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Sherry LeBlanc (Tag Force)

22,792 bytes added, 1 month ago
no edit summary
* Wandering Sword
* Sword of Betrayal
* Sword of DoomRuin* Sword of RevengeReversal
| video_game_debut = ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5]]''
| appears_in_psp =
===Tag Force 5===
Sherry can be found on the field overworld after the player finishes [[Akiza Izinski (Tag Force)|Akiza]]'s normal story.
Clearing ===Tag Force 6===Sherrycan be unlocked as a partner after clearing Akiza's normal story earns as well as [[Crow Hogan (Tag Force)|Crow]]'s. ==Profiles== ===Tag Force 5=== <blockquote>{{Ruby|世界|せかい}}を{{Ruby|転戦|てんせん}}する{{Ruby|D|ディー}}・ホイーラー。<br/>{{Ruby|凛々|りり}}しく{{Ruby|美|うつく}}しいその{{Ruby|出|い}}で{{Ruby|立|た}}ちは、まるで{{Ruby|女|おんな}}{{Ruby|騎士|きし}}のようである。<br/><br/>カード{{Ruby|産業|さんぎょう}}を{{Ruby|生業|なりわい}}としてきたルブラン{{Ruby|家|け}}の{{Ruby|一人娘|ひとりむすめ}}として、{{Ruby|何|なに}}{{Ruby|不自由|ふじゆう}}ない{{Ruby|生活|せいかつ}}をおくっていたが、{{Ruby|何者|なにもの}}かによって{{Ruby|家族|かぞく}}を{{Ruby|奪|うば}}われてから{{Ruby|一変|いっぺん}}した。<br/>{{Ruby|降|ふ}}りかかった{{Ruby|悲劇|ひげき}}の{{Ruby|原因|げんいん}}を{{Ruby|突|つ}}き{{Ruby|止|と}}め、{{Ruby|復讐|ふくしゅう}}を{{Ruby|果|は}}たすため、{{Ruby|両親|りょうしん}}が{{Ruby|遺|のこ}}したカード「{{Ruby|Z|ゼット}}-{{Ruby|ONE|ワン}}」を{{Ruby|手|て}}がかりに、{{Ruby|執事|しつじ}}のミゾグチと{{Ruby|共|とも}}に{{Ruby|世界中|せかいじゅう}}を{{Ruby|旅|たび}}している。<br/>{{Ruby|事件|じけん}}の{{Ruby|核心|かくしん}}に{{Ruby|迫|せま}}るべくWRGPに{{Ruby|参戦|さんせん}}するにあたって、{{Ruby|実力者|じつりょくしゃ}}を{{Ruby|探|さが}}している。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|類|たぐい}}まれな{{Ruby|美貌|びぼう}}や{{Ruby|優雅|ゆうが}}な{{Ruby|身|み}}のこなしも{{Ruby|備|そな}}えつつ、{{Ruby|目的|もくてき}}に{{Ruby|向|む}}かう{{Ruby|時|とき}}は、{{Ruby|無謀|むぼう}}なほど{{Ruby|強引|ごういん}}かつ{{Ruby|大胆|だいたん}}。<br/>{{Ruby|身体|しんたい}}{{Ruby|能力|のうりょく}}に{{Ruby|優|すぐ}}れ、{{Ruby|並|な}}みの{{Ruby|男|おとこ}}なら{{Ruby|簡単|かんたん}}に{{Ruby|倒|たお}}せるほどの{{Ruby|格闘技|かくとうぎ}}を{{Ruby|身|み}}につけている。<br/><br/>デュエルでは、{{Ruby|花|はな}}や{{Ruby|騎士|きし}}、{{Ruby|革命|かくめい}}などをモチーフにしたカードで{{Ruby|構成|こうせい}}されたデッキを{{Ruby|使|つか}}う。<br/>エースモンスターは「フルール・ド・シュヴァリエ」</blockquote> <blockquote>A D-Wheeler who travels around the world.<br/>Dignified and beautiful, her outfit gives her the player 3 copies appearance of "[[a female knight.<br/><br/>As the lone daughter of the LeBlanc family, which had carved a name for itself in the card industry, she lived a life without any inconveniences - but everything changed when her family was taken from her.<br/>Once she learned of the reasons behind her family's tragedy, she and her butler Mizoguchi began travelling all over the world, aiming to achieve revenge, with her parents' Z-ONE card besides her.<br/>As she is planning to enter the WRGP in order to discover more about the responsible party, she is looking for talented people.<br/><br/>While uniquely beautiful and elegant, if she thinks she is getting closer to her goals, she rushes into action recklessly and forcefully.<br/>Physically strong. She can subdue an ordinary man on her own with little trouble.<br/><br/>She uses Decks featuring cards with motifs such as flowers, knights or revolutions.<br/>Her ace monster is Chevalier de Fleur]]".</blockquote>
===Tag Force 6===
Sherry can be unlocked as a partner after clearing Akiza's normal story as well as [[Crow Hogan (Tag Force)|Crow]]'s.
Finishing [[File:Yliaster SherryTF6.png|thumb|left]] <blockquote>{{Ruby|世界|せかい}}を{{Ruby|転戦|てんせん}}する{{Ruby|D|ディー}}・ホイーラー。<br/>ブロンドのロングヘアーの{{Ruby|美女|びじょ}}。<br/>{{Ruby|凛々|りり}}しく{{Ruby|美|うつく}}しいその{{Ruby|出|い}}で{{Ruby|立|た}}ちは、まるで{{Ruby|女|おんな}}{{Ruby|騎士|きし}}のようである。<br/><br/>カード{{Ruby|産業|さんぎょう}}を{{Ruby|生業|なりわい}}としてきたルブラン{{Ruby|家|け}}の{{Ruby|一人娘|ひとりむすめ}}として、{{Ruby|何|なに}}{{Ruby|不自由|ふじゆう}}ない{{Ruby|生活|せいかつ}}をおくっていたが、{{Ruby|何者|なにもの}}かによって{{Ruby|家族|かぞく}}を{{Ruby|奪|うば}}われてから{{Ruby|一変|いっぺん}}した。<br/>{{Ruby|降|ふ}}りかかった{{Ruby|悲劇|ひげき}}の{{Ruby|原因|げんいん}}を{{Ruby|突|つ}}き{{Ruby|止|と}}め、{{Ruby|復讐|ふくしゅう}}を{{Ruby|果|は}}たすため、{{Ruby|両親|りょうしん}}が{{Ruby|遺|のこ}}したカード「{{Ruby|Z-ONE|ゼット・ワン}}」を{{Ruby|手|て}}がかりに、{{Ruby|執事|しつじ}}のミゾグチと{{Ruby|共|とも}}に{{Ruby|世界中|せかいじゅう}}を{{Ruby|旅|たび}}している。<br/>{{Ruby|事件|じけん}}の{{Ruby|背後|はいご}}にイリアステルという{{Ruby|組織|そしき}}があることを{{Ruby|突|つ}}き{{Ruby|止|と}}め、{{Ruby|核心|かくしん}}に{{Ruby|迫|せま}}るべく、やはりイリアステルの{{Ruby|存在|そんざい}}がちらつくWRGPに{{Ruby|参戦|さんせん}}。チームに{{Ruby|引|ひ}}き{{Ruby|込|こ}}むべく{{Ruby|遊星|ゆうせい}}をスカウトしたが{{Ruby|不調|ふちょう}}に{{Ruby|終|お}}わり、{{Ruby|不利|ふり}}を{{Ruby|承知|しょうち}}でミゾグチと{{Ruby|二人|ふたり}}きりのチームでエントリーした。<br/>さらにイリアステルと{{Ruby|関係|かんけい}}の{{Ruby|深|ふか}}い{{Ruby|企業|きぎょう}}を{{Ruby|調査|ちょうさ}}している{{Ruby|最中|さいちゅう}}に{{Ruby|消息|しょうそく}}を{{Ruby|絶|た}}つ。<br/><br/>デュエルでは、{{Ruby|花|はな}}や{{Ruby|騎士|きし}}、{{Ruby|革命|かくめい}}などをモチーフにしたカードで{{Ruby|構成|こうせい}}されたデッキを{{Ruby|使|つか}}っていた。<br/>エースモンスターは「フルール・ド・シュヴァリエ」。</blockquote> <blockquote>A D-Wheeler who travels around the world.<br/>A beautiful woman with long, blonde hair.<br/>Dignified and beautiful, her outfit gives her the appearance of a female knight.<br/><br/>As the lone daughter of the LeBlanc family, which had carved a name for itself in the card industry, she lived a life without any inconveniences - but everything changed when her family was taken from her.<br/>Once she learned of the reasons behind her family's story earns tragedy, she and her butler Mizoguchi began travelling all over the player 3 copies of "[[Sorciere world, aiming to achieve revenge, with her parents' Z-ONE card besides her.<br/>Her investigation into Yliaster's activities led her to participate in the WRGP in order to uncover more information about them. She unsuccessfully tried to recruit Yusei for her team, so she and Mizoguchi entered the tournament as a two-person team with a known disadvantage.<br/>Ultimately, as she investigated a company closely related to Yliaster, she disappeared without a trace.<br/><br/>In the past, she used Decks featuring cards with motifs such as flowers, knights or revolutions.<br/>Her ace monster is Chevalier de Fleur]]".</blockquote> ===Tag Force Special=== <blockquote>{{Ruby|世界|せかい}}を{{Ruby|転戦|てんせん}}する{{Ruby|D|ディー}}・ホイーラー。<br/>ブロンドのロングヘアーの{{Ruby|美女|びじょ}}。<br/>{{Ruby|凛々|りり}}しく{{Ruby|美|うつく}}しいその{{Ruby|出|い}}で{{Ruby|立|た}}ちは、まるで{{Ruby|女|おんな}}{{Ruby|騎士|きし}}のようである。<br/><br/>カード{{Ruby|産業|さんぎょう}}を{{Ruby|生業|なりわい}}としてきたルブラン{{Ruby|家|け}}の{{Ruby|一人娘|ひとりむすめ}}として、{{Ruby|何|なに}}{{Ruby|不自由|ふじゆう}}ない{{Ruby|生活|せいかつ}}をおくっていたが、{{Ruby|何者|なにもの}}かによって{{Ruby|家族|かぞく}}を{{Ruby|奪|うば}}われてから、その{{Ruby|日々|ひび}}は{{Ruby|一変|いっぺん}}した。<br/>{{Ruby|降|ふ}}りかかった{{Ruby|悲劇|ひげき}}の{{Ruby|原因|げんいん}}を{{Ruby|突|つ}}き{{Ruby|止|と}}め、{{Ruby|復讐|ふくしゅう}}を{{Ruby|果|は}}たすため、{{Ruby|両親|りょうしん}}が{{Ruby|遺|のこ}}したカード「{{Ruby|Z-ONE|ゼット・ワン}}」を{{Ruby|手|て}}がかりに、{{Ruby|執事|しつじ}}のミゾグチと{{Ruby|共|とも}}に{{Ruby|世界中|せかいじゅう}}を{{Ruby|旅|たび}}していた。<br/>{{Ruby|事件|じけん}}の{{Ruby|背後|はいご}}にイリアステルという{{Ruby|組織|そしき}}がある{{Ruby|事|こと}}を{{Ruby|突|つ}}き{{Ruby|止|と}}め、{{Ruby|核心|かくしん}}に{{Ruby|迫|せま}}るべくWRGPに{{Ruby|参戦|さんせん}}。<br/>{{Ruby|遊星|ゆうせい}}をスカウトしたが{{Ruby|不調|ふちょう}}に{{Ruby|終|お}}わり、{{Ruby|不利|ふり}}を{{Ruby|承知|しょうち}}でミゾグチと{{Ruby|二人|ふたり}}きりのチームでエントリーした。<br/>その{{Ruby|後|ご}}、イリアステルと{{Ruby|関係|かんけい}}の{{Ruby|深|ふか}}い{{Ruby|企業|きぎょう}}を{{Ruby|調査|ちょうさ}}している{{Ruby|最中|さいちゅう}}に{{Ruby|消息|しょうそく}}を{{Ruby|絶|た}}った。<br/>{{Ruby|破滅|はめつ}}の{{Ruby|未来|みらい}}を{{Ruby|知|し}}り、{{Ruby|過去|かこ}}を{{Ruby|変|か}}えるためゾーンの{{Ruby|側|がわ}}について、アキ・クロウの{{Ruby|前|まえ}}に{{Ruby|立|た}}ちふさがったが、デュエルを{{Ruby|通|つう}}じて{{Ruby|父|ちち}}が{{Ruby|自分|じぶん}}に{{Ruby|本当|ほんとう}}に{{Ruby|伝|つた}}えたかった{{Ruby|事|こと}}を{{Ruby|悟|さと}}り、{{Ruby|遊星|ゆうせい}}たちと{{Ruby|共|とも}}に{{Ruby|未来|みらい}}を{{Ruby|変|か}}えるために{{Ruby|戦|たたか}}う{{Ruby|道|みち}}を{{Ruby|選|えら}}ぶ{{Ruby|事|こと}}となった。<br/><br/>デュエルでは、{{Ruby|花|はな}}や{{Ruby|騎士|きし}}、{{Ruby|革命|かくめい}}などをモチーフにしたカードで{{Ruby|構成|こうせい}}されたデッキを{{Ruby|使|つか}}っていた。<br/>エースモンスターは「フルール・ド・シュヴァリエ」。</blockquote>
{{<blockquote>A D-}}Wheeler who travels around the world.<br/>A beautiful woman with long, blonde hair.<br/>Dignified and beautiful, her outfit gives her the appearance of a female knight.<br/><br/>As the lone daughter of the LeBlanc family, which had carved a name for itself in the card industry, she lived a life without any inconveniences - but everything changed when her family was taken from her.<br/>Once she learned of the reasons behind her family's tragedy, she and her butler Mizoguchi travelled all over the world, aiming to achieve revenge, with her parents' Z-ONE card besides her.<br/>Her investigation into Yliaster's activities led her to participate in the WRGP in order to uncover more information about them. She unsuccessfully tried to recruit Yusei for her team, so she and Mizoguchi entered the tournament as a two-person team with a known disadvantage.<br/>Ultimately, as she investigated a company closely related to Yliaster, she disappeared without a trace.<br/>Learning of the ruined future, she sided with Z-one to change to past and stood against Aki and Crow, but during their duel, she realized what her father meant to tell her, and she decided to fight alongside Yusei and his friends to change the future.<br/><br/>In the past, she used Decks featuring cards with motifs such as flowers, knights or revolutions.<br/>Her ace monster is Chevalier de Fleur.</blockquote>
===Tag Force 5=== {{Tag Force present responses| game = Yu-Gi-6Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5| gender = Female | duel_5_response = Tee hee... I've been looking for this forever!| duel_5_items =* Pink Card Protector* Cute Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder | duel_4_response =I'll just have to return the favor some time, won't I?| duel_4_items ={* Red Card Protector* Orange Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* White Card Protector* Elegant Card Holder* Duel Radar* Duel Calculator* Death Match Duel Rope | classduel_3_response ="wikitable hlist hcomma" widthYes, yes... I think I might be able to use this.| duel_3_items ="100%"* Blue Card Protector* Yellow Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* Khaki Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Chic Card Holder* Stylish Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Rainbow Card Protector* Atlas Rising |-duel_2_response = This is of no use to me.| duel_2_items = * Silver Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Wild Card Holder* Gold Coin* Silver Coin* White Dice* Black Dice* Dueling for Beginners* Advanced Dueling* Gorgeous Card Holder* Introduction to Dueling Tricks* Lucky Coin* Cursed Dice | duel_1_response = Hm?! Is this some kind of joke?!| duel_1_items = * Black Card Protector* Amplifier | hobby_5_response = Oh, my... How did you know what I wanted?! scope| hobby_5_items = * Silk Hat* Straw Hat* Helmet* Boots* High Heels* Stuffed Toy Bear* Shoulder Massage Ticket* Ring | hobby_4_response ="col" Thank you, 《PLAYER》.<br/>You have excellent taste.| Strongly likeshobby_4_items = ! scope* Sandals* Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Cat* Skateboard* Scented Candle* Scarf | hobby_3_response ="col" Thanks, I accept.| Likeshobby_3_items = * Beret* Sneakers* Leather Shoes* Long Boots* Stuffed Toy Seagull! scope* Crown* Winged Shoes | hobby_2_response ="col" I've no interest in this.| Neutralhobby_2_items = * Beanie* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Stuffed Toy Horse* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Stuffed Toy Dragon* Poker Cards* Bat* Soccer Ball* Boxing Gloves* Tarot Card* Fortune Sticks* Duel Gang Jacket | hobby_1_response = Hm?! scopeGiving me something like this makes no sense at all!| hobby_1_items ="col" * Baseball Cap* Kids' Shoes* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Frog* Stuffed Toy Snake* Crystal Ball | Dislikesfigures_5_response = Oh, my... How did you know what I wanted?!! scope| figures_5_items ="col" * Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* Dark Magician Girl Figure* Stardust Dragon Figure | Strongly dislikesfigures_4_response = Thank you, 《PLAYER》.<br/>You have excellent taste.|figures_4_items = * Dark Magician Figure* Vampire Lord Figure* Freed the Matchless General Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Figure* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* Dharc the Dark Charmer Figure* The Unhappy Girl Figure* Allure Queen Figure | figures_3_response = Thanks, I accept.| figures_3_items = * Harpie Queen Figure* D.D. Warrior Lady Figure* Mist Valley Shaman Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* Shadow Tamer Figure* Dryad Figure* Fire Princess Figure* Maiden of the Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure* Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* Eria the Water Charmer Figure* White Magician Pikeru Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Cyber Tutu Figure* Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure* Red Dragon Archfiend Figure | figures_2_response = I've no interest in this.| figures_2_items =  | figures_1_response = Hm?! scopeGiving me something like this makes no sense at all!| figures_1_items ="row"  | Householdsundry_goods_5_response = Oh, my... How did you know what I wanted?!|sundry_goods_5_items = * Memory cardCard* Romantic movieMovie* Animated movieMovie
* Perfume
* High quality chipQuality Chip | sundry_goods_4_response = Good job finding such a useful item.|sundry_goods_4_items =
* Soap
* Shampoo
* RinseHair Conditioner* Hair gelGel
* Toothbrush
* Lip balmBalm* Eye dropsDrops
* Socks
* Gloves
* Wax
* Fountain penPen
* Glass
* Bouquet
* Letter writing setWriting Set
* Chip
* Historical movieMovie* Suspense movieMovie* Comedy movieMovie | sundry_goods_3_response = Tee hee. This will be handy to have around.|sundry_goods_3_items =
* Fan
* Hand warmerWarmer* Domino setSet
* The Daily Duel
* Sci-Fi movieMovie* Musical movieMovie* Ear cleanerCleaner* Toilet paperPaper
* Clothespin
 |sundry_goods_2_response = What in the world am I supposed to do with this?| sundry_goods_2_items =
* Razor
* Back scratcherScratcher* Documentary movieMovie* Superhero movieMovie
* Junk
 | sundry_goods_1_response = Hm?! Is this some kind of joke?!|sundry_goods_1_items = * Eye patchPatch
* Earplugs
* Horror movieMovie |-! scopefood_5_response ="row" | FiguresTee hee... It looks really delicious. Would you care to join me?|food_5_items = * Wynn the Wind CharmerFried Rice* Stardust DragonSalad* Dark Magician GirlStrawberries|* Melon* Dark MagicianCoffee* Vampire LordLunch Box* Freed the Matchless General| food_4_response = Why, that looks delicious.<br/>I can't wait to try some.| food_4_items = * Gambler of LegendApple* Getsu FuhmaBanana* Obnoxious Celtic GuardOrange* Fairy King TruesdalePineapple* IzanagiWatermelon* Legendary Flame LordGrapes* Marauding CaptainWater* Grandmaster of the Six SamuraiMilk* Mei-Kou, Master of BarriersCookie* Lucky Pied PiperSandwich (Green)* Apprentice MagicianPudding* Miracle FlipperCake* Dharc the Dark CharmerIce Cream Sundae* The Unhappy Girl* Allure Queen| food_3_response = Well, it could be worse.|food_3_items = * Harpie QueenBeef Bowl* D.D. Warrior LadyCurry and Rice* Mist Valley ShamanOmelet and Rice* Amazoness PaladinSpaghetti* Shadow TamerGreen Tea* DryadTea* Fire PrincessJuice* Maiden of the AquaChocolate* Thunder Nyan NyanGum* Injection Fairy LilyFancy Tea | food_2_response = Is this... some kind of food?| food_2_items = * Aussa the Earth CharmerRamen* Hiita the Fire CharmerKebab* Eria the Water CharmerEnergy Drink* White Magician PikeruRice Ball* Ebon Magician CurranHamburger* Card EjectorSteamed Bun* Cyber ​​TutuTakoyaki* Dian Keto the Cure MasterSushi* Red Dragon Archfiend|food_1_response = I'm sorry, but would you take that away? Far away...| food_1_items = * NoneCola|* Rice Cake* NoneSandwich (Gold) }} ===Tag Force 6=== {{Tag Force present responses|game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6! Card accessories| gender = Female | duel_5_response = Thank you, 《PLAYER》.<br/>Did you find this for me?|duel_5_items =
* Pink Card Protector
* Cute Card Holder
* Anarchic Card Holder
 |duel_4_response = That's so helpful, 《PLAYER》.<br/>It's just what I wanted.| duel_4_items =
* Red Card Protector
* Orange Card Protector
* Duel Calculator
* Death Match Duel Rope
 |duel_3_response = I see... Well, I'll keep it.| duel_3_items =
* Blue Card Protector
* Yellow Card Protector
* Khaki Card Protector
* Clear Card Protector
* Rainbow Card Protector
* Simple Card Holder
* Chic Card Holder
* Stylish Card Holder
* Classic Card Holder
* Rainbow Card Protector
* Atlas Rising
 |duel_2_response = Sorry, but this cannot help me at all in what I'll have to do.| duel_2_items =
* Silver Card Protector
* Gold Card Protector
* Wild Card Holder
* Gorgeous Card Holder* Gold coinCoin* Silver coinCoin* White diceDice* Black diceDice
* Dueling for Beginners
* Advanced Dueling
* Gorgeous Card Holder
* Introduction to Dueling Tricks
* Lucky coinCoin* Cursed diceDice | duel_1_response = ...Don't mess around with me!<br/>I don't have any time to play around anymore!|duel_1_items =
* Black Card Protector
* Amplifier
 | hobby_5_response = It's almost as if you could see directly into my heart...<br/>How did you know I wanted this?|hobby_5_items = * Silk Hat* Straw Hat* Helmet* Boots* High Heels* Stuffed Toy Bear* Shoulder Massage Ticket* Ring | hobby_4_response = Thank you, 《PLAYER》.<br/>I'm sorry you went through so much trouble to obtain this for me.| hobby_4_items = * Sandals* Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Cat* Skateboard* Scented Candle* Scarf | hobby_3_response = Thank you. I'll keep it.| hobby_3_items = * Beret* Sneakers* Leather Shoes* Long Boots* Stuffed Toy Seagull* Crown* Winged Shoes | hobby_2_response = 《PLAYER》, have you forgotten what I like...?| hobby_2_items = * Beanie* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Stuffed Toy Horse* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Stuffed Toy Dragon* Poker Cards* Bat* Soccer Ball* Boxing Gloves* Tarot Card* Fortune Sticks* Duel Gang Jacket | hobby_1_response = !?<br/>Are you messing around with me!?| hobby_1_items = * Baseball Cap* Kids' Shoes* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Frog* Stuffed Toy Snake* Crystal Ball | figures_5_response = It's almost as if you could see directly into my heart...<br/>How did you know I wanted this?| figures_5_items = * Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* Dark Magician Girl Figure* Stardust Dragon Figure | figures_4_response = Thank you, 《PLAYER》.<br/>I'm sorry you went through so much trouble to obtain this for me.| figures_4_items = * Dark Magician Figure* Vampire Lord Figure* Freed the Matchless General Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Figure* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* Dharc the Dark Charmer Figure* The Unhappy Girl Figure* Allure Queen Figure | figures_3_response = Thank you. I'll keep it.| figures_3_items = * Harpie Queen Figure* D.D. Warrior Lady Figure* Mist Valley Shaman Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* Shadow Tamer Figure* Dryad Figure* Fire Princess Figure* Maiden of the Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure* Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* Eria the Water Charmer Figure* White Magician Pikeru Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Cyber Tutu Figure* Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure* Red Dragon Archfiend Figure | figures_2_response = 《PLAYER》, have you forgotten what I like...?| figures_2_items =  | figures_1_response = !?<br/>Are you messing around with me!?| figures_1_items =  | sundry_goods_5_response = Thank you, 《PLAYER》.<br/>Did you find this for me?| sundry_goods_5_items = * Memory Card* Romantic Movie* Animated Movie* Perfume* High Quality Chip | sundry_goods_4_response = That's so helpful, 《PLAYER》.<br/>It's just what I wanted.| sundry_goods_4_items = * Soap* Shampoo* Hair Conditioner* Hair Gel* Toothbrush* Lip Balm* Eye Drops* Socks* Gloves* Wax* Fountain Pen* Glass* Bouquet* Letter Writing Set* Chip* Historical Movie* Suspense Movie* Comedy Movie | sundry_goods_3_response = Sure. It might come in handy.| sundry_goods_3_items = * Fan* Hand Warmer* Domino Set* The Daily Duel* Sci-Fi Movie* Musical Movie* Ear Cleaner* Toilet Paper* Clothespin | sundry_goods_2_response = What could this be any good for?| sundry_goods_2_items = * Razor* Back Scratcher* Documentary Movie* Superhero Movie* Junk | sundry_goods_1_response = ! Food and beverages?<br/>Are you messing around with me!?| sundry_goods_1_items = * Eye Patch* Earplugs* Horror Movie | food_5_response = Oh, it's so delicious...<br/>And it has this particular feel to it when I have it with you, 《PLAYER》.|food_5_items = * Fried riceRice
* Salad
* Strawberries
* Melon
* Coffee
* Lunch boxBox | food_4_response = Thank you, this is quite good.<br/>It's not something you can hope to find at the Ark Cradle...|food_4_items =
* Apple
* Banana
* Milk
* Cookie
* Sandwich(Green)
* Pudding
* Cake
* Ice cream sundaeCream Sundae | food_3_response = Not bad at all... I'll have it.|food_3_items = * Beef bowlBowl* Curry and riceRice* Omelet and riceRice
* Spaghetti
* Green teaTea
* Tea
* Juice
* Chocolate
* Gum
* Fancy teaTea | food_2_response = Is... is this really edible...?|food_2_items =
* Ramen
* Kebab
* Energy drinkDrink* Rice ballBall
* Hamburger
* Steamed bunBun
* Takoyaki
* Sushi
 |food_1_response = 《PLAYER》, that's... so cruel.<br/>Have you forgotten what I like...?!| food_1_items =
* Cola
* Rice cakeCake
* Sandwich (Gold)
|-! Misc.}}|* Silk hat==Unlockables==* Straw hat* Helmet''[[Tag Force 5]]''* Boots* High heels* Stuffed toy bear* Shoulder massage ticket* RingFinishing Sherry's storyline earns the player 3 copies of "[[Chevalier de Fleur]]" and the picture "Open-ended future" ({{Ruby|* Sandals* Stuffed toy dog* Stuffed toy cat* Skateboard* Scented candle* Scarf|* Beret* Sneakers* Leather shoes* Long boots* Stuffed toy seagull* Crown* Winged shoesひら}}かれた{{Ruby|* Beanie* Cowboy hat* Bandanna* Stuffed toy horse* Stuffed toy monkey* Stuffed toy dragon* Poker cards* Bat* Soccer ball* Boxing gloves* Tarot card* Fortune sticks* Duel Gang jacket未来|みらい}}, ''Hirakareta Mirai'')* Baseball cap* Kids' shoes'[[Tag Force 6]]''* Wooden sandals* Stuffed toy frog* Stuffed toy snake* Crystal ball|}Finishing Sherry's storyline earns the player 3 copies of "[[Sorciere de Fleur]]" and the picture "Adieu..." (アデュー…, ''Adyū…'')
==Ending scenes==
Sherry-TF05TF5-Ending.png | ''Tag Force 5''Sherry-TF06TF6-Ending.jpg png | ''Tag Force 6''
===Tag Force 5===
 {{Decklist|name = Sword of Freedom| ja_name = {{Ruby|自由|じゆう}}の{{Ruby|剣|つるぎ}}| romaji_name = Jiyū no Tsurugi| level = 5
|effect monsters =
* [[D.D. Warrior Lady]] x2
|spells =
* [[Burial from a Different Dimension]]
* [[D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Future Fusion]]
* [[Giant Trunade]]
|traps =
* [[Beckoning Light]]
* [[Call of the Haunted]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Chain Close]]
* [[Floral Shield]]
* [[For Our Dreams]]
* [[Liberty at Last!]] x2 (Favorite) ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Mirror Force]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Return from the Different Dimension]]
* [[Torrential Tribute]]
{{Decklist|name = Sword of Justice| ja_name = {{Ruby|正義|せいぎ}}の{{Ruby|剣|つるぎ}}| romaji_name = Seigi no Tsurugi| level = 3
|effect monsters =
* [[Guardian Angel Joan]]
* [[Sacred Knight Joan]] x3
* [[Sacred Knight's Shield Bearer]] x2
* [[Sacred Knight's Spearholder]] x3([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Soul of Purity and Light]]
* [[The Forgiving Maiden]] x2
* [[Floral Shield]] x2
* [[For Our Dreams]]
* [[Liberty At Last!]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
{{Decklist|name = Sword of Revolution| ja_name = {{Ruby|革命|かくめい}}の{{Ruby|剣|つるぎ}}| romaji_name = Kakumei no Tsurugi| level = 7
|effect monsters =
* [[D.D. Assailant]] x3
* [[Brain Control]]
* [[Burial from a Different Dimension]]
* [[D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Swords of Revealing Light]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
|traps =
* [[Beckoning Light]] x2
* [[Bottomless Trap Hole]] x2
* [[Call of the Haunted]]
* [[Liberty at Last!]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Mirror Force]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Return from the Different Dimension]]
* [[Solemn JudgementJudgment]]
* [[Torrential Tribute]]
{{Decklist|name = Sword of Revenge| ja_name = {{Ruby|復讐|ふくしゅう}}の{{Ruby|剣|つるぎ}}| romaji_name = Fukushū no Tsurugi| level = 5
|effect monsters =
* [[Archlord Kristya]] x2
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen]] x3([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
|traps =
* [[Call of the Haunted]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Mirror Force]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Rivalry of Warlords]] x3
* [[Solemn JudgementJudgment]]
===Tag Force 6===
====Yliaster Sherry===={{Decklist|name = Sword of Despair| ja_name = {{Ruby|失意|しつい}}の{{Ruby|剣|つるぎ}}| romaji_name = Shitsui no Tsurugi| level = 4
|effect monsters =
* [[Blizzard Princess]] x2
|spells =
* [[Book of Moon]]
* [[École Ecole de Zone]] x2
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Magical Dimension]] x2
* [[Z-ONE]]
|traps =
* [[Bottomless Trap Hole]]
* [[Call of the Haunted]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Chain Close]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Wandering Sword| ja_name = さまよえる{{Ruby|剣|つるぎ}}| romaji_name = Samayoeru Tsurugi| level = 3
|effect monsters =
* [[Horse of the Floral Knights]] x3
* [[Necro Fleur]] x3
* [[Noble Knight Joan]] x2
* [[Sacred Knight's Shield Bearer|Noble Knight's Shield Bearer]] x2* [[Sacred Knight's Spearholder|Noble Knight's Spearholder]] x3
* [[Sangan]]
* [[Sorciere de Fleur]] x3
* [[Call of the Haunted]]
* [[Chain Close]]
* [[Fleur de VertigeVertiges]]
* [[Floral Shield]]
* [[For Our Dreams]]
{{Decklist|name = Sword of Betrayal| ja_name = {{Ruby|裏切|うらぎ}}りの{{Ruby|剣|つるぎ}}| romaji_name = Uragiri no Tsurugi| level = 5
|effect monsters =
* [[Blizzard Princess]] x3
* [[Violet Witch]] x3
|spells =
* [[École Ecole de Zone]] x3
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Magical Dimension]] x2
* [[Call of the Haunted]]
* [[Chain Close]] x2
* [[Fleur de VertigeVertiges]] x2
* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Torrential Tribute]]
{{Decklist|name = Sword of DoomRuin| ja_name = {{Ruby|破滅|はめつ}}の{{Ruby|剣|つるぎ}}| romaji_name = Hametsu no Tsurugi| level = 8
|effect monsters =
* [[Beast King Barbaros]] x3
* [[Peten the Dark Clown]] x3
* [[Sangan]]
|tuner monsters =
* [[Vylon Sphere]] x2
|synchro monsters =
* [[Steelswarm Roach]]
|spells =
* [[École Ecole de Zone]] x3
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Graceful Charity]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* Sherry only uses this Deck in Z-one's first story event and in Night Tournaments.
====Pre-Yliaster Sherry===={{Decklist|name = Sword of RevengeReversal| ja_name = 逆襲の剣| romaji_name = Gyakushū no Tsurugi| level = 4
|effect monsters =
* [[Honest]]
* [[Horse of the Floral Knights]] x3
* [[Noble Knight Joan]] x3
* [[Sacred Knight's Shield Bearer|Noble Knight's Shield Bearer]] x3* [[Sacred Knight's Spearholder|Noble Knight's Spearholder]] x3
* [[Soul of Purity and Light]] x3
|tuner monsters =
* [[Liberty at Last!]] x2
* [[Mirror Force]]
* [[Solemn JudgementJudgment]]
* [[Solemn Warning]] x2
* [[Torrential Tribute]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
===Tag Force Special===
 {{Decklist|The name = Manifesto of the Synchro Flower Floral Knight Order's Manifesto (| ja_name = 檄・シンクロ花騎士団, ''| romaji_name = Geki shinkuro hanakishidan'') ★3Shinkuro Hanakishidan| level = 3
|effect monsters =
* [[Horse of the Floral Knights]] x3
{{Decklist|name = Soul-Imitating Space (| ja_name = 魂を写す空間, ''| romaji_name = Tamashī o utsusu kūkan'') ★6Utsusu Kūkan| level = 6
|effect monsters =
* [[Black Ptera]]
* [[Z-ONE]] x2
|traps =
* [[Fleur de VertigeVertiges]] x3
* [[Floral Shield]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Spirit Barrier]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Soul-Binding Gate (| ja_name = 魂を縛る門, ''| romaji_name = Tamashī o shibaru mon'') ★7Shibaru Mon| level = 7
|effect monsters =
* [[Abyssal Kingshark]] x3
|traps =
* [[Draining Shield]] x3
* [[Fleur de VertigeVertiges]] x3
* [[Floral Shield]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Solemn Wishes]] x2
autopatrol, mover

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