Card Tips:Water Dragon

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Water Dragon has an effect that you can't apply that much, but with Lava Golem, you can summon an monster on your opponents side of the field with 0 atk. So, your Water Dragon can easy crush it. Another good idea is, after you attacked with Water Dragon, destroy it with cards like Ring of Destruction and attack with the Monsters summoned by his effect (Oxygeddon and 2 Hydrogeddons). A Little example how you should do the trick:

Your oppenent has 2 Mobius, the Frost Monarch and you have 2 Hydrogeddon and 1 Oxygeddon. Use Bonding - H2O to summon Water Dragon. Then, summon Lava Golem on your opponents side of the field. Attack with your Water Dragon Lava Golem, and you did 2800 damage. Use Ring of Destruction. Total of 5600 damage. Then, Water Dragon becomes the 3 monsters. Attack with them all, and you have did 5000 damage, and a total of 10600 damage.

This combo sounds situational, but you can stall with some cards, and destroy monsters from your opponent before of when they attack, to protect your lifepoints, and wait before you draw. You can use Water Dragon to discard for cards like Divine Wrath, since Bonding - H2O can Special Summon also Water Dragons from your Graveyard

In short: Use this card wisely and it will help you to the Victory!