Forum:Reptilianne help?

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Revision as of 18:29, 6 January 2011 by DrSalsafish (talk)
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I am attempting to build a reptilianne deck and have an idea as to what I want in it, but I want to know if there are any cards I should add/remove

"= same as word above it

Main Deck:


Reptilianne Vaski x2 Reptilianne Scylla x3 Reptilianne Viper x3 " " Naga x3 " " Medusa x3 " " Gorgon x3 " " Gardna x3 Oshaleon x3 Evil Dragon Ananta


Savage Colosseum Solidarity Reptilianne Spawn x2 Viper's Rebirth Reptilianne Poison x2 Reptilianne Rage x2 Molting Escape x2 Mystical Space Typhoon


Alien Brain x3 Defense Draw Offering to the Snake Deity

Extra Deck:

Reptilianne Hydra

What do you think?

In mine I only use one Viper. I don't see the need for Multiple synchro's. In my opinion, the synchro monster isn't really that good. Unless you somehow keep all the zero attack monsters on your opponent's field. Serpent Suppression helps with that. But people tend to just tribute them away never-the-less. I would also include a Final Attack Orders, (possibly combo'd with Light of Intervention) and more Savage Colosseum that way all their monsters would have to be in attack mode in order to attack your Naga. One thing that is almost a must, multiple copies of Spirit Barrier. That is where my deck tends to fall. I hope this helped you DrSalsafish (talkcontribs) 18:29, January 6, 2011 (UTC)