Forum:Morphtronic Deck

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Revision as of 00:39, 9 February 2010 by (talk) (Deck: 40)
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Deck: 40

Monsters: 16
Gadget Driver x3
Morphtronic Celfon x3
Morphtronic Clocken x2
Morphtronic Datatron x2
Morphtronic Magnen x3
Morphtronic Radion
Morphtronic Remoten
Morphtronic Boarden
Morphtronic Boomboxen
Gadget Hauler
Spells: 9
Heavy Storm
Inferno Reckless Summon
Morphtronic Accelerator x2
Mystical Space Typhoon
Pot of Avarice
Monster Reincarnation
Morphtronic Map
Field Barrier

Traps: 15
Call of the Earthbound
Gravity Bind
Mirror Force
Morphtransition x3
Morphtronic Monitron x3
Sakuretsu Armor x3
Threatening Roar x3

Well, I can finally say, this deck is looking pretty good and getting better as the days go by and I'm still yet to use it. I can't wait to test this out after my pay check. And I hope it goes well with only a few problems. But a lot of problems is good too. Tells me I'm still doing something wrong.
Keep helping please!
Thanks. A bunch!


You might take out a Threatening Roar and add a Spirit Barrier

i would like to add an honest, it can work some magic in the beggining, and if you play your cards right, a OTK. At the same time, take out monster reborn because it is illegal and then add something like monster reincarnation.