Chaos Dragon

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Revision as of 16:19, 18 January 2012 by (talk) (Extra Deck)
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The Chaos Dragon Deck utilizes a combination of Chaos Sorcerer and Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. It is based off of the Disaster Dragon build, invented by Damien Franklin. This build of the deck is focused on getting out Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, Dark Armed Dragon, and Chaos Sorcerer. You can use Future Fusion and/or Dragon Ravine as tools to help put monsters in the graveyard so you can have options to banish for Lightpulsar, or so you can set up Dark-Armed or BLS much quicker. There are many key cards that can be incorporated into this deck. For example, Dimensional Alchemist can return removed from play Red-Eyes Wyverns to your hand, or cards from the photon archetype (to be released) can also be used.This deck does not rely heavily on Synchro monsters, although useful Synchro Monsters such as Stardust Dragon or Black Rose Dragon can be included. If built correctly this deck can hold its own against meta level decks. Another type of deck that can be played with the release of Dragon Collide Structure Deck is with Chaos Sorceror, Lightpulsar Dragon, Darkflare Dragon, Eclipse Wyvern, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Lightsworn monsters to create a deck revolving around the use of Light and Dark monsters to repeatedly bring out Judgement Dragon and the other big dragons for both field pressure or OTK.




Extra Deck

Side Deck