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every card has its own usage maybe for fusion weak fusion monster have somes way to power up and they can dodge [[Bottomless Trap Hole]] or others traps or magic and there are no worst card in the game every card is the best juz depend on how you use it thats all nothing else
When someone wins a championship with a "worst cards ever deck," you'll know why XD
Player 1: I'll play [[Gravedigger Ghoul]]!
P 2: *confused stare*
Player 1: What are you going to respond or something?
P 2: Um, can I read that?
Player 1: Here
P 2: *reads and and gives back card* *uncertain, anticipating silence...* .....ok....
Player 1: Now I'll summon [[Nuvia the Wicked]]
P 2: Wait what?
Player 1: what what?
P2: Can I see that card?

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