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Forum:Rate destiny hero deck

1,739 bytes added, 16 years ago
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* Destiny Hero decks do specialize in drawing cards like crazy but yeah, this is too much. Not every D-Hero or D-Trap is necessary in every deck. I don't make much use of Destiny Mirage, either, since it's no good for bringing back destroyed top-level D-heroes (it can't special summon them, better to just use a Counter trap to negate them from being blown up in the first place.) You can leave out Double Dude and Departed, and even Blade Master. D-Heroes aren't supposed to be offensive at all except for the top-level ones, they stall the opponent at first and then go in for the kill once everything is in place. Dark City you can leave out. Clock Tower Prison, on the other hand, leave in! Get a third copy of that if you can. I love that card. Clock Tower embodies everything that is cool about D-Heroes. Get yourself some [[Foolish Burial]]s too, you need to use them to put Dasher and Malicious in the grave when Destiny Draw isn't an option, plus they thin the deck. [[User:Speedball|Speedball]] 11:49, 24 May 2008 (UTC)
i think this deck should be thrown around a little, so maybe some of the cards would fall out and be gone forever. what im trying to say is that you should hang on to the deck building rules:
* you can only have 3 of each card in your deck.
* you should try having 40 to 45 cards in your deck, so its a bigger chance of drawing what you want.
* Try having 20 monsters and 20 spells and traps in your deck.
* have more low level monsters than high level monsters
I think that if you try at least 2 of the 3 first rules, your deck will boost a lot. [[User:Mini neos|Mini neos]] 11:50, 24 May 2008 (UTC)
Something else I just noticed. He's got Destiny End Dragoon but no Polymerization to fuse it with? Huh? That's no good at all. Get some Warrior support cards like [[Reinforcement of the Army]] or [[The Warrior Returning Alive]]. [[User:Speedball|Speedball]] 11:54, 24 May 2008 (UTC)
Dont be a slave to the theme, only because the deck is D-Heroes doesnt mean you should use only and all of these cards. Remove [[Destiny Hero - Departed]], [[Destiny Hero - Double Dude]], [[Destiny Hero - Doom Lord]], [[Destiny Hero - Blade Master]] and other bad D-cards. Add [[Elemental Hero Stratos]], more [[Destiny Draw]], maybe [[Trade-In]], and [[Reinforcement of the Army]]. Remove other cards and put ones that help. Remember, dont be a slve to the theme.--[[User:Teba64|Teba64]] 19:06, 24 May 2008 (UTC)
One strategy that (usually) works if you're going to go nuts for draw power, is the Defender/Appropriate combo. Use the [[Appropriate]] trap when you have a [[Destiny Hero - Defender]] and you'll draw 2 extra cards every turn, making up for your opponent's increased draw power. [[User:Speedball|Speedball]] 22:17, 24 May 2008 (UTC)
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