Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters - Episode 006

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters - Episode 006
SeriesYu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters
Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters episodes
Previous"Eye of the Storm"
Next"Red-Eyes Black Curse"

Episode Summary

(episode start with Joey shielding his eyes from the light)

The camera pans a little across a mountain range, not a cloud in the sky. Joey in the background asks why the sun is so strong. After a little banter, Joey turns round and realises they're about the clouds. It seems the gang is on a floating island. Joey asks how they get off... Tea thinks they just need to pass the test. Yugi collapses again and everyone rushes to his aid. Tristan says that he needs a doctor, but Solomon says they have better than that and they decide to use Happy Lover's effect again.

(scene change to Yugi being healed by Happy Lover in a cave)

After the Heartbeam finishes, Yugi feels a bit better, but Tea insists that he sit this trial out. Yugi protests but collapses again as he tries to get up, leaving him out cold. A flashback occurs showing the battle from the previous episode after Yami merged with Dark Magician. Solomon isn't surprised as Yugi/Yami passed the last test pretty much on his own. He also feels that the armor takes more of a toll on Yugi than they know of. Joey thinks it's time to pay Yugi back by completing this trial while Yugi rests. Tristan agrees. A bright light shines from the entrance, leaving behind another scroll. Joey gives it to Solomon to translate it. It says:

Once a day the unbreakable stone appears in the Valley of Light. To achieve the impossible, fight with a power that's greater than physical might.

Solomon feels that it'll be quite a challenge, but Joey is over-confident as usual. Joey offers that Tea look after Yugi while the others check things out. Joey says that with him leading, they don't need luck... but Solomon retorts that they need prayers and plenty of them. The three guys walk off as Tea re-enters the cave.

(scene change to inside a massive crevice. Joey calling into it to see if there's anyone there)

Joey thinks there's someone down in the giant crack, despite it only being the echo of his call. Tristan corrects him, but Joey is adamant. Solomon thinks they should find a way down. The 3 amigos creep along a cliffedge, eventually making it to the bottom. Joey and Tristan think that maybe Solomon read the scroll wrong as it's very dark at the bottom. Solomon says that it's the only valley for miles. Just then, the sun rises over the valley, lighting it up. Solomon explains how it all makes sense. Tristan then asks where this unbreakable stone is. Joey points to a large monolith.

(scene change to closer to the Monolith)

Joey asks what they're meant to do. Solomon states that the ancient text read that this was an unbreakable stone, so the trial is to break it. Tristan wants a hammer and chisel, but Joey suggests using their monsters instead. Tristan summons forth Thunder Kid and attacks the Monolith. Despite the strength of the bolt of lightning, there's not even a scratch on it. Joey hears a sound and feels there's more to the trial than just the monolith. The group turns and looks up to the cliffedge to see a strange ball of glowing light, from which appears a Prisman. They all think the monster is pretty small, so Joey summons forth Flame Swordsman. Both he and Thunder Kid attack, knocking Prisman far away, but yet undamaged... Joey orders Flame Swordsman to attack again, but ends up running out and standing between the 2 monsters. Prisman grabs Joey, but Joey knocks him back down with a punch to the face(?). Joey and Tristan start arguing over how gets to beat up the little guy. Solomon, angrily, tells them to stop fighting as they're on the same side. Both call for an attack, but as they do, the sun shines brightly overhead. Prisman raises its arms, glowing with a rainbow-colored aura before firing a massive beam of light at the gang's monsters. Solomon explains that, because of what Prisman is, he's able to focus the sun's light into a massive energy beam and because they're above the clouds, the sun is stronger than ever. As the gang hides and tries to think of a plan, Prisman's attacks destroy the rocks they're hiding behind. Solomon is hurt and as Prisman powers up an attack, Tristan sends in Thunder Kid to help, tackling Prisman and making him fire up at the cliff edge instead. Joey tells Tristan to work on breaking the rock while he deals with the glassy foe, narrowly avoding a beam to the face. Tristan doesn't like the plan, but avoids a blast directed at him, the beam hitting the monolith instead. Tristan feels he's lucky to be alive, but notes that the beam made a hole in the stone. Formulating a plan, he tells Thunder Kid to follow his lead. Joey and Solomon are running for their lives as they're being constantly shot at. Tristan shouts an insult to Prisman, goading the crystal terror to attack him and Thunder Kid (who are standing infront of the monolith) instead. Prisman takes a shot that Tristan and Thunder Kid easily sidestep away from. Both make a face at the being, only sidestepping his shot again. Joey doesn't think much of what they're doing, but they continue to insult Prisman, who starts rapidly firing at them.

(scene change back to Yugi, sleeping in the cave)

A dream scene happens, showing Yami in the Duel Armor running from the mysterious shadowed being again. He meets up with Dark Magician, fusing with him again, but as he turns to face the new foe, the armor cracks and disappears. Yugi awakes with a start. Tea is wetting a cloth when she notices the trio left the scroll behind. She notices that Yugi is at the entrance to the cave. Yugi asks where everyone is and Tea explains to him how they went off and gives Yugi the scroll, hoping he can read it. He can't, but switches to Yami so he can read it. Yugi appears in spirit to Yami, asking what it means. Yami says that it's only half the riddle as it only talks about light. Unknowing of where to find the rest of the riddle, Tea asks if they can look for it in the shade. Yami suddenly realises about the riddle. They go inside as Tea asks how she solved it. Yami says it's because she suggested to read it in the shade, the act of which shows the second half of the riddle. Yami reads it to himself, saying how the others are in trouble...

(scene change back to Prisman taking shots at Tristan and Thunder Kid)

Managing to hit Thunder Kid in the shoulder, Tristan also feels the pain. Joey wants to come help, but Tristan tells him to trust what he's doing, but tells Joey to pull down on his right eye. Joey does so, only to have Tristan tell him that he's officially a distraction. Joey bounces around as he's shot at by an angry Prisman. Tristan tells Thunder Kid to attack the now greatly widened hole in the monolith, cracks shooting all over the monolith, shattering it to pieces. Prisman hesitates. Joey congratulates Tristan on breaking the rock. Tristan starts to gloat, but Joey shoots him down with a well-timed insult. In the background, Prisman is flailing about. Picking up a large piece of the monolith, Joey Tristan and Thunder Kid run at Prisman (using the monolith piece as a shield) to get close enough for Flame Swordsman to swoop in and destroy it. As they rejoice, the base of the monolith cracks and breaks apart, a shadow standing in the dust from the rubble.

(scene change to Yami and Tea walking down the cliff from earlier)

Yami tells how the second part of the riddle says that once the creature of light is destroyed, a new and more dangerous monster is born. They need to find the others first, but it's too late as they arrive just as the creature of shadows appears. It turns out the creature of shadows is a Skull Guardian, leaping toward the 3 others and slashing at them, its sword-arms hitting the ground as they manage to avoid the attack. Flame Swordsman rushes in to attack, his attack being parried by the being. Thunder Kid fires a bolt of lightning but also gets blocked. Skull Guardian throws out waves of dark energy that knock the 2 monsters away, hurting Joey and Tristan. Solomon tells them to fall back. As Skull Guardian slams its swords on the ground, a wave of energy is released that follows close behind the gang as they run away. Yami summons forth Dark Magician, fusing with him. Charging in for an attack, Yami blocks the counter strike with his capsule launcher and uses a dark magic attack to knock Skull Guardian away. As the being falls to the ground, a light glows where the monolith once stood. Joey calls for an attack with Flame Swordsman, but Yami blocks that too. Joey asks if they have to defeat this creature too to clear the level and Yami disagrees. Tea notices a box in the light from the monolith as Yami leaves his fused form. Yami says that they already passed the trial and that the rest of the riddle explained it all. The others are shocked that they didn't know of any more. Yami explains about reading the scroll in both light AND shade. The second part said:

When light is extinguished the true test begins for a creature of darkness it brings. But only the rightous and peaceful may pass and recieve the endowment of wings.

Yami opens the chest to reveal many pairs of white-feathered wings. As Yami finishes explaining, the masked figure from Yami's vision from the last episode appears to them, explaining that this test was a test of their character. If they'd have continued their attack, they'd have failed. The masked man doesn't say his name, but assured them he's a friend. He states that he oversees the trials and congratulates them for completing the second one, but warns them that the next 3 are much harder. As the figure goes to leave, Yami asks what will happen if they fail or win over the trials. To fail means to be stuck in that world till the next warrior/s arrive. To win will prove Yami is a true king and the power they deserve will be theirs. Yami protests that he doesn't want any power, but the masked figure says there are those who do and Yami must claim it, lest those with evil intentions get to it first.

(scene change to the end of the island)

The gang all has the Icarus-style wings on, they decide to fly for the door that's floating in the sky. Tea is concerned for Yugi, but he reassures her that he's never felt better. Solomon wishes he had half the gusto Yugi has. Tristan apologises to Yugi for them having to rely on him again. Joey disagrees, saying that it was a group effort, reminding Tristan about all the ideas he came up with. The gang leaps off the edge of the island, flying towards the door.

(scene change to Alex Brisbane, sitting on the steps by the puzzle)

Alex, grinning, says that it's only a matter of time before the greatest power in the world is his...