Forum:Fusion Rulings - Chain Effects

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Revision as of 17:35, 23 October 2009 by (talk) (Summoner of illusions paired with Five headed dragon then Decoy dragon)
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Okay, this came up when I was building my deck and trying to figure out things with it.

I play Summoner of Illusions face down, my opponent attacks - does the card flip up and effect activates before the card is destroyed? Or is the card destroyed before the tribute can be made?

If effect works, then...

On my field I have say.. Lord of D.

I tribute those two (Summoner of Illusions + Lord of D.)to summon Five Headed Dragon.

At the end of the turn, the card is destroyed.

Next I summon Decoy Dragon, End turn.

Opponent turn, they attack Decoy Dragon

-- Is it possible for Decoy Dragon to bring back the Five-Headed Dragon?
