Forum:This is old, but macro cosmos is doing my head in! help or suggestions please!

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Revision as of 16:15, 28 July 2010 by Kearowind (talk)
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modestly speaking, i make decks really well. i understand the probability versus chance versus luck, that goes into deck building. although there is no definable way of creating a deck that can counter everything, i've been doing my nut in over those people who use macro cosmos!

obviously, one can always use cards like mystical space typhoon, heavy storm, dust tornado etc. etc. but realistically they aren't 'worth it', since, say i use my x-sabers, i might as well have Saber Slash, or if i used my geminis, i might as well use Gemini Spark. i'm like that with all things, any card that i can get alot out of is worth it (for destructive cards, it's always a plus to have 2(+) of my opponents cards destroyed for the cost of that one card) - very much similar to everybody using mirror force, since it's effectively a universally useful card. but i really can't figure out what general set of cards could go well with an archetype or type-deck, that could counter macro cosmos?

my current usual playstyle often involves Fairy Winds, since it not only helps with destroying any and all face up spell and traps, but also field spells too. on top of that, it deals out the little bit of extra damage to boot, despite inflicting me too. but alas, that's just one card which can even knock me back in a tight spot! so does anybody have any suggestions that's slightly innovative or unusual but works? even ideas will help for me to work upon.

if it's any help as well, my next deck i plan to use is a fiend deck at a local tournament, so suggestions that aid fiends will be useful as well (the only thing i can think of is Doomsday Horrors haha!) many thanks.

Iamthekyleb (talkcontribs) 22:50, July 27, 2010 (UTC)

People always seem to side Royal Decree against me when I use Macro Cosmos. Jinzo stops it too. Skullvarnish (talkcontribs) 22:56, July 27, 2010 (UTC)

Use Imperial Iron wall, no cost and works great, what i use against my friends remove from play deck ace776

yes imperial iron wall is the only way to go against macro. it says no removal at al, no d-fissure, no macro, no soul release, no dd warrior lady,

this carsd also shuts down REDMD dragons and Simorgh decks ability to special summon themselves...also no allure of darkness Kearowind (talkcontribs) 16:15, July 28, 2010 (UTC)