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Book of Secret Arts (Tag Force 1)

Book of Secret Arts
Hijutsu no Sho
Card type Spell
Property Equip
Rarity Common
Internal number 4329
Password 91595718

A Spellcaster-Type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points.


Obtained by

"Book of Secret Arts" is available in the following packs:

"Book of Secret Arts" can be obtained from the card converter by inputting 13 cards.

Related cards

"Book of Secret Arts" is part of the following genres:

"Book of Secret Arts" directly affects the following Types:

Other languages

Name Lore
French Livre d'Arts Secrets Un monstre de Type Magicien équipé de cette carte augmente son ATK et sa DEF de 300 points.
German Buch der geheimen Künste Ein Monster vom Typ Hexer, das mit dieser Karte ausgerüstet wird, erhöht seine ATK und DEF um 300 Punkte.
Italian Libro diArti Ascose Un mostro di Tipo Incantatore equipaggiato con questa carta aumenta i propri ATK e DEF di 300 punti.
Spanish Libro de Artes Secretas Un monstruo de Tipo Lanzador de Conjuros equipado con esta carta aumenta su ATK y su DEF en 300 puntos.
