足|サティスファクション}}」に{{Ruby|属|ぞく}}していた。<br/><br/>リーダー{{Ruby|鬼柳|きりゅう}}の{{Ruby|暴走|ぼうそう}}を{{Ruby|止|と}}めようとした{{Ruby|結果|けっか}}、{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}をセキュリティに{{Ruby|逮捕|たいほ}}させる{{Ruby|事|こと}}となってしまい、{{Ruby|鬼柳|きりゅう}}からは{{Ruby|裏切|うらぎ}}り{{Ruby|者|もの}}と{{Ruby|思|おも}}われていたが、その{{Ruby|後|ご}}、デュエルを{{Ruby|通|つう}}じて{{Ruby|自分|じぶん}}の{{Ruby|思|おも}}いを{{Ruby|伝|つた}}え、{{Ruby|誤解|ごかい}}を{{Ruby|解|と}}く{{Ruby|事|こと}}に{{Ruby|成功|せいこう}}している。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|鬼柳|きりゅう}}がとある{{Ruby|街|まち}}で{{Ruby|危機|きき}}にあると{{Ruby|聞|き}}き、{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}を{{Ruby|救|すく}}うべく{{Ruby|行動|こうどう}}する。<br/>{{Ruby|状況|じょうきょう}}に{{Ruby|合|あ}}わせて、{{Ruby|服装|ふくそう}}はもちろん、{{Ruby|言動|げんどう}}までも{{Ruby|変|か}}える{{Ruby|事|こと}}ができ、{{Ruby|意外|いがい}}にも{{Ruby|柔軟|じゅうなん}}な{{Ruby|思考|しこう}}とユーモアのセンスを{{Ruby|持|も}}っているようである。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}にとって、デュエルは{{Ruby|相手|あいて}}の{{Ruby|人間性|にんげんせい}}を{{Ruby|理解|りかい}}できる{{Ruby|場|ば}}であり、そのため、{{Ruby|対戦|たいせん}}する{{Ruby|事|こと}}で{{Ruby|思|おも}}いを{{Ruby|伝|つた}}える{{Ruby|事|こと}}ができると、{{Ruby|固|thumbかた}}く{{Ruby|left|Yusei discovers that the [[Ghost]]s are robots.]]At [[Combat Lane]], Yusei and the player heard two men being troubled by opponents, who had just defeated them. They went over to see what happened and confronted the winners of the Duel, [[Fake Dean]] and [[Fake Wade]]. Yusei realized that they were Ghosts and accused them of corrupting the art of Dueling. He vowed to make them pay and they initiated a Tag Duel, forcing the player to take part too. After winning, Yusei demanded that the Ghosts tell him why they had been causing trouble. Wade replied that they had come to the world to eliminate unnecessary beings. Yusei did not understand what that had to do with injuring other Duelists and asked how they had the power to injure people through Dueling. Dean and Wade replied that Yusei would eventually understand if his species is on the correct evolutionary path.しん}}じている。<ref name="tf5 h1" /blockquote>
After they crashed, Yusei realized that Dean and Wade had been robots. [[Tetsu Trudge (Tag Force)|Trudge]] and [[Mina Simington (Tag Force)|Mina Simington]] then arrived to investigate the scene. Yusei explained that the Ghosts are robots and Trudge was surprised, as the robots were actually [[Duelbot|Duel Bot]]s, which were being developed by Sector Security. Trudge explained that some had been stolen recently and Yusei wondered who would want them and for what purpose. Mina thanked Yusei and the player for their help, although Yusei thought he had not done much.<ref name="tf5 h1" />{{clear left}}
Yusei decided to ask <blockquote>One of the Signers, bearing one of the birthmarks of the player Crimson Dragon.<br/>He used to be part of Team Satisfaction, a group of duelists who planned to unite Satellite.<br/><br/>He failed to stop their leader, Kiryu, from commiting a desperate gambit in the past, and Kiryu himself was arrested while wrongly believing his partner friends turned him in to Security. Upon dueling much later on, they managed to resolve this misunderstanding.<br/><br/>He has recently learned Kiryu is in the [[World Tag Duel Grand Prix]] (WTGP)danger, as so he had felt the potential fight Duels in a is investigating his current whereabouts to find him and save him.<br/>Quick to change his attire to match his new waysurroundings, the last time he Tag Dueled with shows himself to have both very flexible thinking and quite the playersense of humor. Yusei's partners for the [[World Racing Grand Prix|WRGP]]<br/><br/>To him, [[Jack Atlas (Tag Force)|Jack]] dueling allows people to express what they feel and [[Crow Hogan (Tag Force)|Crow Hogan]], were mad to understand both themselves and surprisedtheir opponents, respectively, when so he broke the news that believes he wanted the player as can convey his partnerthoughts to everyone this way.<ref name="tf5 h2">''Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5'' "New Possibilities Clear Mind"</refblockquote>
[[File:TF05 Sherry unconvinced.png|thumb|right|[[Sherry LeBlanc (===Tag Force)|Sherry]] questions Yusei's choice of Tag partner.]]The player agreed to be Yusei's partner. As practice, they faced [[Sherry LeBlanc (Tag Force)|Sherry LeBlanc]] and [[Bruno (Tag Force)|Vizor]]. Yusei suggested that they begin with one-on-one Duels, but Sherry thought that would be a waste of time, since the WTGP is a Tag Duel tournament. Vizor said that Yusei would need to push to his limits for the WTGP and Sherry questioned his decision to have the player as his partner. Yusei explained that the player helped him defeat the Ghosts in a Tag Duel, but Vizor insisted that the Ghosts are not nearly as good as the "real enemy", [[Yliaster]], whom he claimed are manipulating the events behind the WTGP. Sherry wondered if Yusei was prepared to face such an opponent, with the player. Yusei replied that he and the player still had a bit of work to do before they would be ready, but felt a certain potential when they Dueled as a team before. Sherry was unconvinced and thought that Yusei should be her partner, but Yusei stood by his decision. Seeing that words would not be enough to convince Yusei, she challenged him to a Tag Duel. Vizor teamed up with Sherry to test the potential Yusei was talking about and see how he would reach a "[[Clear Mind]]".<ref name6==="tf5 h2" />
Yusei and the player won the Duel. Sherry admitted that the two of them did share a powerful bond and allowed them to be partners. Vizor said that perfecting the Clear Mind would not be easy and that he looked forward to seeing how Yusei and the player would progress as a team. After Vizor and Sherry left, Yusei commented on how he was able to focus entirely on the Duel and nothing else. Although he was unsure what Clear Mind was, he felt he had found a clue.<ref name="tf5 h2" blockquote>トップス{{Ruby|生|う}}まれサテライト{{Ruby|育|そだ}}ちの{{Ruby|青年|せいねん}}。<br/>{{Ruby|赤|あか}}き{{Ruby|竜|りゅう}}の{{Ruby|頭|あたま}}の{{Ruby|痣|あざ}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}つシグナーの{{Ruby|一人|ひとり}}。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|父|ちち}}{{Ruby|親|おや}}は、{{Ruby|究極|きゅうきょく}}のエネルギー{{Ruby|発生|はっせい}}システム「モーメント」の{{Ruby|設計者|せっけいしゃ}}、{{Ruby|不動博士|ふどうはかせ}}。<br/>17{{Ruby|年前|ねんまえ}}に{{Ruby|起|お}}きたシティとサテライトの{{Ruby|分断|ぶんだん}}の{{Ruby|原因|げんいん}}となった「ゼロ・リバース」と{{Ruby|呼|よ}}ばれるモーメント{{Ruby|暴走|ぼうそう}}{{Ruby|事故|じこ}}の{{Ruby|際|さい}}、{{Ruby|両親|りょうしん}}とも{{Ruby|他界|たかい}}している。<br/><br/>ダークシグナーとの{{Ruby|戦|たたか}}いに{{Ruby|勝利|しょうり}}し、シティとサテライトが{{Ruby|再統一|さいとういつ}}された{{Ruby|後|のち}}、ジャック、クロウらとチーム・{{Ruby|5D’s|ファイブディーズ}}を{{Ruby|結成|けっせい}}し「WRGP」に{{Ruby|出場|しゅつじょう}}。<br/>{{Ruby|予選|よせん}}を{{Ruby|勝|か}}ち{{Ruby|進|すす}}んでいくうちに、イリアステルのシティ{{Ruby|消滅|しょうめつ}}の{{Ruby|野望|やぼう}}を{{Ruby|知|し}}り、これを{{Ruby|阻止|そし}}して{{Ruby|街|まち}}を{{Ruby|守|まも}}ることが{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}らの{{Ruby|大|おお}}きな{{Ruby|目的|もくてき}}となった。<br/><br/>エンジニアとしての{{Ruby|才能|さいのう}}は{{Ruby|超一流|ちょういちりゅう}}で、{{Ruby|同様|どうよう}}に{{Ruby|天才|てんさい}}メカニックのブルーノとは{{Ruby|初対面|しょたいめん}}からすぐに{{Ruby|打|う}}ち{{Ruby|解|と}}けた。<br/>{{Ruby|寡黙|かもく}}だが{{Ruby|決|けっ}}して{{Ruby|諦|あきら}}めずに{{Ruby|前|まえ}}に{{Ruby|進|すす}}む{{Ruby|意志|いし}}をもち、{{Ruby|常|つね}}に{{Ruby|仲間|なかま}}への{{Ruby|思|おも}}いやりをわすれない{{Ruby|熱|あつ}}い{{Ruby|心|こころ}}の{{Ruby|持|も}}ち{{Ruby|主|ぬし}}。{{Ruby|数々|かずかず}}の{{Ruby|命|いのち}}がけのデュエルを{{Ruby|経験|けいけん}}することで{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}の{{Ruby|心|こころ}}も{{Ruby|逞|たくま}}しく{{Ruby|成長|せいちょう}}した。{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}に{{Ruby|惹|ひ}}かれ{{Ruby|固|かた}}い{{Ruby|絆|きずな}}で{{Ruby|結|むす}}ばれた{{Ruby|仲間|なかま}}に{{Ruby|囲|かこ}}まれている。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|低|てい}}レベルの{{Ruby|戦士族|せんしぞく}}と{{Ruby|機械族|きかいぞく}}を{{Ruby|軸|じく}}に{{Ruby|多彩|たさい}}なシンクロモンスターを{{Ruby|切|き}}り{{Ruby|札|ふだ}}とする「ジャンク」デッキを{{Ruby|使用|しよう}}する。<br/>エースモンスターの「スターダスト・ドラゴン」は、カードの{{Ruby|破壊|はかい}}を{{Ruby|無効|むこう}}にできる{{Ruby|強力|きょうりょく}}な{{Ruby|効果|こうか}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}っており、{{Ruby|幾度|いくど}}となく{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}のピンチを{{Ruby|救|すく}}っている。</blockquote>
When [[new Domino City]] became overrun by Ghosts<blockquote>A young man who was born in Tops but raised in Satellite.<br/>One of the Signers of the Crimson Dragon, Yusei warned bearing the player that anyone with cards head birthmark.<br/><br/>His father, Doctor Fudo, was being attackedthe designer of Moment, the ultimate energy generation system. The player mistook Yusei<br/>Both of his parents passed away 17 years ago, during the incident known as the Zero Reverse, which also physically separated the City and what became known as Satellite.<br/><br/>After the Dark Signers were defeated and the City and Satellite unified again, he, Jack and Crow formed Team 5D's visit as request to help fight participate in the GhostsWRGP. Yusei tried <br/>As they qualified for the final rounds, they learned Yliaster schemed to put him off wipe out the idea at firstCity, but so they now aim to protect it from the player suggested that they are a Tag Teamorganization.<br/><br/>Incredibly talented as an engineer, he quickly became close friends with Bruno, no matter how rough times getwho is similarly skilled in mechanics. Yusei agreed <br/>Fairly quiet, but unrelenting and said determined, he was embarrassed that is a passionate person who is also compassive and understanding. His heart matured as he needed to be reminded thatwent through all kinds of experiences by dueling, and his bonds with his friends are very strong.<ref name="tf5 h3"br/>''Yu<br/>He uses Junk Decks, revolving around Synchro Summoning, featuring a wide variety of low-Level Warrior-GiType and Machine-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5'' "A Battle for Type monsters.<br/>His ace monster is Stardust Dragon, whose powerful effect to negate the Ages"destruction of other cards has rescued him from pinches in countless ocassions.</refblockquote>
[[File:TF05 Stay out of Primo's way.png|thumb|left|[[Primo (===Tag Force)|Primo]] interrupts Yusei's battle against the Ghosts.]]Yusei and the player defeated two Ghosts on the highway. As they prepared to find more of them, they were confronted by [[Primo (Tag Force)|Primo]] and [[Fake Dean]]. Primo told Yusei to stay out of his way and Yusei asked why he was sabotaging the tournament. Primo insisted that the tournament was meaningless and that the Ghost Duels are to determine who gets to survive. Yusei retorted that Duels are never to be forced on the unwilling. Primo replied that he would like to see Yusei stop him and challenged him to a Tag Duel. Yusei warned the player that there was no guarantee that they would come out of this Duel alive, but was surprised to hear that he was still willing to fight.<ref nameSpecial==="tf5 h3" />
Yusei and the player won and Primo accused them of being ignorant to the fact that their evolutionary path was going in the wrong direction. He reminded Yusei of the [[Zero Reverse]] and said that the same mistake was going be made again, so he and his accomplices decided they must correct things. Yusei argued that humans do err, but they learn from their mistakes. [[Jakob]] and [[Lester]] then appeared before Yusei and introduced themselves and Primo as the [[Three Emperors of Yliaster]]. They explained that their actions were to change the future. Jakob suggested that Yusei Duel them if he wanted to know the whole story. Yusei accepted, but they explained that it was neither the time nor the place, but the time would soon come.<ref name="tf5 h3" blockquote>ネオ{{Ruby|童実野|ドミノ}}シティのトップス{{Ruby|生|う}}まれ、サテライト{{Ruby|育|そだ}}ちの{{Ruby|青年|せいねん}}。<br/>{{Ruby|赤|あか}}き{{Ruby|竜|りゅう}}の{{Ruby|頭|あたま}}の{{Ruby|痣|あざ}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}つシグナーの{{Ruby|一人|ひとり}}で、{{Ruby|未来|みらい}}の{{Ruby|英雄|えいゆう}}。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|当初|とうしょ}}は{{Ruby|寡黙|かもく}}でクールな{{Ruby|性格|せいかく}}で、{{Ruby|周囲|しゅうい}}に{{Ruby|対|たい}}しても{{Ruby|非常|ひじょう}}に{{Ruby|攻撃的|こうげきてき}}だったが、それは{{Ruby|当時|とうじ}}の{{Ruby|生活|せいかつ}}{{Ruby|環境|かんきょう}}がそうさせていたようで、{{Ruby|実際|じっさい}}は{{Ruby|決|けっ}}して{{Ruby|諦|あきら}}めずに{{Ruby|進|すす}}む{{Ruby|強|つよ}}い{{Ruby|意志|いし}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}ち、{{Ruby|絆|きずな}}を{{Ruby|信|しん}}じ、{{Ruby|仲間|なかま}}への{{Ruby|思|おも}}いやりを{{Ruby|忘|わす}}れない{{Ruby|熱|あつ}}い{{Ruby|心|こころ}}の{{Ruby|持|も}}ち{{Ruby|主|ぬし}}であることが{{Ruby|明|あき}}らかになっていった。<br/><br/>デュエリストとしてだけでなく、エンジニアとしての{{Ruby|才能|さいのう}}も{{Ruby|一流|いちりゅう}}で、{{Ruby|自身|じしん}}の{{Ruby|D|ディー}}・ホイール{{Ruby|遊星|ゆうせい}}{{Ruby|号|ごう}}や、{{Ruby|龍亞|るあ}}のデュエルボードなどを{{Ruby|自作|じさく}}。<br/>{{Ruby|同様|どうよう}}に{{Ruby|天才|てんさい}}メカニックのブルーノとは{{Ruby|初対面|しょたいめん}}からすぐに{{Ruby|打|う}}ち{{Ruby|解|と}}けた。<br/><br/>シティとサテライトが{{Ruby|再統一|さいとういつ}}された{{Ruby|後|のち}}、ジャック、クロウらとチーム・{{Ruby|5D’s|ファイブディーズ}}を{{Ruby|結成|けっせい}}しWRGPに{{Ruby|出場|しゅつじょう}}。<br/>イリアステルの{{Ruby|野望|やぼう}}を{{Ruby|知|し}}り、これを{{Ruby|阻止|そし}}してネオ{{Ruby|童実野|ドミノ}}シティを{{Ruby|守|まも}}った。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|低|てい}}レベルの{{Ruby|戦士族|せんしぞく}}と{{Ruby|機械族|きかいぞく}}を{{Ruby|軸|じく}}に{{Ruby|多彩|たさい}}なシンクロモンスターを{{Ruby|切|き}}り{{Ruby|札|ふだ}}とする「ジャンク」デッキを{{Ruby|使用|しよう}}する。<br/>エースモンスターの「スターダスト・ドラゴン」はカードの{{Ruby|破壊|はかい}}を{{Ruby|無効|むこう}}にできる{{Ruby|強力|きょうりょく}}な{{Ruby|効果|こうか}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}っている。<br/>{{Ruby|防御|ぼうぎょ}}カードの「くず{{Ruby|鉄|てつ}}のかかし」は{{Ruby|幾度|いくど}}となく{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}のピンチを{{Ruby|救|すく}}っている。</blockquote>
Jakob <blockquote>A young man who was born in Neo Domino City's Tops area, but he was raised in Satellite.<br/>A hero in the future, he is one of the Signers of the Crimson Dragon and Lester chose is the outskirts holder of New Domino Citythe head birthmark.<br/><br/>He appears calm and level-headed, but he used to have a rather aggressive attitude. It seems his life's circumstances made him adopt that behavior for some time.<br/>Nowadays, where it is clear he is a meteor fellbeliever in bonds that always moves forward and never gives up, and he actually has a passionate heart that is very compassive and understanding towards those around him.<br/><br/>Incredibly skilled not only as a duelist but as an engineer as well. He created his own D-Wheel, the location Yusei Model, and made a Duel Board for their battleRua. Before confronting them<br/>He quickly became close friends with Bruno, Yusei told who is similarly skilled in mechanics.<br/><br/>After the player about the arrangements City and his certainty that it was a trap. However Satellite were unified again, he felt , Jack and Crow formed Team 5D's to participate in the bond WRGP.<br/>Upon learning of Yliaster's schemes, they had developed would be enough decided to overcome protect Neo Domino City.<br/><br/>He uses Junk Decks, revolving around Synchro Summoning, featuring a wide variety of low-Level Warrior-Type and Machine-Type monsters.<br/>His ace monster is Stardust Dragon, which has a powerful effect that negates the trapdestruction of other cards.<ref name="tf5 h4"br/>''YuHis defensive card, Scrap-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5'' "Showdown! The Chosen Ones"Iron Scarecrow, has rescued him from pinches in countless ocassions.</refblockquote>
[[File:TF05 Touch the lithograph.png|thumb|right|Yusei acquires "[[Shooting Star Dragon]]", by touching the lithograph.]]At the meteor crash site, Yusei asked Jakob and Lester why they wanted to change the future. Jakob considered Yusei worthy enough to know and explained that Yliaster is an organization in charge of correcting the world's history. He said that they travel to the past and guide humans the proper way when the choose a foolish way. However he claimed the tragic future caused by Dr. Fudo's invention of Ener-D was unavoidable, regardless of how much correction was done. Lester said that they attempted to stop it before, by destroying Ener-D, causing Yusei to realize their involvement in Zero Reverse. However that temporary destruction was not enough to erase it from history, they said, so they have come again to perform a new correction; to destroy New Domino City. Yusei refused to let them do that and insisted that they Duel.<ref name="tf5 h4" />=Biography==
Although ===Birth===Yusei and was named after the player won[[Planetary Particle|Yusei particle]], Jakob and Lester said that it was not enough to stop thema particle discovered by [[Dr. A lithograph then fell from the skyFudo|his father]], much to Lester's surprisewhich was capable of bringing other particles together. Jakob said His father hoped that this one belonged to Yusei and the player and Lester asked if he was saying they could hear would become the voice of the divine. After Jakob and Lester left, Yusei touched the lithograph, under the player's advice, causing him to acquire the card, "[[Shooting Star Dragon]]"bond who brought people together.<ref name="tf5 tf4 h4" >''Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4'' "Truth 17 Years in Waiting - A New Decision"</ref>
{{clear}}===The Enforcers===Yusei was once in a Duel gang, [[The Enforcers]], along with [[Jack Atlas (Tag Force)|Jack Atlas]], [[Crow Hogan (Tag Force)|Crow Hogan]] and [[Kalin Kessler (Tag Force)|Kalin Kessler]]. Kalin was one of his closest friends. Yusei Dueled with him once and lost. Together the Enforcers defeated all the other Duel gangs in the area, taking over all of [[Satellite]]. They were proud of their accomplishment, but lost sight of why they started the gang in the first place. Yusei and others thought that they had become shells of their former selves, but Kalin did not feel as such. He did not want to admit that their conquest was over and looked for tougher enemies. Eventually he decided to fight the entirety of Sector Security. Yusei, Crow and Jack did what they could to stop Kalin, but they failed and he was arrested. Kalin interpreted their efforts to stop him, as a betrayal and thought that they sold him out to Sector Security.<ref name="tf4 h3">''Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4'' "The Strength of Friendship - For a Past Friend"</ref>
===The frontierDark Signers===[[File:TF05 Frontier trouble.png|thumb|left|To hide from a reporter, who was staling him, Yusei and hid out at the player find [[Enzo]] and [[Shuji Kubota|Kubota]] (Terence) being forced to work by [[Simon Player (Tag Force)|Simon]] and [[KENYoUplayer]]'s house, for a while.]]Yusei received an anonymous letter, He admitted to not knowing being good at the time it was from [[No Money Yayoi]] (Rei)dealing with such people. It stated that Kalin As he was in the frontiernew king, they were always looking for him to do something sensational. Yayoi had been involved in illegal trading with people in The player blamed this on the frontier previous king and knew that this letter would send Yusei thereagreed. She hoped that as a resultWhen he thought he had hid long enough for the reporter to give up, he got ready to leave and the player offered to walk him halfway. Yusei thought that would eliminate all the people she had been illegally involved withmake him stand out less and agreed.<ref name="tf5 poncho h4tf4 h1">''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 54]]'' "Seeking All Manner of SatisfactionApproaching Threat! Dark Signer Trudge!?"</ref>
[[File:TF04 Yusei's arm glows.png|thumb|left|Yusei visited faces [[Tetsu Trudge (Tag Force)|Trudge]], who is possessed by the player to invite him to [[the frontierDark Signer]], although he would not tell him where they were goings. ]]Yusei brought and the player went as far as a poncho with him to blend in. They saw the locals, [[Shuji Kubotaback alley]] (Terence) and decided Yusei would be okay form there. However as Yusei was thanking the player, he felt a pain in his [[EnzoMark of the Dragon]], say that they had had enough and were going home. They were callously stopped by due to the presence of [[Simon Tetsu Trudge (Tag Force)|SimonTetsu Trudge]] and , who was possessed by the [[KENYoUDark Signers]]. Enraged Yusei tried He recognized Trudge from their last Duel and suspected he was there to stop themarrest him again. He warned Trudge about what happened last time, but KENYoU told Trudge said he was not interested in arresting him , but wanted to mind his own businessget rid of him for good. Yusei asked what was going on and Trudge introduced himself as a Dark Signer, as they were just bringing back workers who had ditched their jobcome from the Underworld to meet him. Yusei refused wondered what a Dark Signer was and [[Hiroshi Kumakura|Lioside]] said to turn his back on such brutality. Simon said that Duel him and Trudge, if he hated wanted to solve anything with violence, so find out. Trudge warned Yusei suggested that they it would be a [[Shadow Duel. Simon was interested ]] and KENYoU said that if the darkness might remind Yusei and of the meaning of the player lostmark on his arm. Yusei accepted, they would have to join Kubota so he and Enzo as workers. Yusei again apologized for getting the player into trouble faced Trudge and the two of them prepared to Hiroshi in a Tag Duel Simon and KENYoU.<ref name="tf5 poncho tf4 h1">''Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5'' "The Forgotten City"</ref>
Yusei and the player won, giving Kubota and Enzo a chance to escape. Yusei advised that they get out of thanked his partner and commented on how real the area and lay low for a whileShadow Duel felt. Enzo suggested that Yusei and the player come with them, as Simon and KENYoU might come back soonHe tried questioning Trudge, but Yusei declined as found that he and Lioside had business to attend in no memory of the town. Kubota explained that he and Enzo were guards at a mine, containing minerals, used for Duel Runner parts. However they had been forced into labor Trudge remembered blacking out earlier and explained that law and order were ignored in the area, in favor of money and power. They warned suspected Yusei had done something to be careful, as he had been marked by men, who run the townhim. Kubota explained that there are two apposing gangs, led by [[Jaime]] Trudge fell unconscious again and [[Syun]], who called the shots in the areaYusei realized his mark was no longer throbbing. Enzo added that the gangs were wanted by Sector Security He decided to call it a day and had been driven out of thanked the city, causing them to wind up in the frontier. Yusei thanked them player for their information before parting wayshis help.<ref name="tf5 poncho tf4 h1" />
{{Missing information|Yusei learned that his fate is connected with the legend of the [[Crimson Dragon]]. The battle between the Crimson Dragon and the Wicked Gods, to decide the true ruler of the world, is repeated every 5000 years and he heard that it was almost time for that battle to start again. He learned what his Mark of the Dragon was a mark of the Crimson Dragon and the mark of a chosen [[Signer]] and that the Dark Signers are his enemies and servants of the Wicked Gods. In order to stop the world plunging inot Darkness, he needed to defeat the Dark Signers. He learned that there is more than one Dark Signer and the two members of [[Sector Security]] that they Dueled earlier were not actual Dark Signers, but were controlled by a real Dark Signer.<ref name="tf4 h2">''Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 54'', "ponchoBecome the Star Enveloping Destruction! Crimson Dragon Warriors Gather" Yusei's second event.|section|style=width: 100%;}}Yusei and the player Tag Duel against Jaime and [[Carly Carmine]], after which Yusei and the player became Jaime's bodyguards.</ref>
[[File:TF05 Yusei finds Kalin.png|thumb|right|Yusei finds Kalin, in the frontier.]]After returning returned to the frontier, Yusei and the player met Jaime. Yusei noted that the townspeople seemed tense 's house and Jaime explained that the time woke him up to tell him what he had come to settle a score with Syunlearned. With a battle He filled him in on his plan to determine who controls gather the town loomingother Signers, Yusei suspected [[Kalin Kessler (Tag Force)|Kalin]] would show upin order to defeat the Dark Signers. After a confrontation between Jaime and Syun, Jaime got his bodyguards, Yusei and Although the player to face Syun's accomplicewas not a Signer, Kalin. Yusei said that because Kalin never turns his back on a Duel, he knew he would find him there. Kalin felt that Yusei was crazy for coming all this way for him. Yusei said that he came to take Kalin back, but Kalin claimed his life was over a long time ago and that he was better off left in the frontier to rot. Jaime interrupted their exchanges, urging strong bond between them to get on with the Duelwhen they Dueled together, and Syun worried thought that them knowing each other could become a distraction. Yusei explained that they would be Tag Dueling, but Kalin insisted that he did not work with partners. Yusei ordered him to pick a partner or the Duel his assistance would be over. [[Mathew]] volunteered to be Kalin's partner and the Duel beganvaluable.<ref name="tf5 poncho h3tf4 h2">''Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5'' "A Reunion With an Old Friend: Dissatisfaction Before Satisfaction"</ref>
[[File:TF04 Yusei and Player VS Akiza and Jack.png|thumb|right|Yusei and the [[Player (Tag Force)|player won the Duel ]] face [[Akiza Izinski (Tag Force)|Akiza]] and Syun [[Jack Atlas (Tag Force)|Jack]].]]The player and Mathew retreatedYusei went to [[Domino General Hospital|the hospital]] to meet [[Akiza Izinski (Tag Force)|Akiza Izinski]]. However Akiza had recently lost her friend, not wanting [[Sayer]], whom she believed to work be the only person in the minesworld who truly accepted her. [[Jack Atlas (Tag Force)|Jack Atlas]] explained that her mental anguish drove her [[Psychic Duelist|psychic power]] out of control, preventing the doctors from being able to get close to her. Jaime thanked Yusei for tried to calm her down, but Akiza mistook the intention of his helpvisit as him coming to mock her. She offered to show Yusei her power again, but told her not to bring her hate into a Duel. She reminded Yusei insisted that the town is he had told her that her friend would guide her and asked if it was a lie. He claimed that it was not be Jaime's , but she refused to believe him and accused him of wanting to take away everything dear to her. Jack warned Yusei that at this rate, her power was going to controlstart doing serious harm. He reminded him Seeing no other way about it, Yusei decided that a Duel was the rules only way to reach her. Akiza interpreted the challenge as them being enemies, destined to battle, but Yusei claimed it was a test of the town state that whoever wins bond of their friendship. He asked Jack for help, so Jack decided to pair up with Akiza.<ref name="tf4 h2" /> During the Duel gets everything, Akiza's rage calmed down and she managed to control her power. As After he and the winnerplayer won, Yusei wanted to return the town to its told Akiza that there are peoplewho believe in her and need her. Jaime He explained that Sayer had only been using her and was unhappy and said not a real friend. He stated that Yusei would he believed in her, not get away with thisbecause he was a Signer, but because he was a Duelist and a friend. With encouragement from Yusei offered , Akiza agreed to help the Signers.<ref name="tf4 h2" /> [[Kalin Kessler (Tag Force)|Kalin Kessler]], now a Dark Signer, confronted Yusei and Dueled him. During the Duel him to settle things, but Yusei learned that he was responsible for Kalin becoming a Dark Signer. Kalin Summoned "[[Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu]]", which was Summoned by absorbing the souls of other people. Yusei thought that Kalin was much stronger than when he fled had known him before and vowed considered himself lucky to get survive the Duel.<ref name="tf4 h3" /> Yusei visited the player and told him about his encounter with Kalin. He felt it was his duty to face Kalin again and that he owed Kalin, for thatmaking him become a Dark Signer. He wanted the player to witness the Duel and invited him to come along.<ref name="tf5 poncho tf4 h3" />
[[File:TF04 Betrayal?.png|thumb|left|[[Kalin congratulated Kessler (Tag Force)|Kalin]] accuses Yusei of betraying him, for winningthe player.]]At the [[Old Ener-D|old Enerdy system]], but Yusei reminded him that and the player had won toomet up with Trudge. They went to the area, where Yusei agreed to face Kalin again. Kalin then realized that saw the player and asked if Yusei and betrayed him for the player had a bond . Yusei explained that he did not know the player back then and Mathew lackedbriefed the player in on his and Kalin's history. Yusei reminded Kalin still believe that he came Yusei had chosen the player over him. Wanting to save him and Kalin admitted send both of them to being saved many times by their graves, he possessed Trudge, so he could face Yuseiand the player in a Tag Duel. When Yusei invited Kalin to come back with himapologized for dragging the player into this, but said he refused because he wanted to repay for needed his sins against help and they accepted the town, by helping out its peopleDuel.<ref name="tf5 poncho tf4 h3" />
[[File:TF05 No Money Yayoi cornered.png|thumb|left|The Enforcers Yusei and the player corner [[No Money Yayoi]] (Rei)won the Duel.]]Following what Carly said about her investigation of the town in the frontier, Yusei researched rare metal transaction records still refused to cast a friend aside and figured out who was buying itvowed to save Kalin. He figured that they were illegitimately controlling its movement on the black market and decided asked Kalin to check the warehouse from join him, insisting it would be like the transaction recordsold days. He and the player went to the [[junk market]]Kalin explained that when he became a Dark Signer, where Yayoi was issuing orders he had a desire to have one final Duel under [[Shuji Maruyama (character)|Shuji MaruyamaThe Enforcers]] (Gillian)' name. Yayoi warned Yusei He said that he should not be barging in like that. could never truly hate Yusei asked if she knew Jaime and Syun and said he wanted to inquire about illegal rare metal sales. Yayoi claimed to not know what he was talking about and insisted that she was an honest merchant. Yusei requested that she drop thanked him for the act and warned her that turning in the chip with her records to Sector Security would uncover everythinggood times, before disappearing. Yayoi maintained that she did not know what he was talking about. She asserted that she was too busy to deal with Yusei wept and the player and asked insisted that Maruyama remove them. Yusei asked how long she planned on keeping up the act, but she ordered him to come back with solid evidence if he was going to make accusations. Kalin then arrived on the scene, saying that if she wanted evidence, he had italways been his friend. He brought Syun with him and declared that Syun was willing vowed to testify if necessary. Yayoi was disappointed, as she was just finished doing business with Jaime and Syun, and admitted everything he could to being defeat the one who sent Yusei the letter. With no other options, she suggested that they settle the problem with a Duel. If she lost, she would go before Sector Security, but if she won they would pretend the problem never happened. Yusei and the player paired up to Tag Duel against Yayoi and MaruyamaDark Signers for him.<ref name="tf5 poncho h4tf4 h3" />
After Yusei and visited the player won, Yayoi was unwilling to let them take her and tried informed him that he planned on putting an end to run, but was cornered by Jack and Crowthe battle. With The Enforcers reunited Yusei asked Kalin if he He was still going to return the Old Enerdy system, where he was sure the Dark Signers would be waiting to the frontierfight him. Kalin replied He confessed that he thought he was wrong for getting the player involved in the conflict, but still had to live his life there. Yusei did not think it was sorry right to hear that, but said leave without asking the player if he would be missedwanted to help.<ref name="tf5 poncho tf4 h4" />
==Gifts==[[File:TF04 Yusei and Player VS Roman and Devack.png|thumb|right|Yusei and the player Duel [[Roman Goodwin (Tag Force)|Roman]] and [[Devack (Tag Force)|Devack]].]]The At the old Enerdy system, Yusei and the player is able met the Dark Signers [[Devack (Tag Force)|Devack]] and [[Roman Goodwin (Tag Force)|Roman Goodwin]]. Roman said that he never thought he would Duel the son of [[Dr. Fudo]] for the 5000-year reign. Roman told Yusei about work he had done with Yusei's father and how he had discovered that the [[Ener-D|Enerdy]] system they had been working could be used to revive the gods. Yusei's father had disagreed and developed a device capable of shutting the Ener-D system away. Four keys were necessary to activate the device, "[[Ancient Fairy Dragon]]", "[[Black Rose Dragon]]", "[[Red Dragon Archfiend]]" and "[[Stardust Dragon]]". However Roman continued the research and activated the Ener-D system, opening a door to give the Underworld. Yusei giftsrealized that [[Zero Reverse|the incident]] with Old Ener-D was not an accident. The following tables detail Roman claimed that the world needed to change and that he decided to make it happen. Yusei questioned his position to make that decision for everyone else and how much many lives he must take to satisfy his arrogance. Roman replied that he likes or dislikes would not expect a Singer to understand. With nothing left to say, he challenged Yusei to a Duel. Devack offered to Duel for him, but since there were two opponents, Roman suggested that they Tag Duel against Yusei and the giftsplayer. Yusei vowed not to forgive Roman and to end everything now, making Roman pay for the people who lost their lives to him.<ref name="tf4 h4" />
After winning the Duel, Yusei asked if Roman knew how many lives he had ruined with what he called "destiny" and if he knew the pain endured by the survivors. Roman laughed that it was not the end, as even stronger god had already been released.<ref name="tf4 h4" /> ===''Tag Force 4''Three Emperors of Iliaster==={Yusei heard rumors of the [[Ghost]] Duelists, stating that the Ghosts challenge Duelists whenever they see them and inflict serious injury on their opponents. He heard that Sector Security were on the case, but were unable to identify the Ghost Duelists, as they flee quickly and vanish after their Duels. He informed the [[Player (Tag Force)| classplayer]] of the rumors and the player then accompanied him, as he went shopping for [[Duel Runner]] parts.<ref name="wikitable hlist hcommatf5 h1" width=>''Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5'' "100%The Creeping Threat"</ref> [[File:TF05 Yusei and Ghost.png|-thumb|left|Yusei discovers that the [[Ghost]]s are robots.]]!! scopeAt [[Combat Lane]], Yusei and the player heard two men being troubled by opponents, who had just defeated them. They went over to see what happened and confronted the winners of the Duel, [[Ghost (Tag Force)|Dean]] and [[Ghost (Tag Force)|Wade]]. Yusei realized that they were Ghosts and accused them of corrupting the art of Dueling. He vowed to make them pay and they initiated a Tag Duel, forcing the player to take part too. After winning, Yusei demanded that the Ghosts tell him why they had been causing trouble. Wade replied that they had come to the world to eliminate unnecessary beings. Yusei did not understand what that had to do with injuring other Duelists and asked how they had the power to injure people through Dueling. Dean and Wade replied that Yusei would eventually understand if his species is on the correct evolutionary path.<ref name="coltf5 h1" /> After they crashed, Yusei realized that Dean and Wade had been robots. [[Tetsu Trudge (Tag Force)| Strongly likes! scopeTrudge]] and [[Mina Simington (Tag Force)|Mina Simington]] then arrived to investigate the scene. Yusei explained that the Ghosts are robots and Trudge was surprised, as the robots were actually [[Duelbot|Duel Bot]]s, which were being developed by Sector Security. Trudge explained that some had been stolen recently and Yusei wondered who would want them and for what purpose. Mina thanked Yusei and the player for their help, although Yusei thought he had not done much.<ref name="coltf5 h1" /> Yusei decided to ask the player to be his partner in the [[World Tag Duel Grand Prix]] (WTGP), as he had felt the potential fight Duels in a new way, the last time he Tag Dueled with the player. Yusei's partners for the [[World Racing Grand Prix| Likes! scope="col" WRGP]], [[Jack Atlas (Tag Force)| Neutral! scope="col" Jack]] and [[Crow Hogan (Tag Force)| Dislikes! scopeCrow]], were mad and surprised, respectively, when he broke the news that he wanted the player as his partner.<ref name="coltf5 h2" | Strongly dislikes|>''Yu-Gi-Oh! scope=5D's Tag Force 5'' "rowNew Possibilities Clear Mind" | Household</ref> [[File:TF05 Sherry unconvinced.png|* Hair dressing* High-performance chip * Junk* Waxthumb|* Chip* Clothespin* Eye drops* Eye mask* Lip balm* Rinse* Shampoo* Soapright|* Cairo* Chip* [[Daily DuelSherry LeBlanc (Tag Force)|Sherry]] questions Yusei's choice of Tag partner.]]* Domino Sports* Ear plugs* Earpick* Fan* Glass* Gloves* Letter set* Memory card* Movie** Animated** Comedy** Heroic fantasy** History** Horror suspense** Modern documentary** Musical** Mystery** Romantic** Science fiction action* Perfume* Scratcher* Socks* Toilet paper* ToothbrushThe player agreed to be Yusei's partner. As practice, they faced [[Sherry LeBlanc (Tag Force)|* Fountain pen* RazorSherry LeBlanc]] and [[Bruno (Tag Force)|Vizor]]. Yusei suggested that they begin with one-on-one Duels, but Sherry thought that would be a waste of time, since the WTGP is a Tag Duel tournament. Vizor said that Yusei would need to push to his limits for the WTGP and Sherry questioned his decision to have the player as his partner. Yusei explained that the player helped him defeat the Ghosts in a Tag Duel, but Vizor insisted that the Ghosts are not nearly as good as the "real enemy", [[Iliaster]], whom he claimed are manipulating the events behind the WTGP. Sherry wondered if Yusei was prepared to face such an opponent, with the player. Yusei replied that he and the player still had a bit of work to do before they would be ready, but felt a certain potential when they Dueled as a team before. Sherry was unconvinced and thought that Yusei should be her partner, but Yusei stood by his decision. Seeing that words would not be enough to convince Yusei, she challenged him to a Tag Duel. Vizor teamed up with Sherry to test the potential Yusei was talking about and see how he would reach a "[[Clear Mind]]".<ref name="tf5 h2" />|-! scopeYusei and the player won the Duel. Sherry admitted that the two of them did share a powerful bond and allowed them to be partners. Vizor said that perfecting the Clear Mind would not be easy and that he looked forward to seeing how Yusei and the player would progress as a team. After Vizor and Sherry left, Yusei commented on how he was able to focus entirely on the Duel and nothing else. Although he was unsure what Clear Mind was, he felt he had found a clue.<ref name="rowtf5 h2" | Figures/>|* When [[Aussa the Earth CharmerNew Domino City]]became overrun by Ghosts, Yusei warned the player that anyone with cards was being attacked. The player mistook Yusei's visit as request to help fight the Ghosts. Yusei tried to put him off the idea at first, but the player suggested that they are a Tag Team, no matter how rough times get. Yusei agreed and said he was embarrassed that he needed to be reminded that.<ref name="tf5 h3">''Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5'' "A Battle for the Ages"</ref>* [[File:TF05 Stay out of Primo's way.png|thumb|left|[[Dark Magician GirlPrimo (Tag Force)|Primo]] interrupts Yusei's battle against the Ghosts.]]* Yusei and the player defeated two Ghosts on the highway. As they prepared to find more of them, they were confronted by [[Shadow TamerPrimo (Tag Force)|Primo]]* and [[Stardust DragonGhost (Tag Force)|another Ghost disguised as Dean]]. Primo told Yusei to stay out of his way and Yusei asked why he was sabotaging the tournament. Primo insisted that the tournament was meaningless and that the Ghost Duels are to determine who gets to survive. Yusei retorted that Duels are never to be forced on the unwilling. Primo replied that he would like to see Yusei stop him and challenged him to a Tag Duel. Yusei warned the player that there was no guarantee that they would come out of this Duel alive, but was surprised to hear that he was still willing to fight.<ref name="tf5 h3" />|* Yusei and the player won and Primo accused them of being ignorant to the fact that their evolutionary path was going in the wrong direction. He reminded Yusei of the [[Allure QueenZero Reverse]]* and said that the same mistake was going be made again, so he and his accomplices decided they must correct things. Yusei argued that humans do err, but they learn from their mistakes. [[Amazoness PaladinJakob (Tag Force)|Jakob]]* and [[Dharc the Dark CharmerLester (Tag Force)|Lester]]* then appeared before Yusei and introduced themselves and Primo as the [[Fire PrincessThree Emperors of Iliaster]]. They explained that their actions were to change the future. Jakob suggested that Yusei Duel them if he wanted to know the whole story. Yusei accepted, but they explained that it was neither the time nor the place, but the time would soon come.<ref name="tf5 h3" /> * Jakob and Lester chose the outskirts of New Domino City, where a meteor fell, as the location for their battle. Before confronting them, Yusei told the player about the arrangements and his certainty that it was a trap. However he felt the bond they had developed would be enough to overcome the trap.<ref name="tf5 h4">''Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5'' "Showdown! The Chosen Ones"</ref> [[File:TF05 Touch the lithograph.png|thumb|right|Yusei acquires "[[Harpie QueenShooting Star Dragon]]", by touching the lithograph.]]|At the meteor crash site, Yusei asked Jakob and Lester why they wanted to change the future. Jakob considered Yusei worthy enough to know and explained that Iliaster is an organization in charge of correcting the world's history. He said that they travel to the past and guide humans the proper way when the choose a foolish way. However he claimed the tragic future caused by Dr. Fudo's invention of Ener-D was unavoidable, regardless of how much correction was done. Lester said that they attempted to stop it before, by destroying Ener-D, causing Yusei to realize their involvement in Zero Reverse. However that temporary destruction was not enough to erase it from history, they said, so they have come again to perform a new correction; to destroy New Domino City. Yusei refused to let them do that and insisted that they Duel.<ref name="tf5 h4" /> * Although Yusei and the player won, Jakob and Lester said that it was not enough to stop them. A lithograph then fell from the sky, much to Lester's surprise. Jakob said that this one belonged to Yusei and the player, with Lester asking if he was saying they could hear the voice of the divine. After Jakob and Lester left, Yusei touched the lithograph, under the player's advice, causing him to acquire the card, "[[Card EjectorShooting Star Dragon]]".<ref name="tf5 h4" /> {{clear}} ===The frontier===* [[Cyber TutuFile:TF05 Frontier trouble.png|thumb|left|Yusei and the player find [[Enzo]]* and [[Dian Keto the Cure MasterShuji Kubota|Kubota]]* (Terence) being forced to work by [[Ebon Magician CurranSimon (Tag Force)|Simon]]* and [[Eria the Water CharmerKENYoU]].]]* Yusei received an anonymous letter, not knowing at the time it was from [[Hiita the Fire CharmerNo Money Yayoi]](Rei). It stated that Kalin was in the frontier. Yayoi had been involved in illegal trading with people in the frontier and knew that this letter would send Yusei there. She hoped that as a result, Yusei would eliminate all the people she had been illegally involved with.<ref name="tf5 poncho h4">''Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5'' "Seeking All Manner of Satisfaction"</ref>* Yusei visited the player to invite him to [[Maiden of the Aquafrontier]]* , although he would not tell him where they were going. Yusei brought a poncho with him to blend in. They saw the locals, [[Mist Valley ShamanShuji Kubota]]* (Terence) and [[Red Dragon ArchfiendEnzo]]* , say that they had had enough and were going home. They were callously stopped by [[The Unhappy GirlSimon (Tag Force)|Simon]]* and [[Thunder Nyan NyanKENYoU]]. Enraged Yusei tried to stop them, but KENYoU told him to mind his own business, as they were just bringing back workers who had ditched their job. Yusei refused to turn his back on such brutality. Simon said that he hated to solve anything with violence, so Yusei suggested that they Duel. Simon was interested and KENYoU said that if Yusei and the player lost, they would have to join Kubota and Enzo as workers. Yusei again apologized for getting the player into trouble and the two of them prepared to Duel Simon and KENYoU.<ref name="tf5 poncho h1">''Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5'' "The Forgotten City"</ref>* Yusei and the player won, giving Kubota and Enzo a chance to escape. Yusei advised that they get out of the area and lay low for a while. Enzo suggested that Yusei and the player come with them, as Simon and KENYoU might come back soon, but Yusei declined as he had business to attend in the town. Kubota explained that he and Enzo were guards at a mine, containing minerals, used for Duel Runner parts. However they had been forced into labor and explained that law and order were ignored in the area, in favor of money and power. They warned Yusei to be careful, as he had been marked by men, who run the town. Kubota explained that there are two apposing gangs, led by [[White Magician PikeruJaime]]* and [[Wynn the Wind CharmerSyun]], who called the shots in the area. Enzo added that the gangs were wanted by Sector Security and had been driven out of the city, causing them to wind up in the frontier. Yusei thanked them for their information before parting ways.<ref name="tf5 poncho h1" /> {{Missing information|''Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5'', "poncho" Yusei's second event.|section|style=width: 100%;}}* Yusei and the player Tag Duel against Jaime and one of his newest members, [[Apprentice MagicianCarly Carmine (Tag Force)|Carly Carmine]], in order to join the gang. Yusei and the player became Jaime's bodyguards after winning the duel. * [[DFile:TF05 Yusei finds Kalin.Dpng|thumb|right|Yusei finds Kalin, in the frontier. Warrior Lady]]* After returning to the frontier, Yusei and the player met Jaime. Yusei noted that the townspeople seemed tense and Jaime explained that the time had come to settle a score with Syun. With a battle to determine who controls the town looming, Yusei suspected [[Freed the Matchless GeneralKalin Kessler (Tag Force)|Kalin]]* would show up. After a confrontation between Jaime and Syun, Jaime got his bodyguards, Yusei and the player to face Syun's accomplice, Kalin. Yusei said that because Kalin never turns his back on a Duel, he knew he would find him there. Kalin felt that Yusei was crazy for coming all this way for him. Yusei said that he came to take Kalin back, but Kalin claimed his life was over a long time ago and that he was better off left in the frontier to rot. Jaime interrupted their exchanges, urging them to get on with the Duel, and Syun worried that them knowing each other could become a distraction. Yusei explained that they would be Tag Dueling, but Kalin insisted that he did not work with partners. Yusei ordered him to pick a partner or the Duel would be over. [[Gambler of LegendMathew]]volunteered to be Kalin's partner and the Duel began.<ref name="tf5 poncho h3">''Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5'' "A Reunion With an Old Friend: Dissatisfaction Before Satisfaction"</ref>* Yusei and the player won the Duel and Syun and Mathew retreated, not wanting to work in the mines. Jaime thanked Yusei for his help, but Yusei insisted that the town is not be Jaime's to control. He reminded him that the rules of the town state that whoever wins the Duel gets everything. As the winner, Yusei wanted to return the town to its people. Jaime was unhappy and said that Yusei would not get away with this. Yusei offered to Duel him to settle things, but he fled and vowed to get Yusei for that.<ref name="tf5 poncho h3" /> Kalin congratulated Yusei for winning, but Yusei reminded him that the player had won too. Kalin then realized that Yusei and the player had a bond that he and Mathew lacked. Yusei reminded Kalin that he came to save him and Kalin admitted to being saved many times by Yusei. When Yusei invited Kalin to come back with him, he refused because he wanted to repay for his sins against the town, by helping out its people.<ref name="tf5 poncho h3" /> [[File:TF05 No Money Yayoi cornered.png|thumb|left|The Enforcers and the player corner [[Lucky Pied PiperNo Money Yayoi]] (Rei).]]* Following what Carly said about her investigation of the town in the frontier, Yusei researched rare metal transaction records and figured out who was buying it. He figured that they were illegitimately controlling its movement on the black market and decided to check the warehouse from the transaction records. He and the player went to the [[Marauding Captainjunk market]]|* , where Yayoi was issuing orders to [[Vampire LordShuji Maruyama (character)|Shuji Maruyama]](Gillian). Yayoi warned Yusei that he should not be barging in like that. Yusei asked if she knew Jaime and Syun and said he wanted to inquire about illegal rare metal sales. Yayoi claimed to not know what he was talking about and insisted that she was an honest merchant. Yusei requested that she drop the act and warned her that turning in the chip with her records to Sector Security would uncover everything. Yayoi maintained that she did not know what he was talking about. She asserted that she was too busy to deal with Yusei and the player and asked that Maruyama remove them. Yusei asked how long she planned on keeping up the act, but she ordered him to come back with solid evidence if he was going to make accusations. Kalin then arrived on the scene, saying that if she wanted evidence, he had it. He brought Syun with him and declared that Syun was willing to testify if necessary. Yayoi was disappointed, as she was just finished doing business with Jaime and Syun, and admitted to being the one who sent Yusei the letter. With no other options, she suggested that they settle the problem with a Duel. If she lost, she would go before Sector Security, but if she won they would pretend the problem never happened. Yusei and the player paired up to Tag Duel against Yayoi and Maruyama.<ref name="tf5 poncho h4" /> After Yusei and the player won, Yayoi was unwilling to let them take her and tried to run, but was cornered by Jack and Crow. With The Enforcers reunited Yusei asked Kalin if he was still going to return to the frontier. Kalin replied that he still had to live his life there. Yusei was sorry to hear that, but said he would be missed.<ref name="tf5 poncho h4" /> ==Gifts== ===Tag Force 4=== {{Tag Force present responses|game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4! scope| gender ="row" Male| Card accessoriescharacter_name = Yusei Fudo (Signer) |duel_5_response = Thanks.<br/>Just what I wanted.* Amplifier| duel_5_items = * White Card protectorsProtector** ClearCard Protector** WhiteAmplifier | duel_4_response = Thanks.<br/>I'll put it to good use.|duel_4_items = * Blue Card holderProtector** Classic** Gorgeous** Simple** StylishYellow Card Protector* Orange Card protectorsProtector** BeigeCard Protector** Blue** OrangeSilver Card Protector** RainbowCard Protector** SilverSimple Card Holder** YellowClassic Card Holder* CoinsGorgeous Card Holder** GoldCoin** SilverCoin* [[Deathmatch Duel Rope]]White Dice* Black Dice** BlackDueling for Beginners** WhiteAdvanced Dueling* Duel applicationRadar* Duel calculatorCalculator* Death Match Duel introductionRope * Duel radar| duel_3_response = Ah, thanks...|duel_3_items = * Red Card holderProtector** AnarchyPurple Card Protector** ChicPink Card Protector** CuteGreen Card Protector** ElegantGray Card Protector** WildBlack Card Protector* Gold Card protectorProtector** Black** BrownCard Protector** GoldKhaki Card Protector** GreenWild Card Holder** GrayElegant Card Holder** KhakiChic Card Holder** PinkCute Card Holder** PurpleStylish Card Holder** RedAnarchic Card Holder* ''[[Atlas Rising]]''||* Duel gang jacket* Lucky coinduel_2_response = It's not really my kinda thing...|-! scopeduel_2_items ="row" | Food|* Affectionate lunchLucky Coin* BananaCursed Dice* ChocolateIntroduction to Dueling Tricks* Milk* Omelet * Rice balls|* Strawberryduel_1_response = Huh?!<br/>What's this supposed to be?!|duel_1_items = * Apple* Biscuit* Beef Bowl* Black tea* Cake* Coffee* Coke* Curry and rice* Daifuku* Energy drink* Fried rice* Grape* Gum* Hamburger* Japanese tea* Juice* Meat bun* Melon* Octopus dumplings* Parfait* Pineapple* Pudding* Ramen* Salad* Sandwich* Skewers* Spaghetti* Sushi* Tangerine* Water* Watermelon|* Luxury brand teahobby_5_response = Thank you. Ya know me better than I thought.||-! scopehobby_5_items ="row" | Misc|* Children's shoes
* Helmet
* Kids' Shoes
* Stuffed Toy Cat
* Stuffed Toy Dragon
* Winged Shoes
* Shoulder Massage Ticket
* Ring
* Rowing shoes* Stuffed cat* Stuffed dragon* Tap on the shoulder ticket(?)| hobby_4_response = Thanks.<br/>Just what I wanted.|* Aroma candlehobby_4_items = * Straw hat* High heelsHat
* Sneakers
* MufflerBoxing Gloves* Scented Candle* Scarf |hobby_3_response = Ah, thanks...* Bandana| hobby_3_items = * Baseball capCap* BatBeanie
* Beret
* Silk Hat
* Cowboy Hat
* Bandanna
* Boots
* Bouquet* Boxing gloves* Crown* Crystal ball* [[wikipedia:Geta (footwear)|Geta]]* Knit cap* Leather shoes* Playing cardsShoes* Rubber bootsHigh Heels
* Sandals
* Long Boots
* Wooden Sandals
* Stuffed Toy Dog
* Stuffed Toy Horse
* Stuffed Toy Monkey
* Stuffed Toy Bear
* Stuffed Toy Seagull
* Stuffed Toy Frog
* Stuffed Toy Snake
* Poker Cards
* Skateboard
* Bat* Soccer ballBall* Tarot Card* Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* Crown | hobby_2_response = It's not really my kinda thing...| hobby_2_items = * Duel Gang Jacket | hobby_1_response = Huh?!<br/>What's this supposed to be?!| hobby_1_items =  | figures_5_response = Thank you. Ya know me better than I thought.| figures_5_items = * Stuffed animalsShadow Tamer Figure*Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure* BearDark Magician Girl Figure*Stardust Dragon Figure | figures_4_response = Thanks.<br/>Just what I wanted.| figures_4_items = * DogDharc the Dark Charmer Figure*Harpie Queen Figure* FrogAmazoness Paladin Figure*Allure Queen Figure* MonkeyFire Princess Figure | figures_3_response = Ah, thanks...| figures_3_items = *Mist Valley Shaman Figure* SeagullThe Unhappy Girl Figure*Maiden of the Aqua Figure* SnakeThunder Nyan Nyan Figure*Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* TrestleWynn the Wind Charmer Figure* Tarot cardsEria the Water Charmer Figure* White Magician Pikeru Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Ten-gallon hatCyber Tutu Figure* Top hatDian Keto the Cure Master Figure* ZeichikuRed Dragon Archfiend Figure |figures_2_response = It's not really my kinda thing...|figures_2_items = * Dark Magician Figure|}* Vampire Lord Figure* Freed the Matchless General Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Figure* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* D.D. Warrior Lady Figure* Dryad Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure
===''Tag Force 4'' (Satellite)==={| classfigures_1_response ="wikitable hlist hcomma" width="100%"|-Huh?!! scope="col" | Strongly likes! scope="col" | Likes! scope="col" | Neutral<br/>What's this supposed to be?! scope="col" | Dislikes! scope="col" | Strongly dislikes|-! scopefigures_1_items ="row" | Household||||||-! scope="row" | Figures||||||-! Card accessories||||||-! Food||||||-! Misc||||||}
===''Tag Force 5''==={| class="wikitable hlist hcomma" width="100%"|-!! scope="col" | Strongly likes! scope="col" | Likes! scopesundry_goods_5_response ="col" | NeutralThanks.<br/>Just what I wanted.! scope="col" | Dislikes! scopesundry_goods_5_items ="col" | Strongly dislikes|-! scope="row" | Household|
* Hair Gel
* Wax
* High Quality Chip
* Junk
| sundry_goods_4_response = Thanks.<br/>What a nice gift.
| sundry_goods_4_items =
* Soap
* Shampoo
* Hair Conditioner
* High-performance chip Toothbrush* WaxLip Balm|* Eye Drops* Eye Patch
* Chip
* Clothespin |sundry_goods_3_response = Ah, thanks...| sundry_goods_3_items = * Socks* Gloves* Earplugs* Fan* Hand Warmer* Back Scratcher* Glass* Bouquet* Letter Writing Set* Domino Set* The Daily Duel* Memory Card* Romantic Movie* Historical Movie
* Documentary Movie
* Horror Movie* Sci-Fi Movie* Superhero Movie* Suspense Movie* Musical Movie* Comedy Movie* Animated Movie* Perfume* Ear Cleaner* Toilet Paper |sundry_goods_2_response = Humph! Not really my kinda thing...| sundry_goods_2_items =
* Razor
||-! scope="row" | Figures||||* [[Freed the Matchless General]]|Fountain Pen* [[Vampire Lord]]|-sundry_goods_1_response = Huh?!<br/>What's this supposed to be?! scope="row" | Card accessories|sundry_goods_1_items = * Card protectors** Clear** White|* Card holder** Classic** Gorgeous** Simple** Stylish* Card protectors** Beige** Blue** Orange** Rainbow** Silver** Yellow* Coins** Gold** Silver* [[Deathmatch Duel Rope]]* Dice** Black** White* Duel application* Duel calculator* Duel introduction* Duel radarfood_5_response = Oh...<br/>I love these.|food_5_items = * Card holder** Anarchy** ChicOmelet and Rice** CuteBanana** Elegant** Wild* Card protector** Black** Brown** Gold** Green** Gray** Khaki** Pink** Purple** Red||* Duel gang jacket* Lucky coin|-! scope="row" | Food|Strawberries
* Milk
* Omelet Chocolate* Rice ballsBall* Lunch Box | food_4_response = Nice. How did ya know I like these?|food_4_items =  * Strawberry| food_3_response = Ah, thanks...|food_3_items =
* Beef Bowl
* Curry and Rice
* Ramen
* Fried Rice
* Spaghetti
* Salad
* Kebab
* Apple
* Orange
* Pineapple
* Watermelon
* Grapes
* Melon
* Water
* Green Tea
* Tea
* Coffee
* Curry and riceCola* Fried riceJuice* GrapeEnergy Drink* Cookie
* Gum
* JuiceSandwich (Green)* MelonHamburger* Steamed Bun* Takoyaki* Sushi* Pudding* Cake* Ice Cream Sundae* Rice Cake |food_2_response = Thanks, but...I really don't like these.| food_2_items = * Fancy Tea* Luxury brand teaSandwich (Gold) | food_1_response = Thanks, but I actually can't stand these.|food_1_items =  }} {{Tag Force present responses|game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4| gender = Male! scope| character_name = Yusei Fudo (Unmarked) | duel_5_response = Thank you.| duel_5_items = * White Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Amplifier | duel_4_response = Thanks.| duel_4_items = * Blue Card Protector* Yellow Card Protector* Orange Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* Silver Card Protector* Rainbow Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Gorgeous Card Holder* Gold Coin* Silver Coin* White Dice* Black Dice* Dueling for Beginners* Advanced Dueling* Duel Radar* Duel Calculator* Death Match Duel Rope | duel_3_response = Ah, thanks...| duel_3_items = * Red Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Pink Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* Black Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* Khaki Card Protector* Wild Card Holder* Elegant Card Holder* Chic Card Holder* Cute Card Holder* Stylish Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder* Atlas Rising | duel_2_response = ... ... ...| duel_2_items = * Lucky Coin* Cursed Dice* Introduction to Dueling Tricks | duel_1_response ="row" ... ... ...| Miscduel_1_items =  |hobby_5_response = Thank you.| hobby_5_items =
* Helmet
* Kids' Shoes
* Stuffed Toy Cat
* Stuffed Toy Dragon
* Winged Shoes
* Shoulder Massage Ticket
* Ring
 | hobby_4_response = Thanks.|hobby_4_items = * Straw hatHat* Sneakers* High heelsBoxing Gloves* Scented Candle* Scarf | hobby_3_response = Ah, thanks...|hobby_3_items = * Baseball Cap* BandanaBeanie* CrownBeret* Crystal ballSilk Hat* Leather shoesCowboy Hat* Bandanna* Playing cardsBoots* Rubber bootsLeather Shoes* High Heels
* Sandals
* Long Boots
* Wooden Sandals
* Stuffed Toy Dog
* Stuffed Toy Horse
* Stuffed Toy Monkey
* Stuffed Toy Bear
* Stuffed Toy Seagull
* Stuffed Toy Frog
* Stuffed Toy Snake
* Poker Cards
* Skateboard
* Bat* Soccer ballBall* Tarot Card* Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* Crown | hobby_2_response = ... ... ...| hobby_2_items = * Duel Gang Jacket | hobby_1_response = ... ... ...| hobby_1_items =  | figures_5_response = Thank you.| figures_5_items = * Shadow Tamer Figure* Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure* Dark Magician Girl Figure* Stardust Dragon Figure | figures_4_response = Thanks.| figures_4_items = * Dharc the Dark Charmer Figure* Harpie Queen Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* Allure Queen Figure* Fire Princess Figure | figures_3_response = Ah, thanks...| figures_3_items = * Mist Valley Shaman Figure* The Unhappy Girl Figure* Maiden of the Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Stuffed animalsHiita the Fire Charmer Figure*Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* MonkeyEria the Water Charmer Figure* Tarot cardsWhite Magician Pikeru Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Cyber Tutu Figure* Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure* Red Dragon Archfiend Figure | figures_2_response = ... ... ...| figures_2_items = * Dark Magician Figure* Vampire Lord Figure* Freed the Matchless General Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* TenMei-gallon hatKou, Master of Barriers Figure* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* D.D. Warrior Lady Figure* Top hatDryad Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure||figures_1_response = ... ... ...|}figures_1_items =
===''Tag Force 5'' (poncho)==={| classsundry_goods_5_response ="wikitable hlist hcomma" width="100%"Thank you.|-!! scopesundry_goods_5_items ="col" | Strongly likes! scope="col" | Likes! scope="col" | Neutral! scope="col" | Dislikes! scope="col" | Strongly dislikes|-! scope="row" | Household||||||-! scope="row" | Figures||||||-! Card accessories* Hair Gel|* Wax|* High Quality Chip||||-! Food||||||-! Misc||||||}* Junk
| sundry_goods_4_response ===''Tag Force 6''===Thanks.{| classsundry_goods_4_items ="wikitable hlist hcomma" width="100%"|-* Soap* Shampoo!* Hair Conditioner! scope="col" | Strongly likes* Toothbrush! scope="col" | Likes* Lip Balm! scope="col" | Neutral* Eye Drops! scope="col" | Dislikes* Eye Patch! scope="col" | Strongly dislikes* Chip|-* Clothespin! scope="row" | Household|sundry_goods_3_response = Ah, thanks...|sundry_goods_3_items = |* Socks|* Gloves|* Earplugs|-* Fan! scope="row" | Figures* Hand Warmer|* Back Scratcher|* Glass|* Bouquet|* Letter Writing Set|* Domino Set|-* The Daily Duel! * Memory Card accessories|* Romantic Movie|* Historical Movie|* Documentary Movie||* Horror Movie|* Sci-Fi Movie! Food* Superhero Movie|* Suspense Movie|* Musical Movie|* Comedy Movie|* Animated Movie|* Perfume|-* Ear Cleaner! Misc* Toilet Paper||sundry_goods_2_response = ... ... ...|sundry_goods_2_items = |* Razor||}* Fountain Pen
| sundry_goods_1_response ==Unlockables==''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4|Tag Force 4]]''* By completing Yusei's Signer story, the player receives three copies of "[[Stardust Dragon]]".* After completing Yusei and [[Rally Dawson (Tag Force)|Rally]]'s storylines, by taking Yusei to see [[Larry|Lenny]] at the [[shoreline]] and selecting the option "Look at partner in a new light", the player can unlock Yusei's Satellite story.* By completing Yusei's Satellite story, the player receives three copies of "[[Junk Warrior]]". ... ...* The player can unlock the packs ''[[Ugly Duckling]]'', ''[[Mark of the Red Dragon]]'', ''[[Gathering Roses]]'' and ''[[Cannons and Roses]]'' by entering [[Rathie's shop]], with Yusei.| sundry_goods_1_items =
''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5|Tag Force 5]]''food_5_response = Thank you.| food_5_items = * By completing Yusei's storyline, the player receives three copies of the card "[[Shooting Star Dragon]]" Omelet and unlocks [[Bruno (Tag Force)|Vizor]]'s storyline.Rice* Banana* Strawberries* Milk* The player can unlock Yusei's poncho storyline by defeating him 50 times or by using the UMD recognition feature with ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force]]''.Chocolate* By completing Yusei's poncho storyline, the player receives three copies of the card "[[Scrap Dragon]]".Rice Ball* The player can unlock the packs, ''[[Typecast Performance]]'', ''[[Responsive Sympathy]]'', ''[[Frontline Survivors]]'' and ''[[Clustering Bonds, Take Flight]]'' by entering the shop with Yusei. They can unlock the packs, ''[[Power Brawlers]]'', ''Responsive Sympathy'', ''[[Mechanism Menagerie]]'' and ''[[Rapid Enforcement]]'', by entering the shop with "poncho" Yusei.Lunch Box
''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6|Tag Force 6]]''food_4_response = Thanks.* By completing Yusei's storyline, the player receives three copies of the card "[[Shooting Quasar Dragon]]".| food_4_items =
| food_3_response =Ah, thanks...| food_3_items =Ending scenes==<gallery>* Beef Bowl* Curry and Rice* Ramen* Fried Rice* Spaghetti* Salad* Kebab* Apple* Orange* Pineapple* Watermelon* Grapes* Melon* Water* Green Tea* Tea* Coffee* Cola* Juice* Energy Drink* CookieYusei Fudo - Partner.png | ''Tag Force 4''* GumYusei Fudo - Friend.png | ''Tag Force 4'' * Sandwich (SatelliteGreen)Yusei-TF05* Hamburger* Steamed Bun* Takoyaki* Sushi* Pudding* Cake* Ice Cream Sundae* Rice Cake | food_2_response = .png .. ... ...| ''Tag Force 5''food_2_items = * Fancy TeaYusei-TF05-2.png | ''Tag Force 5'' * Sandwich (ponchoGold)Yusei-TF06-Ending| food_1_response = ... ...jpg ...| ''Tag Force 6''food_1_items = Yusei-TFSP-Ending.png | ''Tag Force Special''</gallery>}}
==Decks=====''Tag Force 4''5===Yusei uses "Clustering" Decks, which revolve around [[Synchro Monster]]s, particularly "[[Stardust Dragon]]".
His Decks, "Clustering Companions" (集いし仲間たち), "Clustering Stars" (集いし星たち), "Clustering Light" (集いし光たち) and "Clustering Bonds" {{Tag Force present responses| game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5| gender = Male| character_name = Yusei Fudo (集いし絆たちNormal), are levels 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively.
{{Decklist|Clustering Companionsduel_5_response = Been wanting this for some time.<br/>Thanks, 《PLAYER》.| duel_5_items = * White Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Amplifier | duel_4_response = I'll put it to good use.| duel_4_items = * Blue Card Protector* Yellow Card Protector* Orange Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* Silver Card Protector* Rainbow Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Gorgeous Card Holder* Gold Coin* Silver Coin* White Dice* Black Dice* Dueling for Beginners* Advanced Dueling* Duel Radar* Duel Calculator* Death Match Duel Rope | duel_3_response = Hey, thanks.|effect monsters duel_3_items =* [[Fortress Warrior]]Red Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Pink Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* Black Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* [[Level Eater]]Khaki Card Protector* [[Majestic Dragon]]Wild Card Holder* [[Max Warrior]] x2Elegant Card Holder* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x2Chic Card Holder* [[Rockstone Warrior]]Cute Card Holder* [[Shield Wing]]Stylish Card Holder* [[Speed Warrior]]Anarchic Card Holder* [[Stardust Xiaolong]]Atlas Rising | duel_2_response = Not sure what I'll use it for, but I'll take it anyway.| duel_2_items = * [[Tuningware]]Lucky Coin* [[Turret Warrior]]Cursed Dice* [[Zero Gardna]]Introduction to Dueling Tricks |tuner monsters duel_1_response = What the...?!<br/>Isn't this broken?!| duel_1_items =  | hobby_5_response = You know what I like.<br/>Impressive.| hobby_5_items =* [[Debris Helmet* Kids' Shoes* Stuffed Toy Cat* Stuffed Toy Dragon]] x2* [[Hyper Synchron]]Winged Shoes* Shoulder Massage Ticket* Ring | hobby_4_response = I'll put it to good use.| hobby_4_items = * Straw Hat* Sneakers* Boots* Boxing Gloves* [[Junk Synchron]] x2Scented Candle* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x2Scarf | hobby_3_response = Oh, you didn't have to do that.|spells hobby_3_items =* [[Baseball Cap* Beanie* Beret* Silk Hat* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Leather Shoes* High Heels* Sandals* Long Boots* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Horse* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Stuffed Toy Bear* Stuffed Toy Seagull* Stuffed Toy Frog* Stuffed Toy Snake* Poker Cards* Skateboard* Bat* Soccer Ball* Tarot Card of Safe Return]]* [[Giant Trunade]]Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* [[Heavy Storm]]Crown* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)Duel Gang Jacket |D]])hobby_2_response = Not sure what I'll use it for, but I'll take it anyway.| hobby_2_items =  | hobby_1_response = Junk parts?! You gotta be kidding me?!| hobby_1_items =  | figures_5_response = You know what I like.<br/>Impressive.| figures_5_items = * Dark Magician Girl Figure* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]Stardust Dragon Figure | figures_4_response = I'll put it to good use.| figures_4_items = * [[Reinforcement of Dharc the Army]]Dark Charmer Figure* Harpie Queen Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* [[Silver Wing]]Shadow Tamer Figure* Allure Queen Figure* Fire Princess Figure* [[Swords of Revealing Light]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure | figures_3_response = Oh, you didn't have to do that.|D]])figures_3_items = * Mist Valley Shaman Figure* [[The Warrior Returning Alive]]Unhappy Girl Figure* Maiden of the Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* Eria the Water Charmer Figure* White Magician Pikeru Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Cyber Tutu Figure* Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure* [[Tuning]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)Red Dragon Archfiend Figure |D]])figures_2_response = Not sure what I'll use it for, but I'll take it anyway.|traps figures_2_items =* [[Descending Lost Star]]Dark Magician Figure* [[Graceful Revival]] x2Vampire Lord Figure* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])Freed the Matchless General Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* [[ScrapMei-Iron Scarecrow]] x2Kou, Master of Barriers Figure* [[Skill Successor]]Lucky Pied Piper Figure* [[Torrential Tribute]]|synchro monsters =Apprentice Magician Figure* [[Armory Arm]] x2Miracle Flipper Figure* [[Junk D.D. Warrior]] x2Lady Figure* [[Nitro Warrior]] x2Dryad Figure* [[Road Warrior]] x2Injection Fairy Lily Figure | figures_1_response = Junk parts?! You gotta be kidding me?!| figures_1_items =  | sundry_goods_5_response = I've been wanting this.<br/>Thanks, 《PLAYER》.| sundry_goods_5_items = * [[Majestic Star Dragon]] x2Hair Gel* [[Stardust Dragon]] x2Wax* [[Turbo Warrior]] x2High Quality Chip}}* Junk
{{Decklist|Clustering Starssundry_goods_4_response = Thanks.<br/>I'll put it to good use.|effect monsters sundry_goods_4_items =* [[Fortress Warrior]] x2Soap* Shampoo* [[Max Warrior]] x2Hair Conditioner* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x2Toothbrush* [[Rockstone Warrior]] x2Lip Balm* [[Shield Wing]] x2Eye Drops* [[Tuningware]] x2Eye Patch* [[Turret Warrior]] x2Chip* [[Zero Gardna]]Clothespin |tuner monsters sundry_goods_3_response =Hey, thanks.| sundry_goods_3_items = * Socks* Gloves* Earplugs* Fan* Hand Warmer* Back Scratcher* Glass* Bouquet* Letter Writing Set* [[Debris Dragon]] x2Domino Set* [[Hyper Synchron]]The Daily Duel* [[Memory Card* Romantic Movie* Historical Movie* Documentary Movie* Horror Movie* Sci-Fi Movie* Superhero Movie* Suspense Movie* Musical Movie* Comedy Movie* Animated Movie* Perfume* Ear Cleaner* Toilet Paper | sundry_goods_2_response = Not sure what I'll use it for, but I'll take it anyway.| sundry_goods_2_items = * Razor* Fountain Pen | sundry_goods_1_response = Junk Synchron]] x3parts?! You gotta be kidding me?!| sundry_goods_1_items =  | food_5_response = My favorite.<br/>Want some too?|spells food_5_items =* [[Giant Trunade]]Omelet and Rice* [[Heavy Storm]]Banana* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])Strawberries* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]Milk* [[One for One]] x2Chocolate* [[Reinforcement of the Army]]Rice Ball* [[Swords of Revealing Light]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)Lunch Box | food_4_response = That looks good.|D]])food_4_items =  * [[Tuning]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])food_3_response = You didn't have to do that.|traps food_3_items =* [[Graceful Revival]] x2Beef Bowl* Curry and Rice* Ramen* Fried Rice* Spaghetti* Salad* Kebab* Apple* Orange* Pineapple* Watermelon* Grapes* Melon* Water* Green Tea* Tea* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw Coffee* Cola* Juice* Energy Drink* Cookie* Gum* Sandwich (rule)|D]]Green)* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]] x2Hamburger* Steamed Bun* Takoyaki* Sushi* Pudding* [[Skill Successor]] x2Cake* [[Synchro Spirits]]Ice Cream Sundae* [[Torrential Tribute]]Rice Cake | food_2_response = Sorry, but this doesn't agree with my stomach.|synchro monsters food_2_items =* [[Armory Arm]] x3Fancy Tea* [[Junk Warrior]] x3Sandwich (Gold) * [[Stardust Dragon]] x3| food_1_response = Is this actually edible?}}| food_1_items =
{{Decklist|Clustering Light
|effect monsters =
* [[Level Eater]] x2
* [[Max Warrior]] x3
* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x2
* [[Shield Wing]] x2
* [[Stardust Xiaolong]]
* [[Tuningware]]
* [[Turret Warrior]] x2
* [[Zero Gardna]]
|tuner monsters =
* [[Debris Dragon]] x2
* [[Junk Synchron]] x3
* [[Majestic Dragon]]
* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x2
|spells =
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Reinforcement of the Army]]
* [[Silver Wing]]
* [[Swords of Revealing Light]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[The Warrior Returning Alive]]
* [[Tuning]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
|traps =
* [[Descending Lost Star]]
* [[Graceful Revival]] x2
* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]] x2
* [[Torrential Tribute]]
|synchro monsters =
* [[Armory Arm]] x2
* [[Junk Warrior]] x2
* [[Majestic Star Dragon]] x2
* [[Nitro Warrior]] x2
* [[Road Warrior]] x2
* [[Stardust Dragon]] x3
* [[Turbo Warrior]] x2
{{DecklistTag Force present responses| game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5| gender = Male| character_name = Yusei Fudo (Poncho) | duel_5_response = Been wanting this for some time.<br/>Thanks, 《PLAYER》.| duel_5_items = * White Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Amplifier |Clustering Bondsduel_4_response = I'll put it to good use.|effect monsters duel_4_items =* [[Armageddon Knight]] x2Blue Card Protector* [[Assault Beast]] x3Yellow Card Protector* [[Dark Grepher]] x2Orange Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* Silver Card Protector* Rainbow Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Gorgeous Card Holder* Gold Coin* Silver Coin* White Dice* Black Dice* Dueling for Beginners* Advanced Dueling* Duel Radar* Duel Calculator* Death Match Duel Rope | duel_3_response = Hey, thanks.| duel_3_items = * Red Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Pink Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* Black Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* Khaki Card Protector* Wild Card Holder* Elegant Card Holder* Chic Card Holder* Cute Card Holder* Stylish Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder* Atlas Rising | duel_2_response = Not sure what I'll use it for, but I'll take it anyway.| duel_2_items = * Lucky Coin* Cursed Dice* Introduction to Dueling Tricks | duel_1_response = What the...?!<br/>Isn't this broken?!| duel_1_items =  | hobby_5_response = You know what I like.<br/>Impressive.| hobby_5_items = * Helmet* Kids' Shoes* [[Destiny Hero - Malicious]] x3Stuffed Toy Cat* [[Stardust Stuffed Toy Dragon/Assault Mode]] X2* Winged Shoes* Shoulder Massage Ticket* Ring | hobby_4_response = I'll put it to good use.|tuner monsters hobby_4_items =* [[Krebons]] x2Cowboy Hat* Straw Hat* Sneakers* Boots* Boxing Gloves* [[Plaguespreader Zombie]] x3Scented Candle* [[Psychic Commander]]Scarf |spells hobby_3_response =Oh, you didn't have to do that.| hobby_3_items = * Baseball Cap* Beanie* [[Emergency Teleport]] x3Beret* [[Foolish Burial]] x3Silk Hat* [[Heavy Storm]]Bandanna* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)Leather Shoes* High Heels* Sandals* Long Boots* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Horse* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Stuffed Toy Bear* Stuffed Toy Seagull* Stuffed Toy Frog* Stuffed Toy Snake* Poker Cards* Skateboard* Bat* Soccer Ball* Tarot Card* Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* Crown* Duel Gang Jacket | hobby_2_response = Not sure what I'll use it for, but I'll take it anyway.| hobby_2_items =  | hobby_1_response = Junk parts?! You gotta be kidding me?!| hobby_1_items =  | figures_5_response = You know what I like.<br/>Impressive.|D]])figures_5_items = * [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]Dark Magician Girl Figure* [[Reinforcement of the Army]] x3Stardust Dragon Figure | figures_4_response = I'll put it to good use.|traps figures_4_items =* [[Assault Mode Activate]] x3Dharc the Dark Charmer Figure* Harpie Queen Figure* [[Bottomless Trap Hole]] x3Amazoness Paladin Figure* [[Solemn Judgment]] x3Shadow Tamer Figure* [[Torrential Tribute]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)Allure Queen Figure* Fire Princess Figure* Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure |D]])figures_3_response = Oh, you didn't have to do that.|synchro monsters figures_3_items =* [[Ally Mist Valley Shaman Figure* The Unhappy Girl Figure* Maiden of Justice Catastor]] x2the Aqua Figure* [[Ally of Justice Decisive Armor]]Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* [[Black Rose Dragon]] x2Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* [[Brionac, Dragon of Eria the Ice Barrier]]Water Charmer Figure* [[Dark Strike Fighter]] x2White Magician Pikeru Figure* [[Flamvell Uruquizas]]Ebon Magician Curran Figure* [[Goyo Guardian]]Card Ejector Figure* [[Magical Android]]Cyber Tutu Figure* [[Mist Wurm]]Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure* [[Stardust Red Dragon]] x3}}Archfiend Figure
| figures_2_response ===Not sure what I'll use it for, but I'Tag Force 4'' (Satellite)==ll take it anyway.| figures_2_items =Yusei uses scrap* Dark Magician Figure* Vampire Lord Figure* Freed the Matchless General Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* Mei-themed DecksKou, revolving around Synchro SummoningMaster of Barriers Figure* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* D.D.Warrior Lady Figure* Dryad Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure
His Decks "Scrap Fort" (くず鉄の砦), "Scrap Castle" (くず鉄の城), "Scrap Country" (くず鉄の国) and "Recycling Rascal" (リサイクル野郎) are levels 3, 2, 7 and 8 respectively.| figures_1_response = Junk parts?! You gotta be kidding me?!| figures_1_items =
{{Decklist|Scrap Fortsundry_goods_5_response = I've been wanting this.<br/>Thanks, 《PLAYER》.|effect monsters sundry_goods_5_items =* [[Level Eater]] x2Hair Gel* [[Level Warrior]] x2Wax* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x2High Quality Chip* [[Sonic Chick]]Junk | sundry_goods_4_response = Thanks.<br/>I'll put it to good use.| sundry_goods_4_items = * [[Speed Warrior]] x2Soap* [[Tuningware]] x2Shampoo* [[Turbo Booster]]Hair Conditioner|tuner monsters =* Toothbrush* [[Junk Synchron]] x2Lip Balm* [[Nitro Synchron]]Eye Drops* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x2Eye Patch* [[Road Synchron]]Chip* [[Turbo Rocket]] x2Clothespin * [[Turbo Synchron]]| sundry_goods_3_response = Hey, thanks.|spells sundry_goods_3_items =* [[Card of Safe Return]]Socks* Gloves* [[Fighting Spirit]]Earplugs* [[Giant Trunade]]Fan* [[Heavy Storm]]Hand Warmer* [[Junk Barrage]]Back Scratcher* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])Glass* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]Bouquet* [[Reinforcement of the Army]]Letter Writing Set* [[Swords of Revealing Light]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])Domino Set* [[The Warrior Returning Alive]]Daily Duel* [[Tuning]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])Memory Card* [[Unstable Evolution]]Romantic Movie|traps =* Historical Movie* [[Graceful Revival]] x2Documentary Movie* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])Horror Movie* [[ScrapSci-Iron Scarecrow]] x2Fi Movie* [[Torrential Tribute]]Superhero Movie|synchro monsters =* Suspense Movie* [[Armory Arm]] x2Musical Movie* [[Junk Warrior]] x2Comedy Movie* [[Nitro Warrior]] x2Animated Movie* [[Road Warrior]] x2Perfume* [[Turbo Cannon]] x2Ear Cleaner* [[Turbo Warrior]] x2}}Toilet Paper
{{Decklist|Scrap Castlesundry_goods_2_response = Not sure what I'll use it for, but I'll take it anyway.| sundry_goods_2_items = * Razor* Fountain Pen | sundry_goods_1_response = Junk parts?! You gotta be kidding me?!| sundry_goods_1_items =  | food_5_response = My favorite.<br/>Want some too?|effect monsters food_5_items =* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x3Omelet and Rice* Banana* Strawberries* Milk* [[Sonic Chick]]Chocolate* [[Speed Warrior]] x3Rice Ball* [[Tuningware]] x2Lunch Box | food_4_response = That looks good.| food_4_items =  | food_3_response = You didn't have to do that.|tuner monsters food_3_items =* [[Junk Synchron]] x3Beef Bowl* Curry and Rice* Ramen* Fried Rice* Spaghetti* Salad* Kebab* Apple* Orange* Pineapple* Watermelon* Grapes* Melon* Water* [[Nitro Synchron]] x2Green Tea* [[Road Synchron]] x2Tea* [[Turbo Synchron]] x2Coffee|spells =* Cola* [[Fighting Spirit]]Juice* [[Giant Trunade]]Energy Drink* [[Heavy Storm]]Cookie* [[Junk Barrage]]Gum* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw Sandwich (rule)|D]]Green)* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]Hamburger* Steamed Bun* Takoyaki* Sushi* Pudding* [[Reinforcement of the Army]]Cake* [[Release Restraint Wave]]Ice Cream Sundae* [[Swords of Revealing Light]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)Rice Cake | food_2_response = Sorry, but this doesn't agree with my stomach.|D]])food_2_items = * Fancy Tea* [[Tuning]] x3 Sandwich ([[Destiny Draw (ruleGold| food_1_response = Is this actually edible?| food_1_items =  }} ===Tag Force 6=== {{Tag Force present responses| game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6| gender = Male | duel_5_response = Been wanting this for some time.<br/>Thanks, 《PLAYER》.|D]])duel_5_items = * White Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* [[Unstable Evolution]] X2Amplifier |traps duel_4_response =I'll put it to good use.| duel_4_items = * Blue Card Protector* Yellow Card Protector* Orange Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* Silver Card Protector* Rainbow Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Gorgeous Card Holder* Gold Coin* [[Graceful Revival]] x2Silver Coin* [[Limiter Overload]]White Dice* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])Black Dice* Dueling for Beginners* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]]Advanced Dueling* [[Synchro Strike]]Duel Radar* [[Torrential Tribute]]Duel Calculator* [[Urgent Tuning]]Death Match Duel Rope | duel_3_response = Hey, thanks.|synchro monsters duel_3_items =* [[Armory Arm]] x3Red Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Pink Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* Black Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* [[Junk Warrior]] x3Khaki Card Protector* Wild Card Holder* Elegant Card Holder* Chic Card Holder* Cute Card Holder* Stylish Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder* Atlas Rising | duel_2_response = Not sure what I'll use it for, but I'll take it anyway.| duel_2_items = * [[Nitro Warrior]] x3Lucky Coin* [[Road Warrior]] x3Cursed Dice* [[Turbo Warrior]] x3Introduction to Dueling Tricks}}| duel_1_response = What the...?!<br/>Isn't this broken?!| duel_1_items =
{{Decklist|Scrap Country|effect monsters =* [[Giant Germ]] x3* [[Level Eater]] x2* [[Nimble Momonga]] x3* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x2* [[Shield Wing]] x3* [[Tuningware]]|tuner monsters =* [[Junk Synchron]] x3* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x3* [[Turbo Rocket]] x2|spells hobby_5_response =* [[Giant Trunade]]* [[Heavy Storm]]* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]* [[Pot of Avarice]] x2* [[Reinforcement of the Army]]* [[Swords of Revealing Light]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Tuning]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])You know what I like.<br/>Impressive.|traps hobby_5_items =* [[Graceful Revival]] x3* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]] x2Helmet* [[Torrential Tribute]]|synchro monsters =Kids' Shoes* [[Armory Arm]] x2Stuffed Toy Cat* [[Junk Warrior]] x3Stuffed Toy Dragon* [[Nitro Warrior]] x3Winged Shoes* [[Road Warrior]] x2Shoulder Massage Ticket* [[Turbo Cannon]] x2* [[Turbo Warrior]] x3}}Ring
{{Decklist|Recycling Rascalhobby_4_response = I'll put it to good use.|effect monsters hobby_4_items =* [[Giant Germ]] x3Straw Hat* Sneakers* [[Level Eater]] x2Boots* [[Nimble Momonga]] x3Boxing Gloves* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x3Scented Candle* [[Tuningware]] x2Scarf |tuner monsters hobby_3_response =Oh, you didn't have to do that.| hobby_3_items = * Baseball Cap* Beanie* Beret* Silk Hat* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Leather Shoes* High Heels* Sandals* Long Boots* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Horse* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Stuffed Toy Bear* Stuffed Toy Seagull* Stuffed Toy Frog* Stuffed Toy Snake* Poker Cards* Skateboard* Bat* Soccer Ball* Tarot Card* Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* [[Crown* Duel Gang Jacket | hobby_2_response = Not sure what I'll use it for, but I'll take it anyway.| hobby_2_items =  | hobby_1_response = Junk Synchron]] x3parts?! You gotta be kidding me?!| hobby_1_items =  | figures_5_response = You know what I like.<br/>Impressive.| figures_5_items = * [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x2Dark Magician Girl Figure* Stardust Dragon Figure | figures_4_response = I'll put it to good use.|spells figures_4_items =* [[Card of Safe Return]] x2Dharc the Dark Charmer Figure* Harpie Queen Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* [[Giant Trunade]]Shadow Tamer Figure* [[Graceful Charity]]Allure Queen Figure* [[Heavy Storm]]Fire Princess Figure* [[Monster Reborn]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure |D]])figures_3_response = Oh, you didn't have to do that.| figures_3_items = * Mist Valley Shaman Figure* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]The Unhappy Girl Figure* [[Reinforcement Maiden of the Army]]Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* [[Swords of Revealing Light]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* [[Tuning]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])Eria the Water Charmer Figure|traps =* White Magician Pikeru Figure* [[Bottomless Trap Hole]] x2Ebon Magician Curran Figure* [[Graceful Revival]] x2Card Ejector Figure* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])Cyber Tutu Figure* [[Solemn Judgment]] x3Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure* [[Torrential Tribute]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)Red Dragon Archfiend Figure |D]])figures_2_response = Not sure what I'll use it for, but I'll take it anyway.|synchro monsters figures_2_items =* [[Ally Dark Magician Figure* Vampire Lord Figure* Freed the Matchless General Figure* Gambler of Justice Catastor]] x2Legend Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* [[Armory Arm]]Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* [[Black Rose Dragon]] x2Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* [[Brionac, Dragon Grandmaster of the Ice Barrier]]Six Samurai Figure* [[Colossal Fighter]]Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Figure* [[Dark Strike Fighter]]Lucky Pied Piper Figure* [[Goyo Guardian]]Apprentice Magician Figure* [[Junk Warrior]]Miracle Flipper Figure* [[Nitro D.D. Warrior]]Lady Figure* [[Road Warrior]]Dryad Figure* [[Stardust Dragon]]Injection Fairy Lily Figure* [[Thought Ruler Archfiend]]* [[Turbo Warrior]]| figures_1_response = Junk parts?! You gotta be kidding me?!}}| figures_1_items =
| sundry_goods_5_response ===''Tag Force 5'I've been wanting this.<br/>Thanks, 《PLAYER》.| sundry_goods_5_items ===Yusei uses "Star" Decks, focused on "[[Stardust Dragon]]".* Hair Gel* Wax* High Quality Chip* Junk
His Decks "A Streaming Star" (流れる星), "A Shining Star" (輝く星), "A New Star" (新たな星) and "Clustering Stars" (集いし星) are level 3, 3, 7 and 10 respectively| sundry_goods_4_response = Thanks.<br/>I'll put it to good use.| sundry_goods_4_items = * Soap* Shampoo* Hair Conditioner* Toothbrush* Lip Balm* Eye Drops* Eye Patch* Chip* Clothespin
{{Decklist|A Streaming Starsundry_goods_3_response = Hey, thanks.|effect monsters sundry_goods_3_items =* [[Level Eater]]Socks* Gloves* Earplugs* Fan* Hand Warmer* [[Swift Scarecrow]] x2Back Scratcher* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x2Glass* [[Shield Wing]] x2Bouquet* [[Synchron Explorer]] x2 (favorite)Letter Writing Set* [[Tuningware]] x2Domino Set|tuner monsters =* The Daily Duel* [[Debris Dragon]] x2Memory Card* [[Effect Veiler]] x2 (favorite)Romantic Movie* [[Junk Synchron]] x2 (favorite)Historical Movie* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x2 (favorite)Documentary Movie|fusion monsters =* Horror Movie* [[Dragon Knight DracoSci-Equiste]]Fi Movie|spells =* Superhero Movie* Suspense Movie* [[Foolish Burial]]Musical Movie* [[Giant Trunade]]Comedy Movie* [[Heavy Storm]]Animated Movie* [[Miracle Synchro Fusion]]Perfume* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]Ear Cleaner* [[One Toilet Paper | sundry_goods_2_response = Not sure what I'll use it for One]], but I'll take it anyway.| sundry_goods_2_items = * [[Reinforcement of the Army]]Razor* [[Scapegoat]]Fountain Pen | sundry_goods_1_response = Junk parts?! You gotta be kidding me?!* [[Tuning]] x2 (| sundry_goods_1_items =  | food_5_response = My favorite, [[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]]).<br/>Want some too?|traps food_5_items =* [[Call of the Haunted]]Omelet and Rice* [[Graceful Revival]] x2Banana* [[Limit Reverse]] x2Strawberries* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])Milk* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]] x2Chocolate* [[Starlight Road]] x2 (favorite)Rice Ball* [[Torrential Tribute]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)Lunch Box | food_4_response = That looks good.| food_4_items =  |D]])food_3_response = You didn't have to do that.|synchro monsters food_3_items =* [[Armory Arm]]Beef Bowl* Curry and Rice* Ramen* Fried Rice* Spaghetti* Salad* Kebab* Apple* Orange* Pineapple* [[Drill Warrior]]Watermelon* [[Formula Synchron]] Grapes* Melon* Water* Green Tea* Tea* Coffee* Cola* Juice* Energy Drink* Cookie* Gum* Sandwich (favoriteGreen)* [[Junk Archer]]Hamburger* Steamed Bun* [[Junk Destroyer]] x2Takoyaki* [[Junk Warrior]] x2Sushi* [[Nitro Warrior]]Pudding* [[Road Warrior]]Cake* [[Shooting Star Dragon]]Ice Cream Sundae* [[Stardust Dragon]] x2 (favorite)Rice Cake | food_2_response = Sorry, but this doesn't agree with my stomach.| food_2_items = * [[Turbo Warrior]]Fancy Tea}}* Sandwich (Gold)
| food_1_response = Is this actually edible?| food_1_items =  }} ==Unlockables== ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4|Tag Force 4]]''* The player can unlock the packs ''[[Ugly Duckling]]'', ''[[Mark of the Red Dragon]]'', ''[[Gathering Stars]]'' and ''[[Cannons and Roses]]'' by entering [[Rathie's shop]], with Yusei. * Finishing Yusei's normal storyline earns the player 3 copies of "[[Stardust Dragon]]" and the picture "Partner" ({{Ruby|相棒|あいぼう}}, ''Aibō''). * Finishing Yusei's alternate storyline earns the player 3 copies of "[[Junk Warrior]]" and the picture "Friend" ({{Ruby|仲間|なかま}}, ''Nakama''). ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5|Tag Force 5]]''* The player can unlock the packs, ''[[Typecast Performance]]'', ''[[Responsive Sympathy]]'', ''[[Frontline Survivors]]'' and ''[[Clustering Bonds, Take Flight!]]'' by entering the shop with the regular version of Yusei. If entering the shop with his Crashtown self, the packs ''[[Power Brawlers]]'', ''Responsive Sympathy'', ''[[Mechanism Menagerie]]'' and ''[[Rapid Enforcement]]'' are unlocked instead. * Finishing Yusei's normal storyline earns the player 3 copies of "[[Shooting Star Dragon]]" and the picture "Believe".* Finishing Yusei's alternate storyline earns the player 3 copies of "[[Scrap Dragon]]" and the picture "Bonds with Friends" ({{Ruby|友|とも}}との{{Ruby|絆|きずな}}, ''Tomo to no Kizuna''). ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6|Tag Force 6]]''* Finishing Yusei's storyline earns the player 3 copies of "[[Shooting Quasar Dragon]]" and the picture "Our Bond" ({{Ruby|俺|おれ}}たちの{{Ruby|絆|きずな}}, ''Ore-tachi no Kizuna''). ==Ending scenes==<gallery>Yusei Fudo - Partner.png | ''Tag Force 4'' (Normal)Yusei Fudo - Friend.png | ''Tag Force 4'' (Satellite)Yusei-TF5-Normal-Ending.png | ''Tag Force 5'' (Normal)Yusei-TF5-Poncho-Ending.png | ''Tag Force 5'' (Poncho)Yusei-TF6-Ending.png | ''Tag Force 6''Yusei-TFSP-Ending.png | ''Tag Force Special''</gallery> ==Decks=====Tag Force 4=======Normal Yusei==== {{Decklist| name = Converging Companions| ja_name = {{Ruby|集|つど}}いし{{Ruby|仲間|なかま}}たち| romaji_name = Tsudoishi Nakama-tachi|A Shining Starlevel = 3| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Card Breaker]]
* [[Dash Warrior]]
* [[Fortress Warrior]]
* [[Junk BladerLevel Eater]]* [[Max Warrior]]x2
* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x2
* [[Sonic ChickRockstone Warrior]]* [[Shield Wing]]
* [[Speed Warrior]]
* [[Stardust Xiaolong]]
* [[Stronghold GuardianTuningware]]* [[Turbo BoosterTurret Warrior]](Favorite)* [[Turret WarriorZero Gardna]]
|tuner monsters =
* [[Debris Dragon]]x2 (Favorite)* [[Drill Hyper Synchron]](Favorite)* [[Hyper SynchronMajestic Dragon]](Favorite)* [[Junk Synchron]] x2 (Favorite)* [[Destiny Draw Quickdraw Synchron]] x2 (ruleFavorite)|D]])synchro monsters =* [[Majestic DragonArmory Arm]]x2* [[Nitro SynchronJunk Warrior]]x2* [[Quickdraw SynchronNitro Warrior]] (x2* [[Destiny Draw (rule)|DRoad Warrior]])x2* [[Quick-Span KnightMajestic Star Dragon]]x2 (Favorite)* [[Road SynchronStardust Dragon]]x2 (Favorite)* [[Turbo SynchronWarrior]]x2
|spells =
* [[Card of Safe Return]]
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[One for One]]
* [[Reinforcement of the Army]]
* [[Silver Wing]]* [[Swords of Revealing Light]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[The Warrior Returning Alive]]* [[Tuning]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
|traps =
* [[Call of the HauntedDescending Lost Star]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Graceful Revival]] x2
* [[Limiter OverloadMirror Force]]* ([[Miracle's Wake]]* [[Power FrameDestiny Draw (rule)|D]] x2)* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]] x2(Favorite)* [[Scrubbed RaidSkill Successor]]|synchro monsters =* [[Armory ArmTorrential Tribute]]* [[Drill Warrior]]}}* [[Junk Archer]]* [[Junk Destroyer]]{{Decklist* [[Junk Warrior]] x2* [[Lightning Warrior]]* [[Majestic Star Dragon]]* [[Nitro Warrior]]* [[Road Warrior]]* [[Seven Swords Warrior]]* [[Stardust Dragon]] x3* [[Turbo Warrior]]| name = Converging Stars| ja_name = {{Ruby|集|つど}}いし{{Ruby|星|ほし}}たち| romaji_name = Tsudoishi Hoshi-tachi| level = 4{{Decklist|A New Starstore_properties = true|effect monsters =* [[DandylionFortress Warrior]] x2* [[Level EaterMax Warrior]]x2* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x2* [[Rockstone Warrior]] x2
* [[Shield Wing]] x2
* [[Synchron Explorer]] x3
* [[Tuningware]] x2
* [[Turret Warrior]] x2
* [[Zero Gardna]]
|tuner monsters =
* [[Debris Dragon]] x2
* [[Effect VeilerHyper Synchron]] x2
* [[Junk Synchron]] x3
|synchro monsters =* [[Quickdraw SynchronArmory Arm]] x3* [[Junk Warrior]] x3* [[Stardust Dragon]] x3
|spells =
* [[Foolish BurialGiant Trunade]]
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[One for One]]x2* [[Pot Reinforcement of Avaricethe Army]]* [[Swords of Revealing Light]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Tuning]] x3 x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
|traps =
* [[Bottomless Trap HoleGraceful Revival]] x2* [[Call of the HauntedMirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Limit Reverse]] x2
* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]] x2
* [[Starlight RoadSkill Successor]] x2* [[Torrential TributeSynchro Spirits]] (* [[Destiny Draw (rule)|DTorrential Tribute]])}} {{Decklist| name = Converging Hopes| ja_name = {{Ruby|集|つど}}いし{{Ruby|光|ひかり}}たち| romaji_name = Tsudoishi Hikari-tachi| level = 5| store_properties = true|synchro effect monsters =* [[Armory ArmLevel Eater]] x2* [[Max Warrior]] x3* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x2* [[Shield Wing]] x2* [[Stardust Xiaolong]]* [[Tuningware]]* [[Drill Turret Warrior]]x2* [[Formula SynchronZero Gardna]]|tuner monsters =* [[Junk ArcherDebris Dragon]]x2* [[Junk DestroyerSynchron]] x3* [[Majestic Dragon]]* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x2|synchro monsters =* [[Armory Arm]] x2
* [[Junk Warrior]] x2
* [[Nitro Warrior]]* [[Road Warrior]]* [[Shooting Majestic Star Dragon]]* [[Stardust Dragon]] x2* [[Turbo Nitro Warrior]]}} {{Decklist|Clustering Stars|effect monsters =* [[Card Trooper]]* [[Caius the Shadow Monarch]] x2* [[DandylionRoad Warrior]] x2* [[Light and Darkness Stardust Dragon]]x3* [[Lonefire Blossom]] x2* [[Morphing Jar]]* [[Night Assailant]]* [[Swift Scarecrow]]* [[Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter]] x2* [[Sangan]]* [[Super-Nimble Mega Hamster]] x2* [[Tytannial, Princess of Camellias]]|tuner monsters =* [[Debris Dragon]] x2* [[Plaguespreader Zombie]]* [[Quickdraw SynchronTurbo Warrior]] x2|spells =* [[Book of Moon]] x2* [[Foolish BurialGiant Trunade]]
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Pot Reinforcement of Avaricethe Army]]* [[Silver Wing]]* [[Swords of Revealing Light]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[The Warrior Returning Alive]] x2
* [[Tuning]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
|traps =
* [[Bottomless Trap HoleDescending Lost Star]] x2* [[Call of the Haunted]]* [[Dimensional PrisonGraceful Revival]]x2
* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Solemn Judgment]]* [[Starlight RoadScrap-Iron Scarecrow]]x2* [[Torrential Tribute]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])|synchro monsters =* [[Ally of Justice Catastor]]* [[Ancient Fairy Dragon]]* [[Black Rose Dragon]]* [[Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]* [[Chevalier de Fleur]]* [[Drill Warrior]] x2* [[Iron Chain Dragon]]* [[Junk Archer]]* [[Nitro Warrior]]* [[Scrap Dragon]]* [[Stardust Dragon]] x2* [[Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]] x2
{{Decklist| name =Converging Bonds| ja_name ={{Ruby|集|つど}}いし{{Ruby|絆|きずな}}たち| romaji_name =''Tag Force 5'' (poncho)===Yusei uses "[[Scrap]]" Decks. His Decks, "Scrap-Iron Town" (くず鉄の町), "Scrap-Iron Village" (くず鉄の村), "Scrap-Iron City" (くず鉄の都市) and "ScrapTsudoishi Kizuna-Iron City of the Future" (くず鉄の未来都市), are levels 5, 1, 7 and 9 respectively.tachi| level = 6{{Decklist|Scrap-Iron Townstore_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice MagicianArmageddon Knight]] x2* [[Card TrooperAssault Beast]]x3* [[Cyber Dragon]] x2* [[Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest]]* [[Hand of NephthysDark Grepher]] x2* [[Level Eater]]* [[Old Vindictive Magician]]* [[Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys]]* [[Scrap Chimera]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|DHero - Malicious]])x3* [[Scrap Golem]]* [[Scrap SearcherStardust Dragon/Assault Mode]] x2* [[Summoner Monk]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
|tuner monsters =
* [[Scrap BeastKrebons]] x2* [[Scrap GoblinPlaguespreader Zombie]] x2x3* [[Scrap SoldierPsychic Commander]]|spells synchro monsters =* [[Big Bang ShotAlly of Justice Catastor]]x2* [[Brain ControlAlly of Justice Decisive Armor]]* [[Black Rose Dragon]] x2* [[Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]* [[Dark Strike Fighter]] x2* [[Flamvell Uruquizas]]* [[Goyo Guardian]]* [[Magical Android]]* [[Mist Wurm]]* [[Stardust Dragon]] x3|spells =* [[Double CycloneEmergency Teleport]]x3* [[Giant TrunadeFoolish Burial]]x3
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Scrap LubeReinforcement of the Army]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Scrapstorm]] x2* [[Scrapyard]] x2x3
|traps =
* [[Blast with ChainAssault Mode Activate]]x3* [[Call of the HauntedBottomless Trap Hole]]x3* [[Give and Take]]* [[Scrap CrashSolemn Judgment]]x3* [[Torrential Tribute]]* ([[Wild Tornado]]Destiny Draw (rule)|synchro monsters =* [[Armory ArmD]] x2)* [[Lightning Warrior]] x2}}* [[Scrap Dragon]] x2* [[Scrap Twin Dragon]] x2* [[Seven Swords Warrior]] x2* [[Stardust Dragon]] x2}}====Unmarked Yusei====
{{Decklist|name = Scrap-Iron VillageFort| ja_name = くず{{Ruby|鉄|てつ}}の{{Ruby|砦|とりで}}| romaji_name = Kuzutetsu no Toride| level = 3| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Junk Blader]] x2
* [[Level Eater]] x2
* [[Scrap ChimeraLevel Warrior]] x2 (* [[Destiny Draw (rule)|DQuillbolt Hedgehog]])x2* [[Scrap GolemSonic Chick]](Favorite)* [[Scrap HunterSpeed Warrior]]x2* [[Scrap RecyclerTuningware]]x2* [[Scrap SearcherTurbo Booster]]
|tuner monsters =
* [[Junk Synchron]] x2(Favorite)* [[Nitro Synchron]] (Favorite)* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x2 (Favorite)* [[Destiny Draw Road Synchron]] (ruleFavorite)* [[Turbo Rocket]] x2 (Favorite)* [[Turbo Synchron]]|Dsynchro monsters =* [[Armory Arm]] x2* [[Junk Warrior]])x2* [[Quick-Span KnightNitro Warrior]]x2* [[Scrap BeastRoad Warrior]] x2* [[Scrap GoblinTurbo Cannon]] x2* [[Scrap SoldierTurbo Warrior]] x2
|spells =
* [[Double CycloneCard of Safe Return]]* [[Fighting Spirit]]* [[Giant Trunade]] x2
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Junk Barrage]]
* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Scrap LubeReinforcement of the Army]]* [[Swords of Revealing Light]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Scrap SheenThe Warrior Returning Alive]]* [[ScrapstormTuning]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[ScrapyardUnstable Evolution]] x2
|traps =
* [[Blast with ChainGraceful Revival]] x2* [[Give and TakeMirror Force]] x2* [[Scrap Crash]]* ([[Scrap Rage]]* [[Wild Tornado]] x2Destiny Draw (rule)|synchro monsters =* [[Armory ArmD]] x2* [[Lightning Warrior]] x2* [[Nitro Warrior]]* [[Scrap Dragon]] x3)* [[Scrap Twin Dragon]] x3* [[Seven Swords Warrior-Iron Scarecrow]] x2* [[Stardust DragonTorrential Tribute]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Scrap-Iron CityCastle| ja_name = くず{{Ruby|鉄|てつ}}の{{Ruby|城|しろ}}| romaji_name = Kuzutetsu no Shiro| level = 2| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon]] x2* [[Level Eater]]* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x2x3* [[Scrap ChimeraSonic Chick]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Scrap GolemSpeed Warrior]] x2x3* [[Scrap SearcherTuningware]] x2* [[Summoner Monk]]
|tuner monsters =
* [[Plaguespreader ZombieJunk Synchron]]x3* [[Nitro Synchron]] x2* [[Road Synchron]] x2* [[Turbo Synchron]] x2|synchro monsters =* [[Armory Arm]] x3* [[Junk Warrior]] x3* [[Scrap BeastNitro Warrior]] x3* [[Scrap GoblinRoad Warrior]] x2x3* [[Scrap SoldierTurbo Warrior]]x3
|spells =
* [[Brain ControlFighting Spirit]]* [[Foolish BurialGiant Trunade]]* [[Geartown]] x3
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Junk Barrage]]
* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Scrap LubeReinforcement of the Army]]* [[Release Restraint Wave]]* [[Swords of Revealing Light]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[ScrapstormTuning]] x3([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[ScrapyardUnstable Evolution]] x3x2
|traps =
* [[Bottomless Trap HoleGraceful Revival]] x2* [[Call of the HauntedLimiter Overload]]
* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]]
* [[Synchro Strike]]
* [[Torrential Tribute]]
|synchro monsters =* [[Ally of Justice Catastor]]* [[Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]* [[Colossal Fighter]]* [[Mist Wurm]]* [[Naturia Barkion]]* [[Naturia Beast]]* [[Naturia Landoise]]* [[Scrap Dragon]] x3* [[Scrap Twin Dragon]] x3* [[Stardust Dragon]]* [[Trishula, Dragon of the Ice BarrierUrgent Tuning]]
{{Decklist|name = Scrap-Iron City of the FutureCountry| ja_name = くず{{Ruby|鉄|てつ}}の{{Ruby|国|くに}}| romaji_name = Kuzutetsu no Kuni| level = 7| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Card TrooperGiant Germ]]x3* [[Cyber DragonLevel Eater]] x2* [[Level EaterNimble Momonga]]x3* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]]x2* [[Scrap ChimeraShield Wing]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Scrap Golem]] x2* [[Scrap Searcher]] x2* [[Summoner MonkTuningware]]
|tuner monsters =
* [[Plaguespreader ZombieJunk Synchron]]x3* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x3* [[Turbo Rocket]] x2|synchro monsters =* [[Armory Arm]] x2* [[Scrap BeastJunk Warrior]] x3* [[Scrap GoblinNitro Warrior]] x3* [[Road Warrior]] x2* [[Scrap SoldierTurbo Cannon]]x2* [[Turbo Warrior]] x3
|spells =
* [[Brain Control]]* [[Cold Wave]]* [[Foolish BurialGiant Trunade]]
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Mind ControlMonster Reborn]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Scrap LubePot of Avarice]] x2 * [[Reinforcement of the Army]]* [[Swords of Revealing Light]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[ScrapstormTuning]] x3* ([[ScrapyardDestiny Draw (rule)|D]] x3)
|traps =
* [[Call of the HauntedGraceful Revival]]* [[Compulsory Evacuation Device]] x2x3
* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Solemn JudgmentScrap-Iron Scarecrow]]x2
* [[Torrential Tribute]]
{{Decklist| name =Recycling Rascal| ja_name =リサイクル{{Ruby|野郎|やろう}}| romaji_name =''Tag Force 6''=Risaikuru Yarō| level ==Yusei's Decks, "Bonding Wishes" (集いし願い), "Bonding Fighting Spirit" (集いし闘志), "Clustering Crystals of Dreams" (集いし夢の結晶) and "New Bond" (新たな絆), are levels 4, 2, 7 and 8 respectively. {{Decklist|Bonding Wishesstore_properties = true|effect monsters=* [[Level EaterGiant Germ]]x3* [[Quillbolt HedgehogLevel Eater]] x2* [[Shield WingNimble Momonga]]x3* [[Sonic WarriorQuillbolt Hedgehog]] x2x3* [[Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode]]* [[Swift Scarecrow]]* [[Synchron ExplorerTuningware]] x2* [[Tuningware]]
|tuner monsters =
* [[Debris Dragon]]
* [[Effect Veiler]]
* [[Junk Synchron]] x3
* [[Mach Synchron]]
* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x2
|synchro monsters =
* [[Ally of Justice Catastor]] x2
* [[Armory Arm]]
* [[Black Rose Dragon]] x2
* [[Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]
* [[Colossal Fighter]]
* [[Dark Strike Fighter]]
* [[Goyo Guardian]]
* [[Junk Warrior]]
* [[Nitro Warrior]]
* [[Road Warrior]]
* [[Stardust Dragon]]
* [[Thought Ruler Archfiend]]
* [[Turbo Warrior]]
|spells =
* [[Foolish BurialCard of Safe Return]]x2
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Miracle Synchro FusionGraceful Charity]]* [[Mystical Space TyphoonHeavy Storm]]* [[Monster Reborn]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[One for OneMystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Reinforcement of the Army]]
* [[TuningSwords of Revealing Light]] x3([[Destiny Draw (rule)|traps=D]])* [[Assault Mode ActivateTuning]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])|traps =* [[Call of the HauntedBottomless Trap Hole]]x2
* [[Graceful Revival]] x2
* [[Mirror Force]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Solemn Judgment]] x3* [[Torrential Tribute]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])}}  ===Tag Force 5=== ====Normal Yusei==== {{Decklist| name = Shooting Star| ja_name = {{Ruby|流|なが}}れる{{Ruby|星|ほし}}| romaji_name = Nagareru Hoshi| level = 3| store_properties = true|effect monsters =* [[Scrap-Iron Level Eater]]* [[Swift Scarecrow]] x2* [[Starlight RoadQuillbolt Hedgehog]] x2* [[Shield Wing]] x2* [[Synchron Explorer]] x2 (Favorite)* [[Tuningware]] x2|tuner monsters =* [[Debris Dragon]] x2* [[Effect Veiler]] x2(Favorite)* [[Torrential TributeJunk Synchron]] x2 (Favorite)* [[Quickdraw Synchron]]x2 (Favorite)
|fusion monsters =
* [[Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste]]
|synchro monsters =
* [[Armory Arm]] x2
* [[Drill Warrior]]
* [[Formula Synchron]] (Favorite)
* [[Junk Archer]]
* [[Junk Berserker]]* [[Junk Destroyer]]* [[Junk Gardna]]x2
* [[Junk Warrior]] x2
* [[Nitro Warrior]]
* [[Road Warrior]]
* [[Stardust Dragon]] x2(favorite)
* [[Turbo Warrior]]
|spells =
* [[Foolish Burial]]
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Miracle Synchro Fusion]]
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[One for One]]
* [[Reinforcement of the Army]]
* [[Scapegoat]]
* [[Tuning]] x2 (Favorite) ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
|traps =
* [[Call of the Haunted]]
* [[Graceful Revival]] x2
* [[Limit Reverse]] x2
* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]] x2
* [[Starlight Road]] x2 (Favorite)
* [[Torrential Tribute]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
{{Decklist| name = Shining Star| ja_name = {{Ruby|輝|かがや}}く{{Ruby|星|ほし}}|Bonding Fighting Spiritromaji_name = Kagayaku Hoshi| level = 3| store_properties = true|effect monsters=* [[D.D. SpriteCard Breaker]]
* [[Dash Warrior]]
* [[Junk Servant]]
* [[Fortress Warrior]]
* [[Junk Blader]]
* [[Max Warrior]]
* [[Mystic Piper]]* [[Necro Defender]]* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]]* [[Salvage Warrior]]x2* [[Sonic Chick]]* [[Sonic Warrior]]
* [[Speed Warrior]]
* [[Bright Star Dragon]]* [[Stardust PhantomXiaolong]]
* [[Stronghold Guardian]]
* [[Turbo Booster]]
* [[Turret Warrior]]
|tuner monsters =
* [[Debris Dragon]]
* [[Drill Synchron]]
* [[Hyper Synchron]]
* [[Junk Synchron]]x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Majestic Dragon]]
* [[Quickdraw Nitro Synchron]]* [[Unknown Quickdraw Synchron]]|spells=* ([[Mystical Space Typhoon]]* [[Monster Reborn]]* [[Reinforcement of the Army]]* [[Tuning]] x3* [[Fighting Spirit]]Destiny Draw (rule)|traps=* [[Hope for Escape]]* [[Scrubbed RaidD]])* [[ScrapQuick-Iron ScarecrowSpan Knight]] x2* [[Zero ForceRoad Synchron]]* [[High Rate Draw]]* [[Power Frame]]* [[Miracle Locus]]* [[Limiter Overload]]* [[Limit ReverseTurbo Synchron]] x2|synchro monsters =* [[Catapult WarriorArmory Arm]]* [[Drill Warrior]]
* [[Junk Archer]]
* [[Junk Berserker]]* [[Junk GardnaDestroyer]]* [[Junk Warrior]]x2
* [[Lightning Warrior]]
* [[Majestic Star Dragon]]
* [[Nitro Warrior]]
* [[Road Warrior]]
* [[Scarred Warrior]]
* [[Seven Swords Warrior]]
* [[Stardust Dragon]]x3
* [[Turbo Warrior]]
}}|spells =* [[Giant Trunade]]* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]{{Decklist|Clustering Crystals * [[One for One]]* [[Reinforcement of Dreamsthe Army]]* [[Tuning]] x2|effect monsterstraps =* [[Shield WingCall of the Haunted]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Graceful Revival]]x2* [[DandylionLimiter Overload]]* [[Miracle's Wake]]* [[Power Frame]] x2* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]] x2* [[Scrubbed Raid]]}} {{Decklist| name = New Star| ja_name = {{Ruby|新|あら}}たな{{Ruby|星|ほし}}| romaji_name = Aratana Hoshi| level = 7| store_properties = true|effect monsters =* [[DoppelwarriorDandylion]] x2* [[Level Eater]] x2
* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x2
* [[Shield Wing]] x2
* [[Synchron Explorer]] x3
* [[Tuningware]]x2
|tuner monsters =
* [[Debris Dragon]]x2* [[Effect Veiler]]x2
* [[Junk Synchron]] x3
* [[Mach Synchron]]
* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x3
* [[Unknown Synchron]]|spells=* [[Foolish Burial]]* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2* [[One for One]]* [[Pot of Avarice]]* [[Reinforcement of the Army]]* [[The Warrior Returning Alive]]* [[Tuning]] x3|traps=* [[Bottomless Trap Hole]] x2* [[Call of the Haunted]]* [[Limit Reverse]]* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]] x2* [[Starlight Road]]* [[Torrential Tribute]]|synchro monsters =
* [[Armory Arm]]
* [[Drill Warrior]]
* [[Formula Synchron]]
* [[Junk Archer]]
* [[Junk Berserker]]* [[Junk Destroyer]]* [[Junk Gardna]]x3
* [[Junk Warrior]] x2
* [[Nitro Warrior]]
* [[Road Warrior]]
* [[Shooting Quasar Dragon]]
* [[Shooting Star Dragon]]
* [[Stardust Dragon]]x2
* [[Turbo Warrior]]
}} {{Decklist|New Bond|effect monsters=* [[Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning]] x2* [[Card Trooper]] x2* [[Dandylion]]* [[Dark Armed Dragon]]* [[Doppelwarrior]] x2* [[Level Eater]]* [[Lonefire Blossom]] x2* [[Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter]] x3|tuner monsters =* [[Debris Dragon]] x2* [[Effect Veiler]] x2* [[Glow-Up Bulb]]* [[Junk Synchron]] x3* [[Spore]]|spells=* [[Charge of the Light Brigade]]* [[Foolish Burial]]* [[Giant Trunade]]* [[Harpie's Feather DusterHeavy Storm]] x2* [[Monster RebornMystical Space Typhoon]]* [[One for One]] x2
* [[Pot of Avarice]]
* [[Reinforcement of the ArmyTuning]]* x3 ([[The Warrior Returning AliveDestiny Draw (rule)|D]] x2* [[Tuning]] x2)|traps=* [[Royal DecreeBottomless Trap Hole]] x3|synchro monsters =x2* [[Ally Call of Justice Catastorthe Haunted]]* ([[Ancient Fairy Dragon]]* [[Armory ArmDestiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Black Rose Dragon]]* [[Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]* [[Formula SynchronLimit Reverse]] x2* [[Scrap-Iron Chain DragonScarecrow]]x2* [[Scrap DragonStarlight Road]]x2* [[Shooting Quasar DragonTorrential Tribute]]* ([[Shooting Star Dragon]]* [[Stardust Dragon]]* [[T.G. Hyper Librarian]] x2* [[Trishula, Dragon of the Ice BarrierDestiny Draw (rule)|D]])
{{Decklist| name =Converging Stars| ja_name ={{Ruby|集|つど}}いし{{Ruby|星|ほし}}| romaji_name =''Tag Force Special''==Tsudoishi Hoshi| level =10{{Decklist|Yusei Fudo 01store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Debris Card Trooper]]* [[Caius the Shadow Monarch]] x2* [[Dandylion]] x2* [[Light and Darkness Dragon]]* [[Lonefire Blossom]] x2* [[DoppelwarriorMorphing Jar]]* [[Night Assailant]]* [[Swift Scarecrow]]* [[Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter]] x2* [[Jet SynchronSangan]]* [[Super-Nimble Mega Hamster]] x2* [[Junk SynchronTytannial, Princess of Camellias]]|tuner monsters =* [[Debris Dragon]] x2* [[Level EaterPlaguespreader Zombie]]
* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x2
* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]]
* [[Rush Warrior]] x2
* [[Synchron Carrier]] x2
* [[Synchron Explorer]] x2
|synchro monsters =
* [[Accel SynchronAlly of Justice Catastor]]* [[Armory ArmAncient Fairy Dragon]]* [[Formula SynchronBlack Rose Dragon]]* [[Jet Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]* [[Chevalier de Fleur]]* [[Drill Warrior]] x2* [[Iron Chain Dragon]]
* [[Junk Archer]]
* [[Junk Destroyer]]
* [[Junk Gardna]]
* [[Junk Warrior]]
* [[Nitro Warrior]]
* [[Road Warrior]]* [[Shooting Quasar Dragon]]* [[Shooting Star Scrap Dragon]]* [[Stardust Dragon]]x2* [[Stardust Spark Trishula, Dragonof the Ice Barrier]]* [[Stardust Warrior]]x2
|spells =
* [[Dark Hole]]* [[De-SynchroBook of Moon]]x2
* [[Foolish Burial]]
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Monster Reborn]]* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2* [[One for One]]* [[Pot of Avarice]]x2* [[Scrap FistTuning]]* x3 ([[Starlight JunktionDestiny Draw (rule)|D]] x2* [[Tuning]] x3)
|traps =
* [[Reinforce TruthBottomless Trap Hole]] x2* [[Call of the Haunted]]* [[Scrap-Iron ScarecrowDimensional Prison]] x2* [[Scrap-Iron StatueMirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Solemn Judgment]]* [[Shooting StarStarlight Road]] x2* [[Urgent TuningTorrential Tribute]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
 ====Poncho Yusei==== {{Decklist| name = Scrap-Iron Town| ja_name = くず{{Ruby|鉄|てつ}}の{{Ruby|町|Yusei Fudo 02まち}}| romaji_name = Kuzutetsu no Machi| level = 5| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Debris DragonApprentice Magician]]x2* [[Fortress WarriorCard Trooper]]* [[Ghost GardnaCyber Dragon]]x2* [[Hyper SynchronGreen Baboon, Defender of the Forest]]* [[Junk Anchor]]* [[Junk BladerHand of Nephthys]] x2* [[Junk DefenderLevel Eater]]* [[Junk ForwardOld Vindictive Magician]] x2* [[Junk ServantSacred Phoenix of Nephthys]]* [[Junk SynchronScrap Chimera]] x2* (Favorite) ([[Quick-Span KnightDestiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Quillbolt HedgehogScrap Golem]](Favorite)* [[Rapid WarriorScrap Searcher]] x2* [[Shield WarriorSummoner Monk]]* ([[Sonic ChickDestiny Draw (rule)|D]])|tuner monsters =* [[Speed WarriorScrap Beast]] x2(Favorite)* [[Synchron ExplorerScrap Goblin]]x2* [[TuningwareScrap Soldier]](Favorite)
|synchro monsters =
* [[Catapult WarriorArmory Arm]]x2* [[Gravity Lightning Warrior]]x2* [[Junk WarriorScrap Dragon]] x2(Favorite)* [[Lightning WarriorScrap Twin Dragon]]x2 (Favorite)* [[Mighty Seven Swords Warrior]]x2* [[Scarred WarriorStardust Dragon]]x2 (Favorite)|spells =* [[Seven Swords WarriorBig Bang Shot]]* [[Stardust DragonBrain Control]]* [[Stardust Spark DragonDouble Cyclone]]|spells =* [[Domino EffectGiant Trunade]]* [[Fighting SpiritHeavy Storm]]* [[Junk BarrageMystical Space Typhoon]]* [[One for OneScrap Lube]]* x2 (Favorite) ([[Silver WingDestiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Synchro BoostScrapstorm]] x2(Favorite)* [[TuningScrapyard]]x2 (Favorite)
|traps =
* [[Defense DrawBlast with Chain]]* [[Limiter OverloadCall of the Haunted]] x2
* [[Give and Take]]
* [[Graceful Revival]]* [[Scrap-Iron ScarecrowCrash]]* [[Synchro StrikeTorrential Tribute]]* [[Urgent TuningWild Tornado]]
{{Decklist|Yusei Fudo 03name = Scrap-Iron Village| ja_name = くず{{Ruby|鉄|てつ}}の{{Ruby|村|むら}}| romaji_name = Kuzutetsu no Mura| level = 1| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Changer SynchronJunk Blader]]x2* [[D.D. SpriteLevel Eater]]x2* [[Debris DragonScrap Chimera]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[DoppelwarriorScrap Golem]] x2* [[Drill SynchronScrap Hunter]]* [[Junk AnchorScrap Recycler]]* [[Junk ServantScrap Searcher]]|tuner monsters =
* [[Junk Synchron]] x2
* [[Level EaterQuickdraw Synchron]]* ([[Majestic DragonDestiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Nitro SynchronQuick-Span Knight]]* [[Quickdraw SynchronScrap Beast]] x2* [[Quillbolt HedgehogScrap Goblin]] x2* [[Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode]]* [[Stardust Phantom]]* [[Stardust Xiaolong]]* [[Synchron ExplorerScrap Soldier]] x2* [[Turbo Synchron]]|fusion monsters =* [[Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste]]|synchro monsters =* [[Armory Arm]]x2* [[Drill Lightning Warrior]]* [[Formula Synchron]]* [[Junk Archer]]* [[Junk Berserker]]* [[Junk Destroyer]]* [[Junk Gardna]]* [[Junk Warrior]]* [[Majestic Star Dragon]]x2
* [[Nitro Warrior]]
* [[Shooting Quasar Scrap Dragon]]x3* [[Shooting Star Scrap Twin Dragon]]x3* [[Stardust DragonSeven Swords Warrior]]x2* [[Stardust Spark Dragon]]* [[Turbo Warrior]]x2
|spells =
* [[Foolish BurialDouble Cyclone]]x2* [[Miracle Synchro FusionHeavy Storm]]* [[One for OneJunk Barrage]]* [[Pot of AvariceMystical Space Typhoon]]* [[Silver WingScrap Lube]]x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Scrap Sheen]]* [[Scrapstorm]] x2* [[TuningScrapyard]] x3x2
|traps =
* [[Assault Mode ActivateBlast with Chain]] x2* [[Reinforce TruthGive and Take]] x2* [[Scrap-Iron ScarecrowCrash]]* [[Scrap Rage]] x2* [[Shooting StarWild Tornado]] x2
{{Decklist|Yusei Fudo 04 name = Scrap-Iron City| ja_name = くず{{Ruby|鉄|てつ}}の{{Ruby|都市|とし}}| romaji_name = Kuzutetsu no Toshi| level = 7| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon]] x2* [[Level Eater]]* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x2* [[Scrap Chimera]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Scrap Golem]] x2* [[Scrap Searcher]] x2* [[Summoner Monk]]|tuner monsters =* [[Plaguespreader Zombie]]* [[Scrap Beast]] x3* [[Scrap Goblin]] x2* [[Scrap Soldier]]|synchro monsters =* [[Ally of Justice Catastor]]* [[Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]* [[Colossal Fighter]]* [[Mist Wurm]]* [[Naturia Barkion]]* [[Naturia Beast]]* [[Naturia Landoise]]* [[Scrap Dragon]] x3* [[Scrap Twin Dragon]] x3* [[Stardust Dragon]]* [[Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]|spells =* [[Brain Control]]* [[Foolish Burial]]* [[Geartown]] x3* [[Heavy Storm]]* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]* [[Scrap Lube]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Scrapstorm]] x3* [[Scrapyard]] x3|traps =* [[Bottomless Trap Hole]] x2* [[Call of the Haunted]]* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Torrential Tribute]]}} {{Decklist| name = Scrap-Iron City of the Future| ja_name = くず{{Ruby|鉄|てつ}}の{{Ruby|未来|みらい}}{{Ruby|都市|とし}}| romaji_name = Kuzutetsu no Mirai Toshi| level = 9| store_properties = true|effect monsters =* [[Card Trooper]]* [[Cyber Dragon]] x2* [[Level Eater]]* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]]* [[Scrap Chimera]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Scrap Golem]] x2* [[Scrap Searcher]] x2* [[Summoner Monk]]|tuner monsters =* [[Plaguespreader Zombie]]* [[Scrap Beast]] x3* [[Scrap Goblin]] x2* [[Scrap Soldier]]|synchro monsters =* [[Ally of Justice Catastor]]* [[Black Rose Dragon]]* [[Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]* [[Colossal Fighter]]* [[Goyo Guardian]]* [[Naturia Barkion]]* [[Naturia Beast]]* [[Naturia Landoise]]* [[Scrap Dragon]] x3* [[Scrap Twin Dragon]] x3* [[Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]|spells =* [[Brain Control]]* [[Cold Wave]]* [[Foolish Burial]]* [[Heavy Storm]]* [[Mind Control]]* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]* [[Scrap Lube]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Scrapstorm]] x3* [[Scrapyard]] x3|traps =* [[Call of the Haunted]]* [[Compulsory Evacuation Device]] x2* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Solemn Judgment]]* [[Torrential Tribute]]}}  ===Tag Force 6=== {{Decklist| name = Converging Wishes| ja_name = {{Ruby|集|つど}}いし{{Ruby|願|ねが}}い| romaji_name = Tsudoishi Negai| level = 4| store_properties = true|effect monsters=* [[Level Eater]]* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x2* [[Shield Wing]]* [[Sonic Warrior]] x2* [[Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode]]* [[Swift Scarecrow]]* [[Synchron Explorer]] x2* [[Tuningware]]|tuner monsters =* [[Debris Dragon]] x2* [[Effect Veiler]]* [[Junk Synchron]] x3 (Favorite)* [[Mach Synchron]]* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x2|fusion monsters =* [[Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste]]|synchro monsters =* [[Armory Arm]] x2* [[Drill Warrior]]* [[Junk Archer]]* [[Junk Berserker]]* [[Junk Destroyer]]* [[Junk Gardna]]* [[Junk Warrior]] x2* [[Nitro Warrior]]* [[Road Warrior]]* [[Stardust Dragon]] x2 (Favorite)* [[Turbo Warrior]]|spells =* [[Foolish Burial]]* [[Giant Trunade]]* [[Miracle Synchro Fusion]]* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2* [[One for One]]* [[Reinforcement of the Army]]* [[Tuning]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])|traps=* [[Assault Mode Activate]]* [[Call of the Haunted]]* [[Graceful Revival]] x2* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]] x2 (Favorite)* [[Starlight Road]] x2* [[Torrential Tribute]]}} {{Decklist| name = Converging Fighting Spirit| ja_name = {{Ruby|集|つど}}いし{{Ruby|闘志|とうし}}| romaji_name = Tsudoishi Tōshi| level = 2| store_properties = true|effect monsters =* [[Bright Star Dragon]]* [[D.D. Sprite]]* [[Dash Warrior]]* [[Fortress Warrior]]* [[Junk Servant]]* [[Max Warrior]]* [[Mystic Piper]]* [[Necro Defender]]* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]]* [[Salvage Warrior]]* [[Sonic Chick]]* [[Sonic Warrior]]* [[Speed Warrior]]* [[Stardust Phantom]]* [[Stronghold Guardian]]* [[Turret Warrior]]|tuner monsters =* [[Debris Dragon]]* [[Hyper Synchron]]* [[Junk Synchron]]* [[Majestic Dragon]]* [[Mach Synchron]]* [[Quickdraw Synchron]]* [[Unknown Synchron]]|synchro monsters =* [[Catapult Warrior]]* [[Drill Warrior]]* [[Junk Archer]]* [[Junk Berserker]]* [[Junk Destroyer]]* [[Junk Gardna]]* [[Junk Warrior]]* [[Lightning Warrior]]* [[Majestic Star Dragon]]* [[Nitro Warrior]]* [[Road Warrior]]* [[Scarred Warrior]]* [[Seven Swords Warrior]]* [[Stardust Dragon]]* [[Turbo Warrior]]|spells =* [[Fighting Spirit]]* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Reinforcement of the Army]]* [[Tuning]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])|traps =* [[High and Low]]* [[Hope for Escape]]* [[Limit Reverse]] x2* [[Limiter Overload]]* [[Miracle Locus]]* [[Power Frame]]* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Scrubbed Raid]]* [[Zero Force]]}} {{Decklist| name = Fruit from Converging Dreams| ja_name = {{Ruby|集|つど}}いし{{Ruby|夢|ゆめ}}の{{Ruby|結晶|けっしょう}}| romaji_name = Tsudoishi Yume no Kesshō| level = 7| store_properties = true|effect monsters =* [[Dandylion]]* [[Doppelwarrior]] x2* [[Jet Level Eater]] x2* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x2* [[SynchronExplorer]] x3* [[Tuningware]]|tuner monsters =* [[Debris Dragon]] x2* [[Effect Veiler]]* [[Junk Synchron]] x3* [[Mach Synchron]]* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x3* [[Unknown Synchron]]|synchro monsters =* [[Armory Arm]]* [[Drill Warrior]]* [[Formula Synchron]]* [[Junk Archer]]* [[Junk Berserker]]* [[Junk Destroyer]]* [[Junk Gardna]]* [[Junk Warrior]] x2* [[Nitro Warrior]]* [[Road Warrior]]* [[Shooting Quasar Dragon]]* [[Shooting Star Dragon]]* [[Stardust Dragon]]* [[Turbo Warrior]]|spells =* [[Foolish Burial]]* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2* [[One for One]]* [[Pot of Avarice]]* [[Reinforcement of the Army]]* [[The Warrior Returning Alive]]* [[Tuning]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])|traps =* [[Bottomless Trap Hole]] x2* [[Call of the Haunted]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Limit Reverse]]* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]] x2* [[Starlight Road]]* [[Torrential Tribute]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])}} {{Decklist| name = New Bond| ja_name = {{Ruby|新|あら}}たな{{Ruby|絆|きずな}}| romaji_name = Aratana Kizuna| level = 8| store_properties = true|effect monsters =* [[Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Card Trooper]] x2* [[Dandylion]]* [[Dark Armed Dragon]]* [[Doppelwarrior]] x2* [[Level Eater]]* [[Lonefire Blossom]] x2* [[Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter]] x3|tuner monsters =* [[Debris Dragon]] x2* [[Effect Veiler]] x2* [[Glow-Up Bulb]]* [[Junk Synchron]] x3* [[Spore]]|synchro monsters =* [[Ally of Justice Catastor]]* [[Ancient Fairy Dragon]]* [[Armory Arm]]* [[Black Rose Dragon]]* [[Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]* [[Formula Synchron]] x2* [[Iron Chain Dragon]]* [[Scrap Dragon]]* [[Shooting Quasar Dragon]]* [[Shooting Star Dragon]]* [[Stardust Dragon]]* [[T.G. Hyper Librarian]] x2* [[Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]|spells =* [[Charge of the Light Brigade]]* [[Foolish Burial]]* [[Giant Trunade]]* [[Harpie's Feather Duster]] x2* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[One for One]] x2* [[Pot of Avarice]]* [[Reinforcement of the Army]]* [[The Warrior Returning Alive]] x2* [[Tuning]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])|traps =* [[Royal Decree]] x3}}  ===Tag Force Special=== {{Decklist| name = Bonds of Stardust| ja_name = 星屑の絆| romaji_name = Hoshikuzu no Kizuna| level = 9|effect monsters =* [[Doppelwarrior]] x2
* [[Level Eater]]
* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x2
* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]]
* [[Rush Warrior]] x2
* [[Synchron Carrier]] x2* [[Synchron Explorer]] x2|tuner monsters =* [[Debris Dragon]] x2* [[Jet Synchron]] x2* [[Junk Synchron]] x2 (Favorite) ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x2|synchro monsters =* [[Accel Synchron]]* [[Armory Arm]]* [[Formula Synchron]]* [[Jet Warrior]]* [[Junk Archer]]* [[Junk Destroyer]]* [[Junk Gardna]]* [[Junk Warrior]]* [[Nitro Warrior]]* [[Road Warrior]]* [[Shooting Quasar Dragon]]* [[Shooting Star Dragon]]* [[Stardust Dragon]] (Favorite)* [[Stardust Spark Dragon]]* [[Stardust Warrior]]|spells =* [[Dark Hole]]* [[De-Synchro]]* [[Foolish Burial]]* [[Heavy Storm]]* [[Monster Reborn]]* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2* [[One for One]]* [[Pot of Avarice]]* [[Scrap Fist]]* [[Starlight Junktion]] x2* [[Tuning]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])|traps =* [[Reinforce Truth]]* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Scrap-Iron Statue]]* [[Shooting Star]] x2* [[Urgent Tuning]]}} {{Decklist| name = Warriors' Sense| ja_name = ウォリアーズ・フィール| romaji_name = Uoriāzu Fīru| ja_trans_name = Warriors' Feel| level = 3|effect monsters =* [[Fortress Warrior]]* [[Ghost Gardna]]* [[Junk Blader]] x2* [[Junk Defender]]* [[Junk Forward]] x2* [[Junk Servant]]* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]]* [[Rapid Warrior]] x2* [[Shield Warrior]]* [[Sonic Chick]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Speed Warrior]] x2* [[Synchron Explorer]]* [[Tuningware]]|tuner monsters =* [[Debris Dragon]]* [[Hyper Synchron]]* [[Junk Anchor]]* [[Junk Synchron]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Quick-Span Knight]]|synchro monsters =* [[Catapult Warrior]]* [[Gravity Warrior]]* [[Junk Warrior]] x2* [[Lightning Warrior]]* [[Mighty Warrior]]* [[Scarred Warrior]]* [[Seven Swords Warrior]]* [[Stardust Dragon]]* [[Stardust Spark Dragon]]|spells =* [[Domino Effect]]* [[Fighting Spirit]]* [[Junk Barrage]]* [[One for One]]* [[Silver Wing]]* [[Synchro Boost]] x2* [[Tuning]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])|traps =* [[Defense Draw]]* [[Limiter Overload]] x2* [[Give and Take]]* [[Graceful Revival]]* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]]* [[Synchro Strike]]* [[Urgent Tuning]]}} {{Decklist| name = Stardust Accel| ja_name = スターダスト・アクセル| romaji_name = Sutādasuto Akuseru| level = 5|effect monsters =* [[Doppelwarrior]] x2* [[Drill Synchron]]* [[Junk Servant]]* [[Level Eater]]* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]] x2* [[Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode]]* [[Stardust Phantom]]* [[Stardust Xiaolong]]* [[Synchron Explorer]] x2|tuner monsters =* [[Changer Synchron]]* [[D.D. Sprite]]* [[Debris Dragon]] x2* [[Junk Anchor]]* [[Junk Synchron]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Majestic Dragon]]* [[Nitro Synchron]]* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x2* [[Turbo Synchron]]|fusion monsters =* [[Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste]]|synchro monsters =* [[Armory Arm]]* [[Drill Warrior]]* [[Formula Synchron]]* [[Junk Archer]]* [[Junk Berserker]]* [[Junk Destroyer]]* [[Junk Gardna]]* [[Junk Warrior]]* [[Majestic Star Dragon]]* [[Nitro Warrior]]* [[Shooting Star Dragon]]* [[Stardust Dragon]]* [[Stardust Spark Dragon]]* [[Turbo Warrior]]|spells =* [[Foolish Burial]]* [[Miracle Synchro Fusion]]* [[One for One]]* [[Pot of Avarice]]* [[Silver Wing]]* [[Tuning]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])|traps =* [[Assault Mode Activate]] x2* [[Reinforce Truth]] x2* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Shooting Star]] x2}} {{Decklist| name = Limit Over Stardust| ja_name = リミットオーバー・スターダスト| romaji_name = Rimittoōbā Sutādasuto| level = 8|effect monsters =* [[Doppelwarrior]] x2* [[Level Eater]]* [[Quillbolt Hedgehog]]* [[Rush Warrior]] x2* [[Stardust Phantom]]* [[Synchron Carrier]] x2* [[Synchron Explorer]] x2|tuner monsters =* [[Debris Dragon]] x2* [[Jet Synchron]] x2* [[Junk Synchron]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Quickdraw Synchron]] x2|synchro monsters =* [[Accel Synchron]]* [[Armory Arm]]* [[Formula Synchron]]* [[Jet Warrior]]* [[Junk Archer]]* [[Junk Destroyer]]* [[Junk Gardna]]* [[Junk Warrior]]* [[Nitro Warrior]]* [[Road Warrior]]* [[Shooting Quasar Dragon]]* [[Shooting Star Dragon]]* [[Stardust Dragon]]* [[Stardust Spark Dragon]]* [[Stardust Warrior]]|spells =* [[De-Synchro]]* [[Foolish Burial]]* [[One for One]]* [[Pot of Avarice]]* [[Scrap Fist]] x2* [[Starlight Junktion]] x2* [[Tuning]] x3([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
|traps =
* [[Reinforce Truth]] x2
* [[Scrap-Iron Scarecrow]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Scrap-Iron Statue]] x2
* [[Shooting Star]] x2
* [[Tetsu Trudge (Tag Force)|Tetsu Trudge]]
* [[Hiroshi Kumakura|Lioside]] (Lioside)
| Win
* [[Player (Tag Force)|Player]]
* [[Ghost (Tag Force)|Fake Dean]] * [[Ghost (Tag Force)|Fake Wade]]
| Win
* [[No Money Yayoi|Rei]] (Rei)
* [[Shuji Maruyama (character)|Gillian]]
| Win
autopatrol, mover

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