Morphing Jar

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I Like the card that I never seen it is gain ATK/4500 DEF/3800 it was Blue-eyes ultimate dragon I can use Blue-eyes white dragon Blue-eyes white dragon and Blue-eyes white dragon now if I sommon Blue-eyes ultimate dragon I can summon new card the shining dragon the Blue-eyes shining dragon there ATK looks deffrent the Blue-eyes ultimate dragon is ATK with norton blast the Blue-eyes white dragon is ATK with white Lightining and Blue-eyes shining dragon is ATK with shining norton blast and the Red-eyes black dragon the ATK is 2400 his DEF is 2000 he ATK with infrno fire blast it cannot ATK with all of these Blue-eyes or the Blue-eyes shining dragon and yugi god cards there powerful slifer ATK is XOOO the oblisk ATK is 4000 and ra ATK is ???? yugi and kaiba are dueling with pegeas only 6/6 100% I got only 100.