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Roman Goodwin (Tag Force)

27,945 bytes added, 1 month ago
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| image = Roman-TFSP.png
| en_name = Roman Goodwin
| ja_name = ルドガー・ゴドウィン
| romaji_name = Rudogā Godowin
| ja_trans_name = Rudger Godwin
| gender = Male
| relatives = [[Rex Goodwin (Tag Force)|Rex Goodwin]] (younger brother)
'''Roman Goodwin''', known as '''Rudger GoodwinGodwin''' in the Japanese version, is a character in the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force]]'' series. This is a video game depiction of [[Roman Goodwin]], a character from the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's]]'' anime. The character is merely named '''Roman''' in the localization of ''Tag Force 4''. ==Appearances== ===Tag Force 4===Roman is a Tier 1 character the player can partner with only after clearing the stories of [[Jack Atlas (Tag Force)|Jack]], [[Leo (Tag Force)|Leo]] and [[Luna (Tag Force)|Luna]] as well as [[Yusei Fudo (Tag Force)|Yusei]]'s and [[Akiza Izinski (Tag Force)|Akiza]]'s normal stories. ===Tag Force 6===Roman is a Tier 2 character in this game, unlocked by finishing [[Rex Goodwin (Tag Force)|Rex]]'s story. ==Profiles== ===Tag Force 4=== <blockquote>{{Ruby|腕|うで}}に「{{Ruby|蜘蛛|くも}}」の{{Ruby|痣|あざ}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}つダークシグナー。<br/><br/>ダークシグナーたちのリーダー{{Ruby|的|てき}}{{Ruby|存在|そんざい}}で、{{Ruby|腕|うで}}の{{Ruby|痣|あざ}}から{{Ruby|生|う}}みだした{{Ruby|蜘蛛|くも}}を{{Ruby|人間|にんげん}}に{{Ruby|憑依|ひょうい}}させることによりその{{Ruby|人間|にんげん}}をダークシグナーとして{{Ruby|一時的|いちじてき}}に{{Ruby|操|あやつ}}ることができる。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|治安|ちあん}}{{Ruby|維持|いじ}}{{Ruby|局|きょく}}の{{Ruby|長官|ちょうかん}}であるレクス・ゴドウィンの{{Ruby|兄|あに}}であり、17{{Ruby|年|ねん}}{{Ruby|前|まえ}}はふたりで{{Ruby|旧|きゅう}}モーメントの{{Ruby|開発者|かいはつしゃ}}にあたる{{Ruby|博士|はかせ}}の{{Ruby|助手|じょしゅ}}をしていた。<br/>モーメントが{{Ruby|生|う}}み{{Ruby|出|だ}}す{{Ruby|光|ひかり}}を{{Ruby|至高|しこう}}の{{Ruby|存在|そんざい}}だと{{Ruby|信|しん}}じており{{Ruby|研究|けんきゅう}}を{{Ruby|中止|ちゅうし}}しようとした{{Ruby|博士|はかせ}}を{{Ruby|批難|ひなん}}し、{{Ruby|自|みずか}}らが{{Ruby|研究|けんきゅう}}の{{Ruby|続行|ぞっこう}}を{{Ruby|行|おこな}}った。<br/><br/>その{{Ruby|気持|きも}}ちは{{Ruby|現在|げんざい}}でも{{Ruby|強|つよ}}く、{{Ruby|旧|きゅう}}モーメントの{{Ruby|復活|ふっかつ}}のために{{Ruby|発生|はっせい}}する{{Ruby|犠牲|ぎせい}}はやむを{{Ruby|得|え}}ないものと{{Ruby|思|おも}}っており、{{Ruby|障害|しょうがい}}となるものは{{Ruby|全力|ぜんりょく}}で{{Ruby|排除|はいじょ}}しようとする。<br/><br/>エースモンスターは「{{Ruby|地|じ}}{{Ruby|縛|ばく}}{{Ruby|神|しん}}{{Ruby|Uru|ウル}}」。<br/>{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}の{{Ruby|力|ちから}}の{{Ruby|象徴|しょうちょう}}ともいえる{{Ruby|蜘蛛|くも}}のモンスターである。</blockquote> <blockquote>A Dark Signer with a spider birthmark on his arm.<br/><br/>A leader-like figure among the Dark Signers, he can use his birthmark to spawn spiders that possess people and turn them into temporary Dark Signers.<br/><br/>The older brother of Rex Godwin, the current Director of the Public Security Bureau. Both of them were assistants to the doctor who developed the Moment energy reactor 17 years ago.<br/>Believing a trascendental form of existence lies within the Moment's light, he defied the people in charge of the project, took control of it, and continued its research.<br/><br/>His beliefs remain strong to this day. He considers everyone who perished in the old reactor's explosion an inevitable sacrifice, and he will stop at nothing to eliminate anyone in his way.<br/><br/>His ace monster is Earthbound Immortal Uru.<br/>This spider-like monster could be considered a projection of his power.</blockquote> ===Tag Force 6=== <blockquote>{{Ruby|腕|うで}}に「{{Ruby|蜘蛛|くも}}」の{{Ruby|痣|あざ}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}つダークシグナー。<br/><br/>ダークシグナーたちの{{Ruby|中心的存在|ちゅうしんてきそんざい}}で、{{Ruby|腕|うで}}の{{Ruby|痣|あざ}}から{{Ruby|生|う}}みだした{{Ruby|蜘蛛|くも}}を{{Ruby|人間|にんげん}}に{{Ruby|憑依|ひょうい}}させることにより、その{{Ruby|人間|にんげん}}をダークシグナーとして{{Ruby|一時的|いちじてき}}に{{Ruby|操|あやつ}}ることができる。<br/><br/>レクスの{{Ruby|兄|あに}}であり、{{Ruby|過去|かこ}}には{{Ruby|兄弟|きょうだい}}でモーメントの{{Ruby|開発者|かいはつしゃ}}である{{Ruby|不動博士|ふどうはかせ}}の{{Ruby|助手|じょしゅ}}をしていた。<br/>モーメントが{{Ruby|生|う}}み{{Ruby|出|だ}}す{{Ruby|光|ひかり}}を{{Ruby|至高|しこう}}の{{Ruby|存在|そんざい}}だと{{Ruby|信|しん}}じ、その{{Ruby|危険性|きけんせい}}から{{Ruby|研究|けんきゅう}}を{{Ruby|中止|ちゅうし}}しようとした{{Ruby|不動博士|ふどうはかせ}}に{{Ruby|代|か}}わり、{{Ruby|研究|けんきゅう}}を{{Ruby|続行|ぞっこう}}した。<br/>{{Ruby|生|う}}まれつき{{Ruby|左腕|ひだりうで}}に{{Ruby|赤|あか}}き{{Ruby|竜|りゅう}}の{{Ruby|頭|あたま}}の{{Ruby|痣|あざ}}をもつシグナーだったが、{{Ruby|研究途中|けんきゅうとちゅう}}のモーメントを{{Ruby|通|とお}}して{{Ruby|赤|あか}}き{{Ruby|竜|りゅう}}の{{Ruby|封印|ふういん}}を{{Ruby|目論|もくろ}}む{{Ruby|邪神|じゃしん}}に{{Ruby|憑依|ひょうい}}される。{{Ruby|邪神|じゃしん}}から{{Ruby|赤|あか}}き{{Ruby|竜|りゅう}}の{{Ruby|力|ちから}}を{{Ruby|守|まも}}り、またモーメント{{Ruby|開発|かいはつ}}を{{Ruby|進|すす}}めるため{{Ruby|左腕|ひだりうで}}を{{Ruby|切断|せつだん}}し、{{Ruby|弟|おとうと}}レクスにこれを{{Ruby|託|たく}}した。<br/>{{Ruby|同時|どうじ}}にシグナーを{{Ruby|集|あつ}}め{{Ruby|自身|じしん}}を{{Ruby|倒|たお}}すことを{{Ruby|依頼|いらい}}した{{Ruby|後|のち}}、モーメントを{{Ruby|加速|かそく}}させた{{Ruby|結果|けっか}}「ゼロ・リバース」が{{Ruby|起|お}}きた。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|惨劇|さんげき}}の{{Ruby|中|なか}}、{{Ruby|冥界|めいかい}}の{{Ruby|王|おう}}に{{Ruby|仕|つか}}えるダークシグナーとして{{Ruby|覚醒|かくせい}}し、シグナー{{Ruby|抹殺|まっさつ}}を{{Ruby|図|はか}}る{{Ruby|中心人物|ちゅうしんじんぶつ}}となる。<br/>{{Ruby|自身|じしん}}は{{Ruby|遊星|ゆうせい}}との{{Ruby|決戦|けっせん}}に{{Ruby|敗|やぶ}}れ、{{Ruby|後|のち}}に{{Ruby|弟|おとうと}}レクスと{{Ruby|共|とも}}に{{Ruby|光|ひかり}}の{{Ruby|中|なか}}に{{Ruby|消|き}}えた。<br/><br/>エースモンスターは「{{Ruby|地縛神|じばくしん}} {{Ruby|Uru|ウル}}」。<br/>{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}の{{Ruby|力|ちから}}の{{Ruby|象徴|しょうちょう}}ともいえる{{Ruby|蜘蛛|くも}}のモンスターである。</blockquote> <blockquote>A Dark Signer with a spider birthmark on his arm.<br/><br/>An important individual among the Dark Signers, he can use his birthmark to spawn spiders that possess people and turn them into temporary Dark Signers.<br/><br/>The older brother of Rex. Both siblings worked as the assistants of Doctor Fudo, the developer of the Moment energy reactor.<br/>Believing a trascendental form of existence lied in the Moment's light, he ignored Doctor Fudo's warnings and continued its research on his own, despite the dangers associated.<br/>He had the head birthmark of the Crimson Dragon on his left arm, making him one of the Signers, but during his Moment investigations, he became possessed by an evil god that attempted to dispose of the Crimson Dragon. Unable to separate himself from his research yet also refusing to let the Crimson Dragon's power be taken by the evil gods, he cut off his left arm and entrusted it to his brother Rex.<br/>Asking his brother to gather the Signers in order to defeat him, he proceeded to activate and overload the Moment reactor, leading to the incident nowadays known as the Zero Reverse.<br/><br/>After this tragic event, he was revived as the leader of the Dark Signers, becoming the individual the most dedicated to the rise of the King of the Underworld and the elimination of the Signers.<br/>Upon being defeated by Yusei in their final duel, he and his brother Rex disappeared into the light.<br/><br/>His ace monster is Earthbound Immortal Uru.<br/>This spider-like monster could be considered a projection of his power.</blockquote> ===Tag Force Special=== <blockquote>{{Ruby|腕|うで}}に「{{Ruby|蜘蛛|くも}}」の{{Ruby|痣|あざ}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}つダークシグナー。<br/>ダークシグナーの{{Ruby|中心的存在|ちゅうしんてきそんざい}}。<br/>{{Ruby|腕|うで}}の{{Ruby|痣|あざ}}から{{Ruby|生|う}}みだした{{Ruby|蜘蛛|くも}}を{{Ruby|人間|にんげん}}に{{Ruby|憑依|ひょうい}}させることにより、その{{Ruby|人間|にんげん}}をダークシグナーとして{{Ruby|一時的|いちじてき}}に{{Ruby|操|あやつ}}ることができる。<br/><br/>レクスの{{Ruby|兄|あに}}であり、{{Ruby|過去|かこ}}には{{Ruby|兄弟|きょうだい}}でモーメントの{{Ruby|開発者|かいはつしゃ}}、{{Ruby|不動博士|ふどうはかせ}}の{{Ruby|助手|じょしゅ}}をしていた。<br/>モーメントが{{Ruby|生|う}}み{{Ruby|出|だ}}す{{Ruby|光|ひかり}}を{{Ruby|至高|しこう}}の{{Ruby|存在|そんざい}}と{{Ruby|信|しん}}じ、その{{Ruby|危険性|きけんせい}}から{{Ruby|研究|けんきゅう}}を{{Ruby|中止|ちゅうし}}しようとした{{Ruby|不動博士|ふどうはかせ}}に{{Ruby|代|か}}わって{{Ruby|研究|けんきゅう}}を{{Ruby|続行|ぞっこう}}した。<br/>{{Ruby|生|う}}まれつき{{Ruby|左腕|ひだりうで}}に{{Ruby|赤|あか}}き{{Ruby|竜|りゅう}}の{{Ruby|頭|あたま}}の{{Ruby|痣|あざ}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}つシグナーだったが、{{Ruby|研究途中|けんきゅうとちゅう}}に{{Ruby|邪神|じゃしん}}に{{Ruby|憑依|ひょうい}}される。<br/>{{Ruby|邪神|じゃしん}}から{{Ruby|赤|あか}}き{{Ruby|竜|りゅう}}の{{Ruby|力|ちから}}を{{Ruby|守|まも}}り、またモーメント{{Ruby|開発|かいはつ}}を{{Ruby|進|すす}}めるために{{Ruby|左腕|ひだりうで}}を{{Ruby|切断|せつだん}}し、これを{{Ruby|弟|おとうと}}レクスに{{Ruby|託|たく}}した。<br/>{{Ruby|同時|どうじ}}にシグナーを{{Ruby|集|あつ}}めて{{Ruby|自身|じしん}}を{{Ruby|倒|たお}}すことを{{Ruby|依頼|いらい}}した{{Ruby|後|のち}}、モーメントを{{Ruby|加速|かそく}}させ、{{Ruby|結果|けっか}}「ゼロ・リバース」が{{Ruby|起|お}}きた。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|惨劇|さんげき}}の{{Ruby|中|なか}}、{{Ruby|冥界|めいかい}}の{{Ruby|王|おう}}に{{Ruby|仕|つか}}えるダークシグナーとして{{Ruby|覚醒|かくせい}}し、シグナー{{Ruby|抹殺|まっさつ}}を{{Ruby|図|はか}}る{{Ruby|中心人物|ちゅうしんじんぶつ}}となる。<br/>{{Ruby|遊星|ゆうせい}}との{{Ruby|決戦|けっせん}}に{{Ruby|敗|やぶ}}れ、{{Ruby|弟|おとうと}}レクスと{{Ruby|共|とも}}に{{Ruby|光|ひかり}}の{{Ruby|中|なか}}に{{Ruby|消|き}}えた。<br/><br/>エースモンスターは「{{Ruby|地縛神|じばくしん}} {{Ruby|Uru|ウル}}」。<br/>{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}の{{Ruby|力|ちから}}の{{Ruby|象徴|しょうちょう}}ともいえる{{Ruby|蜘蛛|くも}}のモンスターである。</blockquote> <blockquote>A Dark Signer with a spider birthmark on his arm.<br/><br/>An important individual among the Dark Signers, he can use his birthmark to spawn spiders that possess people and turn them into temporary Dark Signers.<br/><br/>The older brother of Rex. Both siblings worked as the assistants of Doctor Fudo, the developer of the Moment energy reactor.<br/>Believing a trascendental form of existence lied in the Moment's light, he ignored Doctor Fudo's warnings and continued its research on his own, despite the dangers associated.<br/>He had the head birthmark of the Crimson Dragon on his left arm, making him one of the Signers, but during his Moment investigations, he became possessed by an evil god.<br/>Unable to separate himself from his research yet also refusing to let the Crimson Dragon's power be taken by the evil gods, he cut off his left arm and entrusted it to his brother Rex.<br/>Asking his brother to gather the Signers in order to defeat him, he proceeded to activate and overload the Moment reactor, leading to the incident nowadays known as the Zero Reverse.<br/><br/>After this tragic event, he was revived as the leader of the Dark Signers, becoming the individual the most dedicated to the rise of the King of the Underworld and the elimination of the Signers.<br/>Upon being defeated by Yusei in their final duel, he and his brother Rex disappeared into the light.<br/><br/>His ace monster is Earthbound Immortal Uru.<br/>This spider-like monster could be considered a projection of his power.</blockquote> ==Gifts== ===Tag Force 4=== {{Tag Force present responses| game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4| gender = Male| character_name = Roman | duel_5_response = Heh Heh Heh...</br>Yes, I'll accept this.| duel_5_items = * White Card Protector* Black Card Protector* Silver Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Elegant Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Silver Coin* Dueling for Beginners* Advanced Dueling* Introduction to Dueling Tricks | duel_4_response = Oh, yes... I think I can find use of this.| duel_4_items = * Rainbow Card Protector* Gorgeous Card Holder | duel_3_response = I'll take it.| duel_3_items = * Red Card Protector* Blue Card Protector* Yellow Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Orange Card Protector* Pink Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* Khaki Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Wild Card Holder* Chic Card Holder* Cute Card Holder* Stylish Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder* Gold Coin* Duel Radar* Duel Calculator* Death Match Duel Rope* Atlas Rising | duel_2_response = What kind of joke is this supposed to be?| duel_2_items =  | duel_1_response = Gifts like this can endanger your well-being... | duel_1_items = * White Dice* Black Dice* Lucky Coin* Cursed Dice* Amplifier | hobby_5_response = Heh...</br>A welcome distraction.</br>Yes, I accept.| hobby_5_items = * Beret* Silk Hat* Leather Shoes* Long Boots* Soccer Ball* Stuffed Toy Dragon* Shoulder Massage Ticket* Ring | hobby_4_response = Oh, yes...</br>Thank you, 《PLAYER》.| hobby_4_items = * Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Cat* Stuffed Toy Horse* Stuffed Toy Bear* Stuffed Toy Seagull* Stuffed Toy Frog* Stuffed Toy Snake | hobby_3_response = Hmmm...| hobby_3_items = * Sneakers* Boots* High Heels* Kids' Shoes* Sandals* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Tarot Card* Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* Crown* Winged Shoes* Scented Candle* Scarf* Duel Gang Jacket | hobby_2_response = 《PLAYER》, you disappoint me...| hobby_2_items = * Poker Cards* Skateboard* Bat* Boxing Gloves | hobby_1_response = It seems you wish to anger me... I can destroy you in an instant, if you like...| hobby_1_items = * Baseball Cap* Beanie* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Straw Hat* Helmet | figures_5_response = Heh...</br>A welcome distraction.</br>Yes, I accept.| figures_5_items = * Dark Magician Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* Dark Magician Girl Figure* White Magician Pikeru Figure | figures_4_response = Oh, yes...</br>Thank you, 《PLAYER》.| figures_4_items = * Harpie Queen Figure* D.D. Warrior Lady Figure* Mist Valley Shaman Figure* The Unhappy Girl Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* Shadow Tamer Figure* Allure Queen Figure* Dryad Figure* Fire Princess Figure* Maiden of the Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure* Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* Eria the Water Charmer Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Cyber Tutu Figure* Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure | figures_3_response = Hmmm...| figures_3_items = * Vampire Lord Figure* Freed the Matchless General Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Figure* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Dharc the Dark Charmer Figure | figures_2_response = 《PLAYER》, you disappoint me...| figures_2_items =  | figures_1_response = It seems you wish to anger me... I can destroy you in an instant, if you like...| figures_1_items = * Stardust Dragon Figure* Red Dragon Archfiend Figure | sundry_goods_5_response = Heh heh heh...</br>Yes, I accept!| sundry_goods_5_items = * Shampoo* Hair Conditioner* Hair Gel* Historical Movie* Superhero Movie* Musical Movie* Ear Cleaner* Clothespin | sundry_goods_4_response = Oh, yes...</br>Thank you, 《PLAYER》.| sundry_goods_4_items = * Socks* Gloves* Eye Patch* Earplugs* Fan* Hand Warmer* Back Scratcher* Wax* Documentary Movie | sundry_goods_3_response = Hmmm...| sundry_goods_3_items = * Soap* Toothbrush* Razor* Romantic Movie* Horror Movie* Sci-Fi Movie* Suspense Movie* Perfume* Comedy Movie | sundry_goods_2_response = This is unacceptable!| sundry_goods_2_items = * Fountain Pen* Glass* Bouquet* Letter Writing Set* Domino Set* The Daily Duel* Memory Card | sundry_goods_1_response = You seem to enjoy toying with your own life, 《PLAYER》...| sundry_goods_1_items = * Lip Balm* Eye Drops* Chip* High Quality Chip* Junk* Animated Movie* Toilet Paper | food_5_response = Excellent!</br>I'm quite fond of these!| food_5_items = * Curry and Rice* Salad* Banana* Strawberries* Tea* Coffee* Lunch Box | food_4_response = You have good taste, 《PLAYER》! | food_4_items = * Fancy Tea* Sandwich (Gold) | food_3_response = I'll take it.| food_3_items = * Beef Bowl* Ramen* Omelet and Rice* Fried Rice* Spaghetti* Kebab* Water* Green Tea* Milk* Cola* Juice* Energy Drink* Sushi | food_2_response = You dare to insult me with such a gift?| food_2_items =  | food_1_response = A gift such as this is surely punishable by destruction...| food_1_items = * Apple* Orange* Pineapple* Watermelon* Grapes* Melon* Cookie* Chocolate* Gum* Rice Ball* Sandwich (Green)* Hamburger* Steamed Bun* Takoyaki* Pudding* Cake* Ice Cream Sundae* Rice Cake }} ===Tag Force 6=== {{Tag Force present responses| game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6| gender = Male | duel_5_response = Heheheh...<br/>This will be useful when we battle the Signers.| duel_5_items = * White Card Protector* Black Card Protector* Silver Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Elegant Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Silver Coin* Dueling for Beginners* Advanced Dueling* Introduction to Dueling Tricks | duel_4_response = Oh, yes... I think I can find a use for this.| duel_4_items = * Rainbow Card Protector* Gorgeous Card Holder | duel_3_response = I'll take it.| duel_3_items = * Red Card Protector* Blue Card Protector* Yellow Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Orange Card Protector* Pink Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* Khaki Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Wild Card Holder* Chic Card Holder* Cute Card Holder* Stylish Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder* Gold Coin* Duel Radar* Duel Calculator* Death Match Duel Rope* Atlas Rising | duel_2_response = What kind of joke is this supposed to be?| duel_2_items =  | duel_1_response = ...It seems you are trying to anger me.<br/>If you wish me to eliminate you, I can do so anytime.| duel_1_items = * White Dice* Black Dice* Lucky Coin* Cursed Dice* Amplifier | hobby_5_response = Heheheh...<br/>Thank you. I'll accept this.| hobby_5_items = * Beret* Silk Hat* Leather Shoes* Long Boots* Soccer Ball* Stuffed Toy Dragon* Shoulder Massage Ticket* Ring | hobby_4_response = Oh, yes... I think I can find a use for this.| hobby_4_items = * Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Cat* Stuffed Toy Horse* Stuffed Toy Bear* Stuffed Toy Seagull* Stuffed Toy Frog* Stuffed Toy Snake | hobby_3_response = I'll take it.| hobby_3_items = * Sneakers* Boots* High Heels* Kids' Shoes* Sandals* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Tarot Card* Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* Crown* Winged Shoes* Scented Candle* Scarf* Duel Gang Jacket | hobby_2_response = You should be more aware of what I like...| hobby_2_items = * Poker Cards* Skateboard* Bat* Boxing Gloves | hobby_1_response = ...It seems you are trying to anger me.<br/>If you wish me to eliminate you, I can do so anytime.| hobby_1_items = * Baseball Cap* Beanie* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Straw Hat* Helmet | figures_5_response = Heheheh...<br/>Thank you. I'll accept this.| figures_5_items = * Dark Magician Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* Dark Magician Girl Figure* White Magician Pikeru Figure | figures_4_response = Oh, yes... I think I can find a use for this.| figures_4_items = * Harpie Queen Figure* D.D. Warrior Lady Figure* Mist Valley Shaman Figure* The Unhappy Girl Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* Shadow Tamer Figure* Allure Queen Figure* Dryad Figure* Fire Princess Figure* Maiden of the Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure* Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* Eria the Water Charmer Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Cyber Tutu Figure* Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure | figures_3_response = I'll take it.| figures_3_items = * Vampire Lord Figure* Freed the Matchless General Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Figure* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Dharc the Dark Charmer Figure | figures_2_response = You should be more aware of what I like...| figures_2_items =  | figures_1_response = ...It seems you are trying to anger me.<br/>If you wish me to eliminate you, I can do so anytime.| figures_1_items = * Stardust Dragon Figure* Red Dragon Archfiend Figure | sundry_goods_5_response = Heh heh heh...<br/>This will come in handy.| sundry_goods_5_items = * Shampoo* Hair Conditioner* Hair Gel* Historical Movie* Superhero Movie* Musical Movie* Ear Cleaner* Clothespin | sundry_goods_4_response = Oh, yes... I think I can find a use for this.| sundry_goods_4_items = * Socks* Gloves* Eye Patch* Earplugs* Fan* Hand Warmer* Back Scratcher* Wax* Documentary Movie | sundry_goods_3_response = I'll take it.| sundry_goods_3_items = * Soap* Toothbrush* Razor* Romantic Movie* Horror Movie* Sci-Fi Movie* Suspense Movie* Perfume* Comedy Movie | sundry_goods_2_response = What kind of joke is this supposed to be?| sundry_goods_2_items = * Fountain Pen* Glass* Bouquet* Letter Writing Set* Domino Set* The Daily Duel* Memory Card | sundry_goods_1_response = How is this meant to be useful at all, exactly?<br/>You might be more foolish than you seem...| sundry_goods_1_items = * Lip Balm* Eye Drops* Chip* High Quality Chip* Junk* Animated Movie* Toilet Paper | food_5_response = Heheheh...<br/>Thank you. I'll accept this.| food_5_items = * Curry and Rice* Salad* Banana* Strawberries* Tea* Coffee* Lunch Box | food_4_response = Oh, yes... I think I can find a use for this.| food_4_items = * Fancy Tea* Sandwich (Gold) | food_3_response = I'll take it.| food_3_items = * Beef Bowl* Ramen* Omelet and Rice* Fried Rice* Spaghetti* Kebab* Water* Green Tea* Milk* Cola* Juice* Energy Drink* Sushi | food_2_response = What kind of joke is this supposed to be?| food_2_items =  | food_1_response = ...It seems you are trying to anger me.<br/>If you wish me to eliminate you, I can do so anytime.| food_1_items = * Apple* Orange* Pineapple* Watermelon* Grapes* Melon* Cookie* Chocolate* Gum* Rice Ball* Sandwich (Green)* Hamburger* Steamed Bun* Takoyaki* Pudding* Cake* Ice Cream Sundae* Rice Cake }} ==Unlockables== ''[[Tag Force 4]]''* Finishing Roman's storyline earns the player 3 copies of "[[Earthbound Immortal Uru]]" and the image "Hungry Fangs" ({{Ruby|餓|う}}えた{{Ruby|牙|きば}}, ''Ueta Kiba'') ''[[Tag Force 6]]''* Finishing Roman's storyline earns the player 3 copies of "Earthbound Immortal Uru". ==Ending scenes== <gallery>Roman Goodwin - Hungry Fangs.png | ''Tag Force 4''Roman-TF6-Ending.png | ''Tag Force 6''</gallery>
===Tag Force 4===
 {{Decklist|Roman 01name = Momentum's Embrace| ja_name = モーメントの{{Ruby|抱擁|ほうよう}}| romaji_name = Mōmento no Hōyō| level = 1|effect monsters =
* [[Dark Spider]] x2
* [[Dark Tuner Spider Cocoon]] x2* [[Earthbound Immortal Uru]] x2(Favorite)
* [[Ground Spider]] x2
* [[Mother Spider]] x2
* [[Shiny Black "C"]] x2
* [[Spyder Spider]] x2
|tuner monsters =
* [[Turbo Rocket]] x2
|dark tuner monsters =
* [[Dark Tuner Spider Cocoon]] x2 (Favorite)
|synchro monsters =
* [[Turbo Cannon]] x2
|dark synchro monsters = * [[Underground Arachnid]] x2(Favorite)
|spells =
* [[Earthbound Whirlwind]]
* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Spider Web]] x2(Favorite)
* [[Stumbling]] x2
* [[Terraforming]] x2
|traps =
* [[Altar of the Bound Deity]] x2(Favorite)
* [[Earthbound Wave]] x2
* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[No Entry!!]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Roar of the Earthbound Immortal|Roar of the Earthbound]]* [[Spider Egg]] x2(Favorite)
* [[Torrential Tribute]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Wolf in Sheep's Clothing]]
{{Decklist|Roman 02name = Momentum's Wishes| ja_name = モーメントの{{Ruby|希望|きぼう}}| romaji_name = Mōmento no Kibō| level = 1
|effect monsters =
* [[Dark Spider]] x3
* [[Dark Tuner Spider Cocoon]] x3
* [[Ground Spider]] x3
* [[Mother Spider]] x2
* [[Shiny Black "C"]] x3
* [[Spyder Spider]] x3
|dark tuner monsters =* [[Dark Tuner Spider Cocoon]] x3|dark synchro monsters =
* [[Underground Arachnid]] x3
|spells =
{{Decklist|Roman 03name = Momentum's Future| ja_name = モーメントの{{Ruby|未来|みらい}}| romaji_name = Mōmento no Mirai| level = 2|effect monsters =
* [[Dark Spider]] x3
* [[Dark Tuner Spider Cocoon]] x3
* [[Earthbound Immortal Uru]] x2
* [[Ground Spider]] x2
* [[Shiny Black "C"]] x2
* [[Spyder Spider]] x2
|dark tuner monsters =* [[Dark Tuner Spider Cocoon]] x3|dark synchro monsters =
* [[Underground Arachnid]] x3
|spells =
{{Decklist|Roman 04name = Momentum's Sacrifice| ja_name = モーメントの{{Ruby|生贄|いけにえ}}| romaji_name = Mōmento no Ikenie| level = 3|effect monsters =
* [[Dark Spider]] x3
* [[Dark Tuner Spider Cocoon]] x3
* [[Earthbound Immortal Uru]] x2
* [[Ground Spider]] x2
* [[Shiny Black "C"]] x2
* [[Spyder Spider]] x2
|dark tuner monsters =* [[Dark Tuner Spider Cocoon]] x3|dark synchro monsters =
* [[Underground Arachnid]] x3
|spells =
===Tag Force 6===
 {{Decklist|name = Black Widow| ja_name = ブラック・ウィドウ| romaji_name = Burakku Uidō| level = 2
|effect monsters =
* [[Armored Bee]] x3
* [[Earthbound Immortal Uru]] x2
* [[Ground Spider]] x2* [[Infernity Beetle]] x2(Favorite)
* [[Maxx "C"]]
* [[Mother Spider]] x2
* [[Shiny Black "C"]] x2
* [[Spyder Spider]] x3
|tuner monsters =
* [[Infernity Beetle]] x2
|synchro monsters =
* [[Underground Arachnid]] x3(Favorite)
|spells =
* [[Earthbound Whirlwind]]
* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2
* [[Spider Web]] x3(Favorite)
* [[Stumbling]] x2
* [[Terraforming]] x2
* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[No Entry!!]] x2
* [[Roar of the EarthboundImmortal]]
* [[Spider Egg]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Dark Widow| ja_name = ダーク・ウィドウ| romaji_name = Dāku Uidō| level = 1
|effect monsters =
* [[Dark Spider]] x2
* [[Dark Tuner Spider Cocoon]] x3
* [[Earthbound Immortal Uru]]
* [[Ground Spider]] x2
* [[Relinquished Spider]] x2
* [[Spyder Spider]] x3
|dark tuner monsters =
* [[Dark Tuner Spider Cocoon]] x3
|dark synchro monsters =
* [[Underground Arachnid]] x3
* [[Spider's Lair]] x2
* [[Spider Web]] x3
* [[Terraforming]]x2
|traps =
* [[Altar of the Bound Deity]]
* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[No Entry!!]] x3
* [[Roar of the EarthboundImmortal]]
* [[Spider Egg]] x2
* [[Torrential Tribute]]
{{Decklist|name = Widow Spider| ja_name = ウィドウ・スパイダー| romaji_name = Uidō Supaidā| level = 7
|effect monsters =
* [[Armored Bee]] x2
* [[Ground Spider]] x2
* [[Howling Insect]] x3
* [[Infernity Beetle]] x2
* [[Koa'ki Meiru Beetle]] x2
* [[Mother Spider]] x2
* [[Relinquished Spider]]
* [[Spyder Spider]] x2
|tuner monsters =
* [[Infernity Beetle]] x2
|synchro monsters =
* [[Ally of Justice Catastor]]
{{Decklist|name = Arachnophobia| ja_name = アラクノフォビア| romaji_name = Arakunofobia| level = 10
|effect monsters =
* [[A Cat of Ill Omen]] x2
* [[Howling Insect]] x3
* [[Junk Synchron]] x3
* [[Level Eater]] x2
* [[Mystic Tomato]] x3
* [[Swarm of Locusts]] x2
* [[Swarm of Scarabs]] x2
|tuner monsters =
* [[Junk Synchron]] x3
|synchro monsters =
* [[Black Rose Dragon]] x3
 ===''Tag Force Special''=== {{Decklist| name = Spider's Lair|Roman Goodwin 01ja_name = 蜘蛛の領域| romaji_name = Kumo no Ryōiki| level = 2
|normal monsters =
* [[Ganigumo]] x2
* [[Earthbound Whirlwind]] x2
* [[Insect Imitation]] x3
* [[Insect Neglect]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Spider Web]] x3
* [[Spiders' Lair]] x3
* [[Earthbound Wave]] x2
* [[No Entry!!]] x2
* [[Roar of the EarthboundImmortal]] x2* [[Spider Egg]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
{{Decklist|Roman Goodwin 02name = Amazing Spider's Lair| ja_name = アメイジング 蜘蛛の領域| romaji_name = Ameijingu Kumo no Ryōiki| level = 4
|effect monsters =
* [[Dark Spider]] x2
* [[Dark Tuner Spider Cocoon]] x3
* [[Earthbound Immortal Uru]] x2
* [[Ground Spider]] x2
* [[Relinquished Spider]] x2
* [[Spyder Spider]] x3
|dark tuner monsters =
* [[Dark Tuner Spider Cocoon]] x3
|dark synchro monsters =
* [[Underground Arachnid]] x3
* [[Earthbound Whirlwind]] x2
* [[Insect Imitation]] x2
* [[Insect Neglect]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Spider Web]] x3
* [[Spiders' Lair]] x3
* [[Lair Wire]] x2
* [[No Entry!!]] x2
* [[Roar of the EarthboundImmortal]] x2* [[Spider Egg]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
{{Decklist|Roman Goodwin 03name = Underground Neighbors| ja_name = 地下にいる隣人| romaji_name = Chika ni iru Rinjin| level = 6
|effect monsters =
* [[Earthbound Immortal Uru]]
* [[Howling Insect]] x3
* [[Informer Spider]] x2
* [[Plaguespreader Zombie]] x3
* [[Relinquished Spider]]
* [[Spyder Spider]] x3
|tuner monsters =
* [[Plaguespreader Zombie]] x3
|synchro monsters =
* [[Underground Arachnid]] x3
* [[Earthbound Whirlwind]]
* [[Insect Imitation]] x3
* [[Insect Neglect]] x3([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Spider Web]] x3
* [[Spiders' Lair]] x3
* [[Lair Wire]] x3
* [[No Entry!!]] x2
* [[Roar of the EarthboundImmortal]]
* [[Shaddoll Core]] x2
* [[Spider Egg]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
{{Roman Goodwin pages}}
{{Characters|TF04, TF06, TFSP}}
{{Roman Goodwin pages}}
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