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Recreating redirects: Redirected page to Giant Beetrooper Invincible Atlas.
{{Unofficial name|Greek}} {{CardTable2|grname = Κούκλα Αντανάκλασης Κατάρων|ptname = Boneca da Reflexão de Maldição|kanji = <ruby><rb>呪詛</rb><rp>(</rp><rt>のろい</rt><rp>)</rp><rb>返</rb><rp>(</rp><rt>がえ</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>しのヒトガタ|jpname = 呪詛返しのヒトガタ|jphira = のろいがえしのヒトガタ|phon = Noroigaeshi no Hitogata|trans = Curse-Returner Hitogata|image = CurseReflectionDoll-JP-Anime-5D.png|attribute = Spell|typest = Quick-Play|lore = #REDIRECT [[ActivateGiant Beetrooper Invincible Atlas]] only when an [[Card effect|effect]] that [[Damage|inflicts]] [[Effect damage|damage]] to you is [[activate]]d. Switch the [[Effect damage|damage]] to your opponent, instead.|jpanimelore = 効果によって[[Effect Damage|ダメージ]]が発生した時に[[Activate|発動]]する事ができる。発生したダメージを0にして、その数値分のダメージを相手プレイヤーに与える。|archrelated1 = Ancient Treasures|lp1 = Damages your opponent|lp2 = Redirects Effect Damage|anime_5d = [[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Episode 007|007]]{{R from card number}}
Bots, mover

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