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The Graveyard (墓地 bochi, Cemetery in Japanese) is the name for the card discard pile. Some cards in the Graveyard can be recovered by using cards such as "Monster Reborn" or "Magician of Faith".

The contents of either player's Graveyard are public knowledge, unless a card like "Question" is used. When a player looks through their opponent's Graveyard, they may neither shuffle its contents, nor re-arrange the order in which the cards were placed there. In the Video Games, when a card is activated in the Graveyard, or selected for a card effect, it immediately goes to the top of the Graveyard.

In the anime, a Shadow Game consisting of the souls of people in the cards, when the person is defeated, he of she is killed by the Grim Reaper of Cards.

Cards that interact with your own Graveyard

Cards that interact with your opponent's Graveyard

Cards that interact with either Graveyard