Forum:Synchro deck

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Monsters (21):

- speed warrior 2x - junk synchron 3x - road synchron 2x - ghos gardna - drill synchron 2x - sangan - turbo synchron - sonic chick - attack gainer 2x - hyper synchron 2x - debris dragon - nitro synchron 2x - quillbolt hedgehog

Spell (12):

- double summon - fighting spirit - battle tuned - lightining vortex - synchro boost - spirit burner - swords of revealing light - power pickaxe - synchro blast wave - rush recklessly - synchro change - advance draw

Trap (8):

- miniaturize - starlight road - battle of the elements - spirit force - synchro strike - changing desteny - defense draw - proof of powerlessness

Side deck (3):

- mistical space typhoon - ghost gardna - de-synchron

Synchro monsters (10):

- stardust dragon 2x - red dragon archfiend - drill warrior - acient fairy dragon - armory arm - nitro warrior - turbo warrior - exploder dragon - road warrior - junk warrior -