Forum:Why is mind master limited?

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Hi..I was just wondering why Mind Master got limited... how do people in the OCG metagame and in the TCG metagame used it so much that it got limited? how did they abused it?....Im really puzzled cant think of any reason except for One for One and then blank...nothing else....please help...thx

Oh sorry I almost forgot Im also wondering about Demise, King of Armageddon and Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind...I mean why include demise when his ace card Advanced Ritual Art got limited...right?? and also gale..Its in my tongue but I cant quit make it out why...please help ty!

Um.. I'm not sure, but I think Mind Master can help you to Synchro summon level 5 Synchro Monsters, such as: Armory Arm, Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon, etc. Or maybe to summon Psychic Jumper to take control your opponent's monster. I don't really know too. I don't play Psychic-type. And for Demise, King of Armageddon, maybe cause it has the same effect as Judgement Dragon but only it has more expensive cost. I have no comment on Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind, cause if you have two of them on the field. You can halve your opponent's monster's ATK and DEF twice! So your opponent's monster's ATK and DEF will be divided by 4!--W1l50n1404 15:20, October 12, 2009 (UTC)

Demise, King of Armageddon got limited because Stardust Overdrive gives a lot of support to ritual monsters. Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind got limited because of its ability to swarm the field with with the other black wings made it over powered.

And as for Mind Master there are two OTKs that use him:(from Brain Exploitation Research Lab tips)

First, activate Brain Research Lab and summon Witch Doctor of Sparta and the Psychic monster in your hand. Second, activate One for One and Summon Mind Master. Third, activate Mind Master's effect by tributing the Psychic monster to Summon another, but because of Brain Research Lab you will not have to pay any Life Points. This will cause the Witch Doctor of Sparta to inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent for each Psychic monster you Summon from the Deck. Continue on with this until you've decreased your opponent's Life Points to 0.

A second One Turn Kill can be performed with this card tho it is slightly harder to use due to the fact it uses more cards. The following cards are required: o Mind Master

o Any Level 4 or lower Psychic-Type monster(in your hand AND in your deck) ex.Krebons

o Telekinetic Power Well(in your hand)

o Power Injector(x3)(in your Deck)

o Destructotron(in your deck, in the event your opponent has ANY set spell or trap cards)

o Reinforced Human Psychic Borg(in your Deck)

o Psychic Snail(in your Deck)

Summon a level 4 or lower Psychic-type monster from your hand, and summon Mind Master. Continuously tribute the other Psychic-type monster until you have filled your graveyard with three to four level 2 or lower Psychic-type monsters, destroyed their backfield with Destructotron, then tribute it for Reinforced Human Psychic Borg. Activate Telekinetic Power Well, Special Summoning until your field is full of monsters. Tribute one of the monsters summoned with Telekinetic Power Well's effect to speical summon a Psychic Snail. Tribute the rest of the monsters summoned with Power Well's effect for two Power Injector. Activate both Power Injector's effects, and activate Psychic Snails effect to make all other Psychic-type monsters attack twice. Then, tribute the Psychic Snail for another Power Injector, and pump once more. Finally, tribute the Power Injector for another Reinforced Human Psychic Borg, remove four monsters for the two Borg's effects. Attack with all the monsters for 24900 damage. ({PI- 2800x2} + {PI-2800x2} + {B-4000x2} + {MM-1600x2} + {B-4000})

Skavinger 00:12, October 13, 2009 (UTC)