Princess Adena

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Princess Adina, often misspelled as Princess Edina, is the princess of Simlowe, the kingdom in KaibaCorp's duel game. Her design was created by Seto Kaiba, based off his little brother, Mokuba.


Princess Adina meets Yugi, Joey, Mokuba, and Mai in a maze, when Iru leads them to her. After they defeat Gate Guardian she says that they are like the heroes of legend. She takes them to her palace and tells them about the suffering of her people. She says that they must make two sacrifices to resurrect the Mythic Dragon. She says that one offering is an unknown stranger(which is Kabia), and that she has volunteered as the other offering. She also says that there is a legend that once, a hero escaped the Castle of Dark Illusions on a flying machine. She says that the flying machine was never found and that there is no other way of reaching the castle. Mai comments that they could fly there on Red-Eyes B. Dragon. Adina sadly explains that a magic barrier protects the castle, and that no Duel Monsters can breach it. She says that the legend has a prophecy, that brave heroes will destroy the Mythic Dragon. She says that they are the heroes. Lightning strikes and they all go outside. Joey, Mai, Yugi, and Mokuba are dressed in battle armor. Mai sees the castle. A net comes down and takes Adina. But it turns out that it was Mokuba, dressed as Adina. Joey, YUgi, and Mai go to save him and Kaiba. When Yugi and Mokuba return, Adina reveals herself to be the Mystical Elf, and she revives their fallen comrades Mai, Joey, and Iru.


In the English dub, Adina has a British accent. She is extremely well-mannered and kind.