Forum:What will be done about the video clips?

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Revision as of 06:01, 30 March 2008 by Dantman (talk)
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The video clips of the episodes are technically illegally copies of copyrighted material. I don't want to sound like some stupid goody goody intent on ruining everybody's fun but the penalties for copyright infringement are SEVERE and people can be tracked to some degree through IP addresses. I have been removing them and do not want to cause trouble. So please, for the good of the Yugioh! Wiki and yourselves, as well as for the sake of following the rules of wikis, please remove them. 05:40, 30 March 2008 (UTC)

Erm, just a little note but. Modification and Hosting of copyrighted works is illegal (ie: Subbing, hosting copyrighted material where it's not supposed to be, etc...). However the Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki is doing none of these, they are all YouTube videos, all the videos are hosted by YouTube not by the Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki, so removing them here does absolutely nothing, YouTube is the one who would need to remove them. Linking to them here is just that, linking, you can't be prosecuted to linking to a site containing illegal content, it's that site's responsibility not to host that illegal content. Additionally, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki does not link to the video episodes. The only video clips you are talking about are the Yu-Gu-Oh! The Abridged Series videos, and those are a completely separate case. That is a work of parody, not direct hosting of copyrighted material, those videos are a completely different case. ~NOTASTAFF Daniel Friesen-local (DanTMan, Nadir Seen Fire) (talk) Mar 30, 2008 @ 05:58 (UTC)
Oh-wait, you're mentioning the videos being added by other people. That's not even something the community decided to do, and was never allowed from the beginning. The issue here isn't removing existing videos, the issue is stopping people from adding new links to videos they shouldn't be. ^_^ That's what I get for not thoroughly reading the RecentChanges of a wiki I haven't visited in awhile. ~NOTASTAFF Daniel Friesen-local (DanTMan, Nadir Seen Fire) (talk) Mar 30, 2008 @ 06:01 (UTC)