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{{Unofficial name|English}}
{{Unofficial lore|English}}
| fr_name = Jigabyte| de_name = Jigabyte| it_name = Jigabyte| ko_name = 지고바이트| pt_name = Jigabyte| es_name = Jigabyte|ja_name = ジゴバイト|phon romaji_name = Jigobaito| trans_name = Jigobyte|image = JigobyteJigabyte-SECESDMP-JPEN-C-1E.png|attribute = WaterWATER|type = Reptile|type2 = Effect|level = 4|atk = 1500|def = 200|number password = 40894584|effect effect_types = Unclassified, SummonUnclassified, Trigger|lore = You can only [[control]] 1 "JigobyteJigabyte". If you control a [[Spellcaster]]-[[Type]] [[Monster Card|monster]], you can [[Special Summon]] this card (from your [[hand]]). When this card is [[destroyed by battle]] or card [[card effect]] and [[sent ]] to the [[Graveyard]]: You can Special Summon 1 monster with 1500 [[ATK]] and 200 [[DEF]] from your [[Main Deck|Deck]], except "JigobyteJigabyte".| fr_lore = Vous ne pouvez [[Control|contrôler]] qu'1 "Jigabyte". Si vous contrôlez un [[Monster Card|monstre]] de [[Type]] [[Spellcaster|Magicien]], vous pouvez [[Special Summon|Invoquer Spécialement]] cette carte (depuis votre [[Hand|main]]). Lorsque cette carte est [[Destroyed by battle|détruite au combat]] ou par un [[Effect|effet de carte]], et [[Send|envoyée]] au [[Graveyard|Cimetière]] : vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement 1 monstre avec 1500 [[ATK]] et 200 [[DEF]] ("Jigabyte" exclu) depuis votre [[Deck]].| de_lore = Du kannst nur 1 „Jigabyte‟ [[Control|kontrollieren]]. Falls du ein [[Monster]] vom [[Type|Typ]] [[Spellcaster|Hexer]] kontrollierst, kannst du diese Karte als [[Special Summon|Spezialbeschwörung]] (von deiner [[Hand]]) beschwören. Wenn diese Karte [[By battle|durch Kampf]] oder einen [[Effect|Karteneffekt]] [[Destroy|zerstört]] und auf den [[Graveyard|Friedhof]] [[Send|gelegt]] wird: Du kannst 1 Monster mit 1500 [[ATK]] und 200 [[DEF]] als Spezialbeschwörung von deinem [[Deck]] beschwören, außer „Jigabyte‟| it_lore = Puoi [[control]]lare solo 1 "Jigabyte". Se controlli un [[Monster Card|mostro]] di [[Type|Tipo]] [[Spellcaster|Incantatore]], puoi [[Special Summon|Evocare Specialmente]] questa carta (dalla tua [[Hand|mano]]). Quando questa carta viene [[Destroyed by battle|distrutta in battaglia]] o dall'[[Effect|effetto di una carta]] e [[Send|mandata]] al [[Graveyard|Cimitero]]: puoi Evocare Specialmente 1 mostro con 1500 [[ATK]] e 200 [[DEF]] dal tuo [[Deck]], eccetto "Jigabyte".|jplore pt_lore = ①:「ジゴバイト」は自分フィールドに1体しか表側表示で存在できない。②:自分フィールドに魔法使い族モンスターが存在する場合、このカードは手札から特殊召喚できる。③:このカードが戦闘・効果で破壊され墓地へ送られた時に発動できる。デッキから「ジゴバイト」以外の攻撃力1500/守備力200のモンスター1体を特殊召喚する。Você só pode [[control]]ar 1 "Jigabyte". Se você controlar um [[Monster Card|monstro]] do [[Type|Tipo]] [[Spellcaster|Mago]], você pode [[Summon|Invocar]] este card por [[Special Summon|Invocação-Especial]] (da sua mão). Quando este card for [[Destroyed by battle|destruído em batalha]] ou por um [[Effect|efeito de card]] e [[Send|enviado]] para o [[Graveyard|Cemitério]]: você pode Invocar por Invocação-Especial 1 monstro com 1500 de [[ATK]] e 200 de [[DEF]] do seu [[Deck]], exceto "Jigabyte".|jp_sets es_lore =Sólo puedes [[control]]ar 1 "Jigabyte". Si controlas un [[Monster Card|monstruo]] de [[Type|Tipo]] [[Spellcaster|Lanzador de Conjuros]], puedes [[Summon|Invocar]] esta carta de Modo Especial (desde tu [[Hand|mano]]). Cuando esta carta es [[Destroyed by battle|destruida en batalla]] o por el [[Effect|efecto de una carta]] y [[Send|mandada]] al Cementerio: puedes [[Special Summon|Invocar de Modo Especial]], desde tu [[Deck]], 1 monstruo con 1500 [[ATK]] y 200 [[DEF]], excepto "Jigabyte".| ja_lore = ①:「ジゴバイト」は{{ruby|自|じ}}{{ruby|分|ぶん}}[[Field|フィールド]]に1{{ruby|体|たい}}しか[[Face-up|{{ruby|表|おもて}}{{ruby|側|がわ}}{{ruby|表|ひょう}}{{ruby|示|じ}}]]で{{ruby|存|そん}}{{ruby|在|ざい}}できない。②:{{ruby|自|じ}}{{ruby|分|ぶん}}フィールドに[[Spellcaster|{{ruby|魔|ま}}{{ruby|法|ほう}}{{ruby|使|つか}}い]][[Type|{{ruby|族|ぞく}}]][[Monster Card table set/header|jpモンスター]]が{{ruby|存|そん}}{{ruby|在|ざい}}する{{ruby|場|ば}}{{ruby|合|あい}}、このカードは[[Hand|{{ruby|手|て}}{{ruby|札|ふだ}}]]から[[Special Summon|{{ruby|特|とく}}{{ruby|殊|しゅ}}{{ruby|召|しょう}}{{ruby|喚|かん}}]]できる。③:このカードが[[Battle|{{ruby|戦|せん}}{{ruby|闘|とう}}]]・[[Effect|{{ruby|効|こう}}{{ruby|果|か}}]]で[[Destroy|{{ruby|破|は}}{{ruby|壊|かい}}]]され[[Graveyard|{{ruby|墓|ぼ}}{{ruby|地|ち}}]]へ[[Send|{{ruby|送|おく}}られた]]{{ruby|時|とき}}に[[Activate|{{ruby|発|はつ}}{{ruby|動|どう}}]]できる。[[Deck|デッキ]]から「ジゴバイト」{{ruby|以|い}}{{ruby|外|がい}}の[[ATK|{{ruby|攻|こう}}{{ruby|撃|げき}}{{ruby|力|りょく}}]]1500/[[DEF|{{ruby|守|しゅ}}{{ruby|備|び}}{{ruby|力|りょく}}]]200のモンスター1{{ruby|体|たい}}を{{ruby|特|とく}}{{ruby|殊|しゅ}}{{ruby|召|しょう}}{{ruby|喚|かん}}する。| ko_lore = ① : "지고바이트"는 자신 [[Field|필드]]에 1장밖에 [[Face-up|앞면 표시]]로 존재할 수 없다. ② : 자신 필드에 [[Spellcaster|마법사]][[Type|족]] [[Monster Card table set|몬스터]]가 존재할 경우, 이 카드는 [[Hand|패]]에서 [[Special Summon|특수 소환]]할 수 있다. ③ : 이 카드가 [[Battle|전투]] / [[Effect|효과]]로 [[Destroy|파괴]]되어 [[Graveyard|묘지]]로 [[Send|보내졌을]] 때에 [[Activate|발동]]할 수 있다. [[Deck|덱]]에서 "지고바이트" 이외의 [[ATK|공격력]] 1500 / [[DEF|수비력]] 200 인 몬스터 1장을 특수 소환한다.| en_sets = SECE-EN034; Secrets of Eternity; CommonSDMP-EN020; Master of Pendulum Structure Deck; Common| fr_sets = SECE-JP034FR034; Secrets of Eternity; CommonSDMP-FR020; Master of Pendulum Structure Deck; Common| de_sets = SECE-DE034; Secrets of Eternity; CommonSDMP-DE020; Master of Pendulum Structure Deck; Common| it_sets = SECE-IT034; Secrets of Eternity; CommonSDMP-IT020; Master of Pendulum Structure Deck; Common| pt_sets = SECE-PT034; Secrets of Eternity; CommonSDMP-PT020; Master of Pendulum Structure Deck; Common|sp_sets = SECE-SP034; Secrets of Eternity; CommonSDMP-SP020; Master of Pendulum Structure Deck; Common|jp_sets = SECE-JP034; Secrets of Eternity; Common}}{{Card table set/footer}}SD29-JP019; Structure Deck: Master of Pendulum; Common|support1 kr_sets = SpellcasterSECE-KR034; Secrets of Eternity; CommonSD29-KR019; Structure Deck: Master of Pendulum; Common|support2 supports = * Spellcaster* 1500 ATK Monster Cards|support3 = * 200 DEF Monster Cards|summon1 archseries = Gigo| related_to_archseries = Familiar-Possessed| action = * Activates if destroyed by battle* Activates if destroyed by card effect* Activates from your Graveyard| summoning = * Special Summons itself from your hand|summon2 = * Special Summons from your Deck|misc1 misc = Control only one|archetype1 = Gigo|archrelated1 = Charmer|archrelated2 = Familiar-Possessed|database_id = 11554
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