Forum:GB new field spell idea will it work?

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Revision as of 20:58, 26 August 2009 by ATEMVEGETA (talk)
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Ancient forest destories monsters what attacked at the end of battle phase so if i attacked with a gladiator beast monster at the end of the battle phase could i return it to the deck to prevent its destruction? thus i could use this to my advanage?

  • You get to choose, bewteen glad and "Ancient Forest", which effect to activate and resolve first so yes you can use forest to your advantage. ~~ Xuin 23:45, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

really? i thought that since the forrest is an automatic effect that must happen and gb effects must be chosen to activate, that the forrest would go off destroying any monster that attacked and once it has fully resolved then any optional effects would have a chance to activate. Lord eriee 11:38, 25 August 2009 (UTC)

  • It's because the timing on Glad and Ancient Forest happen at the same time, and glad being a trigger effect you get to choose when you activate glad's tag out and chain it to Ancient Forest's effect so Glad resolves first then Forest but since the monster is no longer there it resolves with no effect(or something to that nature, not sure if its effect just simply dissapears)It's also listed in the rulings for Ancient Forest. ~~ Xuin 12:56, 25 August 2009 (UTC)
Ancient Forest and the Gladiator Beasts do not form a chain. They are activated separately. Their controller chooses which effect to activate and resolve first. After the first effect's resolution, then he can activate the second effect. ATEMVEGETA (Talk) 20:58, 26 August 2009 (UTC)