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Reginald Kastle (Tag Force)

5,862 bytes added, 7 months ago
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| image = Shark-TFSP.png
| width = 176
| en_name = Reginald Kastle
| ja_trans_name = Ryoga Kamishiro
| ja_name = {{Ruby|神|かみ}}{{Ruby|代|しろ}}  {{Ruby|凌|りょう}}{{Ruby|牙|が}}
| romaji_name = Kamishiro Ryōga
| nicknames = Shark
| gender = Male
| relatives = [[Rio Kastle (Tag Force)|Rio Kastle]] (twin sister)
| organization = [[Seven Barian Emperors]]
| tfsp_deck =
| video_game_debut = ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Tag Force Special]]''
| appears_in_psp =
'''Reginald Kastle''', known as '''Ryoga Kamishiro''' ({{Ruby|神|かみ}}{{Ruby|代|しろ}}  {{Ruby|凌|りょう}}{{Ruby|牙|が}}, ''Kamishiro Ryōga'') in the Japanese version and nicknamed '''Shark''', is a character in the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force|Tag Force]]'' games. This is a video game version of the anime character, [[Reginald Kastle]]. ==Profile== <blockquote>{{Ruby|遊馬|ゆうま}}の{{Ruby|上級生|じょうきゅうせい}}で、{{Ruby|仲間|なかま}}でありライバルと{{Ruby|言|い}}える{{Ruby|存在|そんざい}}。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|通称|つうしょう}}はシャーク。<br/><br/>その{{Ruby|名|な}}の{{Ruby|通|とお}}り{{Ruby|鮫|さめ}}をはじめとする{{Ruby|海|うみ}}の{{Ruby|生物|せいぶつ}}を{{Ruby|主体|しゅたい}}としたデッキを{{Ruby|操|あやつ}}る。<br/><br/>デュエルの{{Ruby|腕|うで}}は{{Ruby|一級品|いっきゅうひん}}で、かつては{{Ruby|全国|ぜんこく}}{{Ruby|大会|たいかい}}の{{Ruby|優勝候補|ゆうしょうこうほ}}として{{Ruby|知|し}}られるほどであった。<br/>しかし、その{{Ruby|大会|たいかい}}において、トロンの{{Ruby|指示|しじ}}を{{Ruby|受|う}}けた{{Ruby|Ⅳ|フォー}}により、{{Ruby|対戦|たいせん}}{{Ruby|相手|あいて}}である{{Ruby|Ⅳ|フォー}}のデッキを{{Ruby|盗|ぬす}}み{{Ruby|見|み}}るよう{{Ruby|仕向|しむ}}けられ、デュエルの{{Ruby|表舞台|おもてぶたい}}から{{Ruby|追放|ついほう}}されていた。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|妹|いもうと}}の{{Ruby|璃緒|りお}}が{{Ruby|意識|いしき}}{{Ruby|不明|ふめい}}の{{Ruby|重傷|じゅうしょう}}となったのもその{{Ruby|策略|さくりゃく}}の{{Ruby|一環|いっかん}}である{{Ruby|事|こと}}を{{Ruby|知|し}}ると、{{Ruby|Ⅳ|フォー}}の{{Ruby|事|こと}}を{{Ruby|激|はげ}}しく{{Ruby|憎|にく}}んでいたが、{{Ruby|後|のち}}に、それは{{Ruby|全|すべ}}てトロンの{{Ruby|策略|さくりゃく}}であり、{{Ruby|Ⅳ|フォー}}の{{Ruby|本意|ほんい}}では{{Ruby|無|な}}かった{{Ruby|事|こと}}を{{Ruby|知|し}}り、{{Ruby|Ⅳ|フォー}}とは{{Ruby|友|とも}}と{{Ruby|言|い}}ってよい{{Ruby|仲|なか}}になっていった。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|過去|かこ}}の{{Ruby|経緯|いきさつ}}のために{{Ruby|荒|すさ}}んだ{{Ruby|日々|ひび}}を{{Ruby|送|おく}}っていたり、{{Ruby|復讐|ふくしゅう}}のために{{Ruby|心|こころ}}を{{Ruby|闇|やみ}}にとらわれそうになったりする{{Ruby|度|たび}}に、そこから{{Ruby|自分|じぶん}}を{{Ruby|救|すく}}ってくれた{{Ruby|遊馬|ゆうま}}を、{{Ruby|口|くち}}ではとやかく{{Ruby|言|い}}いながらも{{Ruby|信頼|しんらい}}している。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|妹|いもうと}}の{{Ruby|璃緒|りお}}を{{Ruby|溺愛|できあい}}しているが、{{Ruby|兄妹|きょうだい}}そろって{{Ruby|口|くち}}が{{Ruby|悪|わる}}いため、{{Ruby|一見|いっけん}}するとそう{{Ruby|見|み}}えないようなところもある。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|璃緒|りお}}の{{Ruby|言葉|ことば}}によると、{{Ruby|朝|あさ}}も{{Ruby|起|お}}きられないなど、{{Ruby|一人|ひとり}}では{{Ruby|何|なに}}もできない{{Ruby|兄|あに}}らしい。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|実|じつ}}はバリアン{{Ruby|七皇|ななこう}}のリーダー、ナッシュであり、その{{Ruby|事実|じじつ}}は{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}と{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}の{{Ruby|仲間|なかま}}たちに{{Ruby|大|おお}}きな{{Ruby|試練|しれん}}を{{Ruby|与|あた}}える{{Ruby|事|こと}}になる。<br/><br/>エースモンスターは「{{Ruby|No.|ナンバーズ}}32 {{Ruby|海咬龍|かいこうりゅう}}シャーク・ドレイク」、「{{Ruby|CNo.|カオスナンバーズ}}32 {{Ruby|海咬龍|かいこうりゅう}}シャーク・ドレイク・バイス」。<br/>ナッシュとしては「{{Ruby|No.|ナンバーズ}}101 {{Ruby|S・H・Ark・Knight|サイレント・オナーズ・アーク・ナイト}}」、「{{Ruby|CNo.|カオスナンバーズ}}101 {{Ruby|S・H・Dark・Knight|サイレント・オナーズ・ダーク・ナイト}}」を{{Ruby|用|もち}}いる。</blockquote> <blockquote>A student older than Yuma, and one of his friends and rivals.<br/><br/>His nickname is Shark.<br/><br/>As his nickname implies, he uses Decks that include sharks and many other sea creatures.<br/><br/>However, during that tournament, he was victim of a scheme made by Tron and carried out by IV, who set him up so that he would look at IV's Deck before their match, which got him banished from all events.<br/><br/>As he learned that his sister Rio's accident was also one of their schemes, he used to hate IV violently, but he learned later that everything was part of Tron's plans and IV had no intention to hurt her, and it seems that he and IV are now on good terms.<br/><br/>He is vocal in criticizing Yuma, but he also trusts him deeply, as Yuma has helped him out multiple times he got into trouble due to his past history or due to succumbing to the evil in his heart.<br/><br/>He also dotes on his sister Rio, but, since they bicker like siblings usually do, it is not too obvious at a glance.<br/><br/>According to Rio, despite him being the older sibling, he is rather helpless on his own, and he cannot even wake up on his own during the morning.<br/><br/>He is actually Nasch, the leader of the Seven Barian Emperors, and this fact will pose a great ordeal both for him and for his friends.<br/><br/>His ace monsters are Number 32: Shark Drake and Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss.<br/>As Nasch, he also uses Number 101: Silent Honor ARK and Number c101: Silent Honor DARK.</blockquote>
Shark-TFSP-Ending.png | ''Tag Force Special''
===Tag Force Special=== {{Decklist|Iname = We'll Do It On My OwnThis Together! (ニ人でするぜ| ja_name = 二人でするぜ!| romaji_name = Futari de suru ze!, ''Nihitodesuruze!'') ★7| level = 7
|effect monsters =
* [[Big Jaws]]
{{Decklist|name = You're Annoying Me! (| ja_name = イラっとするぜ!, ''Irattosuruze| romaji_name = Iratto suru ze!'') ★3| level = 3
|effect monsters =
* [[Big Jaws]] x3
{{Decklist|Go Awayname = Rip Through! (| ja_name = スカっとするぜ!, ''Sukattosuruze| romaji_name = Sukatto suru ze!'') ★4| level = 4
|effect monsters =
* [[Big Jaws]]
{{Decklist|name = Rank-Up-Magic Combo (| ja_name = ランクアップマジックコンボ) ★7| romaji_name = Ranku Appu Majikku Konbo| level = 7
|effect monsters =
* [[Double Fin Shark]] x3
autopatrol, mover

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