Forum:My Arcana Force deck, needs a little help...

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Revision as of 15:02, 7 May 2010 by (talk) (you should use this cards)
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Hey Guys ^_^ i need a little help with my Arcaan Force Deck. i think its quite good but still something missing. thanks everyone ^_^ MONSTERS Media:Arcana Force 0 The Fool *3 Arcana Force I The Magician * 3 Arcana Force III The Empress * 2 Arcana Force IV The Emperor * 2 Arcaan Force VI The Lovers * 2 Arcana Force VII The Chariot * 2 Arcana Force XIV Temperance * 1 (Rare) Arcana Force XVII The Moon Arcana Force XXI The World * 2 (UTMR) ^_^ Arcana Force EX The Dark Ruler (ScR) DUCKER Mobile Cannon Sangan


Cup of Ace * 2 Soul Exchange Heavy Storm Hinomata (Probz change for Ookazi if i can find it lol) Mystical Space Typhoon Fissure Premature Burial Luminous Spark


Reversal of Fate * 3 Arcana Call * 3 Lucky Chance * 3 Torrential Tribute Solar Ray

Any Help would be apreciated, i have at least 1 more of each of the arcana forces (except the ruler and world)

thanks everybody ^_^

UndatedCHRIS 08:49, April 25, 2010 (UTC)

you should use these cards

splendid venus, athena, valhalla, hall of the fallen, hecatrice, LIGHT barrier (VERY important).. that should do it.. check out my deck for further help: forum:Arcana Force Deck(2)