Card Trivia:Grace Princess Kana

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  • The Japanese's name, いとをかしかなひめ Itookashikanahime, involves these puns:
    • いとをかしかな Itookashi ka na: "So cool, isn't it?"
      • いと ito: "so"
      • おかしい okashii (historically をかし wokasi): "cool"
      • かな ka na: "isn't it?"
    • 愛おしい itooshii: of a person or emotion, "darling", "beloved" or "sweet."
    • お菓子 o-kashi: confectionery, which is what the princess is eating and trying to feed the viewer, and her candy-shaped hair accessories.
    • かな kana: the letters written on the piece of paper to the princess's right
      • The kana read ようかん (羊羹 yōkan) and みすあめ (水飴 mizuame). みすあめ misuame is a misspelling of みずあめ, properly intended to convey faux archaism.
      • The kana specifically used here (in the card name, card text and artwork) are hiragana, also known as "women's kana," since they used to be the only writing system accessible to women. A princess who is all about hiragana is historically accurate.
  • The Japanese flavor text, あ~ん。 A~n., is the sound one makes when telling someone else to open up their mouth. In writing, it is also equivalent to the English expression a to z, with あ being the first kana and ん the last, which is apt for a princess named "Kana."