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Aporia (Tag Force)

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{{Infobox character
| image = Aporia-TF06-EndingTFSP.jpgpng
| en_name = Aporia
| ja_name = アポリア
| romaji_name = Aporia
| other_names =
| gender = Male
|tf06_deck =* The Current Clear and Present Despair* Just Legitimate Despair
* Inevitable Despair
* The Hope Beyond Despair
| appears_in_psp =
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6]]''
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Tag Force Special]]''
| ja_voice = {{voice actors|ja|Masakazu Nemoto}}
'''Aporia''' (アポリア, ''Aporia'') is a character in the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force]]'' video game series. This is a video game depiction of [[Aporia]], a character from the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's]]'' anime.
==BiographyAppearances== ===Tag Force 6===Aporia can be found on the field after the player finishes the normal stories of [[Leo (Tag Force)|Leo]] and [[Luna (Tag Force)|Luna]] as well as [[Jack Atlas (Tag Force)|Jack]]'s. ==Profiles== ===Tag Force 6=== <blockquote>{{Ruby|未来|みらい}}から{{Ruby|来|き}}たと{{Ruby|思|おも}}われる{{Ruby|謎|なぞ}}の{{Ruby|大男|おおおとこ}}。<br/>{{Ruby|自|みずか}}らを「{{Ruby|絶望|ぜつぼう}}の{{Ruby|番人|ばんにん}}」と{{Ruby|称|しょう}}する。<br/>ホセ、プラシド、ルチアーノの{{Ruby|三人|さんにん}}が{{Ruby|合体|がったい}}したことで{{Ruby|出現|しゅつげん}}したことから{{Ruby|普通|ふつう}}の{{Ruby|人間|にんげん}}ではないことが{{Ruby|伺|うかが}}える。<br/><br/>モーメントの{{Ruby|暴走|ぼうそう}}が{{Ruby|原因|げんいん}}で{{Ruby|荒廃|こうはい}}した{{Ruby|未来|みらい}}{{Ruby|世界|せかい}}において、{{Ruby|少年期|しょうねんき}}に{{Ruby|機皇帝|きこうてい}}ににた{{Ruby|機械|きかい}}の{{Ruby|攻撃|こうげき}}により{{Ruby|家族|かぞく}}と{{Ruby|死別|しべつ}}し「{{Ruby|愛|あい}}してくれる{{Ruby|者|もの}}を{{Ruby|失|うしな}}った{{Ruby|絶望|ぜつぼう}}」を{{Ruby|味|あじ}}わい、{{Ruby|青年期|せいねんき}}には{{Ruby|機械|きかい}}との{{Ruby|戦|たたか}}いの{{Ruby|中|なか}}で{{Ruby|恋人|こいびと}}を{{Ruby|失|うしな}}い「{{Ruby|愛|あい}}すべき{{Ruby|者|もの}}を{{Ruby|失|うしな}}った{{Ruby|絶望|ぜつぼう}}」を{{Ruby|味|あじ}}わい、{{Ruby|老年期|ろうねんき}}には{{Ruby|機械|きかい}}との{{Ruby|戦|たたか}}いに{{Ruby|敗|やぶ}}れた{{Ruby|人類|じんるい}}{{Ruby|最後|さいご}}の{{Ruby|生|い}}き{{Ruby|残|のこ}}りとして「{{Ruby|愛|あい}}さえいらなくなった{{Ruby|絶望|ぜつぼう}}」を{{Ruby|味|あじ}}わうという{{Ruby|壮絶|そうぜつ}}な{{Ruby|人生|じんせい}}を{{Ruby|送|おく}}ってきた。<br/>{{Ruby|行|い}}き{{Ruby|倒|だお}}れる{{Ruby|寸前|すんぜん}}に、{{Ruby|人類滅亡|じんるいめつぼう}}を{{Ruby|回避|かいひ}}すべく{{Ruby|研究|けんきゅう}}するゾーンに{{Ruby|出会|であ}}い、{{Ruby|合流|ごうりゅう}}した。<br/>しかし{{Ruby|老|お}}いには{{Ruby|勝|か}}てず{{Ruby|研究|けんきゅう}}の{{Ruby|成果|せいか}}を{{Ruby|見|み}}ることなく{{Ruby|息|いき}}を{{Ruby|引|ひ}}き{{Ruby|取|と}}る{{Ruby|際|さい}}に、{{Ruby|自分|じぶん}}の{{Ruby|幼年期|ようねんき}}、{{Ruby|青年期|せいねんき}}、{{Ruby|老年期|ろうねんき}}をモデルとしたロボットの{{Ruby|作成|さくせい}}と{{Ruby|過去|かこ}}への{{Ruby|派遣|はけん}}をゾーンに{{Ruby|頼|たの}}んだ。<br/>これがルチアーノ、プラシド、ホセの{{Ruby|正体|しょうたい}}であり、その{{Ruby|三体|さんたい}}が{{Ruby|合体|がったい}}した{{Ruby|姿|すがた}}が{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}である。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|機械族|きかいぞく}}で{{Ruby|構成|こうせい}}される「{{Ruby|機皇|きこう}}」と{{Ruby|名|な}}のつくカードを{{Ruby|用|もち}}いたデッキを{{Ruby|使|つか}}う。<br/>エースモンスターは「{{Ruby|機皇神|きこうしん}}マシニクル{{Ruby|∞|インフィニティ}}」。</blockquote> <blockquote>A mysterious gigantic man who seems to have come from the future.<br/>Calls himself the Guardian of Despair.<br/>He appeared when Jose, Placido and Lucciano all combined into a single entity.<br/><br/>As the world in the future was ruined by the Moment reactor going out of control, during his childhood, he lost his parents to a Meklord Emperor's attack, and as he mourned for them, he experienced the despair of losing the ones who loved him. As a young adult, he lost his beloved while they fought against the berserk machines, experiencing the despair of losing the ones he loved. And as an old man, a survivor of it all, he came to believe humanity had been wiped out by their own machines, and despaired as he believed there would be no one to love.<br/>As he was about to die, he was found by Z-one, and they joined forces in order to find a way to avert the destruction the mankind.<br/>But after many years, no matter how many experiments they carried out, their reality was still unchanged. During his last moments, he begged Z-one to create robots based on his childhood, his early adulthood and his old years, and send them to the past as Z-one's servants.<br/>Those are, respectively, the origins of Lucciano, Placido and Jose, and their combination recreated him in this form.<br/><br/>Uses Decks based on Machine-Type Meklord monster cards.<br/>His ace monster is Meklord Astro Mekanikle.</blockquote> ===Tag Force Special=== <blockquote>モーメントの{{Ruby|暴走|ぼうそう}}が{{Ruby|原因|げんいん}}で{{Ruby|荒廃|こうはい}}した{{Ruby|未来|みらい}}の{{Ruby|世界|せかい}}から{{Ruby|来|き}}た{{Ruby|大男|おおおとこ}}。<br/>{{Ruby|自|みずか}}らを「{{Ruby|絶望|ぜつぼう}}の{{Ruby|番人|ばんにん}}」と{{Ruby|称|しょう}}する。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|少年期|しょうねんき}}に{{Ruby|機皇帝|きこうてい}}に{{Ruby|似|に}}た{{Ruby|機械|きかい}}の{{Ruby|攻撃|こうげき}}により{{Ruby|家族|かぞく}}と{{Ruby|死別|しべつ}}、「{{Ruby|愛|あい}}してくれる{{Ruby|者|もの}}を{{Ruby|失|うしな}}った{{Ruby|絶望|ぜつぼう}}」を{{Ruby|味|あじ}}わい、{{Ruby|青年期|せいねんき}}には{{Ruby|機械|きかい}}との{{Ruby|戦|たたか}}いの{{Ruby|中|なか}}で{{Ruby|恋人|こいびと}}を{{Ruby|失|うしな}}い「{{Ruby|愛|あい}}すべき{{Ruby|者|もの}}を{{Ruby|失|うしな}}った{{Ruby|絶望|ぜつぼう}}」を{{Ruby|味|あじ}}わい、{{Ruby|老年期|ろうねんき}}には{{Ruby|機械|きかい}}との{{Ruby|戦|たたか}}いに{{Ruby|敗|やぶ}}れた{{Ruby|人類|じんるい}}の{{Ruby|最後|さいご}}の{{Ruby|生|い}}き{{Ruby|残|のこ}}りとして「{{Ruby|愛|あい}}さえいらなくなった{{Ruby|絶望|ぜつぼう}}」を{{Ruby|味|あじ}}わうという{{Ruby|壮絶|そうぜつ}}な{{Ruby|人生|じんせい}}を{{Ruby|送|おく}}ってきた。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|滅亡|めつぼう}}を{{Ruby|回避|かいひ}}すべく{{Ruby|研究|けんきゅう}}するゾーンと{{Ruby|出会|であ}}い、{{Ruby|合流|ごうりゅう}}したが{{Ruby|老|お}}いには{{Ruby|勝|か}}てず、{{Ruby|研究|けんきゅう}}の{{Ruby|成果|せいか}}を{{Ruby|見|み}}ることなく{{Ruby|息|いき}}を{{Ruby|引|ひ}}き{{Ruby|取|と}}る。<br/>{{Ruby|死|し}}の{{Ruby|間際|まぎわ}}、{{Ruby|自分|じぶん}}の{{Ruby|幼年期|ようねんき}}、{{Ruby|青年期|せいねんき}}、{{Ruby|老年期|ろうねんき}}の{{Ruby|姿|すがた}}をモデルとしたロボットの{{Ruby|作成|さくせい}}と{{Ruby|過去|かこ}}への{{Ruby|派遣|はけん}}をゾーンに{{Ruby|頼|たの}}んだ。<br/>これがルチアーノ、プラシド、ホセの{{Ruby|正体|しょうたい}}であり、その{{Ruby|三体|さんたい}}が{{Ruby|合体|がったい}}した{{Ruby|姿|すがた}}が{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}である。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|遊星|ゆうせい}}たちとの{{Ruby|戦|たたか}}いの{{Ruby|中|なか}}で「{{Ruby|希望|きぼう}}」を{{Ruby|思|おも}}い{{Ruby|出|だ}}し、「{{Ruby|永遠|えいえん}}の{{Ruby|友|とも}}」ゾーンにもそれを{{Ruby|思|おも}}い{{Ruby|出|だ}}してほしいとデュエルを{{Ruby|挑|いど}}むが、{{Ruby|切|き}}り{{Ruby|札|ふだ}}「アフター・グロー」のドローを{{Ruby|果|は}}たせず{{Ruby|敗|やぶ}}れる。<br/>{{Ruby|最後|さいご}}は{{Ruby|遊星|ゆうせい}}たちに{{Ruby|希望|きぼう}}を{{Ruby|託|たく}}して{{Ruby|逝|い}}った。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|機械族|きかいぞく}}で{{Ruby|構成|こうせい}}される「{{Ruby|機皇|きこう}}」と{{Ruby|名|な}}の{{Ruby|付|つ}}くカードを{{Ruby|用|もち}}いたデッキを{{Ruby|使|つか}}う。<br/>エースモンスターは「{{Ruby|機皇神|きこうしん}}マシニクル{{Ruby|∞|インフィニティ}}」。</blockquote> <blockquote>A gigantic man who came from a future that was ruined by Moment.<br/>Calls himself the Guardian of Despair.<br/><br/>During his childhood, he lost his parents to a Meklord Emperor's attack, experiencing the despair of losing the ones who loved him. As a young adult, he lost his beloved while they fought against the berserk machines, experiencing the despair of losing the ones he loved. And as an old man, a survivor of it all, he came to believe humanity had been wiped out by their own machines, and despaired as he believed there would be no one to love.<br/><br/>He would eventually meet and join Z-one, and they conducted research to avoid the extinction of humanity, but he would eventually die in his old age without seeing anything being changed by his research.<br/>On the verge of dying, he asked Z-one to create robots modeled after himself during his childhood, his early adulthood and his old years, and to send them to the past.<br/>Those are, respectively, the origins of Lucciano, Placido and Jose, and their combination recreated him in this form.<br/><br/>Remembering hope during his battles against Yusei and his friends, he challenged his eternal friend Z-one to a duel, in an attempt to remind him of this hope as well, but he was unable to draw his trump card Afterglow, and was defeated.<br/>He entrusted Yusei and his friends with his hope before passing away.<br/><br/>Uses Decks based on Machine-Type Meklord monster cards.<br/>His ace monster is Meklord Astro Mekanikle.</blockquote> 
The player is able to give Aporia gifts. The following tables detail how much he likes or dislikes the gifts.
{{Tag Force present responses| game ==='Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6''| gender =Male | duel_5_response =Oh, but what do we have here...<br/>《PLAYER》, your sense of judgment is quite developed.| duel_5_items ={| duel_4_response = Hmmm, not bad...<br/>Not bad at all, 《PLAYER》.| classduel_4_items ="wikitable hlist hcomma" width* Gray Card Protector* Black Card Protector* Chic Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder* Black Dice* Duel Radar* Duel Calculator* Cursed Dice* Introduction to Dueling Tricks* Amplifier | duel_3_response ="100%"Very well. I will keep it.|-duel_3_items = * Red Card Protector* Blue Card Protector* Yellow Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Orange Card Protector* Pink Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* White Card Protector* Silver Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* Khaki Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Wild Card Holder* Elegant Card Holder* Cute Card Holder* Stylish Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Gold Coin* Silver Coin* White Dice* Dueling for Beginners* Advanced Dueling* Rainbow Card Protector* Gorgeous Card Holder* Death Match Duel Rope* Atlas Rising!! scope| duel_2_response ="col" You are not attempting to force this object onto me, are you?| Strongly likesduel_2_items =  | duel_1_response = ...Are you trying to anger me? I could turn you into garbage like this, if you desire! scope| duel_1_items ="col" * Lucky Coin | Likeshobby_5_response = ...How curious.<br/>This is making a nostalgic memory stir within me.! scope| hobby_5_items ="col"  | Neutralhobby_4_response = It's a simple, mere item...<br/>But, it is not bad at all, no.! scope| hobby_4_items ="col" * Stuffed Toy Snake | Dislikeshobby_3_response = Very well. I will keep it.! scope| hobby_3_items ="col" * Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Cat* Stuffed Toy Horse* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Stuffed Toy Bear* Stuffed Toy Seagull* Stuffed Toy Frog* Skateboard* Bat* Soccer Ball* Boxing Gloves* Winged Shoes* Stuffed Toy Dragon* Scented Candle* Scarf* Duel Gang Jacket | Strongly dislikeshobby_2_response = This does not suit me...|-hobby_2_items = * Shoulder Massage Ticket* Ring | hobby_1_response = Why would you impose this onto me...?<br/>It appears you are trying to draw my wrath onto yourself! scope| hobby_1_items ="row" * Baseball Cap* Beanie* Beret* Silk Hat* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Straw Hat* Helmet* Sneakers* Boots* Leather Shoes* High Heels* Kids' Shoes* Sandals* Long Boots* Wooden Sandals* Poker Cards* Tarot Card* Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* Crown | Householdfigures_5_response = ...How curious.<br/>This is making a nostalgic memory stir within me.|figures_5_items = * Dark Magician Girl Figure |figures_4_response = It's a simple, mere item...<br/>But, it is not bad at all, no.|figures_4_items =  |figures_3_response = Very well. I will keep it.|figures_3_items = * Dark Magician Figure|* Vampire Lord Figure* Freed the Matchless General Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Figure! scope* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* Dharc the Dark Charmer Figure* Harpie Queen Figure* D.D. Warrior Lady Figure* Mist Valley Shaman Figure* The Unhappy Girl Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* Shadow Tamer Figure* Allure Queen Figure* Dryad Figure* Fire Princess Figure* Maiden of the Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure* Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* Eria the Water Charmer Figure* White Magician Pikeru Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Cyber Tutu Figure* Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure* Stardust Dragon Figure* Red Dragon Archfiend Figure | figures_2_response ="row" This does not suit me...| Figuresfigures_2_items =  |figures_1_response = Why would you impose this onto me...?<br/>It appears you are trying to draw my wrath onto yourself!|figures_1_items =  |sundry_goods_5_response = This is not bad... No, let me rephrase - this is very good.<br/>《PLAYER》, your sense of judgment is quite developed.|sundry_goods_5_items = * Shampoo* Hair Conditioner* Hair Gel* High Quality Chip |sundry_goods_4_response = Hmmm, this could be useful...|-sundry_goods_4_items = ! * Memory Card accessories* Chip* Junk |sundry_goods_3_response = Well, there could maybe be a situation in which this could be helpful.|sundry_goods_3_items = * Soap* Toothbrush* Razor* Lip Balm* Eye Drops* Socks* Eye Patch* Earplugs* Fan* Hand Warmer* Back Scratcher* Wax* Fountain Pen* Glass* Domino Set* The Daily Duel* Romantic Movie* Historical Movie* Documentary Movie* Horror Movie* Sci-Fi Movie* Superhero Movie* Suspense Movie* Musical Movie* Comedy Movie* Animated Movie* Perfume* Ear Cleaner* Toilet Paper* Clothespin |sundry_goods_2_response = ...I do not have any use for this.|sundry_goods_2_items =  |sundry_goods_1_response = ...Are you trying to anger me? I could turn you into garbage like this, if you desire!|-sundry_goods_1_items = * Gloves* Bouquet* Letter Writing Set | food_5_response = Well, well...<br/>But of course. This existed in these times as well! Food|food_5_items =  |food_4_response = Understood. I will take it.<br/>From time to time, I, too, should simply remain silent.|food_4_items =  |food_3_response = Being a machine, I do not have much need for food, but, very well.|food_3_items = * Beef Bowl* Curry and Rice* Ramen* Omelet and Rice* Fried Rice* Spaghetti* Salad* Kebab* Apple* Banana* Orange* Pineapple* Watermelon* Grapes* Strawberries* Melon* Water* Green Tea* Tea* Coffee* Milk* Cola* Juice* Energy Drink* Sushi* Fancy Tea* Pudding* Cake* Ice Cream Sundae* Rice Cake|-* Sandwich (Gold)! Misc|food_2_response = ...Is this meant to bring me down?|food_2_items = * Cookie* Chocolate* Gum* Rice Ball* Sandwich (Green)* Hamburger* Steamed Bun* Takoyaki |food_1_response = ...This, too, feels like despair...|food_1_items = * Lunch Box||}}
* Finishing Aporia's storyline earns the player 3 copies of "[[Meklord Astro Mekanikle]]" and the picture "For hope" ({{Ruby|希望|きぼう}}へ, ''Kibō e'')
==Ending scenes==
Aporia-TF06TF6-Ending.jpg png | ''Tag Force 6''
===Tag Force 6===
 {{Decklist|The Current name = Clear and Present Despair| ja_name = {{Ruby|今|いま}}そこにある{{Ruby|絶望|ぜつぼう}}| romaji_name = Ima soko ni aru Zetsubō| level = 4
|effect monsters =
* [[Meklord Army of Granel]] x3(Favorite)
* [[Meklord Army of Skiel]] x3
* [[Meklord Army of Wisel]] x3(Favorite)
* [[Meklord Astro Dragon Asterisk]]
* [[Meklord Astro Mekanikle]]
|spells =
* [[Boon of the Meklord Emperor]]
* [[Dark Hole]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Fortissimo the Mobile Fortress]] x2
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Monster Reborn]]
* [[Meklord Fortress]] x2
* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2
* [[Reboot]]
{{Decklist|Just name = Legitimate Despair| ja_name = {{Ruby|正当|せいとう}}なる{{Ruby|絶望|ぜつぼう}}| romaji_name = Seitōnaru Zetsubō| level = 3
|effect monsters =
* [[Grand Core]] x2
* [[Granel Top]]
* [[Meklord Astro Mekanikle]]
* [[Meklord Emperor Granel]]* [[Meklord Emperor Skiel]]* [[Meklord Emperor Wisel]]
* [[Skiel Attack]]
* [[Skiel Carrier]]
* [[Wisel Top]]
|spells =
* [[After GlowAfterglow]]
* [[Aurora Draw]]
* [[Chaos Blast]] x2
* [[Dark Hole]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Future Destruction]]
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Monster Reborn]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]x2
|traps =
* [[Call of the Haunted]]
{{Decklist|name = Inevitable Despair| ja_name = {{Ruby|避|さ}}けられない{{Ruby|絶望|ぜつぼう}}| romaji_name = Sakerarenai Zetsubō| level = 6
|effect monsters =
* [[Malefic Cyber End Dragon]] x3
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Limiter Removal]]
* [[Monster Reborn]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2
* [[Pot of Avarice]]
{{Decklist|name = The Hope Beyond Despair| ja_name = {{Ruby|絶望|ぜつぼう}}の{{Ruby|先|さき}}の{{Ruby|希望|きぼう}}| romaji_name = Zetsubō no Saki no Kibō| level = 7
|effect monsters =
* [[Cyber-Stein]]
* [[Meklord Army of Granel]] x3
* [[Meklord Army of Skiel]] x3
* [[Meklord Army of Wisel]] x3
* [[Meklord Emperor Granel]]
* [[Meklord Emperor Skiel]]
* [[Limiter Removal]]
* [[Metamorphosis]] x3
* [[Monster Reborn]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2
* [[Pot of Avarice]]
 ===Tag Force Special=== {{Decklist| name = The Meklord Astro Who Rules Over All| ja_name = 天地人を束ねる機皇神| romaji_name = Tenchijin o Tabaneru Kikōshin| level = 3|effect monsters =* [[Meklord Army of Granel]] x3* [[Meklord Army of Skiel]] x3* [[Meklord Army of Wisel]] x3* [[Meklord Astro Dragon Asterisk]]* [[Meklord Astro Mekanikle]]* [[Meklord Emperor Granel]] x2* [[Meklord Emperor Skiel]] x2* [[Meklord Emperor Wisel]] x2|spells =* [[Boon of the Meklord Emperor]]* [[Dark Hole]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Fortissimo the Mobile Fortress]] x2* [[Meklord Fortress]] x2* [[Reboot]]* [[Terraforming]] x2* [[The Resolute Meklord Army]] x2|traps =* [[Call of the Haunted]] x3* [[Chaos Infinity]] x2* [[Meklord Factory]] x2* [[Mektimed Blast]] x2* [[Torrential Tribute]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])}} {{Decklist| name = Creation of the Meklord Astro| ja_name = 機皇神の創世| romaji_name = Kikōshin no Sōsei| level = 5|effect monsters =* [[Grand Core]] x2* [[Granel Attack]]* [[Granel Carrier]]* [[Granel Guard]]* [[Granel Top]]* [[Meklord Astro Mekanikle]] x2* [[Meklord Emperor Granel ∞]]* [[Meklord Emperor Skiel ∞]]* [[Meklord Emperor Wisel ∞]]* [[Skiel Attack]]* [[Skiel Carrier]]* [[Skiel Guard]]* [[Skiel Top]]* [[Sky Core]] x2* [[Wise Core]] x2* [[Wisel Attack]]* [[Wisel Carrier]]* [[Wisel Guard]]* [[Wisel Top]]|spells =* [[Afterglow]]* [[Aurora Draw]]* [[Chaos Blast]] x3* [[Dark Hole]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Future Destruction]]|traps =* [[Call of the Haunted]] x3* [[Cursed Synchro]]* [[Highrate Draw]]* [[Meklord Emperor Creation]] x2* [[Torrential Tribute]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])}} {{Decklist| name = Mekanikle Perfected| ja_name = マシニクル完全態| romaji_name = Mashinikuru Kanzentai| level = 7|effect monsters =* [[Grand Core]] x3* [[Granel Attack]]* [[Granel Carrier]]* [[Granel Guard]]* [[Granel Top]]* [[Meklord Astro Mekanikle]] x2* [[Meklord Emperor Granel]]* [[Meklord Emperor Skiel]]* [[Meklord Emperor Wisel]]* [[Skiel Attack]]* [[Skiel Carrier]]* [[Skiel Guard]]* [[Skiel Top]]* [[Sky Core]] x3* [[Wise Core]] x3* [[Wisel Attack]]* [[Wisel Carrier]]* [[Wisel Guard]]* [[Wisel Top]]|spells =* [[Chaos Blast]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Dark Hole]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Limiter Removal]]|traps =* [[Highrate Draw]] x3* [[Limit Reverse]] x3* [[Meklord Emperor Creation]] x3}} {{Aporia pages}}{{Characters|TF06, TFSP}}
autopatrol, mover

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