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Mina Simington (Tag Force)

33,505 bytes added, 1 month ago
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| width = 268
| en_name = Mina Simington
| ja_name = {{Ruby|狭霧|さぎり}}  {{Ruby|深影|みかげ}}
| romaji_name = Sagiri Mikage
| gender = Female
'''Mina Simington''', known as '''Mikage Sagiri''' ({{Ruby|狭霧|さぎり}}  {{Ruby|深影|みかげ}}, ''Sagiri Mikage'') in the Japanese version, is a character in the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force]]'' series. This is a video game depiction of [[Mina Simington]], a character from the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's]]'' anime.
===Tag Force 4===
Mina is a Tier 1 character the player can partner with from the beginning of the game. Her alternate storyline can be unlocked after finishing her normal story first or by doing [[UMD Recognition]] with [[Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force|the first ''Tag Force'' game]].
The reward for finishing Mina's normal storyline is 3 copies of "[[Queen of Fate - Eternia]]", while finishing her alternate storyline earns the player 3 copies of "[[Dark Strike Fighter]]".
===Tag Force 5===
Mina now has to be unlocked by finishing [[Tetsu Trudge (Tag Force)|Tetsu Trudge]]'s story first.
Mina gifts the player with 3 copies of "[[Dark Armed Dragon]]" for finishing her storyline.
===Tag Force 6===
Mina is again unlocked by finishing Trudge's story first, but she is now a Tier 2 character.
Finishing Mina's story earns the player 3 copies of "[[Archlord Kristya]]".
====Normal Mina====
[[File:Mina-TF04.png|thumb|left]] <blockquote>ジャック・アトラスの秘書。ジャック・アトラスの{{Ruby|秘書|ひしょ}}。<br/><br/>ジャックがキングで{{Ruby|居続|いつづ}}けられるために{{Ruby|従者|じゅうしゃ}}のように{{Ruby|身|み}}を{{Ruby|粉|こ}}にして{{Ruby|働|はたら}}いている。<br/><br/>いつもジャックの{{Ruby|側|そば}}に{{Ruby|居|い}}るのが{{Ruby|秘書|ひしょ}}として{{Ruby|当然|とうぜん}}だと{{Ruby|思|おも}}っており、{{Ruby|入院|にゅういん}}したときの{{Ruby|看病|かんびょう}}までしていたことから{{Ruby|普段|ふだん}}から{{Ruby|身|み}}の{{Ruby|回|まわ}}りのこともサポートしていると{{Ruby|思|おも}}われる。<br/>また{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}が{{Ruby|行方|ゆくえ}}{{Ruby|不明|ふめい}}になった{{Ruby|際|さい}}には{{Ruby|明|あき}}らかに{{Ruby|秘書|ひしょ}}の{{Ruby|立場|たちば}}を{{Ruby|越権|えっけん}}した{{Ruby|行動|こうどう}}をとり{{Ruby|探|さが}}し{{Ruby|求|もと}}める{{Ruby|姿|すがた}}が{{Ruby|見|み}}られた。<br/><br/>ジャックには{{Ruby|秘書|ひしょ}}という{{Ruby|立場|たちば}}を{{Ruby|超越|ちょうえつ}}した{{Ruby|献身|けんしん}}さで{{Ruby|尽|つ}}くしているが、その{{Ruby|想|おも}}いが{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}に{{Ruby|届|とど}}いているかは{{Ruby|微妙|びみょう}}なところ。</blockquote> {{clear left}} <blockquote>Jack Atlas' all-purpose assistant.<br/><br/>She works her hardest to arrange matters so that Jack can continue his reign as King.<br/><br/>She believes it is only natural for her to always be by Jack's side. She kept an eye on him during his stay in the hospital, and appears to be in charge of handling most matters of his everyday life.<br/>After he disappeared from the hospital, she began looking for him on her own - an action that definitely goes beyond her role as an assistant.<br/><br/>She devotes herself to Jack on a level that transcends her duties, but it is unlikely for her feelings to reach him.</blockquote> ====Angry Mina==== [[File:Mina-Angry-TF04.png|thumb|left]] <blockquote>ジャック・アトラスの{{Ruby|秘書|ひしょ}}。<br/><br/>ジャックに{{Ruby|好意|こうい}}を{{Ruby|寄|よ}}せており、{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}の{{Ruby|忠実|ちゅうじつ}}で{{Ruby|優秀|ゆうしゅう}}な{{Ruby|秘書|ひしょ}}として{{Ruby|働|はたら}}き{{Ruby|続|つづ}}けている。<br/>{{Ruby|一見|いっけん}}{{Ruby|大人|おとな}}しそうな{{Ruby|感|かん}}じであるが、ジャックを{{Ruby|守|まも}}るためなら{{Ruby|手段|しゅだん}}を{{Ruby|選|えら}}ばない{{Ruby|所|ところ}}も{{Ruby|多|おお}}く{{Ruby|見|み}}らる。<br/><br/>ジャック{{Ruby|相手|あいて}}には{{Ruby|素直|すなお}}で{{Ruby|従順|じゅうじゅん}}。<br/>だが{{Ruby|他|ほか}}の{{Ruby|人間|にんげん}}には{{Ruby|非常|ひじょう}}に{{Ruby|厳|きび}}しく、{{Ruby|意|い}}に{{Ruby|沿|そ}}わない{{Ruby|相手|あいて}}には{{Ruby|猛然|もうぜん}}と{{Ruby|食|く}}ってかかり、{{Ruby|口汚|くちぎたな}}く{{Ruby|罵|ののし}}ることもある。<br/><br/>ジャックが{{Ruby|聞|き}}き{{Ruby|分|わ}}けのないことを{{Ruby|言|い}}うとたまにその{{Ruby|厳|きび}}しい{{Ruby|一面|いちめん}}が{{Ruby|顔|かお}}を{{Ruby|出|だ}}し、{{Ruby|叱責|しっせき}}することもあるが{{Ruby|彼女|かのじょ}}にとってはジャックを{{Ruby|思|おも}}う{{Ruby|一心|いっしん}}からの{{Ruby|言葉|ことば}}である。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|秘書|ひしょ}}という{{Ruby|立場|たちば}}からなのか、それとも{{Ruby|独自|どくじ}}の{{Ruby|調査|ちょうさ}}なのかはわからないが{{Ruby|様々|さまざま}}な{{Ruby|情報|じょうほう}}に{{Ruby|通|つう}}じており、{{Ruby|本来|ほんらい}}{{Ruby|機密|きみつ}}なのではないかと{{Ruby|思|おも}}われるような{{Ruby|内容|ないよう}}も{{Ruby|惜|お}}しげもなくシグナー{{Ruby|達|たち}}に{{Ruby|提供|ていきょう}}している。</blockquote> <blockquote>Jack Atlas' all-purpose assistant.<br/><br/>She is still very fond of Jack, and desires to continue being useful to him.<br/>She seems mature and composed at a glance, but it often becomes evident that there is no end to the lengths she will go to if it means protecting her Jack.<br/><br/>Honest, submissive and obedient towards Jack.<br/>Very cold, haughty and pushy towards everyone else, and can be very abrasive and insulting towards anyone who ticks her off.<br/><br/>Sometimes, when Jack says unreasonable things, her harsher side comes out and rebukes him on the spot, but everything she says and does is for his sake.<br/><br/>Whether it is because of her work as as an assistant or because of an independent investigation of her own, she has access to large amounts of information, and has given the Signers access to pertinent classified information out of her own volition.</blockquote> ===Tag Force 5=== <blockquote>キングだった{{Ruby|頃|ころ}}のジャック・アトラスの{{Ruby|秘書|ひしょ}}を{{Ruby|務|つと}}めていた{{Ruby|女性|じょせい}}。{{Ruby|現在|げんざい}}は、セキュリティ{{Ruby|特別|とくべつ}}{{Ruby|捜査|そうさ}}{{Ruby|課長|かちょう}}を{{Ruby|務|つと}}めている。<br/><br/>ジャックのことは、{{Ruby|昔|むかし}}も{{Ruby|今|いま}}も{{Ruby|変|か}}わらずに「アトラス{{Ruby|様|さま}}」と{{Ruby|呼|よ}}び、{{Ruby|敬意|けいい}}を{{Ruby|超|こ}}えた{{Ruby|感情|かんじょう}}を{{Ruby|抱|いだ}}いている。<br/>{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}の{{Ruby|気持|きも}}ちがカーリーへと{{Ruby|傾|かたむ}}いている{{Ruby|事|こと}}を{{Ruby|察|さっ}}してはいるが、まだまだ{{Ruby|諦|あきら}}めるつもりはない{{Ruby|様子|ようす}}。<br/><br/>ジャックに{{Ruby|対|たい}}しては{{Ruby|常|つね}}に{{Ruby|丁寧|ていねい}}な{{Ruby|態度|たいど}}で{{Ruby|接|せっ}}するが、それ{{Ruby|以外|いがい}}の{{Ruby|人間|にんげん}}に{{Ruby|対|たい}}しては、{{Ruby|時|とき}}に{{Ruby|驚|おどろ}}くほど{{Ruby|乱暴|らんぼう}}な{{Ruby|言葉遣|ことばづか}}いをする{{Ruby|事|こと}}もある。<br/>ベールに{{Ruby|包|つつ}}まれた{{Ruby|彼女|かのじょ}}の{{Ruby|過去|かこ}}は{{Ruby|興味深|きょうみぶか}}いところである。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|秘書|ひしょ}}としても、{{Ruby|捜査|そうさ}}{{Ruby|課長|かちょう}}としても、{{Ruby|手際|てぎわ}}{{Ruby|良|よ}}く{{Ruby|仕事|しごと}}を{{Ruby|処理|しょり}}していく{{Ruby|有能|ゆうのう}}な{{Ruby|女性|じょせい}}。<br/>いざという{{Ruby|時|とき}}には、{{Ruby|上司|じょうし}}に{{Ruby|対|たい}}してでも、もの{{Ruby|申|もう}}す{{Ruby|覚悟|かくご}}がある。<br/>デュエルの{{Ruby|実力|じつりょく}}は{{Ruby|未知数|みちすう}}。</blockquote> <blockquote>A woman who was Jack Atlas' all-purpose assistant back when he was King.<br/>Nowadays, she is Security's Chief of Special Investigations.<br/><br/>She still refers to Jack as Master Atlas, and her feelings for him go beyond mere respect.<br/>It seems that she is aware his feelings are leaning more towards Carly, yet has no plans to give up.<br/><br/>Always interacts with Jack in a most polite manner, but can sometimes be surprisingly rough towards other people.<br/>Her past is shrouded in mystery and it could be quite interesting to know about.<br/><br/>A talented woman who is effective and efficient at her job, whether she is an assistant or a special information manager.<br/>If an emergency were to arrive, she is ready to face anyone, even her superiors.<br/>The full extent of her dueling abilities remains unknown.</blockquote> ===Tag Force 6=== <blockquote>セキュリティ{{Ruby|特別|とくべつ}}{{Ruby|捜査|そうさ}}{{Ruby|課長|かちょう}}を{{Ruby|務|つと}}める{{Ruby|女性|じょせい}}。<br/>{{Ruby|過去|かこ}}にはキング{{Ruby|時代|じだい}}のジャックの{{Ruby|秘書|ひしょ}}{{Ruby|役|やく}}を{{Ruby|務|つと}}めていた。<br/><br/>ジャックのことを「アトラス{{Ruby|様|さま}}」と{{Ruby|呼|よ}}び、{{Ruby|敬意|けいい}}を{{Ruby|超|こ}}えた{{Ruby|感情|かんじょう}}を{{Ruby|抱|いだ}}いている。<br/>カーリーとステファニーが{{Ruby|恋|こい}}のライバルで、{{Ruby|三人|さんにん}}でそれぞれの{{Ruby|立場|たちば}}を{{Ruby|忘|わす}}れてケンカすることもしばしば{{Ruby|目撃|もくげき}}されている。<br/>{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}の{{Ruby|気持|きも}}ちがカーリーへと{{Ruby|傾|かたむ}}いている{{Ruby|事|こと}}を{{Ruby|察|さっ}}してはいるが、まだまだ{{Ruby|諦|あきら}}めるつもりはない{{Ruby|様子|ようす}}。{{Ruby|一途|いちず}}だ。<br/><br/>ジャックに{{Ruby|対|たい}}しては{{Ruby|常|つね}}に{{Ruby|丁寧|ていねい}}な{{Ruby|態度|たいど}}で{{Ruby|接|せっ}}するが、それ{{Ruby|以外|いがい}}の{{Ruby|人間|にんげん}}に{{Ruby|対|たい}}しては、{{Ruby|時|とき}}に{{Ruby|驚|おどろ}}くほど{{Ruby|乱暴|らんぼう}}な{{Ruby|言葉遣|ことばづか}}いをする{{Ruby|事|こと}}もある。<br/>ベールに{{Ruby|包|つつ}}まれた{{Ruby|彼女|かのじょ}}の{{Ruby|過去|かこ}}は{{Ruby|興味深|きょうみぶか}}いところである。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|秘書|ひしょ}}としても、{{Ruby|捜査|そうさ}}{{Ruby|課長|かちょう}}としても、{{Ruby|手際|てぎわ}}{{Ruby|良|よ}}く{{Ruby|仕事|しごと}}を{{Ruby|処理|しょり}}していく{{Ruby|有能|ゆうのう}}な{{Ruby|女性|じょせい}}。いざという{{Ruby|時|とき}}には、{{Ruby|上司|じょうし}}に{{Ruby|対|たい}}してでも、もの{{Ruby|申|もう}}す{{Ruby|覚悟|かくご}}がある。<br/>デュエルの{{Ruby|実力|じつりょく}}は{{Ruby|未知数|みちすう}}。</blockquote> <blockquote>A woman who is Security's Chief of Special Investigations.<br/>She used to be Jack's all-purpose assistant back when he was King.<br/><br/>She refers to Jack as Master Atlas, and her feelings for him go beyond mere respect.<br/>She, Carly and Stephanie are rivals for the same man's love. The three of them have been seen quarrelling in public, forgetting about their respective jobs.<br/>It seems that she is aware his feelings are leaning more towards Carly, yet refuses to ever give up.<br/><br/>Always interacts with Jack in a most polite manner, but can sometimes be surprisingly rough towards other people.<br/>Her past is shrouded in mystery and it could be quite interesting to know about.<br/><br/>A talented woman who is effective and efficient at her job, whether she is an assistant or a special information manager. If an emergency were to arrive, she is ready to face anyone, even her superiors.<br/>The full extent of her dueling abilities remains unknown.</blockquote> ===Tag Force Special=== <blockquote>セキュリティ{{Ruby|特別|とくべつ}}{{Ruby|捜査|そうさ}}{{Ruby|課長|かちょう}}を{{Ruby|務|つと}}める{{Ruby|女性|じょせい}}。<br/>{{Ruby|過去|かこ}}にはキング{{Ruby|時代|じだい}}のジャックの{{Ruby|秘書|ひしょ}}{{Ruby|役|やく}}を{{Ruby|務|つと}}めていた。<br/><br/>ジャックの{{Ruby|事|こと}}を「アトラス{{Ruby|様|さま}}」と{{Ruby|呼|よ}}び、{{Ruby|敬意|けいい}}を{{Ruby|超|こ}}えた{{Ruby|感情|かんじょう}}を{{Ruby|抱|いだ}}いている。<br/>カーリーとステファニーが{{Ruby|恋|こい}}のライバルで、{{Ruby|三人|さんにん}}でそれぞれの{{Ruby|立場|たちば}}を{{Ruby|忘|わす}}れてケンカするところもしばしば{{Ruby|目撃|もくげき}}されている。<br/>{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}の{{Ruby|気持|きも}}ちがカーリーへと{{Ruby|傾|かたむ}}いている{{Ruby|事|こと}}を{{Ruby|察|さっ}}してはいるが、まだまだ{{Ruby|諦|あきら}}めるつもりはない{{Ruby|様子|ようす}}。<br/>{{Ruby|一途|いちず}}だ。<br/><br/>ジャックに{{Ruby|対|たい}}しては{{Ruby|常|つね}}に{{Ruby|丁寧|ていねい}}な{{Ruby|態度|たいど}}で{{Ruby|接|せっ}}するが、それ{{Ruby|以外|いがい}}の{{Ruby|人間|にんげん}}に{{Ruby|対|たい}}しては、{{Ruby|時|とき}}に{{Ruby|驚|おどろ}}くほど{{Ruby|乱暴|らんぼう}}な{{Ruby|言葉|ことば}}{{Ruby|遣|づか}}いをする{{Ruby|事|こと}}もある。<br/>ベールに{{Ruby|包|つつ}}まれた{{Ruby|彼女|かのじょ}}の{{Ruby|過去|かこ}}は{{Ruby|興味深|きょうみぶか}}いところである。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|秘書|ひしょ}}としても{{Ruby|捜査|そうさ}}{{Ruby|課長|かちょう}}としても{{Ruby|手際|てぎわ}}よく{{Ruby|仕事|しごと}}を{{Ruby|処理|しょり}}していく{{Ruby|有能|ゆうのう}}な{{Ruby|女性|じょせい}}で、いざという{{Ruby|時|とき}}には{{Ruby|上司|じょうし}}に{{Ruby|対|たい}}してでも、もの{{Ruby|申|もう}}す{{Ruby|覚悟|かくご}}がある。<br/>そのデュエルの{{Ruby|実力|じつりょく}}は{{Ruby|未知数|みちすう}}。</blockquote> <blockquote>A woman who is Security's Chief of Special Investigations.<br/>She used to be Jack's all-purpose assistant back when he was King.<br/><br/>She refers to Jack as Master Atlas, and her feelings for him go beyond mere respect.<br/>She, Carly and Stephanie are rivals for the same man's love. The three of them have been seen quarrelling in public, forgetting about their respective jobs.<br/>It seems that she is aware his feelings are leaning more towards Carly, yet refuses to ever give up.<br/><br/>Always interacts with Jack in a most polite manner, but can sometimes be surprisingly rough towards other people.<br/>Her past is shrouded in mystery and it could be quite interesting to know about.<br/><br/>A talented woman who is effective and efficient at her job, whether she is an assistant or a special information manager. If an emergency were to arrive, she is ready to face anyone, even her superiors.<br/>The full extent of her dueling abilities remains unknown.</blockquote> ==Gifts== ===Tag Force 4=== {{Tag Force present responses| game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4| gender = Female| character_name = Mina Simington (Normal) | duel_5_response = Thank you very much!<br/>I'll take good care of it.| duel_5_items = * Atlas Rising | duel_4_response = Thank you so much!<br/>That's so sweet of you!| duel_4_items = * Red Card Protector* Blue Card Protector* Yellow Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Orange Card Protector* Pink Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* White Card Protector* Black Card Protector* Silver Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* Khaki Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Wild Card Holder* Elegant Card Holder* Chic Card Holder* Cute Card Holder* Stylish Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder* Gold Coin* Silver Coin* White Dice* Black Dice* Dueling for Beginners* Advanced Dueling* Duel Radar* Duel Calculator* Rainbow Card Protector* Gorgeous Card Holder* Lucky Coin* Cursed Dice* Introduction to Dueling Tricks* Death Match Duel Rope | duel_3_response = Wow, thanks a lot!<br/>I've been looking for this one!| duel_3_items =  | duel_2_response = Oh, thanks...<br/>I' it always...| duel_2_items =  | duel_1_response = Oh, this is...<br/>Um...thanks.| duel_1_items = * Amplifier | hobby_5_response = Wow, thanks a million!<br/>I'm touched!| hobby_5_items = * Shoulder Massage Ticket | hobby_4_response = Thank you so much!<br/>I'm honored!| hobby_4_items = * Baseball Cap* Beanie* Beret* Silk Hat* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Straw Hat* Helmet* Sneakers* Boots* Leather Shoes* High Heels* Kids' Shoes* Sandals* Long Boots* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Cat* Stuffed Toy Horse* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Stuffed Toy Bear* Stuffed Toy Seagull* Stuffed Toy Frog* Stuffed Toy Snake* Poker Cards* Skateboard* Bat* Soccer Ball* Boxing Gloves* Tarot Card* Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* Crown* Winged Shoes* Stuffed Toy Dragon* Scented Candle* Scarf* Ring* Duel Gang Jacket
ジャックがキングで居続けられるために従者のように身を粉にして働いている。| hobby_3_response = Thanks!<br/>This is a nice gift.| hobby_3_items =
いつもジャックの側に居るのが秘書として当然だと思っており、入院したときの看病までしていたことから普段から身の回りのこともサポートしていると思われる。| hobby_2_response = Thank you.<br/>Th-this is a really... um...a nice present.また彼が行方不明になった際には明らかに秘書の立場を越権した行動をとり探し求める姿が見られた。| hobby_2_items =
ジャックには秘書という立場を越権した献身さで尽くしているが、その思いが彼に届いているかは微妙なところ。</blockquote>| hobby_1_response = Oh...| hobby_1_items =
| figures_5_response = Wow, thanks a million!<blockquotebr/>Jack AtlasI' all-purpose assistant.m touched!| figures_5_items = * Dark Magician Girl Figure* Red Dragon Archfiend Figure
She works her hardest to arrange matters | figures_4_response = Thank you so that Jack can continue his reign as much!<br/>I'm honored!| figures_4_items = * Dark Magician Figure* Vampire Lord Figure* Freed the Matchless General Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy KingTruesdale Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Figure* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* Dharc the Dark Charmer Figure* Harpie Queen Figure* D.D. Warrior Lady Figure* Mist Valley Shaman Figure* The Unhappy Girl Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* Shadow Tamer Figure* Allure Queen Figure* Dryad Figure* Fire Princess Figure* Maiden of the Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure* Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* Eria the Water Charmer Figure* White Magician Pikeru Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Cyber Tutu Figure* Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure* Stardust Dragon Figure
She believes it | figures_3_response = Thanks!<br/>This is only natural for her to always be by Jack's side, while he takes her for granteda nice gift.Considering she also kept an eye on him during his stay on the hospital, she is probably in charge of handling most matters of his everyday life.After he escaped from the hospital, he apparently found someone who could grant him something his assistant could not.| figures_3_items =
Jack no longer needs an assistant, but she desires to continue helping him out in any way she can out of devotion.He is not very likely to realize that| figures_2_response = Thank you.<br/blockquote>Th-this is a really... um...a nice present.| figures_2_items =
| figures_1_response ====Angry Mina===Oh...| figures_1_items =
| sundry_goods_5_response = What an amazing gift!<blockquotebr/>ジャック・アトラスの秘書。I can't thank you enough!| sundry_goods_5_items = * Fountain Pen
ジャックに好意を寄せており、彼の忠実で優秀な秘書して働き続けている。| sundry_goods_4_response = Thank you so much!<br/>I'm honored.一見大人しろうな感じであるが、ジャックを守るためなら手段を選ばない所も多く見らる。| sundry_goods_4_items = * Soap* Shampoo* Hair Conditioner* Hair Gel* Toothbrush* Razor* Lip Balm* Eye Drops* Socks* Gloves* Eye Patch* Earplugs* Fan* Hand Warmer* Back Scratcher* Wax* Glass* Memory Card* Chip* Romantic Movie* Historical Movie* Documentary Movie* Horror Movie* Sci-Fi Movie* Superhero Movie* Suspense Movie* Musical Movie* Perfume* Ear Cleaner* High Quality Chip* Comedy Movie* Animated Movie* Toilet Paper* Clothespin
ジャック相手には素直で従順。| sundry_goods_3_response = Oh, thank you!<br/>How sweet of you.だが他の人間には非常に厳しく、意に沿わない相手には猛然と食ってかかり、口汚く罵ることもある。| sundry_goods_3_items = * Bouquet* Letter Writing Set* Domino Set* The Daily Duel
ジャックが聞き分けのないことを言うとためにその厳しい一面が顔を出し、叱責することもあるが彼女ことってはジャックを思う一心からの言葉である。| sundry_goods_2_response = Thank you.<br/>This is a...nice gift.| sundry_goods_2_items =
秘書という立場からなのか、それとも独自の調査なのかはわからないが様々な情報に通しており、本来機密なのではないかと思われるような内容も惜しげもなくシグナー達に提供している。| sundry_goods_1_response = Oh! Th-this is...<br/blockquote>Um...yes, thank you.| sundry_goods_1_items = * Junk
| food_5_response = Thank you so much!<blockquotebr/>Jack AtlasGosh, I' all-purpose assistantm not worthy of receiving this.| food_5_items = * Lunch Box
She is still very fond of Jack| food_4_response = Wow, thanks a lot!<br/>These are SO good!| food_4_items = * Beef Bowl* Curry and Rice* Ramen* Omelet and desires to continue being useful to him.Rice* Fried Rice* Spaghetti* Salad* Kebab* Apple* Banana* Orange* Pineapple* Watermelon* Grapes* Strawberries* Melon* Water* Green Tea* Tea* Coffee* Milk* Cola* Juice* Energy Drink* Cookie* Chocolate* Gum* Rice Ball* Sandwich (Green)* Hamburger* Steamed Bun* Takoyaki* Sushi* Fancy Tea* Pudding* Cake* Ice Cream Sundae* Rice CakeShe seems more mature than she actually is. There is no end to the lengths she will go to if it means protecting her Jack.* Sandwich (Gold)
Honest| food_3_response = Ooo, submissive and obedient towards Jackthis looks good.Towards everyone else, she is very cold, haughty and pushy, and can be <br/>Thank you very abrasive and insulting towards anyone who ticks her offmuch.| food_3_items =
There are many things about Jack that she is not pleased about, and she reprimands him for them sometimes, but she does not want to impede him| food_2_response = Thank you.<br/>I'<br/>I'll eat it later.| food_2_items =
Despite officially being only an assistant, she has access to large amounts of information| food_1_response = Oh! Th-this is..She has given the Signers access to pertinent classified information without any hesitation.<br/blockquote>Um...yes, thank you.| food_1_items =
===Tag Force 5===}}
<blockquote>キングだった頃のジャック・アトラスの秘書を務めていた女性。{{Tag Force present responses現在は、セキュエイティ特別捜査課長を務めている。| game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4| gender = Female| character_name = Mina Simington (Angry)
ジャックのことは、昔も今も変わらずに「アトラス様」と呼び、敬意を超えた感情を抱いている。| duel_5_response = Huh. So you've got some sense after all.<br/>Shocker!彼の気持ちがカーリーへと傾いている事を察してはいるが、まだまだ諦めるつもりはない様子。| duel_5_items = * Amplifier* Atlas Rising
ジャックに対しては常に丁寧な態度で接するが、それ以外の人間に対しては、時に驚くほど乱暴な言葉遣いをする事もある。| duel_4_response = Hmmm...thanks, I think.ベールに包まれた彼女の過去は興味深いところである。| duel_4_items =
秘書としても、捜査課長としても、手際良く仕事を処理していく有能な女性。いざという時には、上司に対してでも、もの申す覚悟がある。デュエルの実力は未知数。| duel_3_response = All right, all right.<br/blockquote>Just hand it over.| duel_3_items =
<blockquote>A woman who was Jack Atlas| duel_2_response = Just as I expected, complete junk. Sorry to see that I wasn' all-purpose assistant back when he was Kingt mistaken about you...Nowadays, she is Sector Security's Chief of Special Investigations.| duel_2_items = * Red Card Protector* Blue Card Protector* Yellow Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Orange Card Protector* Pink Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* White Card Protector* Black Card Protector* Silver Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* Khaki Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Wild Card Holder* Elegant Card Holder* Chic Card Holder* Cute Card Holder* Stylish Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder* Gold Coin* Silver Coin* White Dice* Black Dice* Dueling for Beginners* Advanced Dueling* Duel Radar* Duel Calculator* Rainbow Card Protector* Gorgeous Card Holder* Lucky Coin* Cursed Dice* Introduction to Dueling Tricks* Death Match Duel Rope
She still refers | duel_1_response = I don't need this junk!<br/>Are you trying to Jack as Master Atlas, and her feelings for him go beyond mere respect.make me angry or something?She is aware his feelings are leaning more towards Carly, but she has no plans to give up.| duel_1_items =
Always interacts with Jack in a most polite manner, but can sometimes be surprisingly rough towards other people| hobby_5_response = Huh.So you've got some sense after all.<br/>Shocker!Her past is shrouded in mystery and it could be quite interesting to know about.| hobby_5_items = * Shoulder Massage Ticket
A talented woman who is intelligent at doing her job, whether she is an assistant or a special information manager| hobby_4_response = Wow...<br/>This gift.If an emergency were to arrive, she is ready to face anyone, even her superiors.Her true capabilities at dueling are currently unknown.<br/blockquote>I can actually use.| hobby_4_items =
| hobby_3_response ===Tag Force 6==All right, all right.<br/>I'll accept.| hobby_3_items =
<blockquote>セキュエイティ特別捜査課長を務める女性。| hobby_2_response = Just as I expected. Complete junk. Sorry to see that I wasn't mistaken about you...過去にはキング時代のジャックの秘書役を務めいた。| hobby_2_items = * Baseball Cap* Beanie* Beret* Silk Hat* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Straw Hat* Helmet* Sneakers* Boots* Leather Shoes* High Heels* Kids' Shoes* Sandals* Long Boots* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Cat* Stuffed Toy Horse* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Stuffed Toy Bear* Stuffed Toy Seagull* Stuffed Toy Frog* Stuffed Toy Snake* Poker Cards* Skateboard* Bat* Soccer Ball* Boxing Gloves* Tarot Card* Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* Crown* Winged Shoes* Stuffed Toy Dragon* Scented Candle* Scarf* Duel Gang Jacket
カーリーとステファニーが恋のライバルで、三人でそれぞれの立場を忘れてケンカすることもしばしば目撃されている。| hobby_1_response = I don't need this junk!<br/>Are you trying to make me angry or something?彼の気持ちがカーリーへと傾いている事を察してはいるが、まだまだ諦めるつもりはない様子。一途だ。| hobby_1_items = * Ring
ジャックに対しては常に丁寧な態度で接するが、それ以外の人間に対しては、時に驚くほど乱暴な言葉遣いをする事もある。 ベールに包まれた彼女の過去は興味深いところである。| figures_5_response = Huh. So you've got some sense after all.<br/>Shocker!| figures_5_items = * Dark Magician Girl Figure* Red Dragon Archfiend Figure
秘書としても、捜査課長としても、手際良く仕事を処理していく有能な女性。 いざという時には、上司に対してでも、もの申す覚悟がある。デュエルの実力は未知数。| figures_4_response = Wow...<br/>This gift...<br/blockquote>I can actually use.| figures_4_items =
| figures_3_response = All right, all right.<blockquotebr/>A woman who is Sector SecurityI's Chief of Special Investigationsll accept.She used to be Jack's all-purpose assistant back when he was King.| figures_3_items =
She| figures_2_response = Just as I expected. Complete junk. Sorry to see that I wasn't mistaken about you...| figures_2_items = * Dark Magician Figure* Vampire Lord Figure* Freed the Matchless General Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* Mei-Kou, Carly and Stephanie are rivals for Master of Barriers Figure* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* Dharc the same man's loveDark Charmer Figure* Harpie Queen Figure* D.D. Warrior Lady Figure* Mist Valley Shaman Figure* The three Unhappy Girl Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* Shadow Tamer Figure* Allure Queen Figure* Dryad Figure* Fire Princess Figure* Maiden of them have been seen quarrelling, forgetting about their respective jobs.the Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure* Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* Eria the Water Charmer Figure* White Magician Pikeru Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Cyber Tutu FigureShe is aware his feelings are leaning more towards Carly, but refuses to ever give up.* Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure
Always interacts with Jack in a most polite manner, but can sometimes be surprisingly rough towards other people. Her past is shrouded in mystery and it could be quite interesting | figures_1_response = I don't need this junk!<br/>Are you trying to know about.make me angry or something?| figures_1_items = * Stardust Dragon Figure
A talented woman who is intelligent at doing her job, whether she is an assistant or a special information manager| sundry_goods_5_response = Huh. If an emergency were to arrive, she is ready to face anyone, even her superiors.Her true capabilities at dueling are currently unknownSo you've got some sense after all.<br/blockquote>Shocker!| sundry_goods_5_items =
| sundry_goods_4_response =Hmmm... Well, I guess I'll take it...| sundry_goods_4_items =Gifts | sundry_goods_3_response =Okay, I'll accept, but only if you promise to quit bugging me.| sundry_goods_3_items =* Fountain Pen
| sundry_goods_2_response =Just as I expected, complete junk. Sorry to see that I wasn't mistaken about you...| sundry_goods_2_items ==Normal Mina===* Soap* Shampoo* Hair Conditioner* Hair Gel* Toothbrush* Razor* Lip Balm* Eye Drops* Socks* Gloves* Eye Patch* Earplugs* Fan* Hand Warmer* Back Scratcher* Wax* Glass* Memory Card* Chip* Romantic Movie* Historical Movie* Documentary Movie* Horror Movie* Sci-Fi Movie* Superhero Movie* Suspense Movie* Musical Movie* Perfume* Ear Cleaner* High Quality Chip* Comedy Movie* Animated Movie* Toilet Paper* Clothespin
{| classsundry_goods_1_response ="wikitable hlist hcomma" width="100%"|-!! scope="col" | Strongly likesI don't need this junk! scope="col" | Likes<br/>Are you trying to make me angry or something?! scope="col" | Neutral! scopesundry_goods_1_items ="col" | Dislikes! scope="col" | Strongly dislikes|-! scope="row" | Household|* Fountain pen|* Any unlisted household item|
* Bouquet
* Letter writing setWriting Set* Domino setSet
* The Daily Duel
* None
* Junk
 | food_5_response = Huh. So you've got some sense after all.<br/>Shocker!| food_5_items = * Lunch Box | food_4_response = Hmmm...all right, but I'll eat it later.|-food_4_items = * Pudding ! scope| food_3_response ="row" You didn't poison it or anything, right?| Figuresfood_3_items =  |food_2_response = Just as I expected, complete garbage. Sorry to see that I wasn't mistaken about you...| food_2_items = * Beef Bowl* Curry and Rice* Ramen* Omelet and Rice* Fried Rice* Spaghetti* Salad* Kebab* Apple* Dark Magician GirlBanana* Red Dragon ArchfiendOrange|* Pineapple* Watermelon* Grapes* Strawberries* Melon* Water* Green Tea* Tea* Coffee* Milk* Cola* Juice* Energy Drink* Cookie* Chocolate* Gum* Rice Ball* Sandwich (Green)* Hamburger* Steamed Bun* Takoyaki* Sushi* All other figuresFancy Tea|* Cake* NoneIce Cream Sundae|* Rice Cake* NoneSandwich (Gold) | food_1_response = I don't need this trash!<br/>Are you trying to make me angry or something?|food_1_items =  }} ===Tag Force 5=== * None{{Tag Force present responses|game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5! scope| gender ="row" Female | Card accessoriesduel_5_response = Thanks for the wonderful gift!<br/>I love it!|duel_5_items =
* Atlas Rising
 | duel_4_response = I accept.<br/>Thank you!|duel_4_items = * Red Card Protector* Blue Card Protector* Yellow Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Orange Card Protector* Pink Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* White Card Protector* Black Card Protector* Silver Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* Khaki Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Wild Card Holder* Elegant Card Holder* Chic Card Holder* Cute Card Holder* Stylish Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder* Gold Coin* Silver Coin* White Dice* Black Dice* Any unlisted card accessoryDueling for Beginners* Advanced Dueling* Duel Radar* Duel Calculator* Rainbow Card Protector* Gorgeous Card Holder* Lucky Coin* Cursed Dice* Introduction to Dueling Tricks* Death Match Duel Rope |duel_3_response = Um...<br/>Thanks...| duel_3_items =  * None| duel_2_response = Um... You obviously didn't do your research.|duel_2_items = * None|duel_1_response = Sorry, but can I give it back?| duel_1_items =
* Amplifier
 | hobby_5_response = I love it! Where did you find out what I liked?| hobby_5_items = * Shoulder Massage Ticket | hobby_4_response = I accept.<br/>Thank you!| hobby_4_items = * Baseball Cap* Beanie* Beret* Silk Hat* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Straw Hat* Helmet* Sneakers* Boots* Leather Shoes* High Heels* Kids' Shoes* Sandals* Long Boots* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Cat* Stuffed Toy Horse* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Stuffed Toy Bear* Stuffed Toy Seagull* Stuffed Toy Frog* Stuffed Toy Snake* Poker Cards* Skateboard* Bat* Soccer Ball* Boxing Gloves* Tarot Card* Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* Crown* Winged Shoes* Stuffed Toy Dragon* Scented Candle* Scarf* Duel Gang Jacket | hobby_3_response = Um...<br/>Thanks...| hobby_3_items =  | hobby_2_response = Um... This really isn't my thing.| hobby_2_items = * Ring | hobby_1_response = Sorry, but can I give it back?| hobby_1_items =  | figures_5_response = I love it! Where did you find out what I liked?| figures_5_items = * Dark Magician Girl Figure* Red Dragon Archfiend Figure | figures_4_response = I accept.<br/>Thank you!| figures_4_items = * Dark Magician Figure* Vampire Lord Figure* Freed the Matchless General Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Figure* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* Dharc the Dark Charmer Figure* Harpie Queen Figure* D.D. Warrior Lady Figure* Mist Valley Shaman Figure* The Unhappy Girl Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* Shadow Tamer Figure* Allure Queen Figure* Dryad Figure* Fire Princess Figure* Maiden of the Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure* Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* Eria the Water Charmer Figure* White Magician Pikeru Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Cyber Tutu Figure* Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure* Stardust Dragon Figure | figures_3_response = Um...<br/>Thanks...| figures_3_items =  | figures_2_response = Um... This really isn't my thing.| figures_2_items =  | figures_1_response = Sorry, but can I give it back?|figures_1_items =  | sundry_goods_5_response = I love it. It's so much different from what I usually use.| sundry_goods_5_items = * Fountain Pen | sundry_goods_4_response = Thank you. I've been looking for something like this.| sundry_goods_4_items = * Soap* Shampoo* Hair Conditioner* Hair Gel* Toothbrush* Razor* Lip Balm* Eye Drops* Socks* Gloves* Eye Patch* Earplugs* Fan* Hand Warmer* Back Scratcher* Wax* Glass* Memory Card* Chip* Romantic Movie* Historical Movie* Documentary Movie* Horror Movie* Sci-Fi Movie* Superhero Movie* Suspense Movie* Musical Movie* Perfume* Ear Cleaner* High Quality Chip* Comedy Movie* Animated Movie* Toilet Paper* Clothespin | sundry_goods_3_response = Um...<br/>Thanks...| sundry_goods_3_items = * Bouquet! scope* Letter Writing Set* Domino Set* The Daily Duel | sundry_goods_2_response = Um...<br/>This isn't very practical, is it?| sundry_goods_2_items =  | sundry_goods_1_response = How could I ever possibly use this?| sundry_goods_1_items ="row" * Junk | Foodfood_5_response = This is my absolute favorite!|food_5_items =
* Kebab
* Lunch boxBox | food_4_response = Thank you. I'll eat it later.|food_4_items = * Beef Bowl* Curry and Rice* Ramen* Omelet and Rice* Fried Rice* Spaghetti* Salad* Apple* Banana* Orange* Pineapple* Watermelon* Grapes* Strawberries* Melon* Water* Green Tea* Tea* Coffee* Milk* Cola* Juice* Energy Drink* Cookie* Chocolate* Gum* Rice Ball* Sandwich (Green)* Hamburger* Steamed Bun* Takoyaki* Sushi* Any unlisted food itemFancy Tea* Cake* Ice Cream Sundae* Rice Cake* Sandwich (Gold) |food_3_response = Um...<br/>Thanks...| food_3_items =  * None| food_2_response = Um...<br/>I can't eat this.|food_2_items = * None|food_1_response = Sorry, but can I give it back?| food_1_items =
* Pudding
 }} ===Tag Force 6=== {{Tag Force present responses|game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6| gender = Female | duel_5_response = Thanks for the wonderful gift!<br/>I love it! scope| duel_5_items ="row" * Atlas Rising | Miscduel_4_response = I accept.<br/>Thank you!|duel_4_items = * Red Card Protector* Blue Card Protector* Yellow Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Orange Card Protector* Pink Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* White Card Protector* Black Card Protector* Silver Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* Khaki Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Wild Card Holder* Elegant Card Holder* Chic Card Holder* Cute Card Holder* Stylish Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder* Gold Coin* Silver Coin* White Dice* Black Dice* Dueling for Beginners* Advanced Dueling* Duel Radar* Duel Calculator* Rainbow Card Protector* Gorgeous Card Holder* Lucky Coin* Cursed Dice* Introduction to Dueling Tricks* Death Match Duel Rope | duel_3_response = Um...<br/>Thanks...| duel_3_items =  | duel_2_response = Um... You obviously didn't do your research.| duel_2_items =  | duel_1_response = Sorry, but can I give it back?| duel_1_items = * Amplifier | hobby_5_response = I love it! Where did you find out what I liked?| hobby_5_items = * Shoulder massage ticketMassage Ticket |hobby_4_response = I accept.<br/>Thank you!| hobby_4_items = * Baseball Cap* Beanie* Beret* Silk Hat* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Straw Hat* Helmet* Sneakers* Boots* Leather Shoes* High Heels* Kids' Shoes* Sandals* Long Boots* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Cat* Stuffed Toy Horse* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Stuffed Toy Bear* Stuffed Toy Seagull* Stuffed Toy Frog* Stuffed Toy Snake* Poker Cards* Skateboard* Bat* Soccer Ball* Boxing Gloves* Tarot Card* Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* Crown* Winged Shoes* Stuffed Toy Dragon* Scented Candle* Scarf* Any unlisted miscellaneous itemDuel Gang Jacket |hobby_3_response = Um...<br/>Thanks...| hobby_3_items =  * None| hobby_2_response = Um... This really isn't my thing.|hobby_2_items =
* Ring
* None
| hobby_1_response =Sorry, but can I give it back?| hobby_1_items | figures_5_response =Angry Mina==I love it! Where did you find out what I liked?| figures_5_items =* Dark Magician Girl Figure* Red Dragon Archfiend Figure
{| classfigures_4_response ="wikitable hlist hcomma" widthI accept.<br/>Thank you!| figures_4_items ="100%"|* Dark Magician Figure* Vampire Lord Figure* Freed the Matchless General Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Figure* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* Dharc the Dark Charmer Figure* Harpie Queen Figure* D.D. Warrior Lady Figure* Mist Valley Shaman Figure* The Unhappy Girl Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* Shadow Tamer Figure* Allure Queen Figure* Dryad Figure* Fire Princess Figure* Maiden of the Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure* Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* Eria the Water Charmer Figure* White Magician Pikeru Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Cyber Tutu Figure* Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure* Stardust Dragon Figure!! scope| figures_3_response ="col" Um...<br/>Thanks...| Strongly likesfigures_3_items = ! scope| figures_2_response ="col" Um... This really isn't my thing.| Likesfigures_2_items = ! scope| figures_1_response ="col" Sorry, but can I give it back?| Neutralfigures_1_items = ! scope| sundry_goods_5_response ="col" I love it. It's so much different from what I usually use.| Dislikessundry_goods_5_items = * Fountain Pen ! scope| sundry_goods_4_response ="col" Thank you. I've been looking for something like this.| Strongly dislikessundry_goods_4_items = * Soap* Shampoo* Hair Conditioner* Hair Gel* Toothbrush* Razor* Lip Balm* Eye Drops* Socks|* Gloves* Eye Patch* Earplugs* Fan* Hand Warmer* Back Scratcher* Wax* Glass* Memory Card* Chip* Romantic Movie* Historical Movie* Documentary Movie* Horror Movie* Sci-Fi Movie* Superhero Movie! scope="row" | Household* Suspense Movie|* Musical Movie* NonePerfume|* Ear Cleaner* NoneHigh Quality Chip|* Comedy Movie* Fountain penAnimated Movie|* Toilet Paper* All other household itemsClothespin |sundry_goods_3_response = Um...<br/>Thanks...| sundry_goods_3_items =
* Bouquet
* Letter writing setWriting Set* Domino setSet
* The Daily Duel
 | sundry_goods_2_response = Um...<br/>This isn't very practical, is it?| sundry_goods_2_items =  | sundry_goods_1_response = How could I ever possibly use this?|-sundry_goods_1_items = * Junk | food_5_response = This is my absolute favorite! scope| food_5_items ="row" * Kebab* Lunch Box | Figuresfood_4_response = Thank you. I'll eat it later.|food_4_items = * Beef Bowl* Curry and Rice* Ramen* Omelet and Rice* Fried Rice* Spaghetti* Salad* Apple* Banana* Orange* Pineapple* Watermelon* Grapes* Strawberries* Dark Magician GirlMelon* Red Dragon ArchfiendWater|* Green Tea* NoneTea|* Coffee* NoneMilk|* Cola* All other figuresJuice|* Energy Drink* Stardust DragonCookie|-* Chocolate! scope="row" | Card accessories* Gum|* Rice Ball* AmplifierSandwich (Green)* Atlas RisingHamburger|* Steamed Bun* NoneTakoyaki|* Sushi* NoneFancy Tea|* Cake* All other card accessoriesIce Cream Sundae|* Rice Cake* RingSandwich (Gold) |-food_3_response = Um...<br/>Thanks...! scope| food_3_items ="row"  | Foodfood_2_response = Um...<br/>I can't eat this.|food_2_items = * Lunch box|food_1_response = Sorry, but can I give it back?| food_1_items =
* Pudding
|* All other food items}} |==Unlockables==* None|''[[Tag Force 4]]''* None|Finishing Mina's first storyline earns the player 3 copies of "[[Queen of Fate -! scope=Eternia]]" and the picture "rowFruition" ({{Ruby| Misc.結実|けつじつ}}, ''Ketsujitsu'')* Shoulder massage ticketFinishing Mina's second storyline earns the player 3 copies of "[[Dark Strike Fighter]]", as [[Greiger (Tag Force)|Greiger]] does not appear in ''Tag Force 4'', and the picture "Blossom" ({{Ruby|開花|かいか}}, ''Kaika'')* None|''[[Tag Force 5]]''* NoneFinishing Mina's storyline earns the player 3 copies of "[[Dark Armed Dragon]]" and the picture "Wake up!" ({{Ruby|起|お}}きなさい!, ''Okinasai!'')* All other miscellaneous items|''[[Tag Force 6]]''* None|}Finishing Mina's storyline earns the player 3 copies of "[[Archlord Kristya]]".
==Ending scenes==
Mina_Simington_-_Fruition.png | ''Tag Force 4'' (Normal)
Angry_Mina_Tag_Force_4.png | ''Tag Force 4'' (Angry)Mina-TF5-Ending.png | ''Tag Force 5''Mina-TF6-Ending.png | ''Tag Force 6''
====Normal Mina====
 {{Decklist|name = Together with Mr. With Master Atlas| ja_name = アトラス{{Ruby|様|さま}}とともに| romaji_name = Atorasu-sama to Tomo ni| level = 2
|normal monsters =
* [[Cloudian - Smoke Ball]] x2
{{Decklist|At Mr. name = By Master Atlas' Side| ja_name = アトラス{{Ruby|様|さま}}のおそばに| romaji_name = Atorasu-sama no o Soba ni| level = 1
|normal monsters =
* [[Happy Lover]] x3
* [[Key Mace]] x3
* [[Mokey Mokey]] x3
* [[Key Mace]] x3
|effect monsters =
* [[Athena]] x2
{{Decklist|Feelings Towards Mr. name = For Master Atlas' Sake| ja_name = アトラス{{Ruby|様|さま}}のためなら| romaji_name = Atorasu-sama no Tame nara| level = 7
|effect monsters =
* [[Armageddon Knight]] x2
{{Decklist|Doing My Best For Mr. name = Devoted To Master Atlas| ja_name = アトラス{{Ruby|様|さま}}に{{Ruby|尽|つ}}くします| romaji_name = Atorasu-sama ni Tsukushimasu| level = 1
|effect monsters =
* [[Destructotron]] x3
====Angry Mina====
 {{Decklist|Mr. name = Master Atlas' Bodyguard| ja_name = アトラス{{Ruby|様|さま}}{{Ruby|親衛|しんえい}}{{Ruby|隊|たい}}| romaji_name = Atorasu-sama Shin'eitai| level = 8
|effect monsters =
* [[Bowganian]] x2
{{Decklist|Mr. name = Master Atlas' Security Guard| ja_name = アトラス{{Ruby|様|さま}}{{Ruby|警備|けいび}}{{Ruby|団|だん}}| romaji_name = Atorasu-sama Keibidan| level = 9
|effect monsters =
* [[Des Koala]] x3
{{Decklist|Mr. name = Master Atlas' Volunteer Army | ja_name = アトラス{{Ruby|様|さま}}{{Ruby|義勇|ぎゆう}}{{Ruby|軍|ぐん}}| romaji_name = Atorasu- Main Decksama Giyūgun| level = 1
|effect monsters =
* [[Des Frog]] x3
* [[Symbol of Heritage]] x3
* [[Upstart Goblin]] x3
}} {{Decklist|Mr. Atlas' Volunteer Army - Side Deck|effect side monsters =
* [[Fiend Roar Deity Luri]]
|side spells =
* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Pot of Avarice]] x3
{{Decklist|Mr. name = Master Atlas' AgentEnforcer| ja_name = アトラス{{Ruby|様|さま}}{{Ruby|工作|こうさく}}{{Ruby|員|いん}}| romaji_name = Atorasu-sama Kōsaku'in| level = 1
|effect monsters =
* [[Cyber Valley]] x3
===Tag Force 5===
 {{Decklist|name = Part-Time Section Chief| ja_name = パートタイム{{Ruby|課長|かちょう}}| romaji_name = Pātotaimu Kachō| level = 8
|effect monsters =
* [[Celestia, Lightsworn Angel]]
{{Decklist|name = Section Chief Side Job| ja_name = アルバイト{{Ruby|課長|かちょう}}| romaji_name = Arubaito Kachō| level = 1
|normal monsters =
* [[Happy Lover]] x3
{{Decklist|name = Full-Time Section Chief| ja_name = フルタイム{{Ruby|課長|かちょう}}| romaji_name = Furutaimu Kachō| level = 8
|effect monsters=
* [[Armageddon Knight]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Early Morning to Late Night Overtime| ja_name = {{Ruby|早朝|そうちょう}}{{Ruby|出勤|しゅっきん}}{{Ruby|深夜|しんや}}{{Ruby|残業|ざんぎょう}}| romaji_name = Sōchō Shukkin Shin'ya Zangyō| level = 4
|effect monsters =
* [[Armageddon Knight]] x2
===Tag Force 6===
{{Decklist|name = Section Chief Officer of Love and a GentlemanYouth| ja_name = {{Ruby|愛|あい}}と{{Ruby|青春|せいしゅん}}の{{Ruby|課長|かちょう}}| romaji_name = Ai to Seishun no Kachō| level = 8
|effect monsters =
* [[Caius the Shadow Monarch]] x3
* [[Scrap Archfiend]]
* [[Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]
| xyz monsters =
* [[Gachi Gachi Gantetsu]]
* [[Gem-Knight Pearl]]
{{Decklist|name = Section Chief of Love and Glory| ja_name = {{Ruby|愛|あい}}と{{Ruby|栄光|えいこう}}の{{Ruby|課長|かちょう}}| romaji_name = Ai to Eikō no Kachō| level = 6
|effect monsters =
* [[Archlord Kristya]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Section Chief of Love and Courage| ja_name = {{Ruby|愛|あい}}と{{Ruby|勇気|ゆうき}}の{{Ruby|課長|かちょう}}| romaji_name = Ai to Yūki no Kachō| level = 9
|normal monsters =
* [[Mystical Shine Ball]] x3
* [[Nova Summoner]] x3
* [[The Agent of Creation - Venus]] x3
| tuner monsters =
* [[Herald of Orange Light]] x3
* [[The Agent of Mystery - Earth]] x3
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2
* [[United We Stand]] x2
| traps =
*[[Beckoning Light]]
* [[Bottomless Trap Hole]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Permanent Employment of Love| ja_name = {{Ruby|愛|あい}}の{{Ruby|永久|えいきゅう}}{{Ruby|就職|しゅうしょく}}| romaji_name = Ai no Eikyū Shūshoku| level = 10
|effect monsters =
* [[Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
===Tag Force Special===
 {{Decklist|name = Ms. Mist Valley (ミス・{{Ruby|霞の谷ja_name = ミス・霞の谷|ミスト・バレー}}, ''romaji_name = Misu Misuto Barē'') ★2| level = 2
|normal monsters =
* [[Mist Valley Watcher]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Synchro of the Mist Valley ({{Ruby|霞の谷ja_name = 霞の谷のシンクロ|ミスト・バレー}}のシンクロ, ''romaji_name = Misuto Barē no shinkuro'') ★4Shinkuro| level = 4
|effect monsters =
* [[Kujakujaku]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Black Shadows of the Mist Valley ({{Ruby|霞の谷ja_name = 霞の谷の黒い影|ミスト・バレー}}の黒い影, ''romaji_name = Misuto Barē no kuroi kage'') ★6Kuroi Kage| level = 6
|effect monsters =
* [[Dark Simorgh]] x2
autopatrol, mover

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